Mandy Barrera
PHONE: 361-387-5999 Ext. 3404
Course Description:
Microsoft Office 2010: Advanced Concepts and Techniques is intended for a second course on Office 2010
applications. This book assumes that students are familiar with the fundamentals of Microsoft Office Word
2010, Microsoft Office Excel 2010, Microsoft Office Access 2010, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010, and
Microsoft Office Outlook 2010. These fundamentals are covered in the companion textbook Microsoft Office
2010: The objectives of this book are:
• To go beyond the fundamentals and offer an in-depth presentation to Microsoft Office Word 2010,
Microsoft Office Excel 2010, Microsoft Office Access 2010, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010, Microsoft
Office Outlook 2010.
• To expose students to practical examples of the computer as a useful tool
• To acquaint students with the proper procedures to create and enhance documents, worksheets,
databases, and presentations suitable for coursework, professional purposes, and personal use
• To help students discover the underlying functionality of Office 2010 so they can become more
• To develop an exercise-oriented approach that allows learning by doing
Text: Microsoft Office 2010: Advanced Concepts and Techniques
Important Class Notes:
1. All students are to take the MOS Certification (Word, Power Point, and Excel) during this semester for
the Final Exam.
2. ATTENDANCE POLICY/ TARDY POLICY: Students are required to attend class every day. Parents
will be notified if a student is absent for three days, weather consecutive or non-consecutive and an
attendance referral will be written. A student will be counted tardy if he/ she is walking in to class or
socializing in the hall way after the tardy bell rings. Students will serve detention for all tardies.
3. GRADING POLICY: a midterm and semester exam will be given in this class. Grades will be
calculated according to district policy ( see student handbook)
4. MAKE- UP WORK: Students are responsible for any notes, class assignments and test missed due
to an absence or tardy. Students must make arrangements with the teacher to make up any missed
work on the day he/ she returns to school.
5. LATE WORK: a One day limit will be allowed for late assignments there will be a penalty for the first
day an assignment is late.
6. CLASS RULES- Be on time and come prepared to class. Respect Teacher, Students, Visitors, and
school property.. No talking or getting up while teacher is lecturing. Do not roll around in the class room
chairs. Keep your desk area neat and clean. No cell phones or games allowed. It is your responsibility to
check your computer before and after class. You must notify teacher of any changes, so that you will not
be blamed. Listen closely and follow directions. You are dismissed by the teacher… Not the bell.
1st time: Verbal Warning
2nd Time: Conference with students
3rd Time: Parent contacted
4th Time: Office Referral
7. HOME WORK POLICY- Homework is to be turned in on due date or late work policy will be enforced.
Tutoring is available Upon Request. Check teacher web site for times and days.
RETESTING POLICY- The highest grade given for a retest shall be 70. Requirements before
retesting students must attend tutorials with teacher and complete any assigned remediation.
Robstown High School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, religion,
age or disability in provision of services, programs or activities
TEXTBOOK: MS Office 2010 Advanced Concepts and Technologies Shelly Cashman Series
Dear Parents,
I am glad to have the opportunity to have your child as a student this year. It is my goal to prepare him/ her for the academic
challenges they face in the future. In order to maximize learning time in my class, it will be necessary to have the cooperation of
all my students. Therefore, I have issued each student a class syllabus that contains information regarding my BIM 2 class. I
have already reviewed the policies with your child during class, I kindly request that you review the policies, also. If you have
questions or any concerns, please feel free to contact me at the above number provided or email at your convenience.
Thank you in advance,
Ms. Mandy Barrera
I have read the above information and understand the guidelines for the course:
Student name: __________________________ Date:_________________
Parent Signature:________________________ Date:_________________
Home Address:____________________________________________________
Home or Cell Phone No. _____________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________