ENTREPRENEURSHIP INTERNSHIP - EVALUATION FORM The intern’s supervisor should complete this form and email it to Entrepreneurship Internship Professor Ray Bagby, Ray_Bagby@baylor.edu, and Entrepreneurship Internship Coordinator Linda Ramirez, Linda_Ramirez@baylor.edu. If you have questions, please contact Linda Ramirez at 254.710.4170. Linda Ramirez Entrepreneurship Internship Program Manager John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship Hankamer School of Business Baylor University One Bear Place #98011 Waco, Texas 76798-8011 STUDENT INFORMATION: Student First Name: Student Middle Name: Student Last Name: Evaluation Period: INTERNSHIP COMPANY INFORMATION: Company Name: Supervisor Name: First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Title: Supervisor’s Department: Supervisor’s Email: Supervisor’s Phone: Supervisor is a Baylor University Alumnus (check all that Baylor Business MBA Alumnus apply): Baylor Business Undergraduate Alumnus Baylor Business Entrepreneurship Alumnus Other Do you plan to hire another Yes Intern from Baylor? No If “No”, to help us improve this program, would you share with us your reason for not hiring? If you want to provide information on the internship role, start date, and how to apply, we will begin marketing it to our students. PART I: List the goals defined for the student during their internship: PART II: How did the Intern meet your expectations in the following areas? Ratings: Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, Below Expectations, or N/A. SKILLS AND ABILITIES: 1. Well prepared for the position: Exceeds Meets Below N/A 2. Possessed necessary business skills: Exceeds Meets Below N/A 3. Possessed necessary communication skills: Exceeds Meets Below N/A WORK HABITS: 1. Showed ability to work independently: 2. Thoroughly completed assignments: 3. Showed a sense of responsibility: 4. Was dependable: Exceeds Meets Below N/A Exceeds Meets Below N/A Exceeds Meets Below N/A Exceeds Meets Below N/A 5. Showed creativity on assignments (if applicable): 6. Worked at a high level of productivity: Exceeds Meets Below N/A Exceeds Meets Below N/A 1. Exhibited a professional Exceeds attitude: 2. Was able to adapt to changing Exceeds circumstances: 3. Was cooperative: Exceeds Meets Below N/A Meets Below N/A Meets Below N/A 4. Was punctual: Exceeds Meets Below N/A 5. Came to work regularly: Exceeds Meets Below N/A 6. Was courteous and friendly: Exceeds Meets Below N/A 7. Presented appropriate personal appearance: Exceeds Meets Below N/A 1. Showed general maturity: Exceeds Meets Below N/A 2. Understood the job description: 3. Overall assessment of the Intern: Exceeds Meets Below N/A Exceeds Meets Below N/A PROFESSIONALISM: OTHER: Based on the Intern’s work, what grade would you assign him/her? OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES: Although it was designated as an optional activity, did the Intern interview two senior management of the company? Yes No Did you receive any feedback on that? Was it positive? Additional comments about the interviews? Although it was also designated as an optional activity, did the Intern do an executive summary/lessons learned presentation to management toward the end of their internship experience? Yes No What grade would you give the intern’s presentation? Additional comments about the intern’s presentation? FUTURE CONSIDERATION: Would you consider this student for another student program or permanent employment in your organization? If “No”, why not? Additional Comments: Yes No