The measurement of international travel services: Current methodology and alternatives


The measurement of international travel services:

Current methodology and alternatives

(including the use of credit card information)

Balance of International Payments Division

November 9 th , 2011



 Total travel services relatively small, but volatile, portion of the current account

 Significant impact on trade in services balance

 Travel series used in several System of National

Accounts components

 Current travel estimates combine traveller surveys and traveller counts

 Alternative sources to validate or replace current sources

• Potential sources

• Advantages and issues

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 2020-04-11


Some figures on travel

 25 million foreign travellers to Canada in 2010

• 82% from United States (mostly by automobile of which half on same-day trip)

• 45% of the spending from United States travellers

 54 million Canadian travellers abroad in 2010

• 84% to United States (mostly by automobile of which two-thirds on same-day trip)

• 60% of the spending made in United States

 Increase in the travel deficit of Canada

• Deficit rose from C$2.1 billion to C$14.3 billion between 2001 and 2010 ... Mostly on larger deficit with United States

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System of National Accounts requirements

 Balance of payments

• Travel spending by purpose of the trip; details on medical, education, and non-resident workers; passenger fares by mode of transport; quarterly series with geographical breakdown

 Gross domestic product

• Exports-imports of services; personal expenditures (spending by broad category); provincial allocation

 Canadian Tourism Satellite Account

• Supply (industry side) and demand (tourist side); domestic and international travellers; spending by broad category

 Input-Output System

• Household versus business spending; detailed spending by category ... converted into about 150 commodities; provincial distribution

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Frontier counts


 Volumes of Canadian and foreign travellers are estimated through administrative data (frontier counts)

 Air travellers

• Customs declaration card

• Residency of the traveller

• Length of stay

• Some information about the destination (for Canadian travellers)

• Large sample of the cards are processed for statistics

 Land travellers

• Counts of people crossing the borders

• Split between same-day and overnight trips

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Traveller surveys


 Questionnaires distributed at borders and in airports

 Five versions of the survey

• Canadians returning from abroad (long questionnaire)

• United States travellers (long questionnaire)

Foreigners from countries other than U.S. (long questionnaire)

• Canadian returning from United States on same-day trip by automobile

(short questionnaire)

• United States travellers returning from Canada on same-day trip by automobile (short questionnaire)

 Key questions

• Country of residence; purpose of trip; length of trip (covers commuters)

 Air Exit Survey of Overseas Visitors

• Interviews conducted directly in airports while passengers wait for flights

(target flights to specific destinations)

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Travel expenditures

 Questions on spending

• Broken down by 5 categories of spending

• Share of spending paid by sector (personal-business split)

• Countries visited

 Characteristics of the respondents combined with characteristics of the “population” (frontier counts)

• Representation of travellers by ports of exit

• Travel spending published quarterly for 6 areas

• Further details on annual basis

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Transportation: Passenger fares

 Questions on fares

• Fares paid

• Name of the carrier

• Type of fare

• Origin / destination

 Characteristics of the respondents combined with characteristics of the “population” (frontier counts)

• Passenger fares estimated on a quarterly basis but integrated under total transport services for publication purposes

• Some details available annually

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Alternatives: Improving current surveys


 Any of the alternatives discussed would need to retain frontier counts

 Consolidation of the questionnaires from 5 to 2 versions

• Will simplify the distribution

• Reduce printing costs

 Increase the distribution of questionnaires at certain ports of exit

 Air exit survey for United States travellers

 Review imputation strategies

 Internet version of the questionnaires (distribute cards with link)... As a means ↓ response burden and ↑ response rates

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Airlines statistics

 Survey of air passenger origin and destination (quarterly)

• Number of passengers, by airlines (all having activities in Canada), by

Canadian and foreign origin-destinations

• Data compiled for air scheduled and air charter services

• No breakdown between Canadian and foreign passenger

 Not seen yet as an alternative to traveller questionnaires

• No country of residence for the travellers

• Does not capture the full journey

 Fare basis survey (quarterly)

• Collects sample of ticket fares from major Canadian air carriers

• Average fares for different type of fare

• Domestic and international journeys

 Could be used to validate questionnaire results

• Although no information on foreign airline fares


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Airlines admin data

 Leverage any available airlines administrative data

• Likely that high frequency airlines administrative data is available for internal purposes ... Marketing and route planning purposes as demand evolves

 Possible detail

Origin and destination of travellers

• Nationality

• Personal travel or business travel

• Domestic and international journeys

• Duration of trips

 Likely only domestic carriers and affiliates

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Household surveys ...

And modelling

 Adding questions on international travel through current

Statistics Canada’s surveys

• Survey of Household Spending

• Possibly supplementary module on higher frequency surveys

• Would only cover Canadian travel abroad

• Lack of spending details

• Good control total for non-business spending ... acceptable to estimate average spending

 Modelling data

• Based on counts, exogenous variables and established patterns

• Likely used in combination with other alternatives

• Challenge: The need to generate sufficient detail for the national accounts programs

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Credit card information

 Partial aggregated monthly statistics available ... Data are timely ≤ 15 business days after the end of the reference period

 Used as an indicator and data confrontation tool for Household final consumption expenditures (GDP)

 Class of card holder (personal / commercial) ... With 6 classes of detail:

• Personal credit card purchases made in Canada by Canadian residents

• Commercial credit card purchases made in Canada by Canadian residents

• Personal credit card purchases made in Canada by non-residents

• Commercial credit card purchases made in Canada by non-residents;

• Personal credit card purchases made outside Canada by Canadian residents;

Commercial credit card purchases made outside of Canada by

Canadian residents.


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Credit card information (cont`d)

 Transactions are grouped for about 40 different merchant classes such as:

Accommodation, Airline, Car rental, Full-service restaurants, Other retail, Travel agencies, etc.

 Challenges:


• Not all credit suppliers included ... Key as market shares evolve

• No formal agreement in place to secure data on an ongoing basis

• Residency of the card holder limited

• Location of the transaction (only in Canada or abroad)

• Transaction detail not perfect: More industry than commodity ...

Possibly not standardized across all credit suppliers

• Commercial-personal use determined by type of card

• Difficult to estimate spending per trip (even with # of transactions and/or # of trips per cardholder)

• Difficulty comparing estimates to survey results

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Credit card information (cont`d)

 Challenges (cont`d)

• Purchases at Canadian or foreign business represent transactions while travelling, by phone or by internet → more than travel spending

• Capital purchases (e.g., deposit on timeshares) may be included

• Timing may be an issue, as transactions reflect the date of the purchase ... Not necessarily the date of travel (e.g., air tickets)

• No way to identify if the purchase was done from home or abroad

• Purchases from Canadian travel agencies shown as purchases made in Canada, but part may be for travelling outside the country

• No information about exact country of purchase

• No information about country of origin of foreign travellers

• Credit cards do not cover all travel transactions


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... debit card information

 Debit card transactions (withdrawals while travelling) likely account for a not insignificant share of travel spending

 Further, debit cards maybe used differently than credit cards while travelling

• credit cards for accommodation and other expenditures

• debit card withdrawals for a percentage of meals, leisure activities and shopping

 Further, debit cards maybe used differently than credit cards while travelling

 Implications for expenditure allocations by commodity


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Credit card information (cont`d)

 Going forward implies a large amount of work and data development

• Determine if additional country detail could be made available ...

Country of residency for the cardholder and merchant

• Determine if we can obtain the Canadian region of the merchant and cardholder

• Establish a better understanding of credit suppliers merchant classifications in relation to standard industry-commodity classifications

• Determine if there is a flag/indicator identifying (i) internet, (ii) telephone and (iii) merchant location

• Establish an approach to estimate average expenditure, per cardholder, per trip

• Extend efforts to include debit cards


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Conclusion ... Questions, comments

 Statistics on international travel are important not only for balance of payments / trade purposes

 Canada’s estimates are derived from a combination of travellers surveys and travellers counts

 Alternative sources require be further studied to validate or replace current sources

 More work on credit-debit cards, in particular

 Questions ... Comments?

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