Department of Biochemistry Application to Graduate Studies in Biochemistry SUPERVISOR LIST Please complete this form and return it to the Department of Biochemistry with your other supporting documents. APPLICANT’S NAME: ________________________________ FIELD OF INTEREST: ________________________________ DEGREE PROGRAM (M.Sc./Ph.D.): _______ Please indicate below the name(s) of any professors with whom you would be interested in working. By completion of this form, you are not committed to this list. You may choose to carry out your Master's or Doctorate with those other than listed. This form must be returned to the Admissions Officer, Department of Biochemistry. 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________ Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact any of the professors personally (by phone, email or letter) to express their interest in doing graduate studies with them and to provide further details about their research experience. This is often beneficial in the acceptance process. Important: All students must be accepted into the lab of a Biochemistry staff member before formal acceptance to the University. Applicants accepted by one of our staff members must formally notify Christine Laberge, the Student Affairs Officer in Biochemistry. Only then will formal acceptance to the program be initiated. McGill University Department of Biochemistry McIntyre Medical Sciences Building 3655 promenade Sir William Osler Room 905 Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1Y6 Tel: (514) 398-2423 - Christine Laberge Fax: (514) 398-7384