UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE CHIRIQUI FACULTY OF MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MEDICAL EMERGENCIES SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH 120B INSTRUCTOR: MARISOL BARRAZA GROUP PRESENTATION PROJECT ANIMAL BITES, INSECTS BITES GROUP MEMBERS: GABRIELA NUÑEZ 4-763-432 KATHERINE GAITÀN 4-778-2460 OVIDIO SILVERA 4- 762-2384 DATE : NOVEMBER 24 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Glossary…………………………………………………3 2. Animal bites…………………………………………..4 Definition Signs and symptoms First Aid Treatment First Aid Medication and equipment 3. Insect Bites…………………..……………………….5 Definition Signs and symptoms First Aid Treatment 4. First Aid Medication and Equipment…..6 5. Bibliography ………………………………………….7 Insects bites and stings: mordedura y picadura de insects. Be careful not to squeeze the stinger: tenga cuidado de no apretar el aguijon. Noisy breathing: respiracion ruidosa. Heavy bleeding: sangrado abundante. Swelling of the throat: inflamacion de la garganta. Insect venom: veneno de los insectos. Carry a high risk: con llevan un alto riesgo. Tenderness at the wound site: sencibilidad en el sitio de la herida. Redness, heat, swelling: enrojecimiento, calor, hinchazon. Itching,hives,decreased: comezon ,urticaria, disminucion. Calls for being alert for signs: pide alerta para detectar signos. DEFINITION: is a wound caused by the teeth of an animal. INCLUDES: Dog bite Spider bite Snake bite Crocodile bite Shark bite Cat bite Signs and Symptoms pain, heat, swelling, sensitivity, fever, brusing. First Aid treatment Reassure the person. wash the wound with soap and water. cover with a clean dressing. First Aid medication Antibiotic ointment Signs and Symptoms muscle cramps, fever, sweating, nausea, local pain. First Aid Treatment keep the casualty lying down and warm. apply ice around the bite. First Aid Medication serum, antibiotic, antihistamine, paracetamol. Sings and Symptoms Bleeding from wound, blurred vision, burning of the skin, seizures diarrhea, dizziness, excessive sweating. First Aid Treatment take vital signs, temperature, pulse blood pressure, respiratory rate. to raise the feet about 30 cm, cover with a blanket. First Aid medication antivenom, anti-inflammatory esteriodeo, metamizol, paracetamol. Signs and Symptoms pain, heat, swelling,sensitivity,fever,brusing. First Aid Treatment cover with dressing, washing the wound. Examine the wound for possible nerve damage, tendon damage or bone injury. First Aid Medication Antibiotic ointment analgesic Signs and Symptoms pain, fever, infection First Aid Treatment Cover the wound with a dressing control bleeding First Aid Medication anti-inflammatory Sings and Symptoms Redness Swelling Heat Weeping pus First Aid Treatment Wash the wound gently with soap and water Apply a sterile bandage to the wound. May use stitches to close a bite wound, but often the wound is left open to heal, which can lower the risk of infection. Medication antibiotic.