THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT SLOVENIA IMAD Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development OECD Meeting of Senior Budget Officials from Central-Eastern European Countries Bucharest, 9-10 April 2008 Marijana Bednaš INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Main activities Monitoring and forecasting economic trends – Slovenian Economic Mirror – SEM (monthly ) – Spring and Autumn Forecast (official forecast) – Economic Issues (assessment of fiscal developments) Participating in government decision making – – – – Slovenia’s Development Strategy Development Report (annual ) participating in key government bodies and documents EU: Lisbon strategy, Economic Policy Committee Research – working papers, Social Report (biannual ), occasional books – international cooperation (conference, projects) INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Organisation Over 60 people in 5 sectors Horizontal working teams – – – – forecasting balance of payments public finance labor market and human resources Project groups Organisation is always partly result of reason and partly result of habits INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Sectors Macroecomic analysis and economic policy – macroeconomic policies – trends and forecasts of agregate demand components and prices – synthetical and ad hoc reports Economic competitiveness and structural changes – analysis of competitiveness and its factors (RR, ICT, knowledge investment, unit costs, entreprenuership, infrastructure, regulations, environment) – sectoral trends and forecasts – structural changes INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Sectors Welfare and social development – social welfare and quality of life – reforms of the welfare state and social policy – long term sustainability Quantitative analysis and national accounts – national accounts – economic modeling – Statistics General services INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Legal status Office of the government, directly responsible to prime minister – formerly office within a ministry – director is a public servant, nominated by gvt for 5 years Statutorily secured independence in forecasting and analysis In reality, independence depends on – – – – credibility personality competition conservative communication INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Legislation IMAD is obliged by a government act, which defines its legal status, to make professional and unbiased forecast Decree on the Documents of Development Planning and the Criteria and Procedures for Preparing the Draft National Budget - forecasts are prepared twice a year INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Transparency Transparency of forecasts is provided by detailed analytical explication and extensive statistical appendix Realisation of forecasts is monitored through regular analyses, results published in SEM INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Independence – validity assessment of IMAD’s forecasts A comparison with the forecasts made by other forecasting institutions repeatedly shows that the IMAD is successful in forecasting economic categories Measures of quality (the mean error - ME) for IMAD show that there’s no systematic divergence from the actual figures, which indicates no-bias approach (forecasts do not systematically under- or overestimate the actual value of the variable) INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Independence – validity assessment of IMAD’s forecasts Real GDP growth 2007 Year ahead autumn forecast Current year spring forecast Current year autumn forecast Forecast Error (p.p) Forecast Error (p.p) Forecast Error (p.p) Actual 6,1 - 6,1 - 6,1 - IMAD 4,3 1,8 4,7 1,4 5,8 0,3 DEAEP 4,3 1,8 4,5 1,6 5,9 0,2 BoS 4,2 1,9 4,6 1,5 5,7 0,4 IMF 4,0 2,1 4,5 1,6 5,4 0,7 EC 4,2 1,9 4,3 1,8 6,0 0,1 WIIW 4,0 2,1 4,5 1,6 5,0 1,1 INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Independence – validity assessment of IMAD’s forecasts Inflation (average) 2007 Year ahead autumn forecast Current year spring forecast Current year autumn forecast Forecast Error (p.p) Forecast Error (p.p) Forecast Error (p.p) Actual 3,6 - 3,6 - 3,6 - IMAD 2,7 0,9 2,2 1,4 3,4 0,2 DEAEP 2,5 1,1 2,5 1,1 3,5 0,1 BoS 2,6 1,2 2,7 1,1 3,3 0,5 IMF 2,3 1,3 2,7 0,9 3,2 0,4 EC 2,5 1,3 2,6 1,2 3,5 0,3 WIIW 2,4 1,2 2,6 1,0 2,6 1,0 INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Independence – validity assessment of IMAD’s forecasts Year ahead – autumn forecast ME MAE MAE/SD RMSE RMSE/SD 0,77 0,71 0,87 0,76 0,76 1,03 1,14 1,20 1,23 1,23 0,90 0,83 1,06 0,89 0,89 0,44 0,65 1,38 1,68 0,53 0,73 Real economic growth IMAD, 1997-2007 IMAD, 2002-2007 DEAEP, 1997-2007 BoS, 2002-2007 EC, 2002-2007 0,32 0,38 0,27 0,65 0,58 0,88 0,98 0,98 1,05 1,05 Nominal economic growth IMAD, 1997-2007 IMAD, 2002-2007 0,32 0,21 1,15 1,50 INSTITUTE OF MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT Independence – validity assessment of IMAD’s forecasts Year ahead – autumn forecast ME IMAD, 1997-2007 IMAD, 2002-2007 DEAEP, 1997-2007 EC, 2002-2007 MAE Average inflation 0,28 0,05 0,54 0,32 0,80 0,65 0,98 0,92 MAE/SD RMSE RMSE/SD 0,32 0,33 0,40 0,47 1,10 0,81 1,33 1,03 0,45 0,41 0,54 0,53 0,67 0,65 0,30 2,09 1,48 0,75 0,91 0,79 0,42 Year-on-year inflation IMAD, 1997-2007 IMAD, 2002-2007 BoS, 2002-2007 0,76 0,42 0,30 1,54 1,22 0,53