Baptistery, Florence Lorenzo Ghiberti “Gates of Paradise” (East Doors) Gilded bronze 1425-52 (original in Museo dell”Opera del Duomo Gates of Paradise, view from inside Baptistery Leonardo Bruni's Proposed Plan for the Gates of Paradise (1424) How God Creates the Heavens & the Stars. Cain Kills his Brother Abel. Creation of Man & Woman. Every Kind of Animal Enters Noah's Ark. Adam & Eve Flank the Tree, Eat the Apple. How They Are Driven from Paradise by the Angel. Abraham & Sacrifice of Isaac, Isaac Blesses Jacob Believing Him to be Esau. Scheme for the Gates of Paradise (1425-48) Ezekiel (?) Elias (?) Joseph's Brothers Sell Him Out of Envy. The Dream of Pharaoh of the 7 Kine & 7 Ears of Corn. Joseph Recognizes His Brothers Who Have Come to Egypt for Grain Moses Sees the Lord in the Burning Thorns. Moses Speaks to the Pharaoh & Performs Miraculous Signs. The Sea Divided & the People of the Lord Passing Through. The Laws Given by Moses on the Burning Mountain, the Trumpet Sounding Aaron’s Sacrifice, in Priestly Habit with Bells & Pomegranate s Around his Robes. The People of the Lord Pass the Jordan & Enter the Land of Promise with the Ark of the Covenant. David Kills Goliath in the Presence of Saul. David Made King Amid Cheers of the People Solomon Passes Judgment on Two Women Over the Question of the Child. Miriam Nathan Elias Elisha Judith Jeremiah Ezechiel Daniel Samuel Isaiah Prophet Prophet Jeremiah NOAH Leaving the Ark Noah's Drunkeness Sacrifice of Noah Jonah Hannah (?) ABRAHAM Abraham & Angels Sacrifice of Isaac Servants Waiting Samson ISAAC Rachel (?) Prophet JOSEPH Distribution of Grain Joseph Revealing Himself Prophet Aaron Joshua JOSHUA Carrying of the Stones Joshua on the Chariot Gideon (?) Nathan (?) Daniel (?) SOLOMON Bileam (?) Rebecca Praying Esau & His Dogs Visiting Women Blessing of Jacob, Rebecca MOSES (?) Slaying of Abel Abel & Flock Cain Plowing First Parents Daughters of Israel People at Mt. Sinai Moses Receiving the Law HEAD DAVID Noah CAIN & ABEL Joab (?) GENESIS Adam Eve Expulsion Lord with Angelic Host HEAD HEAD Puarphara HEAD Ezekiel (?) Elias (?) Prophet NOAH Leaving the Ark Noah's Drunkeness Sacrifice of Noah Jonah Hannah (?) ABRAHAM Abraham & Angels Sacrifice of Isaac Servants Waiting Samson ISAAC Rachel (?) Prophet JOSEPH Distribution of Grain Joseph Revealing Himself Prophet Aaron Joshua JOSHUA Carrying of the Stones Joshua on the Chariot Gideon (?) Nathan (?) Daniel (?) SOLOMON Bileam (?) MOSES (?) Slaying of Abel Abel & Flock Cain Plowing First Parents Daughters of Israel People at Mt. Sinai Moses Receiving the Law Judith HEAD DAVID Noah CAIN & ABEL Joab (?) Jeremiah Rebecca Praying Esau & His Dogs Visiting Women Blessing of Jacob, Rebecca Miriam Prophet GENESIS Adam Eve Expulsion Lord with Angelic Host HEAD HEAD Puarphara HEAD Lorenzo Ghiberti “Gates of Paradise” : Detail of Ghiberti’s self-portrait Detail of Old Testament Heroes/prophets Genesis Panel Genesis panel: detail of Creation of Adam Genesis panel: detail Genesis panel: detail of Temptation Genesis panel: detail of Expulsion Masolino Brancacci Chapel: Temptation 1426-27 Fresco, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence Masaccio Brancacci Chapel: Expulsion 1426-27 Fresco Sta Maria del Carmine, Florence Masaccio Brancacci Chapel: Tribute Money 1426-27 Fresco Sta Maria del Carmine CAIN & ABEL Slaying of Abel Cursing of Cain Abel Tending his Flock Cain Plowing First Parents Cain and Abel panel: Detail of Abel Cain and Abel panel: detail of Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel NOAH Animals Leaving the Ark Noah's Drunkeness Sacrifice of Noah Noah Leaving the Ark ABRAHAM Abraham & the Angels Sacrifice of Isaac Servants Waiting Abraham panel: Detail of Sacrifice of Isaac Abraham panel: Detail of donkey ISAAC Rebecca Praying Esau & His Dogs Visiting Women Blessing of Jacob, Rebecca Isaac panel: detail Isaac panel: detail of Rebecca and Jacob Isaac panel: detail of visiting women Isaac panel: detail of Isaac blessing Jacob Isaac panel: detail of Esau going into the woods Isaac panel: detail of Rebecca praying JOSEPH Distribution of Grain Joseph Revealing Himself Joseph panel: detail Joseph panel: detail of architecture Joseph panel: detail of architecture Joseph panel: detail MOSES Daughters of Israel People at Mt. Sinai Moses Receiving the Law Moses panel: detail Moses panel: detail Of Moses receiving the Law JOSHUA Carrying of the Stones Joshua on the Chariot David panel David panel: detail of Saul Solomon panel Solomon panel: detail Solomon panel: detail Solomon panel: detail Solomon panel: detail Gates of Paradise: detail of reclining figures Gates of Paradise: Detail of decorative borders Gates of Paradise: Detail of Old Testament Heroes/prophets Gates of Paradise: Detail of Old Testament Heroes/prophets Gates of Paradise: Detail of Old Testament Heroes/prophets