Recurrent And De Novo GN After Renal Transplantation

Recurrent And De Novo GN After
Renal Transplantation
The 1 year kidney allograft survival rate has
improved dramatically during the last decade
with the introduction of newer IS agents
Development and progression of recurrent and
de novo disease does not seem to have been
influenced by the use of those agents
Clinically, recurrent GN manifests primarily as
an increase in proteinuria in the allograft, usually
associated with progressive loss of renal function
or chronic kidney disease (CKD).
30- 50 % of KT recipients have GN as the
underlying cause of their ESRD
Those patients are at risk of the recurrence of
their original disease.
Among these patients, more than 40% develop
significant proteinuria, and around 15% develop
persistent nephrotic syndrome
The most common cause of post transplantation
proteinuria is chronic allograft nephropathy
(50%), followed by recurrent (15%) and de novo
(10%) glomerulonephritis
Persistent proteinurea is associated with a
significantly reduced rate of graft survival but
often can be controlled with non-disease
specific therapy including ACEI and ARB
In patients who develop recurrent and de novo
disease , there is a 190% increased risk of losing
the graft compared with those without recurrent
and de novo disease.
Glomerulonephritis in the allograft is also
associated with a reduction in long-term (5-year)
Graft Loss
50%Death with
Graft function
Other diagnosis
CV death
Non specific fibrosis
Tubular atrophy
Drug toxicity
Chronic rejection
New disease
Recurrent disease
Variables that have been found to be associated
with recurrence included younger age, male
gender, underlying GN as a cause of ESRD and
Higher prevalence in young ages is probably
explained by the more frequent occurrence of GN
in this group.
No penalty paid in terms of increased recurrence
of GN for recipients who received their
transplants for GN and were maintained on
steroids-free IS regimen.
Focal glomerular sclerosis
FGS is the disease entity that carries the
highest incidence of clinically significant
recurrent disease with the greatest impact on
graft survival of any of the glomerular diseases
Focal glomerular sclerosis
The overall recurrence rate in FGS is about 30%
50% of these grafts are lost from recurrent
disease in 5 years .
Focal glomerular sclerosis
The mean time to recurrence of FGS is short, 1014 days, but recurrences have been reported
within hours and up to 6 months after
Focal glomerular sclerosis
Up to 50% of patients with recurrent FGS also
develop acute renal failure, 80% become
nephrotic, and hypertension and hematuria are
Focal glomerular sclerosis
Clearly, recurrence is more common in younger
patients. Patients under 5 years of age have a 50%
likelihood of recurrence versus only 10%-15% in
patients older than 30 years
Focal glomerular sclerosis
Caucasian recipients seem more likely to have
recurrences than African-Americans. Rapid
progression of the underlying disease from
initial diagnosis to development of ESRD,
particularly if it occurs within 3 years, also
predicts recurrence.
Focal glomerular sclerosis
Recurrence itself is a very bad prognostic sign
that predicts recurrence in second allograft.
Over 70% of such grafts have another recurrence
and most are lost. Thus, a history of graft
loss from recurrent FGS virtually precludes
subsequent successful transplantation in that
Focal glomerular sclerosis
The pathogenesis of FGS is unclear, however a
circulating permeability factor that is removed by
plasmaphresis has been suspected to play a role
However recent data suggested the absence or
loss of an inhibitor factor could be the cause
Focal glomerular sclerosis
Further complicating the picture is the
recognition of the pivotal role of podocytes
proteins(podocin, nephrin, and actinin) in FSG
Focal glomerular sclerosis
Early institution of plasmaphresis is important as
the effectiveness of treatment decreases with
increased number of sclerosed glomeruli.
Relapses after cessation of plasmaphresis can be
prevented by chronic phresis or concurrent
cyclosporine or cyclophosphamide therapy
Focal glomerular sclerosis
The role of preemptive perioperative
plasmaphresis in high risk groups still awaits
further studies.
There is one recent case report of complete
remission of FSG with rituximab
Focal glomerular sclerosis
A number of case reports reported the
development of de novo FSG when cyclosporine
was switched to sirolimus with subsequent
improvement after switching back to cyclo.
Paradoxically sirolimus has achieved complete
remission in 12 out of 21 steroid resistant FSG in
another study
Membranous Nephropathy
Secondary causes of MN (infection,
malignancy… etc) should be screened
Idiopathic MN recurs in 10-30%
Recurrent disease should be differentiated from
de novo disease which is the most common de
novo GN in renal allograft
Membranous Nephropathy
The clinical presentation of recurrent MN is
characterized by nephrotic range proteinuria
with a mean onset time of (10-24) months posttransplant as compared with the more insidious
and later onset of de novo MN (24-36) months
Membranous Nephropathy
Recent studies showed antibodies against
‘neutral endopeptidase’, a protein expressed on
the human podocyte cell membrane might be
playing a role in MG
Risk factors for recurrence include male sex,
rapid course of initial disease and LRD kidneys
Graft failure from recurrence is 10-15%
Membranous Nephropathy
Cyclosporine and MMF which have been used in
the treatment of primary MN do not prevent or
change the course of recurrent disease
No reports to suggest superiority of tacrolimus or
cyclophosphamide over cyclosporine
Secondary causes of MPGN should be treated to
reduce the risk of recurrence.
Type I and II primary MPGN have high rate of
recurrence after transplantation, 20-50% and 80100 %respectively
Risk of recurrence increases in those with HLAB8DR3, LRD and previous graft loss due to
Recurrent disease is more common in type II and
presents with non-nephrotic range proteinurea
Complement level has nothing to do with the risk
of recurrence
Type II usually has more aggressive golmerular
changes and a poorer prognosis
No effective therapy is available
Pauci-Immune Crescentic
Pretransplantation course, cANCA, pANCA titer,
disease subtype(WG, MPAN or CGN) in the
absence of clinically active disease, duration of
follow up or donor type, do not predict
Recurrence rate is around 20%
Pauci-Immune Crescentic
It is advisable to defer transplant until the disease
is inactive
Patients with renal relapses showed good
response to cyclophopsphamide.
Pauci-Immune Crescentic
For patients with cellular crescent and high
ANCA titer, favorable outcome has been
reported with combined cyclophosphamide,
plasmaphresis with or without intravenous
Histological recurrence has been reported in 30%
Clinically significant recurrence occurs in 2-9%
Most center postpone re-transplant until the
disease is quiescent for 6-9 months
The duration of dialysis before transplantation
and the serological markers in the absence of
clinically active disease do not predict recurrence
MMF has been shown to be very efficient.
Graft loss due to recurrent lupus is uncommon,
Long term patients and graft survival are similar
to kidney allograft recipients with other
underlying disease.
Histological recurrence has been reported in 50%
if transplantation is performed while circulating
anti-GBM antibodies are still present
Defer transplantation until the disease become
quiescent and the anti-GBM antibodies become
undetectable for 12 months
Good response has been reported in one patient
with steroids, plasmaphresis and
cyclophosphamide, another patient responded
well to immune adsorption and
Immunoglobulin A
IgAN is the commonest GN worldwide and
accounts for 20 % of renal failure of all renal
transplant cases.
Great variation in the incidence of recurrence has
been reported by many centers as most centers
perform biopsies only when patients are
symptomatic, underestimating the real number
Immunoglobulin A
For centers where routine biopsies were being
carried out, histological recurrence had been
reported in 50-60 %
Recurrence rate for patients with renal biopsies
done for clinical symptoms ranges from 13-50%
Immunoglobulin A
Recurrent disease is not as benign as had been
reported previously
Graft loss from the severest form ranges from
1.3 to 16 %
No single parameter including age, gender, race,
HLA or biochemical characteristic can predict
Immunoglobulin A
The relationship between recurrence and donor
type remains controversial except in the familial
form of IgAN where recurrence is high in LRD
Renal allograft survival in the first 10 years after
transplantation is better when compared to other
primary disease
Immunoglobulin A
The situation is different for patients with prior
graft loss due to IgAN where the recurrence risk
in the second transplant is 20-100 %, and patients
should be excluded from LRD list
There is no effective therapy to prevent recurrent
Immunoglobulin A
Despite initial enthusiasm about MMF, recent
data are not substantiated
Data on sirolimus is limited
Steroids-free or rapid steroid withdrawal
regimen does not seem to affect recurrence risk
Immunoglobulin A
ACE-I and ARB are used in proteinuric patients.
HSP recurrence rate after transplantation is
similar to IgAN
With improving long-term renal allograft
survival, recurrent disease has increased
prominence as a significant contributor
to late graft loss.
Knowledge of the risk factors for
recurrence, onset time and impact on graft
function is prerequisite to informed decisions
Apart from plasmaphresis for patients
with recurrent FSGS, there is no consensus on
Strategies to prevent or treat recurrent
glomerular disease in the kidney allograft.
Also, in spite of the controversy over the risk of
recurrence with certain types of
glomerulonephritis when the source of allograft
is from living donors, the graft survival is largely
comparable to patients with other causes of endstage renal failure. Thus, living related kidney
Donation can still be encouraged
Caution should be exercised in patients
with previous rapid graft loss due to
recurrent disease in view of the
markedly increased risk with subsequent