Are My Test Scores Good Enough?

Are My Test Scores Good Enough?
Filename: scores
After SI@UCF, you are excited to apply to UCF. After infiltrating the admissions office
mainframe, you realize that a simple formula based on a student’s GPA, SAT score and number
of extracurricular activities determines admission.
In particular, if a student satisfies any of the following criteria, they are accepted into UCF:
1) GPA of 3.75 or higher (out of 4.0)
2) SAT of 2000 or higher (out of 2400)
3) 5 or more extracurricular activities
If a student doesn’t satisfy any of those requirements, but satisfies one of the two following ones,
they are waitlisted:
1) GPA of 3.0 or higher and SAT of 1500 or higher
2) SAT of 1700 or higher and 3 or more extracurricular activities
If none of these criteria are satisfied, then a student is declined admission.
The Problem
Given a student’s GPA, SAT score and number of extracurricular activities, determine whether
they are accepted to UCF, waitlisted, or declined admission.
The Input
The first line will have a single integer, n (0<n<100), that will represent the number of students
to evaluate for admission to UCF. The next n lines will have three numbers on them, separated
by spaces. The first number will be a floating point number that will represent the student’s
GPA, G (0.0 ≤ G ≤ 4.0). The second number will be an integer, S, (600 ≤ S ≤ 2400), that
represents the student’s SAT score. The last number will be an integer, A, (0 ≤ A ≤ 20), that
represents the number of extracurricular activities in which the student participates.
The Output
Print out “Accepted”, “Waitlisted”, or “Declined”, on a line by itself for each
test case.
Sample Input
3.6 2010 2
3.2 1650 3
3.2 1400 1
Sample Output