EAP Task Force Seventh Annual Meeting of the EECCA Regulatory Environmental

EAP Task Force
Seventh Annual Meeting of the EECCA Regulatory Environmental
Programme Implementation Network (REPIN)
17-18 October 2005, Moscow, Russian Federation
Summary of Key Outcomes
ACTION: for information
17th-18th October, 2005, Moscow, Russian Federation
Summary of Key Outcomes
Peer Review of Environmental Enforcement System in Armenia and Next Steps
Following the discussion of the key findings of the Peer Review of Environmental Enforcement System in
Armenia the participants adopted its Conclusions and Recommendations [REPIN(2005)3] subject to final
revisions resulting from the discussion. The Secretariat took note of the comments expressed at the
meeting and will incorporate them in the final version of the document. The participants agreed to provide
the Secretariat with their written comments on the technical report by the end of October 2005. The final
version of the report will be published in January 2006.
In discussing the next steps, the participants agreed on the preparation of a regional assessment of the
implementation of the Guiding Principles for Reform of Environmental Enforcement Authorities in
EECCA. It was also agreed that such a document will be transmitted, via the EAP Task Force, for the
presentation at the “Environment for Europe” Ministerial meeting in Belgrade in 2007. For the next REPIN
meeting, the Secretariat will elaborate a document presenting an outline of such an assessment, an
approach and a schedule of the assessment preparation.
Financing Aspects of Compliance Assurance Systems
The participants took note of the publication “Funding Environmental Compliance Assurance – Lessons
Learned from International Experience” which was prepared following the decisions of the Kiev REPIN
meeting in 2003. It was agreed that the subject of developing sufficient and stable funding of enforcement
programmes will be analysed in the context of the recently launched project in Kazakhstan. Other countries
were invited to express their interest to carry in-depth analysis of this subject and report at the next REPIN
Integrated Environmental Permitting Guidelines
The participants took note of the final version of the Integrated Environmental Permitting Guidelines for
EECCA Countries. They also took note of the programmatic studies on the main aspects of the transition to
integrated permitting that have been conducted in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan using the approach of the
Guidelines. They also noted two training courses for permitting officials that were delivered in May 2005
in Kiev for representatives of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and Belarus, and in September 2005 in Bishkek
for representatives of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. They also acknowledged the information
about a project supporting the reform of the environmental permitting system which has been launched in
Ukraine with the support from the World Bank and Sweden.
Following further discussions of the draft concise policy document “Guiding Principles of Effective
Environmental Permitting Systems” [REPIN(2005)4] the participants agreed on the submission of this
document, via the EAP Task Force, for consideration of the Ministers at the Belgrade Ministerial
conference. The document will aim to create a reference for governments, to identify key features of an
effective and efficient permitting system, to generate high-level political and institutional support for
permitting reform in individual countries, and to facilitate international cooperation on environmental
permitting. The participants agreed to provide their comments on the draft by the end of November 2005.
Environmental Standards and Economic Instruments
The participants took note of progress in launching a project on reforming environmental standards in
Moldova. They also endorsed a proposal to organise, back-to-back with the next meeting of the EAP Task
Force in the fall 2006, a workshop on environmental policy instruments in the EECCA region. For the next
REPIN meeting, the Secretariat will develop a document which will present the key objectives, inputs and
expected outcomes of the workshop.
Economic Aspects of Compliance Assurance and Financing of Enforcement Efforts
The participants took note of the results of the OECD Global Forum on Economics of Environmental
Compliance Assurance held in December 2004 and endorsed an idea of launching a project to evaluate the
effectiveness and efficiency of enforcement and non-compliance tools which are applied by environmental
enforcement agencies in selected EECCA countries. It was agreed that the Secretariat would work directly
with countries which expressed interest in taking part in the project, and that preliminary results will be
presented at the next REPIN meeting in 2006.
Performance Rating and Information Disclosure
The participants took note of the progress in implementing the project on Performance Rating and
Information Disclosure in Ukraine and the presentations on preliminary results and analysis of introducing
the Performance Rating and Information Disclosure schemes in the Russian Federation.
The Secretariat will work with the Russian experts to gather information, analyse and assess the approaches applied in Russia and work further on the development of a guidance document on Performance
Rating and Information Disclosure schemes which will facilitate their wider applications in the region.
Improving Self-Monitoring
The participants took note of the progress in the implementation of the project on self-monitoring in
Kazakhstan [ENV/EPOC/EAP/POL(2005)4], including the use of draft chapter on self-monitoring as part
of the development of the country’s Environmental Code. The meeting also took note of the outcomes of
the special session on self-monitoring organised in June 2005 in the framework of the UNECE Working
Group on Monitoring and Assessment.
It was agreed that regional guidelines on self-monitoring in EECCA should be elaborated. The draft
guidelines will be discussed at the next annual meeting of REPIN and the UNECE Working Group.
Enforcement and Compliance Indicators
The participants took note of the conclusions of the reports on the application of enforcement and
compliance indicators in Russia [REPIN(2005)6] and in Armenia. It was agreed that in 2006 regional
guidelines should be developed based on these conclusions, as well as recommendations worked out within
the International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement.
Capacity Building of Environmental Enforcement Agencies and Officers
The participants took note of two training workshops conducted with managers of environmental
inspectorates from Kyrgyzstan (February 2005) and Armenia (June 2005). They also welcomed two
comprehensive projects for strengthening Environmental Enforcement Agencies in Georgia
[REPIN(2005)7] and Kazakhstan that have been launched in September 2005 with the funding of the
Netherlands and Norway.
The participants endorsed the plans for developing a training kit for enhancing skills of environmental
inspectors and the organisation of the training session in 2006 for Ukraine and Moldova.
Co-operation with other Networks
The participants took note of the outcomes of the INECE conference held in Marrakech in April 2005
which included the participation of six REPIN representatives.
The participants also took note of a report on progress with the implementation of the work programme of
Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession (ECENA) in Southeast Europe. It
was agreed to maintain close exchange of information and seek opportunities for participation in respective
activities of the two Networks.
The participants also took note of the activities of the Network of Ozone Officers in Eastern Europe &
Central Asia and the “Green Customs”, both initiatives being led by UNEP. The participants recognised
the need for better mainstreaming of the MEA implementation into National Environmental Programmes
and establishing working relations with the customs agencies for strengthening compliance with MEAs.
Date and Place of the Next REPIN meeting
The participants agreed to hold the next annual REPIN meeting in early June 2006. The Network Members
welcomed a written offer from Georgia and a verbal expression of interest from Kyrgyzstan to host the
next meeting. Should there be a written offer from Kyrgyzstan by the end of November 2005, the
Secretariat will assess the feasibility and costs of the organisation of the meeting in each of the two
countries. In the absence of such offer, Tbilisi, Georgia will be chosen as the next REPIN meeting location.
In conclusion, the participants expressed their appreciation to the Federal Service for Environmental,
Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the Russian Federation for its warm welcome and hospitality
during the meeting.