SUCCESSFUL INNOVATOR-PROSPEROUS BUSINESS-EFFECTIVE INNOVATION PRACTICES FOR MODERN EU SMEs SECTOR Research report Most important part of project proposal: Successful Innovator – Prosperous Business – Effective Innovation Practices for Modern EU SMEs Sector identified project team (IPA Slovakia, WOIS Institute, CPI) the realisation of three important input parts: - - realisation of introduction questionnaire for selected SMEs in Slovakia, Czech, Germany, Pollen and Austria oriented on problematic of innovation and innovation processes (200 SMEs: 143 SK, 31 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU) realisation of individual and group interviews oriented on the identification of profiles and needs by innovation, innovation processes in SMEs identification and definition of key competence profiles in innovation processes and training needs analyse in innovation area 1. Realisation of introduction questionnaire for selected SMEs in Slovakia, Czech, Germany, Pollen and Austria oriented on problematic of innovation and innovation processes (200 SMEs: 143 SK, 31 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU) Project team identified small introduction questionnaire, that was placed on project web site in English and Slovak version: -, - All answers were electronically summarised by project coordinator – IPA Slovakia – the project partners achieved completely results achieved. All respondents answered the following questions: 1. Mark please type of firm and character of production production firm service firm other....please specify order firm serial production other....please specify 2. Has your firm innovations department (development department)? yes no we will install such department in future 3. Give please the total number of your employees. 0-50 51-250 more than 250 4. Authors of innovations in your firm are: supplier’s managers operative workers 5. Do you organise in your firm innovation workshops? customers inspirations from the world yes no 6. Innovation workshops in your firm are oriented on: product innovations process innovations sub process innovations others 7. Which methods from the innovation area do you know or use? use know don´t know WOIS methodology TRIZ methodology Idea Management 635 Method Bionics Mind-Mapping 360 Grades Method Other ..........please specify 8. How are evaluated the innovations in your firm? Economical analyse SWOT analyse FMEA Other ............please specify 9. Exists in your firm a systematically and documented advance for innovation process management? yes no yes, but it must be improved continuously 10. Outputs of innovation process in your firm have an effect of: cost saving return improvement further innovation ideas generation employee’s motivation for innovations better realisation of daily firm processes Evaluation of questionnaire: 1. Mark please type of firm and character of production production firm - 143 SK, 31 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 5 AU service firm – 1 AU other....please specify – 0 responses order firm – 14 SK, 25 CZ, 8 DE, 10 PL, 3 AU serial production – 129 SK, 6 CZ, 2 DE, 0 PL, 2 AU other – 0 responses Fazit – question 1: The survey resulted in the need to focus future training modules for companies with mass production, which prevailed in the survey. He was also sent a signal to focus future training modules on large groups of employees, who are the actual producer of innovative solutions and value-added innovations. 2. Has your firm innovations department (development department)? yes – 27 SK, 18 CZ, 9 DE, 7 PL, 4 AU no – 91 SK, 10 CZ, 1 DE, 3 PL, 1 AU we will install such department in future – 25 SK, 3 CZ, 0 DE, 0 PL, 0 AU Fazit – question 2: From the answers of respondents it is clear that the environment of production companies focused on mass production (based on answers to the questions 1) innovation department has only 65 companies, representing a total of 200 companies surveyed 32.5%. This finding tells that a systematic process is essential to promote innovation including targeted education and training of workers in the field of innovation and innovation processes. The result of the survey questionnaire is very strong impetus for the project team and prepared definition, structuralisation and contents definition of training modules. 3. Give please the total number of your employees. 0-50 – 12 SK, 7 CZ, 0 DE, 7 PL, 0 AU 51-250 – 131 SK, 24 CZ, 10 DE, 3 PL, 6 AU more than 250 – 0 firms Fazit – question 3: The answer orientation resulted in secondary firms, where there is significant potential for innovation in learning and innovation processes. The response gave the signal for the creation of training modules, which can significantly address the education and practical training in large project teams. 4. Authors of innovations in your firm are: suppliers – 79 SK, 28 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU managers – 143 SK, 31 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU operative workers – 143 SK, 31 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU customers – 129 SK, 28 CZ, 9 DE, 8 PL, 6 AU inspirations from the world – marked by all 200 interviewed SMEs Fazit – question 4: The answer enabled to answer more possibilities by this question. The answers to this question clearly demonstrate that leaders of innovation, innovation policy and innovation processes in companies are managers and operational staff, which is a good sign for their motivation in the framework of future training activities in the field of innovation. Very positive is the fact that all interviewed SMEs declared their interest on inspirations from the world. 5. Do you organise in your firm innovation workshops? yes – 56 SK, 25 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU no – 87 SK, 6 CZ, 0 DE, 0 PL, O AU Fazit – question 5: The responses show that only 39% of SK SMEs systematically fosters innovation, which is a surprising finding, as well as 80% of GB SMEs. In this context, it is clear that the company especially in the pursuit of innovation SK only intuitively, based on customer requirements. These responses only highlight the need for preparation and implementation of training modules, based on better managed innovation and innovation processes. 6. Innovation workshops in your firm are oriented on: product innovations – 56 SK, 25 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU process innovations – 18 SK, 21 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU sub process innovations - 18 SK, 21 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU others – 12 SK, 25 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU firm innovation, 6 SK, 21 CZ, 8 DE, 9 PL, 6 AU cooperation with suppliers Fazit – question 6: Product innovations dominate in response to the question. SMEs have the opportunity to answer a number of options. From their responses it is clear that the emphasis placed on product innovation and process innovation as a business. SK answers from SMEs are clear that it is necessary to strengthen the area of process innovation. Overall, the training modules that need emphasizing the systemic approach to innovation and innovation processes. 7. Which methods from the innovation area do you know or use? use know don´t know WOIS methodology 10 DE 143 SK 5 CZ 26 CZ 2 AU 4 AU 10 PL TRIZ methodology 25 SK 18 CZ 6 DE 6 AU 27 SK 10 CZ 4 DE 10 PL Idea Management 635 Method Bionics Mind-Mapping 360 Grades Method Other 135 SK 31 CZ 10 DE 10 PL 6 AU no answers Fazit – question 7: In the present structure of the responses it is clear that the orientation of the project on methodology WOIS was a good step. It is clear from the answers but that SMEs do not have clearly defined set of methods and tools for innovation and innovation policy. 8. How are evaluated the innovations in your firm? Economical analyse - 143 SK, 31 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU SWOT analyse - 34 SK, 26 CZ, 6 DE, 3 PL, 5 AU FMEA - 51 SK, 4 CZ, 10 DE, 4 PL, 6 AU Other - 2 DE firms declared the value added index by processes as evaluation metrics of successful innovation Fazit – question 8: As seen, SMEs place a strong emphasis on economic benefits of innovation and innovation processes. The good news is that many SMEs combine the economic analysis of SWOT analysis and FMEA methodology, contributing to the achievement of a significantly higher value of innovation and innovation processes. Inspiration for training module conception – integration of more tools and methods of work in innovation processes for better knowledge and skills of trained participants. 9. Exists in your firm a systematically and documented advance for innovation process management? yes – 34 SK, 12 CZ, 7 DE, 3 PL, 4 AU no – 99 SK, 17 CZ, 3 DE, 4 PL, 2 AU yes, but it must be improved continuously – 10 SK, 2 CZ, 0 DE, 3 PL, 0 AU Fazit – question 9: All answers give clearly inspiration for training modules contents and structure – it must be included the part, oriented on the “administrative” solutions in the form of documentation and work standards by innovations and innovation processes. 10. Outputs of innovation process in your firm have an effect of: cost saving – 125 SK, 28 CZ, 10 DE, 7 PL, 5 AU return improvement – 143 SK, 31 CZ, 10 DE, 10 PL, 6 AU further innovation ideas generation – 18 SK, 5 CZ, 10 DE, 6 PL, 6 AU employee’s motivation for innovations – 64 SK, 27 CZ, 10 DE, 7 PL, 6 AU better realisation of daily firm processes – 34 SK, 12 CZ, 7 DE, 3 PL, 4 AU Fazit – question 10: In innovation processes and innovation put the company in relation to the answers given major emphasis on cost savings is an important moment and increase sales. What is the trigger for the content of training modules is the fact that a greater emphasis on people's motivation for innovation. 2. Realisation of individual and group interviews oriented on the identification of profiles and needs by innovation, innovation processes in SMEs Structure of questionnaire for individual interviews was following: 1. Category: General competencies and training needs 2. Category: Process Manager - specialized competencies - supra-specialized competencies - suitable measures of personal development and qualification 3. Category: Production Workers - specialized competencies - supra-specialised competencies - suitable measures of personal development and qualification All three categories were answered to mark max key 5 profiles and needs from the list of profiles and needs. Interviewed were positions process manager, production worker. Each person, which realised interview select own the right person. To the process of interviews was invited 110 SMEs from SK, CZ, DE, PL, AU. From this spectrum it was realised 100 individual interviews (70 SK firms, 30 CZ firms) and 10 group interviews (8 SK firms, 2 CZ firms). Invited were for example following companies: NEMAK, Continental, MONDI, HOLOTOOLS, HEINZMANN, Smrečina Hofatex, DOKA Drevo, ZF SACHS, ZF Boge, Swedwood, Denso, Bonatrans, Finidr, KOMPAN, etc. All filling interviews lists are summarized by IPA Slovakia. All results, presented in the evaluation of interviews were used by development and construction of structure and contents of training modules in project INNOBUSINESS. PROFILES PROFILE Profile 1. Segmentation Profile 2. Taking out Profile 3. Local quality Profile 4. Asymmetry Profile 5. Merging Profile 6. Universality Profile 7. "Nested Doll" Profile 8. Anti-Weight Profile 9. Preliminary AntiAction Profile 10. Preliminary Action Profile 11. Beforehand Cushioning Profile 12. Equipotentiality Profile 13. 'The Other Way Round' Profile 14. Spheroidality – Curvature Profile 15. Dynamics Profile 16. Partial or Excessive Actions Profile 17. Another Dimension Profile 18. Mechanical vibration Profile 19. Periodic Action Profile 20. Continuity of Useful Action Profile 21. Skipping Profile 22. "Blessing in Disguise" or "Turn Lemons into Lemonade" Individual interview – results 32 45 64 21 8 76 2 13 58 Group interview – results 4 1 2 1 1 7 1 1 2 54 2 4 0 14 20 0 2 3 0 89 34 10 79 12 80 98 4 3 4 7 5 1 3 0 Profile 23. Feedback Profile 24. 'Intermediary' Profile 25. Self-service Profile 26. Copying Profile 27. Cheap Short-Living Objects Profile 28. Mechanics Substitution Profile 29. Pneumatics and Hydraulics Profile 30. Flexible Shells and Thin Films Profile 31. Porous Materials Profile 32. Colour Changes Profile 33. Homogeneity Profile 34. Discarding and Recovering Profile 35. Parameter Changes Profile 36. Phase Transitions Profile 37. Thermal Expansion Profile 38. Strong Oxidants (‘Boosted Interactions’) Profile 39. Inert Atmosphere Profile 40. Composite Structures Profile 41. Change of the Environment Profile 42. Allowing of the Notallowed Profile 43. Functioning just when in operation Profile 44. Activation of currently passive elements Profile 45. Use of standardised components for not standardised functions Profile 46. Columbus effect Summarisation: TOP 5 Profiles identified by individual Interviews: - Profile 20. Continuity of Useful Action (98x) - Profile 15. Dynamics (89x) - Profile 28. Mechanics Substitution (86x) - Profile 19. Periodic Action (80x) - Profile 17. Another Dimension (79x) - Profile 6. Universality (76x) - Profile 32. Colour Changes (76x) TOP 5 Profiles identified by group interviews: - Profile 15. Dynamics (10x) - Profile 42. Allowing of the Not-allowed (10x) - Profile 43. Functioning just when in operation (10x) - Profile 23. Feedback (9x) - Profile 35. Parameter Changes (9x) NEEDS 46 9 10 21 3 9 5 7 6 7 86 8 23 2 2 1 46 76 10 34 3 2 2 1 22 19 6 4 9 8 3 0 9 9 0 2 22 6 15 10 7 10 4 8 67 7 4 0 SOCIAL NEEDS Aesthetic consciousness Educational consciousness Effectively consciousness Free time awareness Delight consciousness Danger consciousness Health consciousness Hygiene consciousness Cultural awareness Performance preparedness Preparedness of being locally bound Consciousness of neophilie Preparedness of being qualified Quality consciousness Risk preparedness Self-awareness Safety consciousness Solidarity consciousness Social awareness Environmental awareness Awareness of maintaining standards Preparedness of being bound by time Share of older people Share of intellectual work Share of highly qualified work Number of available workers Globalism International co-operation Polarisation of the standard of living The need for conformity The need for autonomy The need for individual uniformity The need to be bounded The need for vitality The need for free time The need to structure free time The need for mental stimulation The need for enjoyment The need for illusion The need for information The need for comfort The need for physical work The need for human performance The need for mobility The need to be qualified The need for protection The need for self-image The need for self-organisation The need for self-realisation The need for safety The need technical systems The need for tradition Individual interview – results Group interview – results 8 12 23 5 15 19 8 17 9 24 19 1 3 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 8 38 21 6 9 16 1 6 11 12 0 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 3 3 3 4 2 27 21 15 10 13 6 0 7 6 3 2 4 1 8 2 9 2 2 3 6 7 5 6 14 5 28 13 5 8 21 0 0 0 0 4 1 5 3 2 2 7 9 5 8 22 15 37 15 18 8 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 The need for environment protection The need to be different The need for reliability TECHNOLOGICAL NEEDS Coloration of material Material expenditure Exploitation of material Material exchangeability Material bonding elasticity Trend toward ceramic use in material Degree of openness in material cycle Material phase transformations Material plastification Material purity Material recovery Foaming of material Material structure modularity Transparency of material Adding value to material Material variety Energy expenditure Energy exploitation Energy exchangeability Energy density Energy potential constancy Energy pulsation Energy recovery Storage of energy Energy gain Energy efficiency Relative information expenditure Information accessibility Information density Information use Information value gain Space exploitation Space requirement Space dimensions Space structure modularity Space effectiveness Time interval effectiveness Duration Parallel use of time Time effectiveness Elasticity of movement Complexity of movement Organisation form dynamics Organisation multiplicity Organisation structural bonds Self-organisation Controlling expenditure System conformity 19 2 21 8 6 3 Individual interview – results 24 21 13 79 4 27 Group interview – results 1 1 1 2 1 1 29 1 12 9 4 34 10 22 9 57 31 8 5 9 3 2 1 9 17 12 7 6 2 2 1 1 1 6 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 6 3 31 19 29 31 2 4 9 23 18 8 36 13 9 10 8 3 7 5 9 18 21 2 2 1 4 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 System bonds System effectiveness System lifecycle System multi-functionality System sensitising System safety System stability System transparency System conditions Function activation Function conformity Function partition Function autonomy Function duration Function integration Function intensity Function continuity Function programmability Function self-fulfilment Function self-monitoring Function safety Function simplification Structure activation Structure conformity Structure bonds Structure dynamics Structure integration Structure modularity Structure variety Resources of the work force of the national economy Resources of the level of the national economy Resources of the capabilities of the national economy Resources of the qualification of the national economy Resources of the specialisation of the national economy Resources of traditional energy sources Resources of available information Resources of traditional raw materials Resources of utilizable industrial expanses Resources of available knowledge Resources of available development capacities Resources of available development time Summarisation: TOP 5 “Social needs” identified by individual interview: - preparedness of being qualified (38x) - the need for self-realisation (37x) 7 25 4 8 5 32 12 34 6 52 4 7 1 26 12 3 7 24 34 14 5 7 23 17 15 17 24 45 36 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 0 9 1 13 2 34 2 6 2 24 3 57 1 67 1 92 2 85 4 65 3 - the need for illusion (28x) - share of intellectual work (27x) - performance preparedness (24x) TOP 5 “Social needs” identified by group interview: - share of intellectual work (7x) - the need for human performance (7x) - effectively consciousness (6x) - share of highly qualified work (6x) - the need to be different (6x) TOP 5 “Technological needs” identified by individual interview: - resources of available knowledge (92x) - resources of available development capacities (85x) - material exchangeability (79x) - resources of utilizable industrial expanses (67x) - resources of traditional raw materials (57x) - adding value of material (57x) TOP 5 “Technological needs” identified by group interview: - material structure modularity (6x) - energy efficiency (6x) - function activation (5x) - information value gain (4x) - resources of available development capacities (4x) 3. Identification and definition of key competence profiles in innovation processes and training needs analyse in innovation area Project team realised 100 interviews with selected SME´s in SK, CZ, DE, PL, AU. Category: General competencies and training needs Competencies category Actual state of competence *number of analysed SME´s answers, that marked the competence and training need Analyse and prediction of customer groups Analyse and prediction of market position for realised products Analyse and prediction of sales channels Work with product portfolio, competitive products, services and other saled comodites Work with differentiation strategies, competitors analyse Knowledge of strategic key sources: markets, rights, international networks Knowledge of planning, management and improvement of innovation processes Knowledge of customer oriented models Knowledge of value added Future state after innovation training modules - training required 95 100 68 85 72 96 56 87 64 80 60 72 100 100 88 100 100 100 quantification Knowledge about innovation techniques Organisation forms, positioning of innovation management in enterprise Orientation of enterprise on innovations and change proceses Innovationskulture selfmanagement, selfcharacteristics Drivers of innovation processes in enterprise Roles and responsibilities for innovations in enterprises Knowledge of firm vision, their development and fullfilment Communication processes in innovation area Development of future visions in enterprise Innovation processes documentation and administration 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 94 100 76 95 100 100 65 92 42 100 57 82 “TOP” competencies from the cathegory “General competencies and training needs”: 1. Actual state of competence (achieved value 100%) - Knowledge of planning, management and improvement of innovation processes - Knowledge of value added quantification - Knowledge about innovation techniques - Organisation forms, positioning of innovation management in enterprise - Orientation of enterprise on innovations and change proceses - Innovationskulture - selfmanagement, selfcharacteristics - Knowledge of firm vision, their development and fullfilment 2. Future state after innovation training modules - training required (prognosed value 100%) - Analyse and prediction of customer groups - Knowledge of planning, management and improvement of innovation processes - Knowledge of value added quantification - Knowledge about innovation techniques - Organisation forms, positioning of innovation management in enterprise - Orientation of enterprise on innovations and change proceses - Innovationskulture - selfmanagement, selfcharacteristics - Drivers of innovation processes in enterprise - Knowledge of firm vision, their development and fullfilment - Development of future visions in enterprise Category: Process Manager 1. Specialized competencies 1.1. Technical education 1.2. Production education 1.3. Enterprise economics 1.4. Competitive environment and market knowledge 1.5. Languages 1.6. Personnel planning 1.7. Continuous Improvement 47 100 52 89 89 100 75 100 24 48 100 45 78 100 1.8. Enterprise standards, norms 1.9 Knowledge of own enterprise 1.10 Complexly process knowledge 1.11 Analytical thinking 1.12 Ability to judge processes and people 1.13 Workplace organization, ergonomics 2. Supra-specialized competencies 2.1. Management by objectives 2.2. Teamwork 2.3. Communication 2.4. Qualification review 2.5. Personnel development 2.6. Managerial competencies 2.7. New Idea Management – Innovation ability 2.8. Decision finding competencies 2.9. Implementation of real solution, ability and competency 3. Suitable measures of personell development and qualification 3.1. Job Rotation 3.2. On-the-Job Training 3.3. Teamorganisation 3.4. Training benchmarking 3.5. Diskussion 3.6 Workshops 3.7 Self-learning 3.8 e-learning 86 68 72 56 64 100 85 96 87 80 60 72 74 95 100 100 88 55 67 92 100 100 100 91 95 100 56 88 75 93 92 100 72 55 100 100 83 23 100 100 85 78 100 100 97 45 “TOP” competencies from the cathegory “Process manager”: 1. Actual state of competence (achieved value 100%) - Production education - Continuous improvement - Communication - Qualification review - On-the-Job Training - Discussion - Workshops 2. Future state after innovation training modules - training required (prognosed value 100%) - Production education - Competitive environment and market knowledge - Continuous Improvement - Enterprise standards, norms - Teamwork - Communication - Qualification review - New Idea Management – innovation ability - Job Rotation - On-the-Job Training - Disscussions - Workshops Category: Production workers 1. Specialized competencies 1.1. Expert knowledge 1.2. Basic knowledge 1.3. Workplace processe knowledge 1.4. Flexibility by workplace 1.5. Knowledge of healtness and safety by workplace 1.6. Continuous Improvement 1.7. Basic knowledge of evaluation metrics 1.8. Knowledge of division goals 1.9 Knowledge of production processes, enterprise processes 1.10 Knowledge of complexly production chain 2. Supra-specialised competencies 2.1. Failure management 2.2. Teamwork 2.3. Communication 2.4. Problem solution 2.5. Initiative 2.6. Creativity 2.7. New Idea Management – practical skills and knowledge 2.8. Feedback 2.9. Enterprise policy 2.10 Enterprise goals 2.11 Process oriented thinking 3. Suitable measures of personell development and qualification 3.1. Job Rotation 3.2. On-the-Job Training 3.3. Teamorganisation 3.4. Integration in the projects 3.5. Managmement by objectives 3.6 Teamwork 52 89 24 75 100 45 48 100 78 100 89 64 100 80 95 68 100 85 72 96 56 88 100 65 82 100 67 87 100 100 84 96 100 85 100 45 78 100 100 68 95 100 92 100 72 55 100 100 100 100 85 78 100 100 “TOP” competencies from the cathegory “Production workers”: 1. Actual state of competence (achieved value 100%) - Knowledge of healthness and safety by workplace - Communication - Creativity - Feedback - Process oriented thinking - On-the-Job Training - Management by objectives - Teamwork 2. Future state after innovation training modules - training required (prognosed value 100%) - Basic knowledge - Knowledge of healthness and safety by workplace - Continuous improvement - Knowledge of division goals - Teamwork - Communication - Creativity - Feedback - Process oriented thinking - Job Rotation - On-the-Job Training - Management by objectives - Teamwork