Applied Music-Guitar Class 2015-2016 Syllabus/Course Outline

Applied Music-Guitar Class 2015-2016
Syllabus/Course Outline
Course Description: The Applied Music-Guitar Class is designed to teach students the basic skills needed to
play the guitar. Students will begin with a study of the basic elements of music notation, and then apply this
knowledge to the study of guitar, including music composition. Students will be taught using two approaches:
one based upon classical guitar, and one based upon chords. Students will further develop higher-order thinking
skills which are vital to passing the EOC tests and for being successful in 21st Century society. The final project
for each semester will be a musical work composed and performed by the students. Also, students will be
required to perform as a group on your guitar at the RHS Christmas Concert on Thursday, December
17, 2015. This is a formal concert, so students will be asked to wear black pants/skirts and a white shirt
(no t-shirts…button-up white shirts/blouses are preferred…white polo shirts are also acceptable. This
performance will count as a test grade; unexcused absences will result in a zero. The make-up
assignment will be a solo performance for your parents/guardians/ another RHS teacher (other than
myself) after school.
Textbook: Mel Bay’s Guitar Class Method, Modern Guitar Method, and Modern Guitar Studies Grade 1.
Materials: Pen or pencil, notebook paper as needed
Prerequisites: The only prerequisite is the ability to develop the fine-motor skills needed to play the guitar.
Also…short (very short) fingernails are required for students to be able to correctly play the guitar chords and produce a
quality sound. Students with long fingernails will need to cut them immediately; students with acrylic nails will need to
have them removed immediately. Students who are unwilling or unable to meet this requirement should immediately
seek a schedule change. **Students will be allowed to have long nails for the Junior-Senior Prom; students will be
allowed to wear the long nails for 2 weeks following the Prom, after which their grade will suffer due to the poor
performance that will result from having long fingernails.
Course Outline:
Course introduction / development of behavior expectations II. The “EZ” G chord, D7
The C, Em, and Am chords IV. Note-Reading on Strings 1 & 2
Other chords and new strumming patterns V. Note-Reading on Strings 1,2,3
The G, C, D7, Em, and Am chords. VII. The E, A, and B7 Chords.
Attendance: Since students will be practicing daily in class, consistent, daily attendance will important for
students to maintain their progress and thus their grade in the class. Make-up work will be assigned according
to district policy. Students who are absent should bring a written excuse from home and present to the
attendance clerk in the front office, who will give the student an absence slip. The student should then
present the absence slip to each teacher in each class.
Grading Policy:
1. Daily grades will consist of both written work and performance quizzes, and will count 40% of the Sixweek’s average. Student progress will be based upon successful mastery of material. Mastery also
includes producing a clear, proper tone on both chords and notes performed.
2. Written and performance tests will count as 60% of the Six Week’s average.
3. The end of semester composition will count as two test grades.
4. Make up work is offered for excused absences (students must have a written excuse from the front
office.) Make-up work should be requested when you return with your excuse.
5. Tutoring is available to all students. Tutoring must be scheduled since the director teaches at Seale JH
in the afternoons.
6. Extra credit will be awarded for students who attend Fine Arts performances (Band, Choir, and Drama).
This extra credit will be awarded for formal concerts / presentations only (not, for example, for
rehearsals or for the half-time marching show).
Classroom Management Plan. We have classroom rules for 2 reasons (1) So students can learn, and (2) So
the teacher can teach. Behavior expectations will be shared with students in the classroom.
Instrument Use Contract. The Applied Music-Guitar Class requires the use of school-owned instruments in
the classroom. Students are expected to treat these instruments with care. Students will be taught how to
properly play and care for the instruments. Students who accidentally or intentionally damage an instrument
will be responsible to pay for the cost of replacement or repair. In light of this, students and parents are
required to sign the form below. The form must be returned by Tuesday, September 1, 2016, in order for
students to be allowed to continue playing the instrument (worth a daily grade; worth a 105 if returned
by August 26!)
--------------- ---------------------------------------------  cut & return
Please initial each blank below to indicate that you understand and agree to abide by the classroom policies:
(please initial)____
I understand the prerequisites, and I agree to keep my fingernails short for this class as
mentioned above.
please initial)____ I will do my best to maintain good attendance at school.
please initial)____I understand the grading policy and the instrument use contract.
please initial)____I agree to follow all classroom and school rules.
please initial)____I understand that I must perform with my guitar class at the RHS Christmas Concert on
Thursday, December 10, and that this performance counts as a test grade.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Cell phone #____________________________
*Cell Phone Carrier (company)______________
Work phone #____________________________
*Cell Phone carrier needed to add parents to our Choir Charms Music Student System in order to receive text messages.
YOU! M. Peppard, Music Teacher