OECD Conference: Assessing the Feasibility of Micro-Data Access Luxembourg, 26-27 October 2006

OECD Conference:
Assessing the Feasibility of Micro-Data Access
Proposal for a Pilot Study
Luxembourg, 26-27 October 2006
Nadim Ahmad, Statistics Directorate, OECD
Remote Access Pilot Study
Seeking Volunteer countries
To investigate RA options with business data
Same dataset as SBS statistics
Remote Access Pilot Study
Step 1: To reproduce SBS data already provided to
OECD:– 4 digit and size class.
Step 2: To produce descriptive statistics: variance,
medians, including for composite indicators such as
labour productivity, profit/turnover, profit/ employee
etc and regression coefficients e.g. VA per employee
and business size.
Step 3: Investigate scope for longitudinal data set
Remote Access Pilot Study
Production at producers’ prices and/or factor costs
Value added at basic prices and/or factor costs
Gross operating surplus
Total purchases of goods and services
Change in stocks of goods and services
Purchases of energy products
Gross investment in tangible goods
Gross investment in land
Gross investment in existing buildings and structures
Gross investment in machinery and equipment
Sales of tangible investment goods
Employment, number of persons engaged and number of employees
Employment, number of females employees
Employment, number of employees in full time equivalent units
Hours worked by employees
Compensation of labour, all persons engaged and employees
Wages and salaries, all persons engaged and employees
Other employers’ social contributions, employees
Number of enterprises and/or establishments