June, 2009
NAME _________________________
Teacher _________________________
School _________________________
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Please write the letter of the best possible answer in the space at the left.
( 1 point each)
24. ______ The order of rotational symmetry of a regular hexagon is
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
D) 12
25. ________ Which number is halfway between 10% and 11%?
A) 10.5
B) 10.2
C) 1.05
D) 0.105
26. _______ What is the value of -10 – ( -64  8) ?
A) 2
B) -18
C) -2
D) 6.75
27. ______ Joe received these test scores: 80, 96, 84, 91, 90, 84, 60, 88.
If he wants to
impress his mother, which of the following would he choose to represent his marks?
A) Mean
B) Mode
C) Median
D) Range
28. _____ Kelly ate one-fifth of a pizza, Freda ate 0.3 of the pizza and Jones ate 40% of the pizza.
How much of the pizza was left uneaten?
A) 90%
B) 30%
C) 20%
D) 10%
29. _____ Which subtraction statement is represented by the set of
diagrams at the right? ( Shaded markers are positive.)
A) (+4) – (+5)
B) (+4) – (-5)
C) (-4) – (+5)
D) (-4) – (-5)
30. _____ What is the value of 6n – 5 when n = 0?
A) 0
B) 1
C) 5
D) -5
31._____ Nick traveled from the top of Fox Mountain at an
elevation of 1008 m above sea level, to the bottom of Mist Valley which was 86 m below sea
level. What was the change in altitude between Fox Mountain and Mist Valley?
A) -1094 m
B) -922 m
C) 922 m
D) 2188 m
32. _____ Which equation is modeled by this diagram.
A) x + 3 = 11
B) 2x + 3 = 11
C) 2x + 3 = 9.2
D) 2x – 3 = 11
33.______ Which choice below expresses 182 000 in scientific notation?
A) 18.2 x 104 B) 1.82 x 105
C) 1.82 x 103
D) 0.182 + 106
34._____ Which equation fits the table at the left?
A) s = 4h
B) h = 3s +1
C) s = 3h +1
D) h = 3s - 1
35. ____
Rodney had a cube made from Play Dough. He sliced a small regular pyramid from each
of its vertices. The solid Rodney made after cutting had
A) 8 vertices
B) 14 faces
C) 12 edges
D) 24 faces
36. _____Which statement could be inferred from reading the
histogram on the right?
A) Few seniors older than 85 live in apartments.
B) More than half of seniors older than 80 live in apartments.
C) Most seniors own their own condominiums.
D) The median age of seniors living in apartments is 80.
37. _____Braemore Co-Op sells oranges for $5.58/dozen.
What will 8 oranges cost at this price?
A) $2.68
B) $3.78
C) $3.72
D) $4.10
38._____ Sam was running home from the soccer field. He stopped to rest for a moment, realized that
he had forgotten his Jersey at the soccer field and ran back to get it.
Which graph below best fits Sam’s situation?
PART B: Please show all of your work for this part of the assessment. Be sure to attempt all
questions because marks will be given for partial answers. ( 3 points each)
39. Pierre drives 75 km/h in winter. If he drives
for 2 h and 20 minutes at this speed, what distance
will he travel? Show all work.
40. Use a model of you choice to show how to
find: (+4) x (-2). Write a sentence to explain your
41. Draw an equilateral triangle using FG as one
of its sides. Describe your method. Be sure to
state what tools you used.
42. Describe one or more transformations that
would move the white shape on top of the shaded
43. Mr. Smith has 10 math students . When he gave back his Math test, he found the following:
Mean: 72%
Mode: 65%
Later Mr. Smith found an error in the answer key
and decided to increase every student’s grade in
the class by 5%.
A) How did this affect the mean, median, and
the mode?
Median: 65%
B) Create a set of ten marks that will fit the
mean, median and mode before the correction
was made. (The lowest mark was 53% before
corrections were made.)
44. Amanda wanted a pair of soccer shoes that sold regularly for $125.00. She waited until they
were put on sale at a 30% discount. What total must she pay if she buys them on sale and the HST
is 13%?
PART C: 6 points each. Show all steps here. Points will be given for partial answers.
45. John is making a pattern from 1 cm cubes.
A) Draw the next three sketches in his pattern.
B) Write an equation that relates the number of cubes used to the diagram number and use your
equation to find what diagram number requires 96 cubes.
Diagram 1,
Diagram 2,
Diagram 3,
Diagram 4
Diagram 5
Diagram 6
46. Mary likes playing games of chance. She bets $0.25 only if the probability of winning is greater
than 50%. If a player wins when the arrows on both spinners land on Red, should she bet on this
game? Justify your answer.