Report to Faculty Senate
Elizabeth Protas
School of Health Professions
July 14, 2014
The Department of Nutrition and Metabolism admitted their first group of masters’ students.
The Physician Assistant Studies Program had 90 students at their June 30th orientation.
Kenneth Ottenbacher, Rehabilitation Sciences, was elected as a fellow of the
Gerontological Society of America.
James Graham, Rehabilitation Sciences, received notice of award from the NIH for his grant “Archiving
Four Datasets from the Longitudinal Hispanic EPESE Study”.
Rebecca Galloway, Steve Fisher, Ken Ottenbacher, Betty Protas and Elena Volpi (PI) were awarded a
grant for “Preventing Serious Injuries from Falls in the Elderly”.
Thanks to Dr. John Papaconstantinou, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for
a successful four part series on “The Hallmarks of Aging”. Faculty and staff from all four schools
participated in these weekly lectures.
Jill Seale, Physical Therapy, led a seminar at the recent APTA Conference. Three faculty also had poster
presentations at this conference.
Three of our SHP faculty were among the top 50 highest funded investigators at UTMB.
The School had a very successful review in April and has received the final report which is under review.
We welcome Chris Fry and Shay Robertson to the Department of Nutrition and Metabolism.