UTHSC – College of Dentistry: Bioscience Research Center Checklist for NIH (R01) Grant Submission: Please check each relevant item as completed; fill in necessary information in the “Details” column. PD/PI Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Title of Grant: ________________________________________________________________________________ NIH Due Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ ITEM DETAILS MANDATORY ORA DOCUMENTS: Routing Sheet Mandatory sheet to be completed for ALL grant/clinical research paperwork. Must include: - Investigator Signature (PI; CI) - Department Head - Dean - Business Manager - Dr. Debbie Smith’s (ORA) PI Assurance Mandatory signature form for all investigators (either PI or CI on a grant). Available on Dental Research/ORA websites. Statement of Work Mandatory statement on ALL the work to be done at UTHSC or by UTHSC investigators or research team members. NIH GRANT BASICS: Cover Letter Not mandatory, but strongly encouraged. Include: - Application Title - Funding Opp. Announcment (FOA) - Request of assignment or referral to a particular IC - List of individuals who SHOULD NOT review the application and why - Disciplines (if multidisciplinary) - Statement of special NIH approval (including approval for request of over $500k - Explanation of Late Submission (if applicable) 1 NIH (R01) Grant Proposal Checklist COMPLETED Human Subjects Use Approval IF using human subjects, you must have: - CITI certification for ALL research staff and coordinators - IRB Approval OR exemption For more information and instructions, visit: (Note: Provide IRB Assurance # http://www.uthsc.edu/research/research_compliance/IRB/ or Exemption #): Vertebrate Animal Use Approval For access to AALAS Training, contact: Mary Braslow (mbraslow@uthsc.edu) AND complete the Occupational Health Program (to register call Vada Singleton: 8-5151) IF using vertebrate animals in research, you must have: - AALAS Online Training for ALL personnel who will interact with animals - Occupational Health Program completion for ALL personnel who will interact with animals - IACUC approval (submit protocol at UTHSC IACUC website)- provide #: Register with eRA Commons Provide eRA Commons ID: Biographical Sketches (*Need one for EACH individual listed as Key Personnel) Use the NIH Form and Instructions to complete/update your biosketch. *Note: Biosketch components changed for the 2010 grant cycle. Please update your biosketch. Letters of Support Provide Letters of Support from each Key Personnel listed on the grant. Personnel Justification Each institution participating in the grant should prepare a personnel justification for its staff, including percent effort (in calendar, academic, or summer months) Performance Site Information For each site where research will take place, provide the address and DUNS#. Resources and Facilities Document For each site where research will take place, provide information about the facilities and resources available. Also, provide a statement of how the scientific environment will contribute to the probability of success of the project. 2 NIH (R01) Grant Proposal Checklist Equipment For each site where research will take place, provide information about the existing equipment relevant to the project and provide description and justification for any equipment over $5k that will be purchased by the grant funding. UTHSC Abstract Provide a brief (1-3 sentences) abstract about the project, written in lay terms, to be included with the UTHSC ORA Routing Sheet. RESEARCH PLAN: Introduction (for resubmissions or revisions only) (max. 1 page) Project Abstract/Summary (max. of 30 lines) Project Narrative (max. of 3 sentences) Specific Aims (max. of 1 page) Research Strategy (max. of 12 pages) Bibliography and References Cited For works available on PubMed Central, provide PMCID numbers. OTHER RESEARCH PLAN DOCUMENTS: Human Subjects Documents - Protection of Human Subjects Details for each: - Must include for all research involving human subjects. Only document needed if research is a #4 exemption from IRB. - Inclusion of Women and Minorities - Please see NIH website for guidance. - Targeted/Planned Enrollment - Please see NIH website for guidance. - Inclusion of Children - Please see NIH website for guidance. Vertebrate Animals IF CONDUCTING RESEARCH WITH ANIMALS: Must address 5 key points in animal research. Please see NIH website for guidance on 5 key points. 3 NIH (R01) Grant Proposal Checklist Select Agent Research IF USING SELECT AGENTS: Must address key points laid out by NIH. Please see NIH website for guidance. Multiple PD/PI Management Plan For proposals designating multiple PD/PIs, must provide leadership plan. Please see NIH website for guidance. Resource Sharing Plans Must include this document if: - Total direct cost request is over $500k - Research includes the development of model organisms - Research is Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) Please see NIH website for guidance. Consortium/Contractual Agreements Include 398 Face Sheets for each participating institution OR provide Letters of Intent from each head of department/dean/chancellor for key personnel listed. Consortium Justification IF grant includes consortium, must explain the programmatic, fiscal, and administrative arrangements to be made between the applicant organization and the consortium organization(s). Budget Even though the budget document is optional, you MUST provide a budget with every NIH grant proposal. - Use the Modular budget when the total direct costs for the 1st yr. are less than $250k. - Use the R&R Budget when 1st year total direct costs are more than $250k. - When using the R&R Budget AND have consortium/ contractual agreements, must also include R&R Subaward Budget for each institution. - For total funds requested are more than $500k, must request permission from NIH. (include approval letter with grant). 4 NIH (R01) Grant Proposal Checklist Budget Justification For each institution, must include a budget justification. OTHER APPROVALS: Recombinant DNA Approval Must get rDNA Committee Approval. (Note: Provide approval date and assurance #): Radioactive Materials Use Approval Must get Radiation Safety Committee Approval. (Note: Provide proof of approval): Select Agent Use Approval Must get Select Agent Use Approval. (Note: Provide date of approval): RBL/BSL3 Facility Use Approval Must provide approval letter: For grant assistance, visit the UT Health Science Center Office of Research Administration (ORA) website: http://www.uthsc.edu/research/research_administration For UTHSC College of Dentistry grant assistance, contact: Laurel Wedel, MHC Grants & Clinical Research Coordinator lwedel1@uthsc.edu / 448-2210 5 NIH (R01) Grant Proposal Checklist