37190 >> Chris Hawblitzel: All right. So welcome to... Microsoft Research talks. It's my pleasure to welcome Baris...

>> Chris Hawblitzel: All right. So welcome to this afternoon edition of
Microsoft Research talks. It's my pleasure to welcome Baris Kasikci from -he's just gotten his Ph.D. from EPFL, advised by George Candea. He's
published on a variety of topics in a variety of places, including SOSP,
ASPLOS, TOPLAS, HADDARAS. And today he'll be talking about one of his most
recent projects on stamping out concurrency bugs.
>> Baris Kasikci: Thanks a lot, Chris. Well, thanks for coming everyone.
I'm really happy to be here again. Seeing familiar faces. Okay. So again,
just like he said, this talk is going to be about getting rid of concurrency
bugs, and I guess it's no surprise to this crowd that bugs are a big part of
software development. And just to give you an idea of how big a part they
are, though, I'll provide you some numbers. So now, roughly, 35 percent of
all the IT expenditures this past year went into quality assurance. So this
is activities like testing, debugging, and fixing of software. Right? And
according to some projections, this number is expected to rise all the way up
to 50 percent by 2018, potentially. And -- what's that?
Why should it go up?
>> Baris Kasikci: Why should it go up?
creeping in the software. Yeah.
Because I guess more bugs are
[Indiscernible] creeping in for the [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci: Many systems are becoming more complicated, so the bugs
are also more complicated.
[Indiscernible] ask a question on the early slides.
>> Baris Kasikci:
It's okay.
You can ask them.
I have a question about the previous slide.
>> Baris Kasikci: And so because quality assurance is so costly, the
operators basically end up having less time and resources for essentially
building cool new features which is a major problem. Right? And now, one
particularly challenging and notorious type of bugs is concurrency bugs. So
concurrent programs are one in which multiple threads of execution
communicates your resources such as memory, then it's great if you can write
correct concurrent software. Because then your code can actually run faster
on parallel hardware and then you take advantage of this. But it's subtle to
manage these interactions, shared resources, and people and the, you know,
making mistakes such as data races, [indiscernible] violations and
[indiscernible] locks. And these are concurrency bugs. Right? These bugs
have caused losses to human lives, material losses, security vulnerabilities.
Not just that, compared to other type of bugs, they're known to be more
time-consuming. So they're hard to reproduce and it may take days or even up
to weeks to properly craft a fix for such bugs. And all these extra
challenges I believe at least that make concurrency bugs scientifically
compelling problem to tackle. And to better grasp the ordeal that these bugs
have become, especially over the past ten years, I'll give a quick historical
recap of, you know, how this happened and, you know, this graph, familiar
graph, the transistor count trends over the past 40 years, now, you know,
it's otherwise known as Moore's law will be able to pack twice the number of
processors into processors, right? [Indiscernible] the number of transistors
into processors roughly over 18 months, right? And this trend went on while
all the way until early 2000s. All the while, processors had a single core
in them. And then after the early 2000s, due to various physical
constraints, processor designers had to increase core counts in order to keep
reaping the benefits of Moore's law. And this was great. It worked. People
called it the multicore revolution, right? My phone has two cores. I'm sure
you have better phones out there with four cores or 8 cores. And this was
all great, but the problem was that this shift happened rather rapidly. And
so there were only a few people writing code for such parallel architectures.
So just people writing code for multiprocessor systems or people writing code
for supercomputers but all of us, there were a lot of developers writing code
for such parallel architectures. And they weren't necessarily well trained
to write correct concurrent software that would leverage this parallel
hardware. And ultimately, unwittingly, they introduced concurrency bugs in
their programs. Now, I want to come back to one particular aspect of the
previous graph, namely the core count trends and focus on this, you know,
this trend, you know, this rapid rise after the early 2000s in core counts.
So what I did is I went ahead and asked Google Scholar how the number of
papers that mentioned concurrency bugs in their titles, at least, varied over
the years and superimposed this information on to the core counts graph.
>> Baris Kasikci: And perhaps not surprisingly, after the early 2000s, after
this shift to multicore architectures, there's been a clear surge in the
number of techniques that at least mention these bugs, right? Now, this is
in some sense a fortunate situation in that -- yeah, go ahead.
>> Are there space limitations with all cores as well as the number of
concurrency papers?
>> Baris Kasikci:
More [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci:
Space limitations?
What do you mean?
Anyway, go on.
I mean, basically --
>> Baris Kasikci: Basically, what I mean, I think what this basically shows
is that people, I mean, academia have placed too grave an interest in the
growing real world problem as evidenced just by the paper count. And so just
to give you some examples of how, for instance, concurrency bugs can
compromise system security, I listed a couple of exploits that actually used
concurrency bugs in order to craft the attacks in popular software such as
Linux kernel and the Apache web server. And these attacks can allow an
attacker to execute code, leak data, you know, gain arbitrary privileges over
the program. But of course the other types of bugs cause security
vulnerabilities, right? It's not just concurrency bugs. But it turns out
that existing defenses against attacks may actually fail if attackers use
concurrency bugs in order to craft their exploits, and which is again why I
believe it's another example of why it is scientifically compelling to tackle
these bugs. Now, having identified this increasingly growing problem of
concurrency bugs in my dissertation, I build techniques in order to identify
and fix concurrency bugs. And the approach that I took is one in which I
studied real systems. I identified the issues that developers face. I then
designed techniques that actually solved these issues. And the key theme
that reoccurs when I designed these techniques is this hybrid static-dynamic
program analysis approach. Now, the reason why this hybrid approach is
powerful is because it is generally possible to build static analyses that
don't have any runtime performance overhead, right, because they're going to
run offline so they don't impose any slowdown on the program. But they're
generally inaccurate static analysis because they don't have access to actual
execution context of an executing program. And dynamic analysis, it's the
contrary, right? Because they have access to actual execution context. They
can be accurate about the results that they provide. But because they are
monitoring real execution events, they can slow down the program. And it
turns out that a carefully crafted mix of static and dynamic approaches can
be both efficient and accurate. And I'll give you an example of how this can
be done actually, a detailed example during the talk. Now, having designed
these techniques, I then build actual systems that solve these problems in
the real world. And while I'm building these systems, I follow 33 guiding
principles. The first guiding principle is that of striving for low
overhead. As we'll see in a moment, most of the techniques I designed are
geared towards usage in production, so in this -- in deployed system. And
therefore, efficiency requirements are a prime design constraint. The second
goal that I strive for is high accuracy. So providing correct results to
developers. We don't want to build inaccurate tools because developers will
then just go on a wild goose chase and then lose time and ultimately end up
not using these tools. And finally, I try to make the tools that I build
rely on commodity hardware so that developers can quickly pick them up and
start using them right away. So it makes things more practical for them.
>> You're designing a bug [indiscernible].
you would need to deploy it in production.
It's not immediately obvious why
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah. So you don't need to deploy it in production.
all the things I'll present can be used in house, but it turns out that
dealing with in production bugs makes the problem more interesting and
challenging, and that's particularly why I targeted that class of bugs.
It certainly makes it more challenging.
>> I guess the interesting question is could you have done a better job of
bug finding if you sacrificed overhead and production in exchange for the
developer trying to ->> Baris Kasikci: Yes. What you can do is you can sacrifice this
requirement and bring all these tools in house and do more analysis. And
these are strictly complimentary to each other. Where we could have done a
better job? It's hard to say what we mean by better. Maybe you can find
more bugs, but it's unclear whether those bugs are really in corner cases in
deep down, you know, hard to find bugs versus, you know, really shell out
things that you could have, you know, avoided by, let's say, proper
programming practices.
>> Proper programming practices [indiscernible] all bugs if you take that
>> Baris Kasikci:
Sure, sure.
But in the real world, aside from like Chris, that doesn't happen.
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah. I mean, it really depends, right? So typically
bugs that occur once in every blue moon in a production deployment are just
hard to track and these techniques, you know, they're -- once you actually
modify these parameters, you can make them applicable in house pretty easily
actually. Yes?
>> Just one comment. When you say corner bugs, when you talk about
security, it's really those are corner case bugs because security
>> Baris Kasikci:
So there's no difference whether [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci: That is true in that case.
That's correct, yeah. Yeah?
[Indiscernible] in accuracy?
>> Baris Kasikci:
Oh, how much we cover?
It becomes rare in both cases.
>> Baris Kasikci:
In accuracy, we mainly target false positives.
So it's not a goal.
>> Baris Kasikci: No. It's not a goal. Yeah. It's not about detecting
more bugs, but it's about being practical and finding bugs that hit actually
developers or users. All right. So yeah. Again, so these guiding
principles, I'll actually connect back to them when I'm talking in detail
about various aspects of my dissertation work. So, you know, using the
aforementioned approach, basically, my dissertation, I built techniques for
detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of primarily concurrency
bugs. And these three steps are actually essential to finding and fixing
bugs in practice. Detection, you need to detect bugs to be able to fix them
generally. But really, more often than not, you need to identify as a
developer the precise conditions that led to a failure associated with a bug.
That's what we do in debugging and that's what root cause diagnosis is about.
And sometimes there's just a lot of bugs. You cannot deal with all of them,
so you need to classify them according to their severity or potential
severity to address the really pressing ones first. Now, again, as I just
said a while ago, you know, these techniques, you can use them in house, but
I primarily target a setup where we can actually use these, most of these
techniques in production and when you target in-production systems, this
increases complexity because you need to now design efficient techniques to
not hurt user experience. And to do so, I also built infrastructure for
efficient runtime monitoring, which enables some of these techniques to be
usable in production. All right. So at this point, I'd like to give brief
overviews of the various components of my dissertation work. And what I'll
do is I'll give -- I'll explain the use cases that these techniques target
and also highlight key result that does we obtained using the associated
systems that we've built for these techniques. And for that, I'll start with
detection and in the case of detection, we targeted one of the nastiest type
of bugs, namely data races, which are unsynchronized accesses to shared
variables from multiple threads. Now, data races are forbidden by certain
language standards for certain system standards as well, and not just that,
but they're also known to cause other types of concurrency bugs like
[indiscernible] violations or even deadlocks. Now, the input to this
detection system is the program itself and the use case is one in which users
run their programs in production all the while this detection system is
detecting data races that essentially impact them. And the key result for
the system is that it has very low performance overhead of only around
2.5 percent on average, which is orders of magnitude that are then with prior
work achieved. Now, detecting bugs is useful but as I mentioned a while ago,
you know, developers typically want to identify inputs to threat schedules,
the right control flow that led to the failure associated with a bug. And
traditionally this is done through reproducing the bug in a debugger. And
identifying the root cause of the failure. And this may actually not always
be possible, especially for bugs that occur in production. Our work
[indiscernible] diagnosis automates this detective work, this detective work
that the developer essentially needs to go through. And just like the
previous detection scheme, this technique is also geared towards in
production usage. So the input to this technique is the failure report and
the source code of the program and then the output is a representation that
conveys the root cause of the failure to developers. The key result for this
technique is that it is fully accurate. And what I mean by accuracy in this
case is that it allows developers to seamlessly diagnosis root causes of real
bugs in real world programs. And I'll talk more about this in detail. Now,
it's good to perform detection and root cause diagnosis, but sometimes the
sheer number of bugs is overwhelming. Right? So developers need to
prioritize them for fixing them. And this technique in particular classifies
data races according to their consequences. However, it targets a different
use case in that it is geared towards in house usage because it relies on
heavy program analysis that is not well suited for an in production
deployment. Now, the input to this system is a list of data races. That
could have been, you know, basic data races that could have been previous
detected using this in product data race detection system or a third party
data race detector. And the output is again a list of data races that are
ranked according to their potential severity. So you can think of a data
race as having a tag that says this data race is going to potentially cause a
hang. In other data race, there is a tag that says this data race is going
to potentially cause a crash. Now, the key result, again, for this technique
is that it achieves almost perfect accuracy. Yes?
>> Baris Kasikci: So we do have some modular sources of false negatives
because the technique we use is a mix of static and dynamic analysis again
and when ->>
The coverage program you're talking about or --
>> Baris Kasikci:
That would --
>> [Indiscernible] because the [indiscernible] does not have all the
>> Baris Kasikci: Both. So we have two sources of false negatives. Both
because we make some assumptions and static analysis, and second, you know,
you don't have all the coverage needed, right? And so you can complement it
with in house testing actually to increase the coverage basically.
>> Is a lot of the moderations was finding how they can exploit these bugs
>> Baris Kasikci: So for security actually, so I'm going to [indiscernible]
future work, we're extending our work on diagnosis and security is a
particular problem because you don't necessarily have an Oracle that will
tell you that you have like a security breach or anything like that. So you
need to take a different approach. In this line of work that I'm going to
talk about today, we're mostly targeting things that have some observable
behavior through which you can tell that, you know, something went wrong. So
that's a distinction.
>> Baris Kasikci:
But yeah, I'll get to that towards the end of the
What's that?
What language?
>> Baris Kasikci: So language doesn't matter in the sense that -- so we -anything we can compile down to LVMIR because most of the static analysis we
use actually operates on LVMIR, so it basically, that's the answer. So
language is that you can compile to LVMIR would be plausible to these. But
for in practice, we looked at C and C++. You could do other things as well.
Cool. All right. So again, finally, I'd like to remind that the root -- the
detection and root cause diagnosis techniques that I mentioned are intended
for software running in production. So to enable them to be performed
efficiently, I built some dynamic instrumentation techniques that actually
track execution information and a low overhead manager. And a key result
again for this technique is that it can actually, for broad range of real
world programs, it can do runtime tracking with fairly low overhead. Yes?
You said it's up to six percent of the dynamic tracking?
>> Baris Kasikci:
Is it 2.5 percent for the detection?
>> Baris Kasikci: For detection. Yes, for tracking, so in that particular
case, I'm actually going to talk just the next slide about this particular
thing. This is actually work I have done at Microsoft Research when I was
interning here. And this particular case, we were seeing this for managed
code. This outlier here [indiscernible]. Okay. So basically, at this
point, I want to emphasize some practicality aspects of my work. And in
particular, over this past summer while I was interning at Intel, I
integrated the root cause diagnosis technique that I'm going to talk about in
detail to their internal tool chain. And this integration is still being
maintained and we're actually currently working with Intel to release that
integration as open source. So hopefully that will happen soon. And back in
2013 when I was working at MSR, I used this efficient runtime monitoring
infrastructure I designed to build a code coverage tool for Windows. And
this code coverage tool was quite efficient in that with our tests with all
Windows 8 system binaries, about 700 binaries, we've seen overheads between 1
to 6 percent. And thanks to these advantages at least after I left, I know
that this project was still being maintained within the tools for software
>> Baris Kasikci:
Yes, yeah.
It's the LCC.
>> Baris Kasikci:
Yes, yeah.
[Indiscernible] processor trace?
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes, yes. Exactly. All right. Again, coming back to
this overview of my dissertation work, again, I'm going to delve into details
of my root cause diagnosis work and primarily focus on concurrency bugs.
Although this approach is more general in that it can target other types of
bugs in sequential programs in the context of today's talk I'm going to focus
on concurrency bugs. This technique is called Gist's because it conveys the
gists of the failure to developers, which is the root cause. And when
describing Gist, I'll first give you a background and overview for Gist.
I'll then give details of the design of Gist and I'll finally present and
evaluation results that we obtained when applying Gist to real world systems.
All right. But yeah, before I delve into describing Gist, I would like to
say that root cause diagnosis of software failures in general and in
particular for failures that occur due to concurrency bugs is a
scientifically hard problem for several key reasons. Now, in particular,
root cause diagnosis requires gathering significant execution information
from program which harms efficiencies. So there's an efficiency challenge.
The second challenge is that of accuracy. So we don't want to provide
developers false positives or false negatives. So in the case of root cause
diagnosis, false positives would mean pointing developers to wrong root
causes and false negatives would mean just all together missing the root
causes of certain failures. And finally, targeting in production bugs
aggravates the efficiency challenge because of the stringent requirements on
performance for in production software but another challenge is that it may
actually not be possible to reproduce the did you goes that recur in
production in a testing setup. So this is an added challenge that comes with
targeted in production bugs. Now, there's a significant body of related work
that dealt with the various aspects of root cause diagnosis of software
failures that ranges all the way from collaborative approaches to approaches
that use test cases to reproduce the failures in order to isolate their root
causes. There are other approaches that record replay and runtime checkpoint
to perform root cause diagnosis. There are approaches that rely on hardware
support to do root cause diagnosis. And we do really build upon all this
prior work for our work. Although it's worth mentioning the assumptions that
prior work make for performant root cause diagnosis. Now, some prior work
makes the assumption that there's access to a non-commodity hardware or some
sort of state checkpointing infrastructure for performing root cause
diagnosis. Which may not necessarily be the case. More critically, some of
the prior work actually relies on the premise that there is actually a means
to reproduce failures in order to perform this root cause diagnosis task.
Which may also not be the case. Right? Now, pretty much all prior work
makes the assumption that there is an observable means to detect failures,
right, in the form of, let's say, a crash or a hang let's say that is
reported by a user. Now, in our work, we revise these assumptions to target
our use case of in production root cause diagnosis of in production failures
and in particular, what Gist does is it makes the assumption that there's an
observable means for it to detect failures. Now, when I'll talk about future
work and that will actually relate back to the security question you came up
with, I will connect back to these -- I'll come back to this assumption and
suggest for -- suggest ways in which we can deal with the limitations
actually that arise from this assumption. Now, the key component of the
design of Gist is a hybrid static dynamic program analysis approach.
Essentially a heavy weight in house static analysis is an enabler for
subsequent dynamic analysis and it's really the synergy between static and
dynamic analysis that allows Gist to perform efficient and accurate root
cause diagnosis. Now, to give an overview of Gist I'll first talk about the
software usage model today and basically what happens is developers develop
some program and users run this program either on their laptops or on their
mobile devices or in the cloud in a datacenter. At the end of the day, we
can consider these as endpoints for users around these programs. I'm sure
some of you are familiar with this -- these old occasional error message in
Windows systems. Other systems also have similar error reporting
infrastructures of course. Mac OSX has their own. IOS has, Linux variants
also have similar reporting infrastructures. And if you click on some error
report after a failure, the systems on which this software is running will
actually shift certain information back to developers like a memory down pour
in some cases logs and then developers can then go through this information
to debug and fix to understand the problem to debug it, to fix it, and
improve the quality of their software essentially. And as mentioned
previously, debugging is typically done in an iterative way. Right? So
developers reproduce failures to find their root accuse and fix them. And
just to tell you in the context of this talk, when I'm talking about a root
cause, I'm talking about a statistical notion of root cause. So events that
are primarily correlated with the occurrences of failures are root causes for
our purposes. Now, this practical definition, it turns out, is useful in
practice for real world programs and real wonder bugs. But we essentially
rely on correlation to define causation and, you know, that's a long
discussion we can have offline if you want. But it's an interesting one.
I'll just like to point that up front.
Across users?
>> Baris Kasikci:
What's that?
This is across users?
>> Baris Kasikci: Across users. So [indiscernible] multiple users to have
some statistical inference, exactly.
>> [Indiscernible] beginning of your talk, we could conclude that the
increase in the output of paper [indiscernible] caused more force to happen
so you do have to be careful with --
>> Baris Kasikci: So it is not -- it is not just a straightforward
correlation. There is more information retrieval techniques that we use in
some sense. It's not a straightforward, you know, this happened, so this -it's more like computing precision recall ranking events, so on, so forth.
So it's not that simplistic in that regard. Yeah?
>> I just want to understand your assumption in the previous slide you
mentioned you said failures can be detected.
>> Baris Kasikci:
Failure here is programmed crash?
>> Baris Kasikci:
Not [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci: Well, if the specification violation is encoded in let's
say as an assertion or something like that, or a post condition that you're
checking, yes, that would also be -- there needs to be like the system needs
to be automatically tell you basically. That's the -- you need a trigger
that will tell you there's a failure. All right. So basically, yeah, again,
finding the root causes of failures may actually be impossible if you're not
able to reproduce them. And Gist precisely attacks this problem. It is a
technique that automates this difficult debugging process by creating what we
call failure sketches. Now, informally, failure sketches are representations
that convey the root cause to developers and I'll get into a more precise
definition just in a little bit. But essentially, you can think of failure
sketches as, you know, you just stare at them and hopefully it will point you
to the root cause of the failures. And I guess without further ado, let me
show you what a failure sketch looks like. And aside from formatting, this
is the output that you would get from Gist. This is a failure sketch for a
real bug. Now, in this representation, time flows downward and the steps in
an execution are enumerated along that flow of time. Failure sketch shows
statements from two different threads that affect the failure and their order
of execution with respect to the enumerated steps. And perhaps we can look
at this representation and tell me what is the bug in this program.
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah, I mean, even if it's not obvious, even if it's not
obvious actually. So failure sketch will actually give you more information.
Basically what these boxes and this arrow says that primarily in failing
executions, the mutex -- the free statement on the mutex is executed before
the mutex unlock statement. And maybe now we can look at it again and tell
me how you would actually fix this bug. There are multiple ways.
[Indiscernible] on the rest of what you're doing.
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah. Depends on semantics. One idea, like one
straightforward idea, maybe you can give me one. Yeah. I guess I know
what ->>
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah, that is one thing. So you need to enforce some
ordering, right? Basically. I guess hopefully it is clear, but basically
these differences that are shown on the failure sketch according to our
evaluation point to the root causes of failures. So we actually were able to
validate this by looking at the patches that developers came up with. In
this take example, in this particular example, basically what developers did
was they actually waited for threat to the join thread one before releasing
the mutex. Right? That's one way of fixing things. But it took them four
months to fix this bug. Now, I'm not saying that they just sat in front of
their computer and debugged this for four months and then at the end of the
four months, they came up with a bug fix for this particular bug. I'm just
saying that if they had access to this representation, it would have just
taken them much shorter to get rid of this bug. That's what I'm saying.
>> [Indiscernible] four months because they had three months and 30 days'
worth of other bugs that they fixed first.
>> Baris Kasikci: That is also -- that is also possible. But I guess if
they had better insight into what the root cause of a bug was, then they
could use that in prioritizing their effort as well. Right? Because if they
knew fixing something, it's like answering e-mail. If you know it will take
you ten seconds to answer the e-mail, you would ->>
[Indiscernible] both by affect and by cost.
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> If the crash actually happens in the mutex unlock, then I would say
[indiscernible] by developers not that hard. I know that [indiscernible] is
wrong [indiscernible] ->> Baris Kasikci:
>> Baris Kasikci:
Somebody wants to change it.
Yes, yes.
>> Baris Kasikci:
Yeah, yeah, you're right.
>> I mean, the hard one is [indiscernible] was a chance to crop some memory
that other crashes somewhere else.
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> You called free, so what happened is the thing got put back in the free
list and then maybe somebody allocated ->> Baris Kasikci:
Somebody else allocated --
[Indiscernible], but here, you say the crash actually happened.
>> Baris Kasikci: Sure, sure. This is -- this is just an example.
an illustration. We target more complicated types of ->>
This is
[Indiscernible] in four months, [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah, yeah. Even this took four months. Typically, the
way you would debug this, you would see the crash. Normally, what I would
do, I would put the hardware watch point that that address tried to figure
out, put display somewhere. Who else is changing this in the code? I don't
know the code base -- if I know the code base, I can just go and fix it.
>> The challenges are [indiscernible] and to make sure my change actually
fixed the bug.
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes. So that's the thing. You may not necessarily be
able repro this right, and so that's the good thing. You can try to repro it
on your own setup. It may not work. So these are strictly complimentary
efforts. You do this in your own testing setup. We try to repro. It works.
Then you fix it. It's good for you. If it doesn't work, you have this
representation that incrementally makes itself better so that you can, you
know, use it in your debugging effort. But that's a good point. Yeah.
Quick question.
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> Just to clarify, so you will catch bugs that cause these maladies like
crashes, but what if the program does not crash but produces an incorrect
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes. Yes. That's a good point. So we don't target this
in our prototype. But what you can do and what is conceivable is that you
can define custom failure modes basically. You need the means to actually
tell the system that there is let's say an inconsistency in memory layout or
you do a check on your files or every now and then to say that something has
gone wrong. This is the assumption that we have. We rely on this. So if
there's just a corruption and there's no way of checking that, we don't
handle that case. So that's a limitation that arises from the assumption
that I made initially. All right. So I'll begin by describing the high
level architecture of Gist. So basically, Gist has a client server
architecture so the server site does static analysis and the client side's
dynamic analysis. So the server site takes this, input the failure report,
so this could be the core dump stack trace, the instruction pointer of the
failing instruction and it also takes the program source code. And it then
feeds these inputs to a static analyzer which computes a static slice based
off of these inputs. Now, I'll explain a little more in detail what the
static slice is actually composed of so you can think of it as having
statements that are related to the failing statements. Now, what then the
client side of Gist does is it uses a runtime that gathers more control flow
and data value information from programs that are executing out there in
production. By instrumenting essentially programs that are running in
production, and by taking, when doing this instrumentation, by taking into
account the static slice that the static analyzer computes. What then Gist
does is it uses these runtime traces that it gathers to refine the static
slices and in particular, in the context of our work, what I mean by
refinement is that what basically refinement will do is it will remove
certain statements from the slice that don't get executed in production and
in production runs. And it adds to the slice information such as access
orderings. And this refinement step needs to be done of course because of
the imprecise nature of static analysis that actually lacks this information
in the first place. Right? You don't have these ordering informations. I
mean, you could potentially have it, but at least the analysis that we use,
it doesn't give you this information. Now, then, finally, another server
component essentially uses the refined slices from both failing and
successful executions to determine the salient differences between them to
highlight them as root causes on the failure sketch. Now, this is the high
level design of Gist and I would like to get in a details of design of Gist
and for that, I'll start with the static analyzer in Gist. Now, static
analysis of Gist builds static backwards slices with the primary goal of
reducing subsequent dynamic tracking overhead. Now, the static backwards
slice will start from a certain statement of interest and in this case, the
statement of interest would be the statement where the failure occurs. And
it will include statements that the failing statement depends on. When we're
talking about dependencies, we're talking about both read and write
dependencies in this case. Now, because this excludes all the other
statements that the failing statement doesn't depend on, it allows subsequent
runtime tracking to be more efficient. And finally, the analysis in Gist
that we use is interprocedural. Is this is because failure sketches can
actually span function boundaries and so Gist needs to account for this fact
by looking at multiple functions and function calls among them. Now, to
better understand how static slicing works, I'll walk you through a simple
example. I'll continue using this example for explaining the rest of the
operation of Gist. Now, in the simple example, there's -- let's consider
this there's a cleanup function that prints some debug messages and then
deletes the memory allocated to the state object S. And there's a display
size function that again prints some debug messages and then displays the
size of the state object S. And of course there's other code in this
program. And in particular, code that calls these functions, but they're
irrelevant from the purposes of -- for the purpose of understanding this
example. Now, it turns out that some users observe this program to crash.
And when the lock statement in display size function exercises the size field
of S, and I'll show you how Gist will help us determine the root cause of
this failure step by step. Now, in the first step, when Gist computes the
static backwards slice, starting from the failure point, in our example, it
removes the log function calls up on entry to functions display size and
cleanup. And this is because the failing operation, namely the loading of
the size field of S is not influenced by these statements. Now, the key take
away from static analysis of Gist is that it helps following dynamic analysis
monitor fewer events than it would otherwise require monitoring. And in
conjunction with another adaptive scheme that I'll describe in just a few
slides, this static analysis essentially enables the cost of control flow
tracking to be reduced by a factor of 20. Now, Gist will remove more -- yes,
So [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci:
Of course it depends on how you model pointers --
So it seems, you know, like a huge difference.
>> Baris Kasikci: That's a good point. So basically, so they're I am say
almost three things. So you're right that where your failure occurs matters
a lot. So the way you model pointers, the way we -- the analysis that we
rely is called data structure analysis so it's somehow advanced form of
type-based alias analysis that is basically built into LLVM that allows you
to, in cases where you have a specific type, let's say, in the failing
statement, allows you to prune quite a bit of the code statically. So that's
one thing. But that doesn't always happen of course. The second thing is
knowing where to start monitoring. So you target basically, this is
essentially statically, you target a portion of the program. You compute a
static slice, and as your program enters this slice, you start monitoring,
and as it exits from that slice, you stop monitoring. So knowing where to
start makes a big difference rather than, you know, otherwise, because you
know, you would have to monitor a lot -- many more events basically
dynamically. And yeah. And the third thing is again something that I didn't
talk about. It's this adaptive approach that actually incrementally monitors
portions of the slice. So it's really that combination that brings in the 20
X overhead. Yes?
>> The example you're giving doesn't cover issues of [indiscernible] take
into account like issues that enumerate alias [indiscernible] on memory that
supposedly --
>> Baris Kasikci:
-- is unrelated to S overwrites S.
>> Baris Kasikci: That's a good point. So we don't do that. So that's an
assumption we make. So you're saying that if there's a memory error in a
function that could potentially overwrite everything else in the program, and
you can alias basically ->>
There's no type base weighing to --
>> Baris Kasikci:
Yeah. All right.
slicing ->>
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> Baris Kasikci:
So can we go back to the --
>> Baris Kasikci:
I have a question.
>> Baris Kasikci:
What's that?
I saw you have more slicing [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> Baris Kasikci:
No. No. We don't do that. That's a really good point.
So now that I explained how Gist performs static
So how do you know the S [indiscernible].
Oh, yeah.
>> Baris Kasikci: So this data structure analysis is -- you don't have a
custom alias analysis but this data structure analysis basically tells you
this global aliasing information. That's how we know.
Data structure analysis.
>> Baris Kasikci: DSA. Yes. This is Chris Lattner's thesis basically that
was left in the repository in LLVM so we had to port it all the way to recent
>> Baris Kasikci:
That one has [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci: It's not precise enough. For something like
instance, we have dynamic tracking that will fix that. But for
like Apache for instance, it's not uncommon to have a cold site
potentially 300 targets whereas in reality, we'll only have one
it is not -- it's not very accurate.
Apache, for
to have
or two. So
[Indiscernible] it's complete but not accurate.
>> Baris Kasikci: So, it is complete again modular certain things like in
line assembly and so on. So as far as I know. I don't know the details of
the internals of the DSA, which is a massive thing. But all right. So we
talked about static slicing. So I'll talk about how dynamic control flow
tracking and data value tracking that just performs using instrumentation
helps with the refinement of slices. Now, control flow tracking allows just
a perform slice refinement by essentially identifying statements that get
executed during the actual programming executions and removing from the slice
statements that don't get executed. Now, let's assume that this control flow
graph here represents the control flow in a static slice. Node are basic
blocks and edges are branches in the slice. Now what Gist does is it tracks
the control flow and refines static slice using a technology from Intel
called processor tracing. Now, in this particular example, the path
highlighted in blue happens to be the path that the program actually executed
during an actual run. Now, Intel PT has about 40 percent tracking overhead
so this is with broad versions. If you're surprised, maybe skylight is
better. So I haven't tried with skylight and this is, you know, full program
tracking overhead for a broad range of desktop and the server applications.
So Intel, they promised that this value will get better. Maybe it's already
better. But this is the result that we obtained.
[Indiscernible] much better.
>> Baris Kasikci:
It also depends on how you [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci:
It's much better?
Well, if it's ring zero and ring three, I mean --
[Indiscernible] ring three and we're only [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci: Okay. Okay.
ask later. But thing like ->>
But like was it for -- okay.
Maybe I can
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. All right. I'm curious to know
more. All right. So again, what I was going to say is, okay, 40 percent.
It may be actually acceptable for some applications. Generally not
acceptable to have this type of overhead in production. What basically Gist
does again as I mentioned, this combination of adaptive monitoring and static
analysis is essentially going to bring this overhead down. Now, coming back
to the example for which is previously computed the static slice, it -- when
Gist performs the control flow tracking, it determines that the log line that
prints the [indiscernible] of the pointer S is never executed. And this is I
guess kind of expected because when code is deployed and programs are
deployed in production, typically verbose debugging messages are disabled to
not incur overhead. Now, at this point, I'd like to emphasize the synergy
between static analysis and dynamic tracking. Right? Dynamic control flow
tracking. So static analysis removes from basically the program the things
that are not related to the failing statements and dynamic control flow
tracking removes from the slice statements that don't get executed during
actual executions. So it's this really working hand in hand. All right.
For data value tracking, just tracks values that are read and written by the
statements in the slice and for this it relies on another hardware feature,
namely watch points. Now, watch points can observe certain address in a
program and cause the CPU to track if there is a read or write access to the
variable at this address with low overhead. I mean, it's configurable. It
can be just reads, just write. It can be both. And watch points also allow
just to track the total order of statements accessing memory and augment
failure sketches with this information because the way we handle watch points
is that we handle them atomically. Now, this ordering information in turn
increases the failure sketch accuracy to help developers better reason about
bugs for which understanding the ordering makes a big difference such as
concurrency bugs. Now, coming back to our example, Gist will go ahead and
place a hardware watch point at the address of the state object S and it will
monitor the values of S as well as the order of accesses to S across multiple
threads and it will determine that in successful executions, the log line
that prints the size of the state object S executes before the lead statement
and these two have been in different threads. Now we have a notion of
threads, right? Because static analysis had this flat structure of the
program. At this point we have -- just a sec. At this point we have threads
and if the alternate order basically happens where the deletion happens
followed by dereference, it turns out that the program is failing. Yes?
>> Baris Kasikci: So yes, so that's a good point. Let's, for the sake of
this example, we can assume that somebody else allocated that page or you
have a compiler that will actually pad the values in a way that when you
dereference it, you will actually crash. In reality, this is abstracted from
a more complicated example where you have a deletion function that actually
deletes the value. It's like a destruct function that deletes the value and
sets it to null basically. Yeah. That's a good point. Yes?
>> Baris Kasikci:
I must be missing something.
What's that?
>> S is a point [indiscernible]. The contents of S don't necessarily change
at all when you do [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> Baris Kasikci:
So the -- that's what I was saying.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah, yeah. By just deleting, you can actually
dereference. That's why I was saying this is an abstraction. There is
actually a destruct function. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good point. Yeah.
>> Baris Kasikci:
Somehow it's the same S everywhere.
>> Baris Kasikci:
What's that?
It's not copies of it.
[Indiscernible] technique such as this, such as what you're describing?
>> Baris Kasikci: How -- I mean, you mean, if you -- yeah. There's a pool
and you can actually dereference the thing and if it doesn't lead to a crash
because things are allocated from a pool, yes, it could defeat, yes. Yeah.
All right. Now, Gist basically tracks control flow and data that I will use
to refine the slice, but the slice can grow to be quite large. It depends on
where the failing instruction is. In refining the entire slice at once, it
can actually impose high overheads. It's relying on efficient hardware
support. And to solve this problem, to perform refinement in an adaptive
way, increasing the larger portions of the slice and combined with static
analysis, this adaptive approach is the key insight to low performance
overhead in Gist. Now, explain how Gist tracks the control flow adaptively
but tracking of data values is also done in a similar adaptive manner. All
right. So, let's assume that the control flow graph shown on the slide is
again the control flow in a static slice. We show the basic [indiscernible]
where the failure occurs on the slide as well. And what Gist does is it
starts tracking small number of statements from the slice based on a common
observation from prior work that in most cases root causes of failures are
close to the failures themselves. Gist then builds a failure sketch using
this refined slice and continues refining increasingly larger portions of the
slice until it can provide developers a failure sketch that contains the root
cause of the failure. Now, this technique is effective because as I
mentioned, this basically empirical result shows that in most cases, root
causes are close to the failures. Now, this is still useful if this is not
the case. But it may not be as effective because Gist will potentially
require monitoring larger portions of the slice for cases where the root
cause is far away from the failure and potentially incur more runtime
performance overhead. So it's really a tradeoff basically.
Consideration is going around redeploying it [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes. Yes, yes. All right. So we saw how Gist performs
control flow and data value tracking. The refined static slices. So let's
look at how it monitoring multiple user executions to determine the key
differences among them to isolate the root causes of failures. Now, a
running example had this pattern, right, deleting of S by its reference. Can
think of a more abstract example where we have a write to S followed by a
read from two different threads in some particular order that leads to a
failure. Now, this particular failure pattern is a common failure pattern in
multithread programs. It's known as an order violation. What Gist does is
it seeks and refines slices. This order violation pattern and also other
patterns of common concurrency bugs such as atomicity violations, single
variable atomicity violations, and data races. Now, remember that Gist seeks
these patterns in failing and successful executions. [Indiscernible]
statistically determined patterns that are primarily correlated with failing
executions and highlight them as root causes on failure sketches. In our
example, Gist will go ahead and monitor multiple executions and it will
determine that indeed failing executions exhibit the same failing ordering
where successful executions do not exhibit this ordering. Now, at this
point, Gist can statistically compute that the pattern where the deletion of
the pointer S followed by it's reference is the best predictor of failure.
And it can show this as the root cause on the failure sketch which
essentially looks like this. Yes?
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> Baris Kasikci: That's one thing. Another thing is [indiscernible]. It's
not obvious which one you should track when you start the program executing.
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes, you can -- basically you can have a different address
every time literally.
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes. So you would basically, currently, the way we rely
on this is we would distribute the tracking task basically. We would
enumerate and distribute it across multiple executions. But this is -- I
mean, I wish we had better data tracing capabilities.
>> Baris Kasikci:
So that we didn't resort to --
>> Baris Kasikci:
-- hack, let's say.
>> Where do you get successful executions from? Your model is run it until
there's a crash [indiscernible] Microsoft, there's no crash, there's no bug
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes, the runtime will monitor that, you know, we have to
pass from the program counter that actually normally crashes basically. That
would cause [indiscernible] as a non-failing execution.
And [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci:
Yes, yes.
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> [Indiscernible] fundamental use of why these things have a hard time
finding deployment is privacy, right?
>> Baris Kasikci:
I'm going to --
[Indiscernible] is tough, even for [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci:
Oh, yeah.
Yes, absolutely.
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes. Yes. I know. So this is something I'm -- this is
part of -- I was going to mention is part of future work, but this is an
aspect we haven't looked at much. So ->>
There's not as much good news, right?
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> Baris Kasikci: Sure, sure. There are certain things. There are certain
ideas that when we can discuss perhaps offline. But it's about basically
treating the data as opaquely as possible, all the way providing useful
answers, basically computing hashes of paths and in some sense, you know,
using them. I have some ideas, but you know. And by no means I'm not an
expert in privacy. So it's ripe for cooperation as well. All right. So, we
discussed the design of Gist and I'll talk a little bit about how we
evaluated it and the time so we have another half an hour? Is that it? No.
[Indiscernible] you're on schedule.
>> Baris Kasikci:
We have the room for longer.
>> Baris Kasikci:
You planned for an hour.
>> Baris Kasikci:
For longer?
Some of us planned for an hour, yeah.
>> Baris Kasikci:
Oh, really?
>> Baris Kasikci: Okay. Okay. Because I thought we had like 70 minutes for
the talk, so we have ten more minutes. That's how I was planning, but okay.
Anyhow. So basically I'll then briefly talk about the evaluation. So
basically we looked at system software such as Apache, SQLite, and Memcached.
[Indiscernible] tell what these do. So I'll basically answer the questions
of whether Gist is effective and whether it is efficient. To answer the
question of whether Gist is effective, what we did is we manually analyzed
the failure sketches that Gist automatically built for 11 failures. So this
was for the paper. And basically what we figured out is that Gist identified
correctly the points, the root causes of failures which the developers ended
up removing from their programs. Another interesting result is that Gist
basically reduced average number of source statements that a develop needs to
look at before finding the root cause to seven, which is orders of magnitude
smaller than the sizes of the programs that we looked at. So Gist was useful
in that regard. So I'll quickly pass over the efficiency. Basically, the
idea here is that the more -- the larger a slice that Gist monitors
[indiscernible] monotonically, the overhead increases. And this is what this
graph shows. Now, the good news is, well, okay, I guess it depends who you
ask. But the overhead is always below five percent and these numbers have
very little variance. So this is across all executions that Gist monitored.
So it is considerable that Gist is practically deployable in production. And
we heard good news that, you know, new hardware generations have even better
performance behaviors so this going to get better hopefully. Well, to recap,
you know, Gist uses a combination of static analysis and dynamic analysis to
build failure sketches that help developers do root cause diagnosis. There's
more info on this web page such as related source code. And we're working
with Intel to release our integration to GDP essentially as open source.
turns out this is the GDP logo.
>> Baris Kasikci: I didn't know about it. All right. Say a few words about
future work and how that ties to my past work. So you mentioned privacy,
right? Some of these techniques that I built on rely on gathering execution
information from users, so I like to work on privacy preserving techniques to
still achieve good results to improve quality of software while respecting
the privacy of users. I'm extending my work on root cause diagnosis for
encompassing security vulnerabilities. So what you can think is is I think
that we'll be able to gather these path profiles for instance and build a
model of good versus bad behavior, right, using some machine learning. And
that behavior in this case would mean something like control flow hijack
attack for instance. So these are deviations from good behavior. And using
this ML approach essentially we can go back and revisit the assumption that
we made in the beginning about requiring to detect bugs to do root cause
diagnosis and potentially make just stronger, more powerful. Of course,
concurrency is present, not just in a single node level but in the
distributed system settings. So I'd like to take some ideas from my work and
apply it in that setting. And as a general theme, you know, developers face
challenges due emerging technology trends not just, you know, this trend of
single core to multicore architecture transitioning and related challenges
and so forth development. But also all sorts of emerging trends and
[indiscernible] computing devices and IoT, their programmability and security
challenges. And I'm very excited to look deeper into those challenges as
well. I like to thank a lot of people who helped me with all that work. It
was a lot of Microsoft folks. This is, you know, faculty, fellow grad
students and, you know, thanks a lot for all their help. And, you know, that
brings me to the end of my talk. So I talked about overview of my research,
delved deep into root cause diagnosis, and gave you some details, showed that
these techniques are efficient and effective and I'd like to mention as a
closing thought that I believe complexity is just going to be ever
increasing. So we'll need better tools to understand and tame this
complexity. And I think my results show that I managed to do that well for
better reasoning about concurrent programs and this brings me to the end of
my talk. I'm happy to take more questions, discuss offline. Thanks for
>> Chris Hawblitzel:
Are there any other questions?
>> So, I guess, one question comes to mind is, you know, is this strictly
for concurrency analysis?
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah. That's a good point. So the root cause diagnosis
part, I didn't talk about it, but it's not just for concurrent because we're
looking at other types of differences, other types of patterns. Just like
control flow of the program, we're just in data values. We are not looking
at invariants on data values, but we could potentially do that. So it is
applicable to other types of bugs as well. And we did evaluate it for other
types of bugs, but, you know, I wanted to talk beyond concurrency bugs
physically. Yeah. Yes?
>> So one of the pitfalls in this big finding [indiscernible]. But it's
not, right? And not only does it work, it's also the potential to create
issues down the line in every single domain, privacy, security, performance,
what have you. So any thoughts on making the potential fix a more certain
deal [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci: So that's something we debated a lot. So you identified
this root cause statistic. Potentially you can concede that you can actually
craft automatically like a synchronization that will eliminate offending
threat schedules and fix the problem, right? You can do that. It's fairly
easy to do that, but we want to be cautious and we want to just present that
as a hint to developer rather than actual fix that will be applied. Because
it becomes hard to reason about other properties in your program when you
introduce synchronization. Such as if you introduce some ordering
constraints, what happens to the rest of the program? Can you maybe -- are
you maybe introducing a deadlock to your program?
[Indiscernible] monitor that somehow.
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes. So then actually that's a really good point. So you
could deploy additional monitoring to see whether you're running into cycles
and, yeah. That's a good point. But, yeah, I think we haven't gone into,
you know, automated fixing line that much, but you know, we've considered
these things more as hints to the developer. But, yeah. That's a really
good point.
As long as you can prove --
>> Baris Kasikci:
awesome. Yeah.
If you can prove, yes.
If you can prove, that would be
>> Even if you can't prove, if you've got the data that shows that you're
fixing is crashing less often than it was [indiscernible], why not?
>> Baris Kasikci:
I guess that's true.
>> Baris Kasikci:
I was just saying, yeah, that's --
>> Baris Kasikci: So I mean, technology is speaking anyways. We don't have
the infrastructure to capture that information, right? So we're relying on a
single node monitoring infrastructure to do that. In a distributed system
setting where you have like a synchronous call, things become more tricky.
Now you have to actually ->>
>> Baris Kasikci: Yes, yes. I guess if you can track like the prominence of
the request and ordering information [indiscernible] that will be just the
new back camp to the whole system that does diagnosis. So in that case, it
will work. But I'm not sure like how easy it is to infer that type of
information, let's say, from a ->>
>> Baris Kasikci: Then you need to infer that basically dynamically. Right?
You need -- maybe you need timestamps to give you ordering information that
you can -- rather than relying on hardware support, you rely on logs. You
mine data from logs and use that. I mean, these are all interesting things.
The thing is in distributed systems, these things are trickier and is less
explored I think. So I think it's very exciting thing to look at. Yes?
>> So [indiscernible] it's a pretty old technique. And there's been a lot
of work on [indiscernible] analysis since then. And as far as I know, it
really -- there wasn't a threat of research [indiscernible]. It was sort of
like Lattner did that in '91.
>> Baris Kasikci:
>> So I'm curious about it. Is it really the best, you know, state of the
art? And if it isn't, is there something about it that made you want to use
it instead of the [indiscernible]?
>> Baris Kasikci: So to be honest, so I don't know of a better or not
better. I don't know of a technique within LLVM that gives me
interprocedural aliasing information and that does better than this ->>
Standard package other than [indiscernible].
>> Baris Kasikci:
[Indiscernible] LLVM.
>> Baris Kasikci:
For interprocedural analysis.
I bet I could find one.
There may be.
There may be, but --
The fact that you had to dust it off, someone suggested that --
>> Baris Kasikci: Yeah, yeah. [Indiscernible] talking to John Criswell, who
was one of the maintainers as well. So he's now in Rochester. So he
actually suggested me to look at that so that's --
[Indiscernible] did a lot of work recently on finer analysis.
>> Baris Kasikci:
[Indiscernible] LLVM?
[Indiscernible] my assumption.
>> Chris Hawblitzel:
Want to go ahead and thank the speaker again.