Faculty Senate Annual Report Charlotte Wisnewski, PhD, RN September 14, 2009 Faculty Senate 2008-2009 Executive Leadership David Hudnall (SOM) Chair (Sept 2008-June 2009) Charlotte Wisnewski (SON) Chair-Elect 9/2008- 6/2009 Chair 6/2009-8/2009, continuing Tom Albrecht (GSBS) Immediate Past Chair Faculty Senate 2008 - 2009 10 SOM 6 GSBS 5 SON Charles Holzer Cindy Wigg Anne Hudson Jones Susan Rosenthal John Bauer Nitza Cintron Nancy Wills Gayle Olson William Au Robert Fox Giulio Taglialatela Stanley Watowich Nisha Garg Robert Leonard Kay Sandor Charlotte Wisnewski Virginia Brooke Diane Heliker Mary O’Keefe 5 SHP Suzanne Peloquin Michelle Kanuth Carolyn Utsey Debra Munsell Acad. & Adm. Affairs / Faculty Quality / Governance Recognition of Outgoing Senators Faculty Senate 2008-2009 Support from the Provost Office / Office of the Vice President of Education Financial Secretarial Mary Schlobohm / Julie Parrish Meetings 2008-2009 – Faculty Senate: 2nd Monday of every month, 4:306pm, All faculty are welcome. – Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Past Chair, Chair, Chair-elect, committee chairs, Periodically and/or by email – Senate Leadership with Dr. Callender/Dr. Watsonmonthly as needed – Senate leadership with Council of Deans (COD) – Senate Leadership with Chancellor (twice) Meetings: 2008-2009 Faculty Senate Chair and Chair-Elect are members of the Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) of the UT System. Four 2-day meetings in Austin (October, December, March, May) with faculty governance leadership from all 15 UT Components (9 Universities – 6 Academic Health Institutions) Activities / Involvements/ 2008-2009 • SACS updates/QEP • Letter of support posted to Riff’d Faculty • Report from Mr. Elger, Executive Vice President, regarding financial status of the University. Continued updates on quarterly basis to occur Activities / Involvements • Monthly updates from Dr. Anderson on campus plans post Ike • Updates from Dr. Anderson regarding Shriner Burns progress • Updates from Dr. Watson regarding Educational activities including Synergy, SACS, • Updates from four Deans regarding the Schools, their activities, news, concerns, issues • Updates on Faculty Advisory Council meetings at Austin from Senate Leadership Activities / Involvements • Special called meeting with Carolee King, UTMB legal counsel December 2008, all faculty invited, good participation. Minutes posted on website. • Report on IT services/responses/ challenges post Ike from Mr. Farr and Mr. Slocum Celebration!! We are entering our 11th year as a Faculty Senate! Faculty Senate 2008-2009 Committee Reports • Faculty Academic Affairs CommitteeChair, Dr. Nisha Garg, SOM • Faculty Quality Committee- Chair, Dr. Kay Sandor, SON • Faculty Governance Committee- Chair, Dr. Robert Fox, GSBS • Faculty IHOP Committee- Chair, Dr. Debra Munsell, SHP UTMB Faculty Senate Faculty Academic & Administrative Affairs Annual Report September 14, 2009 Academic & Administrative Affairs Committee Members John Bauer Nitza M. Cintron Diane Heliker Barbara Doucet, Co-chair Nisha J Garg, Chair Nancy Wills SOM SOM SON SHP GSBS GSBS Activities 2008 - 2009 Need • Develop an ability to contact the faculties that were RIF’d, and to gauge the impact of RIF on the institution. Activities 2007 - 2008 • Mass mail sent to the faculties, list provided by Chair of the senate Dear colleagues • We wish to ask your help in documenting the impact of the recent RIF UTMB RIF on our faculty. Would you kindly inform us as to the current status of your position? If you were affected by the RIF, have you appealed and what is the status of the appeal? If you have been RIF’d and would like to placed on a mailing list to contact other RIF’d faculty, please send an email address or phone contact information to AAAC chair. Since time is short, if you are aware of other faculty who have resigned or left for any reason since hurricane Ike, could you please send their names and departments. Thank you Activities 2008 - 2009 • Total 43 responses • 16 appealed • 15 did not appeal • 1 did not decide (was not clear about the procedure) • 1 asked for emeritus status • 10 did not mention anything about appeal (early retirement) • 2 asked to be removed from mailing list Activities 2008 - 2009 • At least 13 additional faculties have left UTMB after RIF announcements (this data is not confirmed, information shared by other faculties). Activities 2008 - 2009 • Common theme that we heard from RIF’d faculties: • Still working at UTMB in their respective position • Those who appealed have not been able to receive sufficient detailed information • Devastation, shocking, effects on family, depression • Some also lost VISA status, and have to go back to home country without any benefits, job, and insurance • Spouse also lost job • Questions that were asked by the faculties: • Does financial exigency still exist? Are faculties be rehired as UTMB receives monies from FEMA and other sources UTMB Faculty Senate Faculty Quality Committee Annual Report September 14, 2009 Faculty Quality Committee • • • • • Current Members Kay Sandor SON (Chair) Stanley Watowich SOM (Co-Chair) Michelle Kanuth (SHP) Carolyn Utsey (SHP) Faculty Quality Committee The Faculty Quality Committee will deliberate on issues of faculty status, rights and responsibilities, and when necessary, investigate instances of curtailment of faculty prerogatives, infringement of faculty rights, interference in the discharge of faculty responsibilities and/or attenuation of faculty status and welfare in schools at UTMB and will recommend measures to the Executive Committee of the Senate for the protection of faculty at UTMB. Major Activities 2008-2009 Standardize Faculty Post-Tenure Review (PTR) Policies • examine PTR policies for each school to ensure UTMBwide consistency • examine PTR policies to ensure compliance with UT Regent’s Rules and UTMB’s SOP Ensure Compliance with UT Regent’s Rules (RR) • establish transparent review and arbitration of possible deviations from RR • ensure consistent and fair application of RR that protect faculty interests UTMB Faculty Senate Governance Committee Annual Report 2008-2009 September 11, 2006 Governance Committee Members • • • • • • Robert Fox, GSBS, Chair Cindy Wigg, SOM, co-chair Virginia Brooke, SON Charles Holzer, SOM Suzanne Peloquin, SHS Giulio Taglialatela, GSBS Governance Committee Accomplishments • Consideration of criteria for selection of ombudsman. Committee recommended that criteria be broadened to include retired and former tenured UTMB faculty as potential candidates. May 2009- The whole Senate voted to agree with recommendation. Governance Committee • Committee recommended to Senate to adopt AAUP procedures for the declaration of financial exigency and treatment of faculty as long as regent rules are not violated. Recommend issue be taken up by 2009-2010 Governance Committee UTMB Faculty Senate 1st Annual Report Senate IHOP Committee 2008-2009 Faculty Senate IHOP Committee 2008-2009 The function of the committee is to: 1) be informed of any and all changes to the IHOP that have direct or indirect effects on UTMB faculty; 2) summarize the changes in terms of the positive and negative effects on UTMB faculty and 3) make recommendations to the full Senate after which the Senate will vote to approve or disapprove the said changes. Faculty Senate IHOP Committee • This Committee was added to the Standing Committee list in September 2008 Senate IHOP Committee • Current IHOP Committee Members – Debra Munsell, SHP, Chair – Mary O'Keefe, SON • 3 members were lost post-IKE – William Au, SOM, Co-Chair – Bob Leonard, GSBS – Gayle Olson, SOM Major Activities 2008-2009 • Identification of all policies and procedures directly affecting Faculty • Identifying those policies most in need of revision • Prioritization of policy revision • Begin work with Hospital Project Manager to begin evaluation Proposed Activities for 2009-2010 • Add additional members per Regents Rules and By laws • Continue to review UTMB IHOP Policies and Procedure, revising as needed with Faculty Senate approval. • Goal of reviewing all UTMB Policies and Procedures by August 2010. Chair- Elect Position 2009-2010 • Carolyn Utsey, P.T., Ph.D. • Associate Professor, School of Health Professions • Faculty member at UTMB since 1990; Appointed Chair Department of Physical Therapy SHP December 2008 Chair-Elect Continued • Major Interests: Physical Therapy, Teaching and learning, self-regulation of learning, motivation and learning strategies. • Major Goal: Facilitate open communication between faculty and administration to advance the mission of the University and the Schools Chair UTMB Faculty Senate • • • • Charlotte Wisnewski, PhD, RN Associate Professor, School of Nursing Faculty member at UTMB since 1996 Certified Diabetes Educator, Work with Stark Diabetes Center as inpatient educator • Teach critical care nursing and research, • Research interests, diabetes Faculty Senate Chair’s Comments • Purpose of Faculty Senate—serve as the representative voice of the UTMB Faculty to the UTMB administration and receive and communicate ideas, reviews, and recommendations of policies affecting UTMB as relates to welfare, academic opportunities and responsibilities of the Faculty. • Important that Senate leadership keeps lines of communication open between faculty and administration Faculty Senate Goals (Proposed) 2009-2010 • Foster Faculty Senate input and involvement at the administrative level by continued regular meetings with President, VP for Education, Dean’s Council and other venues • Promote faculty communication with Faculty Senate by survey of Faculty satisfaction/needs/recommendations • Integrate Faculty Subcommittees into executive structure to promote Faculty Senate goals and objectives for the year. UTMB Faculty Activity • Pick up a card from the table • Write down at least two or three goals that you would like to see the Faculty Senate engage in for 2009-2010 • Answer the following questions: What do you think the Faculty Senate should do in 2009-2010? How can we help you? • Survey is anonymous • Leave your card on table after the meeting Recognition of Returning/Incoming Senators Faculty Senate 2009-2010 10 SOM 6 GSBS 5 SON 5 SHP Julie Broussard Susan Gerik Edward Hannigan Sunil Jain James LeDuc Don Powell Edward Smith Daneshvari Solanki Heidi Spratt Cindy Wigg Istvan Boldogh Nisha Garg Stephen Higgs Pomila Singh Alfredo Torres Stanley Watowich Virginia Brooke Mary O’Keefe Caroline Jansen Michelle Kanuth Debra Munsell Lodie Massey Carolyn Utsey Kay Sandor Yolanda Davila Nonie Mendias Get Involved! • Communicate with your Senators • Attend Faculty Senate meetings as possible (second Monday of each month, 4:30-6:00 p.m.) • Volunteer to serve as ad hoc members of Senate committees when asked Speaker: Dr. Garland Anderson Faculty Senate Annual Luncheon Garland D. Anderson M.D Executive Vice President and Provost Dean, School of Medicine September 14, 2009 Office of the Provost Office of the Provost Welcoming the first post-Ike baby Office of the Provost Bringing our students home Office of the Provost Returning to our laboratories Office of the Provost Celebrating excellence Galveston National Laboratory Dedication November 11, 2008 52 Office of the Provost The Anatomy Lab South – August 12 Office of the Provost North – August 12 School of Nursing Temporary Simulation Center SON $2 Million Grant 54 Office of the Provost Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Award (ICTSA) Allan R. Brasier, MD $21.5 M (2009-2014) Mission: To improve human health by transforming the research and training environment to enhance the efficiency and quality of clinical and translational research http://www.its.utmb.edu The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) is a registered trademark of DHHS Office of the Provost NIAID Clinical Proteomics Center in Biodefense Allan R. Brasier, MD $10.9 M (2008-2013) Mission: To conduct collaboratively designed projects that discover, qualify, and verify candidate protein biomarkers relevant to infectious diseases caused by NIAID Category A-C pathogens and emerging and re-emerging infectious disease pathogens http://bioinfo.utmb.edu:8088/CPC Office of the Provost Clinical Future is Bright at UTMB UTMB Specialty Care Center at Victory Lakes John Sealy Hospital Office of the Provost Future Surgical Care Towers UTMB Projected YTD August Financial Update (000’s) Health System Academic Enterprise Operating Revenues: Tuition and Fees Net Patient Care Revenue Indigent Care Fund Indirect Cost Recovery Grants and Contracts Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenues $ 672,221 1,153 20,577 6,651 700,602 $ 17,720 110,632 34,685 179,616 44,081 386,733 Operating Expenses: Salaries Benefits Supplies Services and Other Interest Expense Depreciation Total Operating Expenses 389,242 97,257 110,421 244,154 318 23,815 865,208 316,503 66,556 26,311 79,850 36 25,617 514,872 74,576 20,533 7,446 93,697 (230) 15,394 211,417 Operating Income (Loss) (164,606) (128,139) (178,622) (471,367) 199,863 191 (544) 2,008 201,518 107,902 22,883 (4,440) 8,956 135,301 9,407 7,049 (1,741) 2,249 16,963 317,172 30,122 (6,725) 13,213 353,782 (161,659) (117,585) Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): General Revenue Net Investment Income (Loss) Interest Expense for Capital Asset Financings Gifts Net Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) Contribution Margin Office of the Provost 36,912 58 7,162 Institutional Support UTMB Institution $ $ 358 (71,118) 15 99,246 4,294 32,795 18,079 711,735 1,153 34,700 299,438 55,026 1,120,130 780,322 184,346 144,177 417,702 125 64,826 1,591,498 Academic Enterprise Projected YTD August Financial Update (000’s) School of Medicine Operating Revenues: Tuition and Fees Net Patient Care Revenue Indirect Cost Recovery Grants and Contracts Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenues $ 8,338 98,217 34,044 157,188 38,395 336,181 UTMB Austin School of Medicine $ 1,080 12,321 15 18,157 35 31,609 School of Nursing School of Health Professions Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Office of the EVP Provost Service Academic Centers - Enterprise Academic $ $ $ $ $ 2,908 168 1,775 196 5,047 2,973 458 2,034 148 5,614 452 (0) 452 1,968 94 383 246 2,692 78 5,061 5,139 $ 17,720 110,632 34,685 179,616 44,081 386,733 Operating Expenses: Salaries Benefits Supplies Services and Other Interest Expense Depreciation Total Operating Expenses 259,926 53,893 22,108 65,210 19 21,344 422,501 24,680 5,179 705 3,856 3 18 34,440 6,979 1,540 202 1,361 0 320 10,403 5,406 1,204 499 2,039 0 412 9,561 2,739 578 56 504 0 42 3,919 13,666 3,366 606 6,016 12 2,816 26,481 3,106 795 2,135 864 2 665 7,567 316,503 66,556 26,311 79,850 36 25,617 514,872 Operating Income (Loss) (86,319) (2,831) (5,357) (3,948) (3,466) (23,790) (2,428) (128,139) Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): General Revenue Net Investment Income (Loss) Interest Expense for Capital Asset Financings Gifts Net Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) 84,284 20,450 (4,440) 7,896 108,191 3,084 9 3,092 8,056 550 331 8,937 7,467 321 199 7,988 5,011 212 287 5,510 1,341 243 1,584 - 107,902 22,883 (4,440) 8,956 135,301 261 3,580 4,040 2,043 (22,206) (2,428) Contribution Margin Office of the Provost 21,871 59 7,162 Academic Enterprise FY 2010 Budget (000’s) School of Medicine Operating Revenues: Tuition and Fees Net Patient Care Revenue Indirect Cost Recovery Grants and Contracts Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenues $ 11,239 115,031 35,473 210,533 8,016 380,293 UTMB Austin School of Medicine $ 5,008 4,934 9,942 School of Nursing School of Health Professions Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Office of the EVP Provost Service Centers Academic Academic Enterprise $ $ $ $ $ 87 4,514 4,601 $ 22,328 120,040 35,851 220,372 13,027 411,617 4,258 78 1,662 113 6,112 3,249 300 2,229 100 5,878 1,419 1,419 2,162 926 284 3,372 Operating Expenses: Salaries Benefits Supplies Services and Other Interest Expense Depreciation Total Operating Expenses 268,597 56,504 26,732 68,880 25,537 446,250 7,957 1,424 244 2,837 11 12,473 8,600 1,998 369 2,651 425 14,043 6,075 1,438 372 2,957 555 11,396 2,740 655 36 429 60 3,919 16,226 4,421 654 9,744 2,869 33,915 4,080 876 2,132 1,265 732 9,086 314,276 67,315 30,539 88,763 30,188 531,082 Operating Income (Loss) (65,957) (2,531) (7,931) (5,518) (2,500) (30,543) (4,485) (119,464) Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses): General Revenue Net Investment Income (Loss) Interest Expense for Capital Asset Financings Gifts Net Non-Operating Revenues (Expenses) 90,422 19,481 (4,814) 6,154 111,244 - 7,985 560 408 8,953 8,721 626 100 9,446 4,054 102 4,156 518 980 6 1,504 - 111,700 21,757 (4,814) 6,669 135,312 45,287 (2,522) 1,022 3,929 1,656 (29,038) (4,485) 15,848 Contribution Margin Office of the Provost 9 9 60 School of Medicine Faculty FTE Effort FY2008 FTEs FY2009 FTEs FY2010 FTEs (Projected) Educational 150.5 169.2 152.6 Clinical 329.7 293.1 285.6 Research 272.6 281.7 257.6 Administrative 71.2 78.2 71.8 Total School of Medicine 824.0 822.2 767.6 Office of the Provost 61 Hospital Capacity Update Current Capacity 62 78 10 0 16 64 8 24 262 Additional Capacity * 0 0 6 4 0 12 4 4 30 Total Capacity 62 78 16 4 16 76 12 28 292 TDCJ 108 0 108 Total Hospital Capacity including TDCJ 370 30 400 Area Women's Infant's Children Pediatric ICU ACE Medical - Surgical Transplant Critical Care Total Hospital Capacity excluding TDCJ * The 30 additional beds will come on-line incrementally as staff are hired. The projection for hiring full staffing is at least 60 days. Office of the Provost 62 Hospital Capacity Update Infrastructure •Engineering Firm has been hired to assess the Hospital infrastructure to support the operating capacity of the 400 beds • The assessment will include elevators, life-safety, medical gases, suction capacity, and building temperature • R. Waverly Smith Pavilion opening Patient Care • The Health System is addressing ongoing issues related to the blood bank size, pneumatic tube system needs, supply storeroom site, and sterile processing • Daily monitoring of key indicators (clinic admissions, transfer, length of stay, and bed utilization) • Preparing to respond to the pandemic influenza (Novel H1N1 Influenza) Office of the Provost 63 MSRDP BY LAW CHANGES FROM UT SYSTEM Must have a member of the Faculty Senate who is also a MSRDP Member on the following committees: • Budget and Finance • Faculty Compensation Office of the Provost Questions? South – August 12 Office of the Provost