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Mike Barnett
Principal Research Software Design Engineer
Contact Info
RiSE Working Group on Program Analysis
RiSE CRX Compilers and Runtimes Working Group
Programming Languages working group (PLX)
I am a Research Software Design Engineer in the Research in Software Engineering (RiSE)
I have been with the Microsoft Corporation since July 1995. First, I was a member of the Natural
Language Processing group in Microsoft Research, moving to the Foundations of Software
Engineering group in the fall of 1999. I am now a member of the Research in Software
Engineering (RiSE) group. Before coming to Microsoft, I had been an assistant professor of
Computer Science at the University of Idaho for three years. I received my PhD in Computer
Science from the University of Texas at Austin in 1992.
Established: September 19, 2013
Trill is a high-performance in-memory incremental analytics engine. It can handle both real-time
and offline data, and is based on a temporal data and query model. Trill can be used as a
streaming engine, a lightweight in-memory relational engine, and…
Established: September 12, 2013
Tempe is a web service for exploratory data analysis. Below are images of the notebook pages
mentioned in our submission to ICSE 2014.
User Experience with Big Data
Big data analytics requires new workflows: high latency queries, massively-parallel code, and
cloud computing infrastructures all make handling a big dataset different (and harder) than
working on a local machine. We are exploring user experiences for analysts, and thinking
Boogie: An Intermediate Verification Language
Established: December 10, 2008
Boogie is an intermediate verification language, intended as a layer on which to build program
verifiers for other languages. Several program verifiers have been built in this way, including the
VCC and HAVOC verifiers for C and the verifiers for…
Show More
Making Sense of Temporal Queries with Interactive Visualization
Leilani Battle, Danyel Fisher, Robert DeLine, Mike Barnett, Badrish Chandramouli, Jonatahn
Goldstein, Jonathan Goldstein, Rob DeLine, in Proceedings of the 34th Conference on HumanComputer Interaction (CHI 2016), ACM – Association for Computing Machinery, May 7,
2016, View abstract, View external link
Trill: A High-Performance Incremental Query Processor for Diverse Analytics
Badrish Chandramouli, Jonathan Goldstein, Mike Barnett, Robert DeLine, Danyel Fisher, John
Platt, James Terwilliger, John Wernsing, Rob DeLine, VLDB – Very Large Data Bases,
August 1, 2015, View abstract, Download PDF
Helping developers help themselves: Automatic decomposition of code review changesets
Mike Barnett, Christian Bird, Shuvendu Lahiri, Joao Brunet, in Proceedings of the 37th
International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE – Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, May 1, 2015, View abstract, Download PDF
Tempe: An Interactive Data Science Environment for Exploration of Temporal and Streaming Data
Danyel Fisher, Badrish Chandramouli, Robert DeLine, Jonathan Goldstein, Andrei Aron, Mike
Barnett, John Platt, James Terwilliger, John Wernsing, Rob DeLine, Microsoft Research,
November 1, 2014, View abstract, Download PDF
The Trill Incremental Analytics Engine
Badrish Chandramouli, Jonathan Goldstein, Mike Barnett, John Wernsing, John Platt, Robert
DeLine, Danyel Fisher, James Terwilliger, Rob DeLine, Microsoft Research, April 1, 2014,
View abstract, Download PDF
Get Me Here: Using Verification Tools to Answer Developer Questions
Mike Barnett, Rob DeLine, Akash Lal, Shaz Qadeer, February 1, 2014, View abstract, Download
Stat! – An Interactive Analytics Environment for Big Data
Mike Barnett, Badrish Chandramouli, Robert DeLine, Steven Drucker, Danyel Fisher, Jonathan
Goldstein, Patrick Morrison, John Platt, Rob DeLine, in ACM SIGMOD International
Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2013), ACM SIGMOD, June 1, 2013, View
abstract, Download PDF
A case for static analyzers in the cloud
Mike Barnett, Mehdi Bouaziz, Manuel Fahndrich, Francesco Logozzo, in Bytecode 2013, March
1, 2013, View abstract, Download PDF
An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Refactoring with Application to Extract Methods with Contracts
Patrick Cousot, Radhia Cousot, Francesco Logozzo, Mike Barnett, in Proceedings of the 27th
ACM International Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and
Applications (OOPSLA'12), ACM SIGPLAN, October 23, 2012, View abstract, Download PDF
A Semantic Integrated Development Environment
Francesco Logozzo, Manuel Fahndrich, Mike Barnett, Patric Cousot, Radhia Cousot, in
Companion of the Proceedings of the to the 27th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on ObjectOriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 2012), ACM
SIGPLAN, October 1, 2012, View abstract, Download PDF
Integrating a Set of Contract Checking Tools into Visual Studio
Manuel Fahndrich, Daan Leijen, Francesco Logozzo, Mike Barnett, in Proceedings, Proceedings
of the 2012 Second International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins (TOPI 2012),
IEEE, June 3, 2012, View abstract, Download PDF
To Goto Where No Statement Has Gone Before
Rustan Leino, Mike Barnett, in VSTTE 2010, August 1, 2010, View abstract, Download PDF
Embedded Contract Languages
Francesco Logozzo, Manuel Fahndrich, Mike Barnett, in ACM SAC - OOPS, Association for
Computing Machinery, Inc., March 1, 2010, View abstract, Download PDF
Exploiting the Synergy between Automated-Test-Generation and Programming-by-Contract
Manuel Fahndrich, Francesco Logozzo, Peli de Halleux, Nikolai Tillmann, Mike Barnett, in
Proc. 31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'2009) , IEEE, May 1, 2009,
View abstract, Download PDF
Boogie Meets Regions: a Verification Experience Report (extended version)
Anindya Banerjee, Mike Barnett, David A. Naumann, May 1, 2008, View abstract, Download
Allowing State Changes in Specifications
Mike Barnett, David A. Naumann, Wolfram Schulte, Qi Sun, in ETRICS, Springer, January 1,
2006, View abstract, Download PDF
The Spec# Programming System: An Overview
Mike Barnett, Rustan Leino, Wolfram Schulte, in CASSIS 2004, Construction and Analysis of
Safe, Secure and Interoperable Smart devices, Springer, January 1, 2005, View abstract,
Download PDF
Towards a Tool Environment for Model-Based Testing with AsmL
Mike Barnett, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Lev Nachmanson, Wolfram Schulte, Nikolai Tillmann,
Margus Veanes, in FATES 2003, Springer Verlag, January 1, 2004, View abstract, Download
Serious Specification for Composing Components
Mike Barnett, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Clemens Kerer, Wolfram Schulte, Clemens Szyperski,
Nikolai Tillmann, Arthur Watson, in Proceedings of the 6th ICSE Workshop on ComponentBased Software Engineering: Automated Reasoning and Prediction, May 1, 2003, View abstract,
Download PDF
Runtime Verification of .NET Contracts
Mike Barnett, Wolfram Schulte, in The Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, January 1,
2003, View abstract, Download PDF
Validating Use-Cases with the AsmL Test Tool
Wolfram Schulte, Nikolai Tillmann, Margus Veanes, Mike Barnett, in QSIC, IEEE Computer
Society, January 1, 2003, View abstract, Download PDF
Model-Based Testing with AsmL .NET
Mike Barnett, Wolfgang Grieskamp, Lev Nachmanson, Wolfram Schulte, Nikolai Tillmann,
Margus Veanes, in 1st European Conference on Model-Driven Software Engineering, January 1,
2003, View abstract, Download PDF
Contracts, Components, and their Runtime Verification on the .NET Platform
Mike Barnett, Wolfram Schulte, April 1, 2002, View abstract, Download PDF
The ABCs of Specification: AsmL, Behavior, and Components
Mike Barnett, Wolfram Schulte, in Informatica, November 1, 2001, View abstract, Download
Spying on Components: A Runtime Verification Technique
Mike Barnett, Wolfram Schulte, in Workshop on Specification and Verification of ComponentBased Systems, October 1, 2001, View abstract, Download PDF
Conformance Checking of Components Against Their Non-deterministic Specifications
Mike Barnett, Lev Nachmanson, Wolfram Schulte, June 1, 2001, View abstract, Download PDF
Using Abstract State Machines at Microsoft: A Case Study
Yuri Gurevich, Wolfram Schulte, Margus Veanes, Mike Barnett, in Abstract State Machines,
Springer, January 1, 2000, View abstract, Download PDF
Link description
Making Sense of Temporal Queries with Interactive Visualization
February 12, 2016
What I Do
Tempe: An environment for doing interactive data analytics. Check out our video! And
there’s a blog post describing how Trill and Tempe are being used.
Trill: A streaming query processor. It is the fastest in the world. Seriously.
Cluster Changes: Improving the process of code review. See our paper “Helping
Developers Help Themselves” at ICSE 2015.
What I Did
Code Contracts: a language-agnostic way to express specifications in any .NET language.
Specifications include method preconditions, postconditions, and object invariants. Code
Contracts capture programmer intentions about how methods and data are to be used.
You can install the tools from the VS Gallery. And now it has been open-sourced and
available at GitHub.
CCI: The Common Compiler Infrastructure is the framework to use if you are doing
anything related to .NET binaries, either creating them from scratch, modifying existing
ones, or just mining them for information. It is open-source and available at CodePlex.
ILMerge: a static linker for .NET assemblies.
Spec#: an experimental extension to C# that adds contract features such as method preand postconditions and object invariants. It also has a non-null type system. The Spec#
compiler emits run-time checks that enforce the contracts and the Spec# program verifier
uses theorem-proving technology to statically check the consistency between a program
and its contracts. Spec# helps programmers write correct software and makes explicit the
correct usage of APIs for clients. It is integrated into Visual Studio .NET. It is available
as an open source project.
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