Types of Primary Chemical Bonds Isotropic, filled outer shells • Metallic – Electropositive: give up electrons • Ionic – Electronegative/Electropositive • Colavent – Electronegative: want electrons + + e- e+ + + + + + + + - + - + - + - + e- – Shared electrons along bond direction Close-packed structures Metals • single element, fairly electropositive • elements similar in electronegativity Ionic Compounds • elements differing in electronegativity cation anion Covalent Compounds sp3 s2p1 s2p2 s2p3 s2p4 s2 Hybridized Bonds • Elemental carbon (no other elements) sp3 hybridization diamond also methane: CH4 one s + three p orbitals 4 (x 2) electron states (resulting orbital is a combination) Covalent Structures Recall: zinc blende both species tetrahedral ZnS: +2 -2 or sp3 GaAs: +3 -3 single element: C or Si or Sn S Zn diamond Another way to hybridize • Elemental carbon (no other elements) sp2 hybridization graphite one s + two p orbitals 3 (x 2) electron states (resulting orbital is a combination) one unchanged p orbital trigonal symmetry Forms of carbon with sp2 bonds Graphite* Nobel Prize Chemistry, 1996 Fullerene Nobel Prize Physics, 2010 Graphene Nanotube * http://www.electronics-cooling.com/assets/images/2001_August_techbrief_f1.jpg source: Wikipedia Structural Characteristics • Metals – Close-packed structures (CN = 12) – Slightly less close-packed (CN = 8) • Ionic structures – Close-packed with constraints – CN = 4 to 8, sometimes 12 • Covalent structures – Not close-packed, bonding is directional • Any can be strongly or weakly bonded (Tm) Diamond vs. CCP 8 atoms/cell, CN = 4 4 atoms/cell, CN = 12 ½ tetrahedral sites filled 3a 8R 3 8 3 3 V a R 98.5 R 3 3 V / atom 12.3R3 2a 4R 3 4 3 3 3 V a R 22.6 R 2 V / atom 5.7R3 Computing density • Establish unit cell contents • Compute unit cell mass • Compute unit cell volume – Unit cell constant, a, given (or a and c, etc.) – Or estimate based on atomic/ionic radii • Compute mass/volume, g/cc • Example: NaCl – – – – Contents = 4 Na + 4 Cl Mass = 4(atom mass Na + atomic mass Cl)/No Vol = a3 Avogardo’s # g / mol 3 Units = cm3 #/ mol g / cm Cl Na Single Crystal vs. Polycrystalline Rb3H(SO4)2 Diamond Quartz (SiO2) Ba(Zr,Y)O3-d Periodicity extends uninterrupted throughout entirety of the sample External habit often reflects internal symmetry Regions of uninterrupted periodicity amalgamated into a larger compact = grains delineated by grain boundaries Isotropic vs. Anisotropic graphite* polycrystalline averaging * http://www.electronics-cooling.com/assets/images/2001_August_techbrief_f1.jpg diamond Types of Bonds Types of Materials • Metallic Isotropic, filled outer shells – Electropositive: give up electrons + + e- e+ + + + + + + + - + - + - + - + e- • Ionic – Electronegative/Electropositive • Colavent – Electronegative: want electrons – Shared electrons along bond direction Close-packed structures What’s Missing? units many methane H Long chain molecules with repeated units Molecules formed by covalent bonds Secondary bonds link molecules into solids H H H C C C H H H H C C H H H H H H H C C H H H C C C C H H http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Polyethylene-repeat-2D.png Polymer Synthesis • Traditional synthesis H H C=C H H – Initiation, using a catalyst that creates a free radical unpaired electron R + C=C R – C – C – Propagation R…… C – C + C=C R……C – C – C – C – Termination R…… C – C + C – C……R R –(C-C)n– R Polydispersity • Traditional synthesis large variation in chain length # of polymer chains Average chain molecular weight Mn width is a measure of polydispersity molecular weight number average M n xi M i Mw # of polymer chains of Mi total number of chains weight average M w wi M i weight of polymer chains of Mi = weight fraction total weight of all chains molecular weight • Degree of polymerization – Average # of mer units/chain Mn nn m Mw nw m by number mer molecular weight by weight Polydispersity • Traditional synthesis large variation in chain length # of polymer chains Average chain molecular weight Mn width is a measure of polydispersity molecular weight number average M n xi M i Mw # of polymer chains of Mi total number of chains weight average M w wi M i weight of polymer chains of Mi = weight fraction total weight of all chains molecular weight • Degree of polymerization – Average # of mer units/chain Mn nn m Mw nw m by number mer molecular weight by weight New modes of synthesis • “Living polymerization” – – – – Initiation occurs instantaneously Chemically eliminate possibility of random termination Polymer chains grow until monomer is consumed Each grows for a fixed (identical) period Polymers • Homopolymer – Only one type of ‘mer’ • Copolymer – Two or more types of ‘mers’ • Block copolymer – Long regions of each type of ‘mer’ • Bifunctional mer – Can make two bonds, e.g. ethylene linear polymer • Trifunctional mer – Can make three bonds branched polymer Polymer Configurations • Linear H H C=C C C C C • Branched • Cross-linked C C C C H C H Polymers H H out C=C H in H C C C H C C 109.5° C H C C C R Placement of side groups is fixed once polymer is formed Example side group: styrene R= Cl Isotactic C=C H C R R R C C C R C C H C R R H C R C C C C C R C C C C Syndiotactic C R R C Atactic C R C C R C C C C C • Thermal Properties – Thermoplastics • Melt (on heating) and resolidify (on cooling) • Linear polymers – Thermosets • Soften, decompose irreversibly on heating • Crosslinked • Crystallinity • Linear: more crystalline than branched or crosslinked • Crystalline has higher density than amorphous Formal Crystallography • Crystalline – Periodic arrangement of atoms – Pattern is repeated by translation c • Three translation vectors define: – Coordinate system – Crystal system – Unit cell shape • Lattice points b a g b a – Points of identical environment – Related by translational symmetry – Lattice = array of lattice points • • • • • space filling defined by 3 vectors parallelipiped arbitrary coord system lattice pts at corners + hcp ccp (fcc) c b a g a bcc Hexagonal unit cell Specify: a, c Hexagonal implies: |a1| = |a2| = a g = 120° a = b = 90° Cubic unit cells Specify: a Cubic implies: |a1| = |a2| = |a3| = a a = b = g = 90° But the two types of cubic unit cells are different! b Crystal system Lattices a, b, c, a, b, g – all arbitrary triclinic simple base-centered monoclinic C or A centered for b = arbitrary Convention: a, b,= 90° c – arbitrary b instead = of=a 90 a = 90° a simple g base-centered body-centered face-centered orthorhombic a = b = g = 90° a, b, c – arbitrary 6 or 7 crystal systems hexagonal g = 120° c a a a = b = ga simple tetragonal body-centered a, c – arbitrary a = b = g = 90° a=b simple a = b = g = 90° a=b=c 14 lattices a – arbitrary; a = b = c a – arbitrary; a = b = g rhombohedral (trigonal) cubic (isometric) a, c – arbitrary b=a a = b = 90 body-centered face-centered a – arbitrary Centered Lattices unconventional choice conventional choice b a b a b b a unconventional choice both are primitive cells a conventional choice unconventional is primitive conventional is centered More on Lattices X More on Lattices X Lattice types of some structures Lattice types? BCC Metal CsCl Structure How many lattice points per unit cell? Lattice types? Zinc blende (sphaelerite) Fluorite Lattice types? A M Diamond Perovskite: AMO3 O