Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of... Capacity-building projects in the field of higher education

Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Capacity-building projects in the field of higher education
Establishing a Network of Regional University Centers for Creative Industries (CrEHUB)
Invitation for Participation
Dear colleagues,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics intends to participate in the ERASMUS+ KA 2 call
Establishing a Network of Regional University Centers for Creative Industries (CrEHUB) under ERASMUS+
Programme of the European Union (EU) Key Action 2 - Capacity-building in the Field of Higher Education
We would like to invite you to participate in the creation of the project proposal and, in case of its approval,
in the project itself. The project will focus on building an environment for the creative economy development
in Ukraine.
The main objectives of the call is to:
• improve the quality of higher education and enhance its relevance for the labor market and society;
• improve the level of competences and skills in HEIs by developing new and innovative education
• increase the skills and employability of students and contribute to the competitiveness of European
• improve quality in teaching and learning;
• streamline the international dimension in Erasmus+;
• support the Bologna process and policy dialogues with strategic partner countries.
If you have any questions regarding the proposal, please don’t hesitate contacting us (see details below)!
The planned duration of the project is three years.
The EU funding is expected to be about EUR 1 million covering:
Costs for travel,
Costs of stay,
Staff costs (max 40%) of 4 Staff Categories (Manager, Researcher/Teacher/Trainer, Technician, Administator),
Equipment (max 30%) (purchased exclusively for the benefit of HEIs in the Partner Countries)
Sub-contracting (max 10%) (exceptional for services related to competences that can’t be found in the
consortia) .
Deadline for the proposal submission 10/02/2016 - 12:00 (CET/CEST, Brussels time).
The vision of the project is to create an environment for the creative economy development in Ukraine by
launching a network of centers for professional training, startuping, innovative production and educational &
scientific networking between universities - businesses - society for the further employment of graduates.
The wider objectives of the project is to ensure that the partner Universities in UA can offer new advanced
competence-based system of training in the field of creative economy according to Labor Market needs as
the proportion of jobs requiring high skills, grows the demand for innovation and according to the Bologna
Process. To speed up integration between Higher Educational Institutes, business and society in partner
countries. To establish cooperation between EU and partner countries in education and research.
The specific project objectives:
to promote the development of the creative economy in Ukraine
to implement new high-quality professional oriented educational programs for fields of creative
to develop an international system of business-training of specialists in the field of creative industries
to create a system of additional professional education for job creation, innovation and trade
to assist businesses in creating competitive products
to enhance creative entrepreneur activities in Ukraine
Work packages
WP1. Preparation
1.1 Analyze the EU&PC experience in creative
HUB establishment and operation
1. 2 Identify the needs for creative industies
on a regional/national/European level on the
basis of a consultation of stakeholders
1.3 Train the experts, trainers, PC academic
1.4 CrEHUB web-portal launch for network
and partnerships
WP2. Development of educational
2.1. Develop methodology and a system of
professional-oriented education including ecomponents
2.2. Develop educational practiceoriented content & curricula, including video
and interactive material, case studies (TRIZ,
design, development of design
documentation, the organization of pilot
Participating organization
Lead Partner for
production in CrEHUB)
2.3. Develop business components &
courses for creative industry managers.
2.4. Pilot teaching BSc, MSc, LLL new
curricula and courses in CrEHubs network
WP3. CrEHUBs’ Capacity Building
3.1 Launch CrEHUBs in PC universities, to
purchase the necessary equipment.
3.2. Develop a partnership and mentoring
network leaded by the creative industries
3.3 Implement a series of projects aimed at
enhancing the attractiveness of cities and
regions of Ukraine (in collaboration with
regional and municipal authorities)
3.4 Create a portal-portfolio of projects and
teams working in CrEHUBs
WP4. Quality plan
4.1 Developing program for project evaluation
4.2 Monitoring project quality by Internal
4.3 Control project quality by External
WP5. Dissemination and Exploitation
5.1. Creating strategy and plan for project
dissemination & sustainability
5.2. Project web site developing
5.3. CrEHUB establishing
5.4. Organizing dissemination events
5.5. Strengthening contacts between
universities-business- society
WP6. Project management
6.1.Creating Managment Board & project
6.2. Communicational & operational project
management and steering
6.3. Financial management and control
We propose to develop a consortium within the project with the following structure:
4 Universities from Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2 Universities from Partner
Country, 5-6 Universities from EU (Programme countries).
Additionally the Capacity Building in the field of higher education project may also benefit from the
involvement of associated partners (optional). These organizations (for instance non-academic partners)
contribute indirectly to the implementation of specific tasks/activities and/or support the dissemination and
sustainability of the project. Such contribution may for example take the form of knowledge and skills
transfer, the provision of complementary courses or backing possibilities for secondment or placement. For
contractual management issues, “associated partners” are not considered as part of the consortium and
therefore cannot benefit from any financial support from the project.
We would be very happy to get on board departments, research institutions as well as associations and
companies from creative economy development and implementation field.
Please contact us if you would like to participate in this initiative (please find our contact details below). We
look forward to working with you!
Best regards,
Prof. Iryna Zolotaryova
Assistant of Rector on International Activities
Professor of Information Systems Department
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine
Member of Ukraine National Team of Higher Education Reforms Experts