2015-2016 Choir Hand Book p. 1 Course Description:

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2015-2016 Choir Hand Book
Course Description: Choir is a performance-based music class in which students learn and apply the “Basic Rules for Singing
Technique.” Students will study and perform various styles of choral music, including a capella literature and literature in foreign
languages. Students will learn to read music using solfege and study various concepts from music theory. All of the work we do in
choir involves the use of “higher-order thinking skills,” skills that are necessary to (1) pass the STAAR (2) succeed in college (in any
discipline), and (3)be successful in 21st Century society. Students will have an active role in the classroom, and cooperative learning
will be used in the classroom. Students are expected to monitor their own progress and improve, and, all students are required to have
fun while learning!!!
Textbook: Various pieces of choral literature and sight-singing methods
Materials: Pencil, notebook paper (provided by the student), and a choir folder with music (provided by RHS)
Course Objectives: (1) to grow emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually through the total choral classroom
experience (2) to further develop higher-order thinking skills (3) to connect what you learn in choir to real-world experiences (4)
better develop your singing voice (5) reach all of the goals above with excellence
Course Outline:
Vocal Placement.
Basic Singing Techniques via. choral warm-ups and literature.
Sight reading method.
A. The scale
B. Curwen Handsigns C. Daily exercises D. Ear-training
Music Theory
A. Grand staff
B. Rhythmic and pitch notation C. Music symbols
D. Key Signatures E. Time Signatures F. Major and Minor scales
Performance Requirements/ Opportunities (Choir Calendar attached)
Grading Policy. Since choir is a performance-based musical ensemble, the grading policy reflects a strong emphasis upon
performance-based grading.
1. Daily grades consist of:Rehearsal Grade; : Song and Sight reading tests / quizzes; Written Work; Other types of daily grades
may be utilized.
2. Section Rehearsals after school will be held as needed; if so, attendance is required, and each practice counts as a daily
grade. **
3. Extra Rehearsals may be called, and may count as either daily grades or test grades.
4. Classroom Performance Checkups count as tests, and count twice. Tests will cover material taught over singing
technique. music theory, composers, sight reading skills, etc. See also concerts below.
5. Concerts. Concerts are worth 2 test grades-one grade is for concert etiquette, and the other grade is for concert
performance. A choir concert is so much fun that you won’t want to miss it. But, when you are not there, you cannot be
replaced. You need to tell your parents ahead of time so they can give you a ride so you won’t miss out on the performance.
Unexcused absences will result in zeros. To make up these zeros, you can come and sing all of the choir songs after school
for Mr. Peppard and your parents; the highest resulting grade will be a 70. Students who miss one concert will likely fail
the six weeks.
6. Make up work is offered for excused absences (students must have a written excuse from the front office.) Make-up work
should be requested when you return with your excuse. Students will have one day for each absence to make up the work
(per RISD policy). I would also really appreciate it if students will request work in advance when they know they have a
school trip.
7. Tutoring is available to all students; schedule a tutoring session with the director.
8. Extra credit will be awarded for students who attend Fine Arts performances (Band, Choir, and Drama). This extra credit
will be awarded for formal concerts / presentations only (not, for example, for rehearsals or for the half-time marching show).
If you are a participant, you will receive extra credit.
9. . If you are feeling ill when you come to class…THANK YOU for coming school even though you do not feel well!
1.You must participate in class as much as possible (count during sight reading, write in solfege, mouth words as if you are
singing, and so-on.)
2.You must bring a note from home excusing you from singing, AND you must stand when your section is standing, or…
3.Be prepared to receive a zero for the day (for “zero” amount of work; if you are trying to work, your grade will not suffer);
4.Be prepared to bring a note from a doctor, the nurse, or your parents the next day to erase the zero.
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Choir Letter/ Letter Jacket Opportunities
Each year, you have two opportunities to earn a mark of one point toward your letter jacket (3 marks minimum required ;) The
two opportunities available each year are either (1) audition for (not necessarily make) District Choir, OR (2) learn and perform
a UIL solo at UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest in the Spring (there is no minimum UIL rating requirement). Letter jackets will be
awarded when the requirements have been met. Students who qualify for, and sing in, the All-Region choir, or students who make
a Division I, II, or III at the UIL State Solo & Ensemble Contest automatically qualify for a letter jacket, no matter what their
grade-level. See Mr. Peppard for details.
This policy is subject to change. Any changes will be announced, and posted in the classroom.
Vocal Check-Up for District Choir and/or UIL Solo & Ensemble. Students who wish to audition for District Choir or the UIL
Solo contest may have to participate in a vocal check-up to make sure they are ready for these competitions.
The Red &White Revue.
 Upper classmen will meet with Mr. Peppard on Monday, November 16, after school to make plans for the show.
 Upper classmen will submit a final, general plan/theme for the show to Mr. Peppard by December 1, 2015.
 Mr. Peppard and the upper classmen will appoint a costume coordinator, who will plan costume requirements under Mr.
Peppard’s direction. The costume coordinator may choose students to assist him/her. Initial costume designs/plans are due to
Mr. Peppard by February 29; final costume plans are due by March 4.
 A lead choreographer will be appointed to design choreography. This student will ask for assistance from other students as
needed, but will have the final say about choreography as Mr. Peppard approves. Students who have special dance parts
must attend all practices; unexcused absence will result in special dancers being cut from that particular dance.
 All students will begin submitting song ideas/requests beginning on February 8. All songs must be connected to the theme of
the show. Students must turn in a song title AND the lyrics for approval by Mr. Peppard. Mr. Peppard will begin ordering
choir music after this date.
 Auditions for performers will begin on February 22 and completed by February 29. The names of the approved performers
and their songs will be given to the upper classmen on March 1.
 Upper classmen MUST have a final script/detailed plan—typed—submitted to Mr. Peppard by March 11. This is a group
project for upper classmen, and will count as a test grade. Mr. Peppard and upper classmen will edit/revise the script as
needed. Failure to meet this deadline will result in Mr. Peppard taking the role as the show coordinator, and he alone will
assign roles/ etc.
Classroom Management Plan. We have classroom rules because I care about you as students very much, and I want you to
understand what is clearly expected of you. Basically, there are rules for 2 reasons (1) So students can learn, and (2) So the teacher
can teach. Behavior expectations will be shared with all students during classtime.
Choir Materials Use Contract. The Choir Class requires the use of school-owned property (music, uniforms, etc). in the classroom.
Students are expected to treat this property with care. Expectations for the treatment of school property will be clearly communicated.
Students who accidentally or intentionally damage school property will be responsible to pay for the cost of replacement or repair. In
light of this, students and parents are required to sign the form below or students may not allowed to receive choir materials.
Fundraising Debt Notice. Students who still owe money to the choir program (from either Seale Jr. High or RHS) will not be
allowed to participate in new fundraisers until these debts are paid.
Choir Uniforms. Choir uniforms will consist of a choir gown (for girls), a tuxedo (for boys), and a t-shirt (for all). Choir uniforms
will be sent home, and returned after UIL Contest in April. The T-shirts must be purchased, and will be worn to field trips, etc. as
required. T-shirts may also be worn to school. Shirts that are lost will be available for purchase on a first-come, first-serve basis.
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RHS Choir Calendar 2015-16
Aug 10-12, 2015
Choir Camp (required of those who want to compete in District/Region)
Sat, Sept 26, 2015
Choir District Audtions -Tuloso-Midway HS
Tues, Oct 6, 2015
RHS & Seale Choirs' 2015 Homecoming Choir Concert, RHS Auditorium-REQUIRED
Thurs, Oct 8, 2015
Homecoming Parade, Robstown
Fri, Oct 16, 2015
RHS Choirs Karoke & Lip Sync Fun Night-RHS Auditorium
Sat, Nov 7, 2015
High SchoolChoir Region-Pre Area Audition-Flour Bluff HS
Fri, Nov 13, 2015
Deadline to Choose UIL Solo
Sat, Nov 14, 2015
High School & Jr. High Choir Region Clinic & Concert-Rockport Fulton ISD
Mon, Nov 16, 2015
Upper classmen meet with Mr. Peppard after school about Red & White Revue
Tues, Dec 1, 2015
Upper classmen turn in a plan/theme for the Red & White Revue
Thurs, Dec 17, 2015 RHS Choirs Christmas Concert-REQUIRED-RHS Auditorium
Sat, Jan 9, 2016
Choir Area Auditions-Rockport-Fulton HS
Sat, Feb 6, 2016
Choir Solo & Ensemble-Texas A&M Kingsville
Mon, Feb 8, 2016
Singers begin to submit song ideas for the Red & White Revue
Mon Feb 22-Fri Feb 26 Auditions for the Red & White Revue
Feb, 2016 (TBA)
Recruiting Trips to Ortiz Intermediate-REQUIRED
Mon, Feb 29, 2016
Initial costume plans for Red & White Revue due to Mr. Peppard
Fri, Mar 4, 2016
Final costume plans for the Red & White Revue due to Mr. Peppard
Fri, Mar 11, 2016
Typed copy of Red & White Revue Script due to Mr. Peppard
Tues,Mar 29, 2016
RHS Choirs Pre-UIL Concert-REQUIRED-RHS Auditorium
Wed-Thurs,April 6-7, 2016
RHS Choirs UIL Contest-REQUIRED Treble Choir-Flour Bluff HS
Mon, May 16, 2016
RHS Choir Red & White Revue Dress -Rehearsal RHS Auditorium-REQUIRED
Tues, May 17, 2016
RHS Choir Red &White Revue Performance- RHS Auditorium-REQUIRED
Sat, May 28, 2016
UIL Music State Solo & Ensemble Contest Austin-Pflugerville
Fri-Sun,*June 10,11,12 RHS Out-of-Town Trip-*Pending Approval
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Receipt of Choir Handbook
I have read and understand this handbook.. I also agree to abide by all classroom and school rules. I understand that I
must return this form with my parent’s signature, and that this form is worth 2 bonus grades (due by Friday, August 28,
2015.) Please return this form to insure you will be issued all necessary learning materials, uniforms, etc, in a
timely manner.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Cell phone #____________________________
*Cell Phone Carrier (company)______________
Work phone #____________________________
*Cell Phone carrier needed to add you to our Choir Charms Music Student System so you can receive text messages.
YOU! M. Peppard, Music Teacher