Areas of Inquiry Proposal Submission Information and Proposal Form Investigating the Natural World (INW) The Liberal Learning Council invites you to submit a proposal(s) for courses to be included in the INW Area of Inquiry. We encourage innovative proposals that involve creative pedagogy and team teaching where appropriate. This page contains information about the Areas of Inquiry and the process for submitting a proposal. Please read the information carefully before submitting a proposal. Contact the chair of the Liberal Learning Council if you have any questions. The Areas of Inquiry section of the Liberal Learning Core offers students opportunities to explore important facets of their world – past, present, and future. Liberal Learning Areas of Inquiry employ various modes of knowing to help students understand the historical and philosophical traditions that have shaped the Western world; the interrelations within and among global and cross-cultural communities; the means of modeling the natural, social, and technical worlds; the patterns and institutions of modern societies; and the dynamics of the creative process. Areas of Inquiry (AI) General Information: 1. There are five AI: a. Western Traditions; b. Global and Multicultural Perspectives; c. Investigating the Natural World; d. Civic and Democratic Engagement; and e. Creative Expressions. 2. No course will be cross-listed in more than one AI. 3. AI courses at the 100- and 200-level may be offered either with multiple sections or as a supersection. 4. Investigating the Natural World must have some courses with an accompanying laboratory. 5. AI courses are needed for every semester and may be offered during summer terms. 6. AI courses can be at any level (100-, 200-, 300-, 400-) and have prerequisites. 7. 300- and 400-level AI courses without a course prerequisite must have ENGL 223 as a pre- or corequisite. 8. Faculty can team-teach a course(s) and/or teach more than one section of the course. 9. Departments can submit proposals for existing courses or new courses. 10. Existing courses submitted as proposals for an AI must meet the AI objectives. 11. AI courses can also be designated writing intensive. 12. The syllabus for all courses approved for inclusion into an AI must contain the relevant learning objective(s). 13. Instructors of AI courses agree to participate in assessment activities as determined by the Liberal Learning Council. Page 1 of 4 INW Submission Form Rev 12/06/13 Submission Process for Each Proposed Course: 1. Read the information above and the course description and goals for INW. 2. Develop a syllabus (which must contain the learning objectives for the INW Area of Inquiry). 3. Complete the course proposal form for Investigating the Natural World that begins on the next page. 4. If this is a new course, complete the Undergraduate Curriculum Course Proposal Form. This form is needed only if the course is a new course. The Undergraduate Curriculum Change to Existing Course Form is needed if the course is not new, but the course number or title is changed. 5. By the deadline, submit the items below to your Department Chairperson and to your Departmental Curriculum Point Person as both electronic and hard copy. Page 2 of 4 INW Submission Form Rev 12/06/13 Proposal Tracking # Department Course Number Submission Checklist Proposal Syllabus Course Name: UCC Proposal for new course Check box for Honors course consideration AREA OF INQUIRY Investigating the Natural World This form must be submitted to the Liberal Learning Council as part of the submission process. Please attach a proposed syllabus for this course and the Undergraduate Curriculum Course Proposal Form, if new course. DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: 1 October of the Academic Year Proposals must be approved at the department level by 10/1 Check Only One: This course already exists in the curriculum and we are now proposing it for inclusion in this Area of Inquiry. This course already exists in this Area of Inquiry and is being submitted for recertification. This is a new course that we are proposing for this Area of Inquiry. 1. Name and contact information of the curriculum point person for the department administrating this course. 2. In any given semester, how many sections of this course is your department willing to offer? 3. Why is this course being offered/what is it designed to achieve (Course purpose/goal)? 4. The following objectives must be addressed. Lecture courses: a. Identify the methods of inquiry that lead to scientific knowledge. b. Distinguish science from pseudo-science. c. Make predictions about natural phenomena using theories and models as unifying principles. d. Discriminate between association and causation. e. Identify the types of evidence used to establish causation. Laboratory courses: e. Analyze and interpret data in a graphical, symbolic, and/or numeric format. Page 3 of 4 INW Submission Form Rev 12/06/13 5. Briefly explain how this class addresses the objectives listed in #4. Be sure to indicate the objective by its letter. (e.g. Objective a : xxxx) Objective : (objective) Objective : (objective) Objective : (objective) Objective : (objective) 6. Realizing course objectives: Check below how this course will accomplish the objectives in #4. Participating in class discussion and debate Engaging in teamwork and other collaborative exercises Writing analytical or evaluative papers, perhaps incorporating original research Making oral presentations Creating an artistic product or a performance Participating in fieldwork Other means – please identify 7. Attach a proposed syllabus that includes: a) a statement of purpose, b) course objectives (including the learning objectives for this Area of Inquiry) and how the objectives will be accomplished, c) textbooks and reference information, d) a weekly content and assignment calendar, e) a grading schematic and any additional information relevant to this decision** 8. Explain how this course connects to The Goals for Liberal Learning ( Page 4 of 4 INW Submission Form Rev 12/06/13