Introduction to JAVA CMSC 331 Spring 1999


Introduction to JAVA

CMSC 331

Spring 1999


• Present the syntax of Java

• Introduce the Java API

• Demonstrate how to build

– stand-alone Java programs

– Java applets, which run within browsers e.g.


• Example programs tested using Java on

Windows 98 and/or SGI

Features of Java

• Object-oriented programming language

– clean, simple syntax

– similar to C, but without complexity of C++

• Comprehensive API (application program interface)

– platform independence

– useful classes and methods

Building Standalone JAVA

Programs (on UNIX)

• Prepare the file

using an editor

• Invoke the compiler: javac

• This creates foo.class

• Run the java interpreter: java foo

Java Virtual Machine

• The .class files generated by the compiler are not executable binaries

– so Java combines compilation and interpretation

• Instead, they contain “byte-codes” to be executed by the Java Virtual Machine

– other languages have done this, e.g. UCSD Pascal

• This approach provides platform independence, and greater security

HelloWorld (standalone)

public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Hello World!");



• Note that String is built in

• println is a member function for the

System.out class


• The JAVA virutal machine may be executed under the auspices of some other program, e.g. a Web browser.

• Bytecodes can be loaded off the Web, and then executed locally.

• There are classes in Java to support this

Building Applets

• Prepare the file

, and compile it to create foo.class

• Invoke an Applet Viewer, or a Java-aware browser such as Netscape, and open an

HTML file such as foo.html

• Browser invokes the Java Virtual Machine

import java.applet.*; public class HelloWorld extends Applet { public void init() {

System.out.println("Hello, world!");




<title>Hello, World</title>

<h1>Hello, World</h1>

<applet code="HelloWorld.class" width=100 height=140>


Data Types in Java

• Primitive data types similar to C

– boolean true and false

– char 16 bits UNICODE

– byte, short, int, long integers; 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits respectively

– float and double IEEE 754

Array Allocation

• Declared in two ways:

– float Vector1[] = new float[500];

– int Vector2[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};

• Not allocated on stack, but dynamically

• Are subject to garbage collection when no more references remain

– so fewer memory leaks

– Java doesn’t have pointers!

Array Operations

• Subscripts start at 0 as in C

• Subscript checking is done automatically

• Certain operations are defined on arrays of objects, as for other classes

– e.g. Vector1.length == 500


// This is the Echo example from the Sun tutorial class echo { public static void main(String args[]) { for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) {

System.out.println( args[i] );





C:\UMBC\331\java>java echo this is pretty silly this is pretty silly


JAVA Classes

• The class is the fundamental concept in

JAVA (and other OOPLs)

• A class describes some data object(s), and the operations (or methods) that can be applied to those objects

• Every object and method in Java belongs to a class

Syntax Notes

• No global variables

– class variables and methods may be applied to any instance of an object

– methods may have local (private?) variables

• No pointers

– but complex data objects are “referenced”

• Other parts of Java are borrowed from PL/I,

Modula, and other languages

Example: FIFO

• To show how simple data structures are built without pointers, we’ll build a doublylinked list

– ListItem class has some user data

– first refers to that ListItem object at the front of the queue

– last refers to the object at the end of the queue, i.e. most recently added

public class ListItem { // In file

public Object x; // N.B. a heterogeneous queue public ListItem previous; public ListItem next;

// Constructor operation takes initial value public ListItem(String val) {

// this refers to “current” object this.x = val; this.previous = = null;

} public boolean equals(ListItem c) {

// two ListItems are equal if their string values

// are equal and they point to the same objects return ( x.equals(c.x) && (previous == c.previous) &&

(next == );


} public void printItem() {



import java.applet.*; // overview of

public class fifo extends Applet { private int count = 0; public ListItem first = null; // first is the next item to be removed public ListItem last = null; // last is the item most recently added

// Called to initialize and test the applet. More detail on next page.

public void init() {

System.out.println("isEmpty returns "+isEmpty()); putQueue("node 1");





// See if the queue is empty public boolean isEmpty() { ... }

// Add an item to the queue public void putQueue(String value) { ... }


// Get the first item off the front of the queue public ListItem getQueue() { ... }

// Called to initialize and test the applet.

public void init() {

System.out.println("isEmpty returns "+isEmpty()); putQueue("node 1");

System.out.println("First node is "); first.printItem();

System.out.println("Last node is "); last.printItem(); putQueue("node 2");

System.out.println("First node is "); first.printItem();

System.out.println("Last node is "); last.printItem(); getQueue().printItem();

System.out.println("First node is "); first.printItem();

System.out.println("Last node is "); last.printItem(); getQueue().printItem();

System.out.println("isEmpty returns "+isEmpty());


// See if the queue is empty public boolean isEmpty() { return (count == 0);


// Add an item to the queue public void putQueue(String value) {

ListItem newItem = new ListItem(value);

} if ( isEmpty() ) { // Special case of empty queue first = last = newItem;

} else {

// next is the next item in the queue

// previous is the item (if any) that was in the

// queue right ahead of this (current) item = newItem; newItem.previous = last; last = newItem;

} count++;

// Get the first item off the front of the queue public ListItem getQueue() {

ListItem firstItem = first;

// Make sure the queue isn't empty if (isEmpty() ) {

System.out.println("Called getQueue on an empty queue");

} else { this.first =;

// Did we just remove the only item in the queue?

if (first == null) { last = null;

} else { first.previous = null;

} count--;

} return firstItem;


Programming by Contract

• Note that the integer variable count , and first and last (both of type ListItem , are redundant in that

– first and last are null iff count == 0

– first == last , but both not null iff count == 1

– otherwise first != last iff count > 1

• Java has no assert macro, but we can test and throw an exception.

// See if the queue is empty

// Check consistency of count, first and last

// Note that exceptions are first-class objects class CorruptFifoException extends Exception;


public boolean isEmpty() { if (count == 0) { if (first == null && last == null) { return (true);

} else { throw new

CorruptFifoException(“first and last should be null”);


} else { // count != 0




Java vs. C++

• Lots of similarity to C++

– expressions (, operator okay only in loops)

– control structures same, except breaks and continues may have labels, e.g. to escape from switch statements

– Java has single inheritance

– Java doesn’t do templates

Single Inheritance, but

• A class may extend only one class, but it may implement many others

• A subclass inherits the variables and methods of its superclass(es), but may override them

• Overrides the methods defined in the class(es) it implements, as in upcoming thread example


• Classes may be grouped into packages

• Six packages come with Java

• Packages add functionality without extending the language per se

• The import statement lets you use a method without its package name, e.g. import java.applet.* provides Applet class

Classes and Interfaces

• The methods of an abstract class are implemented elsewhere

• A final class cannot be extended

• Instances of a synchronizable class can be arguments of a synchronize block

– Which means that access to “critical sections” is restricted

Visibility of Methods

• Methods in a public class can be used outside. The file

must contain exactly one public class: public class foo

• Methods in a private class can be used only within a file

• Default: class is accessible within current class package

Applets vs. Stand-alone

• Applets have many restrictions, which can be relaxed!

– no system calls

– limited network access after local file system is touched

– many others


• Exceptions are objects in their own right

• They can be generated, caught and handled under program control

• Examples: IOException,

ArithmeticException, etc.


• Associates a set of statements with one or more exceptions and some handling code try {


} catch(InterruptedException e){


} finally {



A Tour of the Java API

• An API User’s Guide, in HTML, is bundled with Java

• Much of the “learning curve” is in the API

• Let’s look at some packages

The Java API

• java.applet

– Applet class

• java.awt

– Windows, buttons, mouse, etc.

• java.awt.image

– image processing

• java.awt.peer

– GUI toolkit


– System.out.print

• java.lang

– length method for arrays; exceptions


– sockets

• java.util

– System.getProperty

The package java.lang

• The class Object

– The root class in Java

– Example methods: clone(), equals(), toString()

– Subclasses may override these methods

• The class Class

– Example methods: getName(), getSuperClass()

Observing an object’s class

void printClassName (Object obj) {

System.out.println("The class of " + obj +

" is " + obj.getClass().getName());


Strings in Java

• Many methods defined in class java.lang:

– Several constructors

– concat(), equals(), indexOf(), length()

– Strings are immutable (why?)

– strings are concatenated with +

StringBuffers in Java

• Several methods defined in class java.lang:

– Constructors can specify length or initial value

– append(), insertf(), length(), toString()


• Printstreams

– System.out.err(“Error message”);

• Inputstreams


–, 0, maxChars)

The Cloneable Interface

• A class implements the cloneable interface by overriding the Object method clone()

• For example, we could add a clone() method to the FIFO class, if we wanted to be able to make copies of queues.

The class java.util

• Interface to host OS

• Some basic functions and data structures

– BitSet, Dictionary (the superclass of

Hashtable), Stack, Vector

– Random number generation

System Properties

• System properties are like UNIX environment variables, but platform independent

• The API class java.util

has methods for accessing the system properties

// determine environment variables import java.util.*; class envSnoop { public static void main ( String args[] ) {

Properties p;

String s; p = System.getProperties(); p.list(System.out); s = System.getProperty("");

System.out.println(""+s); s = System.getProperty("user.home");




Java GUI

• The awt class allows you to create

– frames

– buttons

– menus and menubars

– checkboxes

– text areas

– scrolling lists

GUI Examples

• “Hello World”, revisited

• The Scribble example

• Both examples adapted from Flanagan’s

“Java in a Nutshell”, first edition

import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class SecondApplet extends Applet { static final String message = "Hello World"; private Font font;

// One-time initialization for the applet public void init() { font = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 48);


// Draw the applet whenever necessary.

// Do some fancy graphics.

public void paint(Graphics g) {

// The pink oval g.setColor(; g.fillOval(10, 10, 330, 100);

// The red outline. java doesn't support wide lines, so we

// try to simulate a 4-pixel wide line by drawing four ovals g.setColor(; g.drawOval(10,10, 330, 100); g.drawOval(9, 9, 332, 102); g.drawOval(8, 8, 334, 104); g.drawOval(7, 7, 336, 106);

// The text g.setColor(; g.setFont(font); g.drawString(message, 40, 75);




• Graphics objects can be added to applets, e.g. buttons and menus

• Events, such as mouse clicks, are handled

import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class Scribble extends Applet { private int last_x = 0; private int last_y = 0; private Color current_color =; private Button clear_button; private Choice color_choices;

// Called to initialize the applet.

public void init() {

// Set the background color this.setBackground(Color.white);

// Create a button and add it to the applet.

// Also, set the button's colors clear_button = new Button("Clear"); clear_button.setForeground(; clear_button.setBackground(Color.lightGray); this.add(clear_button);


// Create a menu of colors and add it to the applet.

// Also set the menu's colors and add a label.

color_choices = new Choice(); color_choices.addItem("black"); color_choices.addItem("red"); color_choices.addItem("yellow"); color_choices.setForeground(; color_choices.setBackground(Color.lightGray); this.add(new Label("Color:")); this.add(color_choices);

// Called when the user clicks the mouse to start a scribble public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y) { last_x = x; last_y = y; return true;


// Called when the user scribbles with the mouse button down public boolean mouseDrag(Event e, int x, int y) {

Graphics g = this.getGraphics(); g.setColor(current_color); g.drawLine(last_x, last_y, x, y); last_x = x; last_y = y; return true;


// Called when the user clicks the button or chooses a color public boolean action(Event event, Object arg) {

// If the Clear button was clicked, handle it if ( == clear_button) {

Graphics g = this.getGraphics();

Rectangle r = this.bounds(); g.setColor(this.getBackground()); g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); return true;


// Otherwise if a color was chosen, handle that if ( == color_choices) { if (arg.equals("black")); else if (arg.equals("red")); else if (arg.equals("yellow")) current_color=Color.yellow; return true;




// Otherwise let the superclass handle the event else return super.action(event, arg);

• Defines several useful objects:

– URLs

– Internet Addresses

– Sockets

– Datagrams

• packets

• sockets

Manipulating URLs

• A Web server can provide lots of information about a file being sent back in response to an HTTP request.

• A URL can be read

– into a string, using the getContent()

– or opened as a DataInputStream, and read using readLine()

import*; import*; import java.util.*; public class GetURLInfo {

// Create a URL from the specified address, open a connection

// to it, and then display information about the URL.

public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {

URL url = new URL(args[0]);

URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); printinfo(connection);


public static void printinfo(URLConnection u) throws IOException {

// Display the URL address, and information about it.

System.out.println(u.getURL().toExternalForm() + ":");

System.out.println(" Content Type: " + u.getContentType());

System.out.println(" Content Length: " + u.getContentLength());

System.out.println(" Last Modified: " + new Date(u.getLastModified()));

System.out.println(" Expiration: " + u.getExpiration());

System.out.println(" Content Encoding: " + u.getContentEncoding());



// Read and print out the first five lines of the URL.

System.out.println("First five lines:");

DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(u.getInputStream()); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

String line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) break;

System.out.println(" " + line);


UDP Examples

• UDP - Unreliable datagram packet

• Examples from Flanagan

– Send a UDP packet

– Receive a UDP packet

// This example is from the book _Java in a Nutshell_ by

// David Flanagan.

// Written by David Flanagan.

// Copyright (c) 1996 O'Reilly & Associates.

// You may study, use, modify, and distribute this example for

// any purpose. This example is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY

// either expressed or implied.

import*; import*;

// This class sends the specified text as a datagram to

// port 6010 of the specified host.

public class UDPSend { static final int port = 6010; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length != 2) {


"Usage: java UDPSend <hostname> <message>");



// Get the internet address of the specified host

InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);

// Convert the message to an array of bytes int msglen = args[1].length(); byte[] message = new byte[msglen]; args[1].getBytes(0, msglen, message, 0);


// Initilize the packet with data and address

DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(message, msglen, address, port);

// Create a socket, and send the packet through it.

DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(); socket.send(packet);


import*; import*;

// This program waits to receive datagrams sent to port 6010.

// When it receives one, it displays the sending host and port,

// and prints the contents of the datagram as a string.

public class UDPReceive { static final int port = 6010; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception

{ byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

String s;

// Create a packet with an empty buffer to receive data

DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length);

// Create a socket to listen on the port.

DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(port);

for(;;) {

// Wait to receive a datagram socket.receive(packet);

// Convert the contents to a string s = new String(buffer, 0, 0, packet.getLength());

// And display them

System.out.println("UDPReceive: received from " + packet.getAddress().getHostName() +

":" + packet.getPort() + ": " + s);

} // close for

} // close main

} // close class UDPReceive

Using Threads

• Thread objects are the basis for multithreaded programming.

• Multi-threaded programming allows a single program to conduct concurrently running threads that perform different tasks.

• Defined in java.lang.Thread

The Runnable Interface

• A class that implements this interface can provide the “body” of a thread

• The run() method needs to be specified

Using a Single Thread

• The simpleThread class implements the

Runnable interface

– Implements run() method for Runnable interface

– Implements init(), start() and stop(), extending Applet class

– Can’t just extend Thread class, since

Thread.stop() is final and can’t be overriden (why?)

// Simple Thread Example, based on "Neon Sign" public class OneThread extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable {

Thread kicker; public void init() { kicker = null; } public void start() { if(kicker == null) { // If no thread is started yet kicker=new Thread(this); // then create one kicker.start(); // and start it


} public void stop() { kicker.stop(); kicker = null; }

public void run() { long sleepTime;

System.out.println("Hello!"); sleepTime = 5000;


} while(true) { // Loop forever

// The sleep method below might be interrupted

// and cause an exception, so catch it.

try {

// Wait for some period of time

Thread.sleep( sleepTime ); sleepTime = (sleepTime == 3000 ? 4000 : 3000 );

} catch (Exception e){ return; }

System.out.println("Hello again after "+sleepTime+

" milliseconds");


Neon Sign Example

• Start a thread

• Load two GIF images

• Repeat forever

– Display first image

– Sleep a random period of time

– Display the other image

// Blinking Neon Light by Mattias Flodin import java.awt.*; public class BlinkItem extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable {

Image imPic[]; // Array that holds the two images int iPicIndex=0; // Keeps track of which image is displayed

Thread kicker; public void init() {

// *Always* resize, in case the HTML author forgot to

// include WIDTH and HEIGHT tags resize(512,243);

} public void Paint(Graphics g) { update(g); }

// Using the update method will get rid of some flickering public void update(Graphics g) {

// Display an error message if something

// unexpected has happened to the images if(imPic[iPicIndex]==null) g.drawString("Error when loading picture", 0, 172);


// Draw the current image g.drawImage(imPic[iPicIndex],0,0, this);

public void start() { if(kicker == null) { // If no thread is started yet kicker=new Thread(this); // then create one kicker.start(); // and start it


} public void stop() { kicker=null; } public void run() { imPic=new Image[2]; // Dimension the image array

// Load the two images in our 'animation' imPic[0]=getImage(getCodeBase(), "images/Homepage1.gif"); imPic[1]=getImage(getCodeBase(), "images/Homepage2.gif");


} for(;;) { // Loop forever repaint(); // Redraw the window iPicIndex=iPicIndex==0 ? 1 : 0; // Switch image

// The sleep method below might be interrupted

// and cause an InterruptedException, so we'll

// have to catch it.

try {

// Wait for a random amount of time

Thread.sleep( (int) (Math.random()*500));

} catch (InterruptedException e){}


Multiple Threads

• An applet that creates a pool of simple threads

• Each thread has an ID number, and may handle different tasks

• Note separation of applet and thread classes

Multiple Threaded Example

public class ThreadExample extends java.applet.Applet {

} public void init() { simpleThread[] threadPool = new simpleThread[2]; threadPool[0] = new simpleThread(1); threadPool[1] = new simpleThread(2);


public class simpleThread implements Runnable {

Thread thisThread; int thisThreadID; public simpleThread (int i) { thisThreadID = i; this.start(); } public void start() { if(thisThread == null) { // If thread isn’t started thisThread = new Thread(this); // create one thisThread.start(); // and start it


} public void stop() { thisThread.stop(); thisThread = null; }

public void run() { long sleepTime;

System.out.println("Hello from simpleThread "+ thisThreadID); while(true) {

// The sleep method below might be interrupted

// and cause an exception, so catch it.

try {

// Wait for a random amount of time sleepTime = (long) ( Math.random()*4 );

Thread.sleep( sleepTime*1000 );

} catch (Exception e) { return;


System.out.println("Hello again from simpleThread "+ thisThreadID+" after "+sleepTime+" seconds");




Other Ideas

• Patterns as an addition to the StringBuffer class (ala Perl)

• One could easily write a better browser

– intelligent pre-fetching of URLs

– other ideas?

Where to get more information

• There are now many decent Java books, e.g.

Dietel and Dietel, and the second edition of


• Many other web resources
