Standard paragraph RHC Description of facility and services:

Standard paragraph RHC
Description of facility and services:
The research histopathology core is a fully equipped histopathology laboratory in Basic
Science Building, which is conveniently located to the laboratories of the UTMB-based
investigators. The laboratory houses all necessary equipment for tissue processing,
embedding, microtomy, staining, immunohistochemistry, fluorescent and standard microscopy
and photomicrography. In addition, there is equipment for cytospin preparation (Thermo
Shandon), freezers and refrigerators for antibody and reagent storage, water baths, analytical
scales, and other standard small laboratory equipment. Image analysis software (Simple PCI,
Hammamatsu) is available in the laboratory, and provides image processing with monochrome
and color threshold or graphical drawing tools to identify objects for analysis.
Equipment: To support histopathology core activities, the laboratory houses three microtomes
(Thermo Shandon and Leica), two cryostats (Leica), Thermo Shandon tissue processor and
embedding center, Gemini autostainer (Shandon), DAKO automated immunostainer, three
Olympus BX41 microscopes and a epifluorescence microscope with mounted cameras and
associated software. Additional equipment available includes Arcturus Pixcell II and software
for laser capture microdissection and a Beecher Instruments tissue micro-arrayer.