1. Advisors now have the option to have group meetings with students. Once a semester advisors can select whether to allow group meetings. Figure 1.1 shows the group option update. Figure 1.1 2. If an advisor allows the option for group meetings they will see Figure 2.1 when they set their available times. For each appointment an advisor can select the max number of students to allow at each appointment. Figure 2.1 3. Students are now given the option to enter a phone number and a reason for wanting to meet with an advisor. Students are not required to enter the information. If a student inputs the information then it will show in the email that an advisor is sent when a student schedules and appointment. The phone number option was added in case an advisor needed to make a last minute cancellation and needed to contact the student. Figure 3.1 shows the student view when they schedule an appointment. Figure 3.1