Based on Glorias Original Notes SAVE

Based on Glorias Original Notes
Type: Progress message
Occurs When: you are saving a cmap
Title: Saving Cmap
Message: Saving Cmap “__________”
Should indicate where file is being saved (in what folder, in what place)
Type: Alert message
Occurs When: you are deleting any type of file (map, resource)?
Title: Confirm File Deletion (previously Delete File)
Message: Do you want to delete “_____________”?
Yes No
Delete File
Cancel File Deletion
Type: Alert Message
Occurs when: you are saving a resource that has exactly the same name as one that
already exists in the current folder. The folder name is currently given when you copy
between folders in cmaptools, but not when you drag and drop from a windows directory.
Title: Overwrite Resource (Replace Resource)
Message: A Resource with the same name already exists in this folder (can we include
folder name). Do you want to replace it?
Yes, replace existing Resource
Cancel save
Save with different name (may not be possible to add this option).
(might want to suggest they save the resource with a different name or in a different
folder) wonder if there is an easy way to compare resource lists and files across folders
Type: Alert Message
Occurs when: you have selected several files (often resources) to delete
Title: Delete Resources (Files) (two or more files)
Message: Are you sure you want to delete the selected files (resources)? ( I have selected
two or more files) this message includes the name of the first selected file. If you say
yes it goes through all of them. If you say no, it goes through all of them. If you say
yes to all, it deletes all, if you say cancel it quits. Could possibly reduce option by
going to below choices.
Yes to All
Yes, delete all selected resources
Not sure, check each file
No, cancel
(currently yes and no go through each file, yes to all deletes all, and cancel cancels …)
Type: Alert Message (Error Message?)
Occurs when ??? ( I have not seen this one recently … most of when I saw it seemed
due to server problems. Is there another typical scenario?)
Title: Error Saving ‘_____________’. (Is this seriously an error?)
Do you want to use the SaveAs Dialog to try and save this Cmap again to My CMaps or
another server?
Yes, save in another location
No, cancel save
Type: Alert Message
Occurs when? You are trying to close a map that has been changed without saving, alsp
when you are exiting cmaptools and have not saved changed versions of maps.
Title: Save Changes to the CMap ‘______________’? (Saving Changes)
Message: Do you want to save changes to ‘__________________’?
Yes, save new version of cmap No, do not save changes Cancel
Type: Alert Message
Occurs when: you first select Validate and Fix Links
Title: CmapTools (Validate & Fix Links)
Message: While the Validate & Fix Links tool is searching for broken links, do you want
it to automatically try to fix each of them? (agregar la que hice con Joan Feltovich)
This has already been changed.
Type: Info Message
Occurs when: after validate and fix are finished. Is different if links are not fixed as part
of the validation process. (does it automatically go to fix/or more information about
broken links?)
Title: CmapTools (Validate & Fix Links)
The validating and fixing process has finished successfully.
Checked Cmaps: 1
Fixed Resource Links: 0
Saved Cmaps: 0
Remaining Broken Resource Links: 1
Type: Info Message (Try to Fix Broken Link)
Occurs when: links have been validated, but not fixed and user is reviewing links and
trying to have cmaptools fix individually. This message comes up when cmaptools is
unable to find a resource that fits the link.
Title: Try to Fix Broken Link
Message: The Try to Fix Broken Link did not find a resource that matches the selection.
You may choose another resource from My Cmaps or Places or remove the broken
Choose another resource
remove broken link to resource Cancel????
Type: Alert Message
Title: CMapTools (Removing Resource Link)
Occurs when? Does not occur when removing using the edit resources menu and dialog.
When??? Does not occur when you use delete key to remove resource link(s). there is no
alert message given in either of these cases.
Message: Do you want to remove the resource ‘_____________’ linked to the concept
map ‘__________________’ ?
No (Remove ) Yes (Don’t Remove)
Type: dialog box (it should be an info message)
Occurs when: after spell check has been completed.
Title: Spelling Checker Summary
180 words checked in 39 strings.
12 words not found in dictionary
1 change made
Do we have an option to expand the dictionary to include specialized terms for
different fields?
(Alberto will look at)?
Type: Alert Message
Occurs when: you are modifying the directory of places in the preferences
Title: CmapTools Remove Directory of Places
Message: Are you sure you want to remove the directory server “’_________’ ”. If you
remove the directory “____________” you won’t be able to see the CMap Places
that are associated with it. What would you like to do?
Don’t need italized ….
You won’t see any more the registered CmapServers with that Directory Server.
If you remove the directory ‘___________’ you will no longer see any of the Cmap
Places that are associated to it. What do you want to do?
If you remove the directory ‘__________’ you will remove all the places associated with
it. What do you want to do?
Remove Directory Cancel
Help Gloria!!!
Type: oracion que va en el tab de directories of places
Message: Un directorio de servidores es un place (lugar) donde se registran los
servidores para que tu cliente de CmapTools los pueda encontrar.
Type: Alert Message
Occurs when: you are adding a directory server but have not entered an address for it.
Title: CmapTools
Message: To add a directory server, you must type a numeric IP address (e.g., ******) or
Symbolic Address (e.g., ***). You must type an IP or Symbolic Address
(give example of format and name)
Type: Alert Message
Occurs when: you have entered a non-valid IP or symbolic address. (what happens if the
name is valid, but doesn’t match any known places?)
Title: CmapTools
Message: ‘___________’ is not a valid IP or symbolic address. Please check the IP or
symbolic address and try again. (examples of format again?)
Type: Alert Message
Occurs when: you are deleting a style from the style box (not from views where it is
treated like a resource).
Title: CmapTools (Delete Style(s)) ----- > For further review
Do you want to delete the style (s) ‘_____________’? (singular)
Do you want to delete the selected style(s)? (a message in plural and a message in
Yes to All
Only two options currently available. This does not work like the resource version
The only options available are YES (deletes all) or NO (cancels operation).
Do not have an opportunity to review style names before deleting.
Undo does not work in styles box, only for map editing
_______________________________________________________________________Type: Info Message
Occurs when: ???? I can’t find this one??
Title: Named Styles
Message: You must select a Style or Group to perform this action
You must select a Style or Style Group to perform this action.
To do later…
If you are trying to save a new Named Style, and one already exists with that name,
there needs to be an overwrite message .
Currently the program lets you save multiple (and different) styles with the same name.
(version cv)
Type: Info Message (we have to write one)
Occurs when: you double-click on a named style, that is shown in the views screen
(nothing happens if you double-click when it is in the style box for another map)
Title: CmapTools: Using Named Style
Message: To use the Style Sheet you should either drag and drop to the Style Palette or
open it from there (old one)
- To use this Named Style you should either drag and drop the
- Drag and drop the selected Style or click the Open button in the to the Name Styles
window to add…..
- To apply a Named Style to a Cmap drag and drop
I don’t like any of these in particular. I guess because the Open button in the Named
Styles window doesn’t seem be doing what I expect.
Message: To use the Named Style, copy it to the Named Styles window by dragging
and dropping. Once there, you can open it (???) or use it in your CMap.
Type: Alert Message
Title: CmapTools (Replace Style)
Occurs when” you are trying to copy a style from the resource list into the views window.
(should style be treated the same way as other resources?)
Message: A resource named: normal already exists, do you want to replace it?
Message: A style named ‘__________’ already exists in this folder. Do you want to
replace it?
(this is kind of like the overwrite message …?)
Type: Info Message
Title: CmapTools
Occurs when (style name is problematic ?? – characters, another with that name????)
Message: Error Saving Style. Please rename your style and try again. (The system could
not save the style ‘_________’. Please, rename it and try again.) (give more information
about why it can’t be saved.
Type: Info Message
Title: CmapTools
Occurs when – you try to drag styles to a concept
Message: Styles cannot be used as resources for a concept. To apply a Named Style
to a Concept, copy it to the Named Styles list in the Styles window.
Older versions
You cannot drop Styles Groups in Concepts or Linking Phrases.
You can not apply Style Groups to any Cmap component.
Type: Info Message
Title: CmapTools (Named Styles)
Occurs when: you try to open a style from the views window? No in this case you get:
Must copy to style box message (I can’t find this one).
Message: To perform this action you must open a Cmap Window first.
You must have a Cmap (or concept map ) opened to perform this action.
Type: Info Message ( CHECK AGAIN!!!)
Title: Open Named Styles
Occurs when:
Message: You only can open style sheets or style sheet groups .
The resource ‘____________’ is not a style sheet or style sheet group.
Instead use:
You can only open named styles or named style groups with the style palette.
The resource ‘________________’ is not a named style or named style group.
What is supposed to happen when you open a style or style group in the style palette. In
may case it opens My CMaps, but this doesn’t seem to have anything to do with styles.
Occurs when:
Title: (Invalid Name) Adding Style
Message: Please enter a name. The field is empty. Please type the name again.
You must name the style
Title: Invalid Name
Message: The name may not begin with a period.
Title: Invalid Name
Message: The name may not contain the following characters ….
Type: Alert Message
Title: Remove Private Place
Message: Do you want to remove the Private Place with the address _____________ and
port number __________ ?
(should the message here be similar to that in the directory of places?)
Remove Private Place
Type: Info Message REVISAR ESTE MENSAJE !!!!
Title: Invalid Port Number
Message: The port number you entered for the server is invalid. Replace for:
The port number must be between 1 and 65535.
Type: Info Message
Occurs when: you are adding information and have multiple nodes selected.
Message: Multiple nodes are selected. You will set the info for every selected node.
OK (should have a cancel option here so that they can go back and fix, if they did
not mean to select multiple nodes).
Type: Info Message
Title: ???
Occurs when: trying to drag and drop named style to a concept from Views
You can’t add named styles as a resource to a concept.
If you are trying to apply a style to a concept, then you should add the style to the
list of named files in the Styles Window for that map.
(second part should be added),
another dumb question – how do I apply a saved style to a new map.
I can apply it to map components, but it is not obvious how to apply a saved style to a
while map.
Format – reset default files from the menu doesn’t seem to work – does the first named
style become the default for that map?
Discussion Thread messages
Title: New Discussion Thread
Message Type: Error
Occurs when: you try to create a discussion thread without filling out a name
Message Error: you must provide a name for the discussion thread.
(message goes to back and won’t let you continue).
Error: you must provide a user identifier for yourself when sending messages to the
discussion thread
Error: the password in the two password fields are (should be is) different.
Error: you must provide a password
(Required fields spelled incorrectly).
Add background image does not seem to allow you to go to local machine – only my
cmaps and places – would have to copy things over first. Looks like it is supposed to go
to local machine (folder icon is there).
Edit properties does not seem to go anywhere.
Find and Find next options are the same
Find next
find all
find all
Find next
Find next
(maybe don’t need both options on the menu if choices are same?)
invalid name: please enter a name
occurs when no name is entered for a new style.
Quick Help Comments
Note : the views window is the only location you can drag and drop a folder into
CMapTools (this is in Quick Help under adding resources and is sort of confusing).
The only location in CMapTools to which you can drag and drop an entire folder of
resources is the Views Window.
Occurs when: you try to drag and drop a folder from Views to a concept
Message: You cannot create a resource link to a folder.
Type: Information
Title: invalid resource link
Why does the splash screen come up behind some of the messages.
Add Resources box from Views Menu
More Options --- change to “Add more than one resource or a folder of
The major thing that More Options appears to do that is different is to allow you to
add more than one resource at a time. It also lets you edit associated information
and maintain copied folders of files.
More Options gives you a chance to add descriptions, keywords and folder information,
as well as recording information about resource types. It can also be used to add more
than a single resource at a time.
Not clear what folder information does – can you create a new folder or add a folder to
put all resources in. it looks like it just maintains whatever folder you copy information
over from.
Add to list
Change to
Add to list of resources in Views
In “More Options” Box
Edit …. --- change to “Edit information for selected resource.
Import tabbed text – do not get a message?
Do not get a message when you try to import the wrong type of file …
Actually tries to import the file in some cases when file is not a straight text file –
gives no information or warning message.
Tabbed text also does not appear to represent propositions that are redundant –
possibly strips them out? If so user should be warned or perhaps given option
Sometimes does not appear to work if you keep importing file with same name
Saving map “new tabbed” – is current message
Saving new map “new tabbed” in (Location of file)
Saving changes to map “new tabbed” in (Location of file)
Open and close on views menu are sort of weird. “Open “ opens My Cmaps in a new
window. “Close” closes the views menu.
Add Web Page in Views Menu
(possibly change some URL to web page)
Occurs when: in Add URL – when no information has been entered
Invalid Input: You must enter a name (triangle with exclamation point)
Change to:
Add Web Page: To add a web page resource, you need to enter a descriptive name
and the URL address.
Invalid Input: You must enter a URL
Change to
Add Web Page To add a Web Page resource, you need to enter the URL address.
(no message is given when the URL is successfully added).
Export Folder as Web Page
Select Folder
(this lets you select the folder on your local computer in which you want to save the
folder of web pages) -- does not tell you to create a folder ahead of times – just
dumps into whatever folder you choose.
Exporting the folder to “c:/…..)
Choosing select folder does not let you browse
In addition, even though supposedly you are seeing all files, you only see folders.
Save changes to untitled
Do you want to save changes to untitled
Yes No Cancel
Edit rename
Nothing happens if no file selected (or if folder selected – can folders be renamed?)
It looks like you can only rename files but not folders?
Confirm Folder Delete
Are you sure you want to delete the folder “_____” and remove all of its contents
(would be nice if we could somehow highlight the folder name.
Yes No
(what should the default be here … e.g. if a person said yes without meaning to, this
could be a big problem … but is pretty much a convention to do this way).
There is no message to tell you that the folder is being deleted. ?
Updating and copying CMaps
Edit copy paste\
Moving Resources
Moving resources to “ “ (full folder information not seen).
Moving “name of resource”
Duplicate resource name
A resource named “ “ already exists in folder “ “, do you want to replace it.
Are you sure you want to delete the shortcut “ “
Yes No
Are you sure you want to delete “
Yes No
what to search??
Show and hide refine search (not clear what refine search means).
Select what to search (refers to possible type of resource and different types of
resource properties) not search topic – sort of ambiguous.
Not clear when advanced search options would be available
Styles – sort of strange that format styles does not open styles window (sometimes
does?? And should)
Window – show styles does not toggle for styles on and styles off. Only way to close
styles is by clicking on X in upper right corner of styles box. (same for navigation tool
and views – cannot toggle to hide)
How does a background become part of a style – or can it?
Generate new layout
Generate new layout
ok (maintain new layout and continue)
(go back to original layout)
(none of these options saves new layout)….
Background (change, position, remove) – this is part of menu, but may be too
abbreviated – change means changing background, position means changing
position ….
Not clear what check mark and X in upper left hand corner mean.
Spelling check does not determine whether no concepts are actually entered.
Annotate puts map back in the background – grayed out … when annotations are
added they can be closed to move map to foreground. Can be moved when closed.
Can be put next to a concept but are not really a resource …
might need a way to distinguish – the icon is slightly different and pretty standard
for annotations.
Presentation – I don’t know what I am doing .. but doesn’t seem to work properly
…. Can’t get out of the full screen preview. Unclear how to advance. Seems to have
background that was chosen for different maps than the ones I included. Does not
show my maps. Possibly is still being worked on.
Edit does not let you delete annotations to the map, no message given
Type: Alert Message(??) (triangle with exclamation point)
Title: Map of Cmaps
Message: Resource { ….} is not inside a folder. Map of Cmaps request cannot be
Not clear when you can actually get a Map of Cmaps - is for a folder, not a map
Map of cmaps is not browsable – e.g. couldn’t find local link
Validate and fix links process has finished successfully
Number of maps checked 1
Number of broken links 18
(message goes to back and can’t see it …)
map of cmaps does not actually have links to other maps that work.this is also a good
place to see all the messages about validating and fixing links.
Find versus search – find is within a map, search across a variety of sources .
Find this map in map of cmaps – requires map to be open. Generates map of maps within
folder, regardless of whether they are integrated.
Some really weird stufrf happned when I generated a map of cmaps in one of my local
folders called maryjo – if I try to browse map of cmaps
Checking map of cmaps occurs in map of cmaps has already been created for the folder.
Map is highlighted.
If map of cmaps has not already been created, there are many messages that occur related
to building of the map of cmaps, before the find can take place.
Map of cmaps message: No Cmaps were found trying to create Map of Cmaps for “
There are no concept maps in the folder ________. A Map of CMaps cannot be created
unless there is at least one concept map in the folder..
Confirm delete: are you sure you want to delete ______?
Yes no (
(can we add info about are you sure you want to delete the style ____________?)
More about Map of cmaps:
if none yet is in folder
creating map of cmaps:
if one has already been created
checking map of cmaps:
Quick Help Comments
Note : the views window is the only location you can drag and drop a folder into
CMapTools (this is in Quick Help under adding resources and is sort of confusing).
The only location in CMapTools to which you can drag and drop an entire folder of
resources is the Views Window.
Right-click on the concept you wish to add a discussion thread to.
Not good to end sentence with to …(actually I am seeing this same thing in many
Change to?
Right-click (… for Mac) on the concept to which you wish to add a discussion
To add a discussion thread, right-click …..
(the quick-help for discussion threads does not include any information about the
required fields .. )
Select the concept or link whose font you wish to change
Select a concept to apply a saved style to
Export to – does not show tabbed text as one of the options
This occurred in version crp
Open place error – error downloading the contents of IHMC CMaps
Javalang out of bounds array exeception 39>37
Ignore or cancel (opening place)