Purpose: This template should be used when purchasing services from U.S. Companies
with a total value less than $10,000 and no supplementary supplier terms.
Step 1: Verify that the Supplier is in the GMS supplier data base. If not direct supplier
It may take 3-5 business days for new supplier numbers to be activated.
Step 2: Fill in all the blanks on the template: 1 = supplier name, 2 = GMS contract
number, 3 = Contract Overview, 4 = NTE dollar amount, 5 = beginning service date, 6 =
end of service date.
Step 3: List of collaborator names and email addresses for contract review process to
be completed in Box (e.g. Cost Center Buyer, Requisitioner, Department personnel
involved in contract negotiations):
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
Step 4: Please create a requisition in GMS.
Requisition number: ______________________________________________
Step 5: Submit complete package to contracts@georgetown.edu
Package check list:
_____ Instruction Sheet
_____ GU Standard Short Form Agreement Template from Contracts Website
_____ Indicate if the contract is a RUSH or CONFIDENTIAL in the Contract
Reference Field in GMS
_____ Attachment A – Detailed Statement of Work (SOW), includes
Deadlines, Deliverables Desired Results, etc.
_____ UIS Checklist or Worksheet if services involve software, hardware,
electronic data or web design
_____ Certificate of Insurance (COI) with GU as a certificate holder
_____ GU Addendum for Protection of Minors if services involve interaction
with minors.
This Agreement (the “Agreement”), by and between Georgetown University (“Georgetown”) and
_____________________________ (“Supplier”), with GMS contract number _________, is for the
performance of services, as summarized below and further detailed in Attachment A – Statement of Work:
Georgetown shall pay Supplier an amount not to exceed $ _____ for the performance of these services.
Services shall begin on ___________ (the “Start Date”) and end on ___________ (the “End Date”).
The Supplier is _____/ is not _____ designated as a District of Columbia Certified Business Enterprise
(“CBE”). If applicable, Supplier’s CBE number is _____________.
1. General
Supplier represents and warrants that it is appropriately qualified and authorized to do business, and that Supplier
has complied and will comply with all federal, state, and local laws regarding registrations, permits and licenses
of any kind that are required to perform the services described in this Agreement.
2. Billing Requirements
a) Georgetown shall pay proper invoices submitted by Supplier within thirty (30) days of Georgetown’s receipt
of such invoices. Proper invoices are to be sent to:
Georgetown University
Accounts Payable
2121 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 400
PO Box 571165
Washington, DC 20057
PO-based invoices may also be emailed to: PO-Invoices@georgetown.edu
b) In order to be considered proper, invoices issued by the Supplier pursuant to this Agreement must display the
purchase order number, an invoice number, invoice date, and the Georgetown department/person receiving
services. Georgetown shall return improper invoices to Supplier for correction.
c) For tax exemption purposes, Georgetown is exempt from Sales and Use Taxes under District of Columbia
Certificate 8200-19620-01, State of Maryland Certificate 31056592 (as applicable), the Commonwealth of
Virginia Form ST-13 (as applicable), and Federal Excise Tax Certificate 52-74-0032-F.
3. Term and Termination
This Agreement shall be effective as of the Start Date and shall continue in effect until the End Date, unless
terminated earlier pursuant to this section. Georgetown may terminate this Agreement by delivering thirty (30)
days’ written notice to Supplier. Supplier shall cease performing services as soon as practicable following
Supplier’s receipt of a notice of termination from Georgetown. All indemnification, confidentiality and choice
of law provisions shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
4. Indemnification
Supplier will indemnify, defend, hold harmless and reimburse Georgetown, and Georgetown’s officers, directors
and employees, for, against and from all claims, demands, liabilities, suits, damages, costs and expenses of any
nature arising from or relating to Supplier’s negligence or a breach of any of Supplier’s representations,
warranties or obligations under this Agreement.
5. Insurance
a) Supplier shall maintain, unless otherwise specified herein, comprehensive general liability insurance in the
amount of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate, worker’s
compensation coverage including employer’s liability; automobile liability insurance with a combined single
limit for bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 per accident ($5,000,000 for
transportation Suppliers), throughout the performance of this Agreement. If applicable, Supplier shall maintain
professional liability insurance for claims arising from real or alleged errors, omissions, or negligent acts
committed in the performance of professional or technical services associated with this Agreement with limits
of at least $1,000,000 per claim.
b) Supplier’s applicable policies shall include Georgetown University as an Additional Insured but solely with
respect to liability arising from the performance of this Agreement. A signed certificate evidencing such
coverage shall be emailed to riskmanagement@georgetown.edu.
6. Relationship and Authority
a) The Parties understand and acknowledge that Supplier is an independent contractor of Georgetown, and that
nothing in this Agreement is intended to or should be construed to create an agency, joint venture, partnership
or employment relationship. Georgetown shall not withhold from its payments to Supplier any amounts for
income taxes or other similar assessments.
b) This Agreement sets forth the terms of the business relationship between the Parties. Neither Party shall hold
itself out contrary to these terms by advertising or otherwise, nor shall either Party be bound by any statement,
representation, act or omission of the other Party. Supplier shall not have the authority to enter into contracts in
Georgetown’s name or make financial or other commitments on Georgetown’s behalf.
7. Compliance with Laws
Supplier agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations (“Applicable Laws”)
in the course of providing goods and/or services under this Agreement, including but not limited to employment
and privacy laws, and all Georgetown policies concerning such laws. Georgetown and Supplier agree to
abide by the requirements of 41 CFR 60-1.4(a), 60-300.5(a) and 60-741.5(a). These regulations prohibit
discrimination against qualified individuals based on their status as protected veterans or individuals with
disabilities, and prohibit discrimination against all individuals based on their race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin. Moreover, these regulations require that covered parties take affirmative action to employ
and advance in employment individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
protected veteran status or disability.
8. Confidentiality
Except as required by Applicable Laws, Supplier shall not disclose or use, directly or indirectly, except as
necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement, any proprietary or confidential data, trade secrets or
other non-public information relating to Georgetown or its affairs (including the terms of this Agreement) which
may be disclosed to, or become known by, Supplier in connection with this Agreement.
9. Georgetown’s Names or Marks
Supplier shall not use in any manner the name Georgetown University or any other Georgetown University
trademarks, service marks, trade names, symbols, logos or designs without the prior written approval of
10. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and its performance governed by, the laws of the District
of Columbia.
11. Failure to Exercise or Enforce
The failure of either Georgetown or Supplier to enforce or exercise any right under this Agreement shall not be
construed to be a waiver of such right to insist upon strict compliance with the obligations or the terms herein.
12. Force Majeure
Neither Party shall be responsible for any failure or delay in the performance of any obligations under this
Agreement to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by force majeure events, include but not be limited
to acts of God, riots or civil commotions, war, terrorism, or other acts of any nation or governmental agency or
13. Assignment
Neither Georgetown nor Supplier may assign this Agreement or any right or obligation thereunder without the
prior written consent of the other Party.
14. Intellectual Property
Any and all work, deliverables and/or intellectual property (including, but without limit, the work itself or any
derivative works in whatever medium displayed) that may be developed for Georgetown pursuant to this
Agreement is deemed a “work for hire” and as such is and shall be the sole and exclusive property of
Georgetown. In the event, however, that the work performed by Supplier for Georgetown pursuant to this
Agreement is not deemed a “work for hire,” Supplier hereby grants and assigns any and all of its rights in such
work, the deliverables under this Agreement, and/or associated intellectual property to Georgetown.
15. Subcontractors
Supplier shall not engage any third parties to provide goods or services to Georgetown in connection with this
16. Entire Agreement
This Agreement, together with any relevant attachments, constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties
with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any Supplier proposal, quote or other documents.
17. Amendment
This Agreement may not be amended, extended or modified except by written agreement executed by
Georgetown and Supplier.
FOR ________________________:
Name (Print)
Signature and Date
Name (Print)
Signature and Date
Detailed Statement of Work (SOW), to include deadlines, deliverables, desired results, etc.