Introduction Please note that in order to apply for the Thomas J. Alexander Fellowship Programme you will have to complete an application through the OECD recruitment system, TALEO. This document provides you with an outline of the information you will be requested to provide. IMPORTANT The questions at the end require you to introduce text. You are strongly advised to prepare the required texts in a separate document (like this document) and then copy and paste it into the actual application in the TALEO system. If you decide to do otherwise, you run the risk of losing all the data you entered if you take too much time in the system while applying online. Once you have entered data, you will be able to use it again for other applications. Personal Information Personal Information You will be required to enter all relevant personal information for the fields below. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. To search in a dropdown list (e.g. Country of Residence) you will be able to type in the first letter and repeat until the desired option is found. Last Name First Name Street Address (line 1) Zip/Postal Code City Address (line 2) Country of Residence Preferred Phone Number Email Address Date of Birth Gender OECD Citzenship Other Citizenship, if applicable Additional Citizenship, if applicable Languages Native Language Not Specified Not Specified Level of French Level of English Not Specified Other fluent language 1 Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Other fluent language 2 Other fluent language 3 Native: First language often spoken since birth, rather than having learnt it in childhood or as an adult. Excellent: Ability to read, write and speak a language like an educated native speaker. Very Good: Ability to read, write, and speak a language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations. Good: Ability to read, write, and speak a language and satisfy most work requirements and show some ability to communicate on concrete topics. Fair: Ability to read, write, and speak a language and satisfy routine informal conversations and limited work/formal conversations. Basic: Ability to read, write, and speak a language using a restricted vocabulary and command of language structure. None: Little or no knowledge of this language Please indicate your availability Advance Notice Day Month Year Not Specified Date of Availability Day Month Year Work Experience Work Experience You will be required to list your work experiences below, starting with the most recent one and to use a separate entry for each work experience, even if the employer remains unchanged. You must specify at least one work experience entry. The End Date field is optional if this is your current employment. For each work experience, you will be required to provide as well with the Title of the position, the name of the Employer, its sector, the job location and the achievements. Additional Information You will be required to provide any additional information regarding publications, your qualifications, career objectives or any other details that could help us evaluate your application, within two text boxes named “Other” and “Certificates/Licences” Tips Use these fields to provide any relevant information missing from your employment submission. Fields maximum length The maximum length allowed in these fields is 3000 characters including spaces. Qualifications Education You will be required to list your educational experiences (level of studies, academic institution name, major/program) below, starting with the most relevant education. Should you require assistance in identifying comparable qualifications, please click here. References You will be required to provide with the name, email address, title and relationship of 3 references who we could contact in case you would be considered for position, as described below References Last Name First Name Email Address Title Relationship Research proposal Questionnaire After answering some quick screening questions, you will be asked to insert your proposal in relation to the following sections: - abstract of the research proposal - research objectives and policy relevance - data - methods - resource needs - timetable - dissemination - letter of motivation Abstract of the research proposal Provide a brief summary of the research proposal in non-technical terms. Briefly describe the policy issue involved, the research questions, the methods to be used, and potential contribution this research will make to the field of education and to policy making. Note: Please answer in English. The maximum length allowed in this field is 1500 characters including spaces, about 200 words. Research objectives and policy relevance The aim of this section is to place the proposed research in the context of the current policy debate. Elaborate on the purpose of undertaking the proposed research and the aims or objectives the research will address. Provide a succinct review of the relevant research in the field and explain how the proposed research fills a gap or prompts new research question(s). Briefly describe the proposed theoretical framework. If your proposal does not deal directly with equity or emerging countries, please explain why it would be relevant for these countries or this topic. Data Note: Please answer in English. The maximum length allowed in this field is 4000 characters including spaces, about 650 words. Provide a rationale for the use of OECD knowledge base or datasets, such as PISA data, to address the proposed research objectives. Describe in detail the data that will be used to develop the research project, including, for example, which variables (such as particular PISA variables or combinations of them) will be used to measure the constructs defined in the conceptual framework, which sample(s) will be the focus of the analysis (e.g. groups of students, schools or countries), etc. Note: Please answer in English. The maximum length allowed in this field is 4000 characters including spaces, about 650 words. Methods Provide a short description of methods and explain the link between methodology, conceptual framework, data and research question(s). Describe the methods, models, hypothesis and what analytical procedures will be used to develop the research project. Specify your experience conducting analyses that rely on the same or similar methods and your ability to work independently. Resource needs Note: Please answer in English. The maximum length allowed in this field is 4000 characters including spaces, about 650 words. Describe in detail the resources needed to conduct the research project. For each category of resource, please provide major breakdowns. Include estimated resources needed for travel, if necessary. Note that the total award of the fellowship will be made commensurate to the quality of the proposal and additional elements such as individual expertise and the proposed length of stay at the OECD headquarters in Paris. Note: Please answer in English. The maximum length allowed in this field is 2500 characters including spaces, about 350 words. Timetable Fellowships will be awarded for a maximum of 12 months with no possibility for extension. Briefly detail the progression of the research project over 12 months. The proposed timeline should include expectations for review of progress at approximately 3 months and submission of a draft document and draft policy note for review at approximately 9 months. An important aspect of the Thomas J. Alexander Fellowship is working at OECD headquarters in Paris. Fellows are expected to spend between 3 and 12 months at the OECD during their fellowship. With this in mind, describe how the proposed duration of the stay at OECD headquarters features into the research. Dissemination Note: Please answer in English. The maximum length allowed in this field is 2500 characters including spaces, about 350 words. Describe the outputs that your proposed research will deliver and your plans for dissemination, including key audiences. Note: Please answer in English. The maximum length allowed in this field is 1500 characters including spaces, about 200 words. Motivation Describe your motivation for applying to the Thomas J. Alexander Fellowship Programme and how you expect the programme will contribute to developing your overall work. Clearly state the reasons why you want to engage in comparative education policy research, why you believe you will be successful in the project you are proposing and how the work will contribute to your career as well as the work of the OECD. Clearly state the expected benefit for the applicant from a residence at the OECD in Paris. Note: Please answer in English. The maximum length allowed in this field is 4000 characters, about 650 words.