HISTORY DATABASE: COMPUTER DATABASE MANAGEMENT FOR RESEARCH, WRITING, AND CATALOGING David L. Clark 24851 Piuma Road Malibu, California 90265-3036 (818) 888-9371 USING KERMIT AS A TERMINAL EMULATION PROGRAM WITH PICK By David L. Clark, History Database Kermit is a terminal emulation and communications program distributed free of charge by Columbia University. The use of Kermit for both terminal emulation and communications is thoroughly documented in the book Using MS-DOS Kermit: Connecting Your PC to the Electronic World, by Christine M. Gianone, published by Digital Press. A disk containing the Kermit program is included with the book. Copies of Kermit and additional documenation may be obtained from Kermit Distribution, Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 612 West 115th Street, New York, NY 10025, (212) 854-3703. Steps to Take for Terminal Emulation To use Kermit as a terminal emulation program with Pick, take the following steps: 1. Copy the files on the Kermit disk, placed in the A Drive of an IBM PC compatible computer, to the C Drive hard disk with the following command given in DOS: C> COPY A:*.* 2. The Kermit program is contained in the file "Kermit.exe". When Kermit is started, the program looks for an initialization file with the name "MSKermit.ini". I have supplied here the file "MSKermit.hd" which contains a complete set of initialization instructions intended for use with the full-screen editor of the History Database program, and the file "MSKermit.pck" which contains a very minimal set of initialization instructions intended for use with generic Pick. The History Database version moves Kermit functions away from keys which might be pressed accidentally, such as PG UP and PG DN, to CONTROL-ALT-Key combinations. Both initialization files are presented in detail below. To change back and forth between the two instruction sets give the following commands in DOS: To use the complete set give the command: C> COPY MSKermit.hd MSKermit.ini To use the minimal set give the command: C> COPY MSKermit.pck MSKermit.ini 3. Kermit emulates the VT320 terminal. Use the DEFINE-TERMINAL command, supplied by Pick Systems, to define the new terminal for the Pick operating system. The DEFINE-TERMINAL command and the parameters to use are presented below. Use either Pick's ACC file, which stores default parameters for each port, or the TERM command given from the affected port, to set the port to the appropriate terminal type. For example, if you used DEFINE-TERMINAL to create a terminal type "Z", after starting Kermit and logging onto Pick you would give the command: > TERM Z 4. Use Pick's SET-BAUD and XCS-ON commands to set the baud rate for the port to match that in Kermit's initialization file. The rate is 19200 on the file supplied here. Use the XCS-ON command to allow use of the IBM Extended ASCII graphics characters, if you wish to use those characters. Follow each command with the port number. For example, for port number one: > SET-BAUD 1,19200 > XCS-ON 1 5. Connect the host computer and the IBM PC with Kermit loaded with a null modem serial cable. 6. On the IBM PC, begin the Kermit program with the command: C> Kermit 7. To wake up Pick, just terminal, press the ENTER key on logon message appears, give your give the TERM command to set the port 8. as you would after turning on a the IBM PC running Kermit. When the Pick account name. After you have logged on, to the appropriate terminal type. To see the communications parameters used press CONTROL-ALT-S if you employed the full MSKermit.hd instruction set, or ALT-S if you employed the minimal MSKermit.pck instruction set. 9. To print a copy of a Pick screen, connect a printer to the parallel port of the IBM PC running Kermit and press the Print Screen key. To dump a copy of the Pick screen to the DOS file "Kermit.scn" press SHIFT-CONTROL-ALT-END if you employed the full MSKermit.hd instruction set, or CONTROL-END if you employed the minimal MSKermit.pck instruction set. Each time that you give the dump command, the current screen will be added to the DOS Kermit.scn file, separated from previous screens by a form feed character. To roll the screen up and down, press CONTROL-ALT-PG UP and CONTROL-ALTPG DN if you employed MSKermit.hd or PG UP and PG DN if you employed MSKermit.pck. 10. To give Kermit commands, call up the "MS-Kermit>" prompt by pressing CONTROL-ALT-X if you employed the full MSKermit.hd instruction set, or ALT-X if you employed the minimal MSKermit.pck instruction set. Give Kermit commands at the "MS-Kermit>" prompt only. All of the commands shown below for the MSKermit.hd and MSKermit.pck instruction sets are Kermit commands that could be given or modified at the "MS-Kermit>" prompt. The comments included with the instruction sets include alternate versions of the commands. For example, to see the communication and terminal definitions used, at the Kermit prompt you would give the commands SHOW COMM and SHOW TERM. To reconnect to Pick you would then give the Kermit command CONNECT: MS-Kermit> SHOW COMM MS-Kermit> SHOW TERM MS-Kermit> CONNECT 11. When you are finished, give the OFF command in Pick, just as you would from a terminal: > OFF 12. To exit from Kermit and return to the DOS prompt, give the EXIT command at the Kermit prompt. Be to give OFF from Pick before you EXIT from Kermit. MS-Kermit> EXIT The Kermit Initialization File Kermit looks for an initialization file with the name "MSKermit.ini". Two versions are presented here. The file "MSKERMIT.HD" contains a complete set of initialization instructions intended for use with the full-screen editor of the History Database program. The file "MSKERMIT.PCK" contains a very minimal set of initialization instructions intended for use with generic Pick. The History Database version moves Kermit functions away from keys which might be pressed accidentally to CONTROL-ALT-Key combinations. Copy the file that you wish to use to the filename "MSKERMIT.INI". In the files presented below, note that the semicolon is used to begin a comment in Kermit. ASCII characters may be employed by preceding the ASCII number with a backslash. For example, to send a Carriage Return -- Line Feed: "\13\10". To reset a key, the scan code is followed by the ASCII value. A table of IBM PC scan codes appears in Using MS-DOS Kermit. The form of the command is: SET KEY \scan-code \ascii All of the commands shown are Kermit commands which can be given from the "MS-Kermit>" prompt. Alternatives to the commands used are also presented. MSKERMIT.PCK Minimal Initialization File: ;* MSKERMIT.PCK History Database David L. Clark 01/09/1991 ;* Initialize Kermit for use with generic Pick, not History Database. ;* DOS: C:\Kermit\MSKermit.pic ;* For full History Database definition: COPY MSKERMIT.HD MSKERMIT.INI ;* For minimum generic Pick definition: COPY MSKERMIT.PCK MSKERMIT.INI ;* For minimum definition, some commands have been commented out, ;* most key redefinitions not included. CLEAR ;* Clear communications buffer SET TERM CLEAR-SCREEN ;* Clear the screen ECHO MS-DOS Kermit 3.0 set for use with Pick \13\10 ECHO Press ENTER to connect to Pick\13\10 ;* Communication Parameters SET PORT 1 ;* For IBM PC COM1 SET BAUD 19200 ;* Alternatives: 38400, 9600, 2400, 1200 SET PARITY NONE ;* Alternatives: EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE SET FLOW-CONTROL XON/XOFF ;* Alternative: NONE SET DUPLEX FULL ;* Alternative: HALF ;* Emulate DEC VT320 terminal SET TERM VT320 ;* Use IBM Extended ASCII SET DISPLAY 8-BIT SET TERM CHAR TRANSPARENT SET TERM CONTROLS 8 ;* Set Screen SET MODE-LINE OFF SET TERM WRAP ON SET TERM CURSOR UNDERLINE ;* Must start with low intensity, SET TERM COLOR 0 32 40 ;* SET TERM GRAPHICS ? ;* SET PROMPT ? ;* Set Keys SET KEY \270 \8 ;* Log to Pick CONNECT ;* Alternatives: VT102, VT52, HEATH-19 ;* Chars over 127 from host to term ;* Chars over 127 from host to term ;* Keys over 127 from term to host ;* ;* ;* or ;* ;* ;* No status line Kermit does line wrap Alternative: BLOCK bold, dim functions reversed. Low intensity, green on black. Alternatives: CGA, EGA, VGA Default prompt: MS-Kermit> ;* Set Backspace to Control-H ;* User takes over MSKERMIT.HD Full History Database Initialization File: ;* MSKermit.hd History Database David L. Clark 01/09/1991 ;* Initialize Kermit for use with Pick, History Database. ;* DOS: C:\Kermit\MSKermit.hd ;* For full History Database definition: COPY MSKermit.hd MSKermit.ini ;* For minimum generic Pick definition: COPY MSKermit.pck MSKermit.ini ;* If some commands do not get through, check the file for a CRLF at the ;* end of every line with the DOS command: ;* TYPE \Kermit\MSKermit.hd | MORE ;* The IBM PC scan codes for resetting keys appear in "Using MS-DOS Kermit" ;* by Christione M. Gianone, page 231. ;* For Clear Screen to clear the 25th row, give Pick's DEFINE-TERMINAL ;* procedure the Escape sequences for Clear Screen, Position Row ;* Bottom, Clear Line, Position Home: ;* ESC "[2J" ESC "[25;0H" ESC "[2K" ESC "H" ;* To reach the 25th row for display, you must give explicit ;* CRT @(Col, Row) commands. If you try to wrap characters from the ;* 24th row to the 25th, the screen will scroll. Placing a char on the ;* last column of the 24th or 25th row will not cause a scroll. ;* There is no Scroll Lock function available on the VT320. ;* To set top, bottom rows, counting from 1: ;* CRT Escape$ : "[" : Row.Top : ";" : Row.Bottom : "r" ;* Setting Row.Bottom to 25 did not change the 24 row screen. ;* To set the status line: ;* Status.Line.Host$ = Escape$ : "[0$~" ;* Status.Line.Blank$ = Escape$ : "[2$~" ;* Status.Line.On$ = Escape$ : "[1$~" CLEAR ;* Clear communications buffer SET TERM CLEAR-SCREEN ;* Clear the screen in Kermit ECHO MS-DOS Kermit 3.0 set for use with Pick, History Database \13\10 ECHO Press ENTER to connect to Pick\13\10 ;* Communication Parameters SET PORT 1 ;* Alternatives: 2, 3, 4, NETBIOS, NOVELL SET BAUD 19200 ;* Alternatives: 38400, 9600, 2400, 1200 SET PARITY NONE ;* Alternatives: EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE SET FLOW-CONTROL XON/XOFF ;* Alternative: NONE SET DUPLEX FULL ;* Alternative: HALF ;* Emulate DEC VT320 terminal SET TERM VT320 ;* Alternatives: VT102, VT52, HEATH-19 ;* Use IBM Extended ASCII SET DISPLAY 8-BIT ;* Chars over 127 from host to term SET TERM CHAR TRANSPARENT ;* Chars over 127 from host to term SET TERM CONTROLS 8 ;* Keys over 127 from term to host ;* Set Screen SET MODE-LINE OFF ;* No status line ;* Modeline toggle function SET KEY \330 \45 ;* Use keypad minus as minus ;* Function will not work if SET MODE-LINE OFF given. ;* SET KEY \3402 \KModeline ;* Use Ctrl-Alt-minus as modeline SET TERM TEK DISABLE ;* Not using Textronix graphics SET TERM WRAP ON ;* Kermit does line wrap SET TERM CURSOR UNDERLINE ;* Alternative: BLOCK ;* Must start with low intensity, or bold, dim functions reversed. SET TERM COLOR 0 32 40 ;* Low intensity, green on black. SET TERM GRAPHICS AUTO ;* Alternatives: CGA, EGA, VGA ;* SET PROMPT ? ;* Default prompt: MS-Kermit> ;* Set Keys ;* Control-Keys SET KEY \19 \255 ;* Disable Control-S as Pause SET ESCAPE \19 ;* Do not use ASCII 29 for Ctrl-] Escape. SET KEY \3355 \19 ;* Use Ctrl-Alt-] as Escape ;* Alt-Keys: Move to Ctrl-Alt-Key SET KEY \2352 ;* Disable Alt-B as Break SET KEY \3376 \KBreak ;* Use Ctrl-Alt-B as Break SET KEY \2339 ;* Disable Alt-H as Help SET KEY \3363 \KHelp ;* Use Ctrl-Alt-H as Help SET KEY \2335 ;* Disable Alt-S as Status SET KEY \3359 \KStatus ;* Use Ctrl-Alt-S as Status SET KEY \2349 ;* Disable Alt-X as Exit SET KEY \3373 \KExit ;* Use Ctrl-Alt-X as Exit SET KEY \2434 ;* Disable Alt-- as Term Type SET KEY \3458 \KTermType ;* Use Ctrl-Alt-- as Term Type SET KEY \2435 ;* Disable Alt-= as Reset SET KEY \3459 \KReset ;* Use Ctrl-Alt-= as Reset ;* Edit Keys SET KEY \270 \8 ;* Set Backspace to Control-H SET KEY \4435 \127 ;* Delete: Gray SET KEY \339 \127 ;* Delete: Keypad SET KEY \4431 \18 ;* End: Gray SET KEY \335 \18 ;* End: Keypad SET KEY \3487 \KEndScn ;* Use Gray Ctrl-Alt-End as End Screen SET KEY \327 \24 ;* Home: Keypad SET KEY \4423 \24 ;* Home: Gray SET KEY \3479 \KHomScn ;* Use Gray Ctrl-Alt-Home as Home Screen SET KEY \338 \16 ;* Insert: Keypad SET KEY \4434 \16 ;* Insert: Gray SET KEY \4433 \26 ;* Pg Dn: Gray SET KEY \337 \26 ;* Pg Dn: Keypad SET KEY \3489 \KDnScn ;* Use Gray Ctrl-Alt-PgDn as Down Screen SET KEY \4425 \23 ;* Pg Up: Gray SET KEY \329 \23 ;* Pg Up: Keypad SET KEY \3481 \KUpScn ;* Use Gray Ctrl-Alt-PgUp as Up Screen ;* Shift-Edit Keys SET KEY \782 \8 ;* Set Backspace to Control-H SET KEY \4947 \127 ;* Delete: Gray SET KEY \851 \127 ;* Delete: Keypad SET KEY \4943 \18 ;* End: Gray SET KEY \847 \18 ;* End: Keypad SET KEY \796 \13 ;* Enter: Gray SET KEY \4877 \13 ;* Enter: Keypad SET KEY \4935 \24 ;* Home: Gray SET KEY \839 \24 ;* Home: Keypad SET KEY \4946 \16 ;* Insert: Gray SET KEY \850 \16 ;* Insert: Keypad SET KEY \4945 \5 ;* Pg Dn: Gray SET KEY \849 \5 ;* Pg Dn: Keypad SET KEY \4937 \4 ;* Pg Up: Gray SET KEY \841 \4 ;* Pg Up: Keypad SET KEY \783 \9 ;* Tab ;* Control-Edit Keys SET KEY \127 \8 ;* Set Backspace to Control-H SET KEY \5523 \127 ;* Delete: Gray SET KEY \1427 \127 ;* Delete: Keypad SET KEY \5493 \18 ;* Ctrl-End: Gray ;* Dump screen image to DOS file Kermit.scn SET KEY \3999 \KDump ;* Use Gray Shift-Ctrl-Alt-End as Dump SET KEY \1397 \18 ;* End: Keypad SET KEY \10 \13 ;* Enter: Gray SET KEY \5386 \13 ;* Enter: Keypad SET KEY \5495 \24 ;* Home: Gray SET KEY \1399 \24 ;* Home: Keypad SET KEY \5522 \16 ;* Insert: Gray SET KEY \1426 \16 ;* Insert: Keypad SET KEY \5494 \5 ;* Ctrl-Pg Dn: Gray SET KEY \4001 \KDnOne ;* Use Gray Shift-Ctrl-Alt-PgDn as Down 1 SET KEY \1398 \5 ;* Pg Dn: Keypad SET KEY \5508 \4 ;* Ctrl-Pg Up: Gray SET KEY \3993 \KUpOne ;* Use Gray Shift-Ctrl-Alt-PgUp as Up 1 SET KEY \1412 \4 ;* Pg Up: Keypad SET KEY \1394 \255 ;* Disable Ctrl-Print Screen SET KEY \1428 \9 ;* Tab ;* Arrow Keys SET KEY \4432 \31 ;* Down: Gray SET KEY \336 \31 ;* Down: Keypad SET KEY \4427 \29 SET KEY \331 \29 SET KEY \4429 \28 SET KEY \333 \28 SET KEY \4424 \30 SET KEY \328 \30 ;* Shift-Arrow Keys SET KEY \4944 \2 SET KEY \848 \2 SET KEY \4939 \1 SET KEY \843 \1 SET KEY \4941 \6 SET KEY \845 \6 SET KEY \4936 \20 SET KEY \840 \20 ;* Control--Arrow Keys SET KEY \5521 \2 SET KEY \1425 \2 SET KEY \5491 \1 SET KEY \1395 \1 SET KEY \5492 \6 SET KEY \1396 \6 SET KEY \5517 \20 SET KEY \1421 \20 ;* Function Keys SET KEY \315 \176 SET KEY \316 \177 SET KEY \317 \178 SET KEY \318 \179 SET KEY \319 \180 SET KEY \320 \181 SET KEY \321 \182 SET KEY \322 \183 SET KEY \323 \184 SET KEY \324 \185 SET KEY \389 \186 SET KEY \390 \187 ;* Shift-Function Keys SET KEY \852 \188 SET KEY \853 \189 SET KEY \854 \190 SET KEY \855 \191 SET KEY \856 \192 SET KEY \857 \193 SET KEY \858 \194 SET KEY \859 \195 SET KEY \860 \196 SET KEY \861 \197 SET KEY \903 \198 SET KEY \904 \199 ;* Control-Function Keys SET KEY \1374 \200 SET KEY \1375 \201 SET KEY \1376 \202 ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* Left: Left: Right: Right: Up: Up: Gray Keypad Gray Keypad Gray Keypad ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* Down: Down: Left: Left: Right: Right: Up: Up: Gray Keypad Gray Keypad Gray Keypad Gray Keypad ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* Down: Down: Left: Left: Right: Right: Up: Up: Gray Keypad Gray Keypad Gray Keypad Gray Keypad ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 ;* F1 ;* F2 ;* F3 SET KEY \1377 \203 ;* F4 SET KEY \1378 \204 ;* F5 SET KEY \1379 \205 ;* F6 SET KEY \1380 \206 ;* F7 SET KEY \1381 \207 ;* F8 SET KEY \1382 \208 ;* F9 SET KEY \1383 \209 ;* F10 SET KEY \1417 \210 ;* F11 SET KEY \1418 \211 ;* F12 ;* Additional Kermit functions ;* Push to DOS function ;* "C>" prompt will appear. ;* Message: "Press space to continue ...". Press SPACEBAR. ;* To return to Pick: EXIT command. ;* Pick screen then reappears where left. ;* Must return to Pick to log off. SET KEY \3353 \KDos ;* Ctrl-Alt-P to Push to DOS ;* File transfer parameters SET TRANSFER CHAR TRANSPARENT ;* Chars over 127 from host to term ;* Log to Pick. Pause for connection, then wake up Pick with ENTER. ;* With CONNECT command, user takes over. CONNECT Use the DEFINE-TERMINAL Command to Define a New Terminal for Pick (For more information on DEFINE-TERMINAL, see: Programming with IBM PC Basic and the Pick Database System, by David L. Clark, page 300.) The DEFINE-TERMINAL command may be used to create definitions for terminals not already defined on the system. To begin the procedure, at Pick TCL give the command: DEFINE-TERMINAL The system will take half a minute to round up all of the terminal definitions available, and then will display DEFINE-TERMINAL's main menu. DEFINETERMINAL Menu: System Cursor Definition Utility The following terminals are defined. Terminals marked with an asterisk (*) are selected to be included in your System Cursor Definition. *A ADDS580 *D DATAMEDIA *E ESPRIT6310 1) 2) 3) 4) *F TV910 *I IBMPC *J VT100 Create Terminal Modify Terminal Delete Terminal Add Terminal to *M AMPEX.D80 *R REGENT *T TV950 Definition Definition Definition Selected Definitions *W WYSE50 *Y WYSE.60 *Z VT320 5) Delete Terminal from Selected Definitions EX Exit without updating System-Cursor FI Update System-Cursor to selected terminals Enter Selection (1-5) or EX or FI: To change or review a terminal choose "Modify Terminal Definition". The procedure then requests the name (not the one-letter code) of the terminal to be modified. After the name is entered, the Modify Terminal screen is presented with the named terminal's characteristics. Only one terminal is displayed at a time. For this example three terminals have been shown together. The MM-MON definition for the memory-mapped monitor of an IBM PC used as the main computer was supplied by the Pick Systems. The WYSE.60 and VT.320 definitions were created with the DEFINE-TERMINAL procedure. To create a new terminal definition, fill in the categories with the appropriate Escape codes for the terminal. Modify Terminal Screen: Terminal = VT.320 MM-MON WYSE.60 1. TYPE...................... 2. SCREEN SIZE............... 80,25 3. CURSOR ADDRESS CODE....... 4. @(X) CURSOR POSITIONING... ESC I 80,25 Y 80,25 Z H ESC "=" X DEL D+ CR D+ CR STR(CHAR(12,X) "[" X "C" 5. @(X,Y) CURSOR ADDRESSING.. "[" Y "H" 6. @(-1) CLEAR SCREEN & HOME. "[2J" ESC "=" X Y ESC "*" CHAR(1) BS ESC "a" Y BS ESC "R" X "C" ";" X CHAR(26) ESC ESC "[25;0H" ESC "[2K" ESC "[H" 7. @(-2) CURSOR HOME......... "[H" 8. @(-3) CLEAR TO END OF PAGE "[J" ESC "*" CHAR(2) CHAR(30) ESC ESC "*" CHAR(3) ESC "Y" ESC ESC "[25;0H" ESC "[2K" 9. @(-4) CLEAR TO END OF LINE "[K" 10. @(-5) START BLINK......... "[5m" 11. @(-6) STOP BLINK.......... "[25m" 12. @(-7) START PROTECT....... "[22m" 13. @(-8) STOP PROTECT........ "[1m" 14. @(-9) CURSOR BACK......... "[D" 15. @(-10) CURSOR UP.......... "[A" 16. @(-11) ENABLE PROTECT MODE 17. @(-12)DISABLE PROTECT MODE 18. @(-13) START REVERSE VIDEO "[7m" 19. @(-14) STOP REVERSE VIDEO. "[27"m 20. @(-15) START UNDERLINE.... "[4m" 21. @(-16) STOP UNDERLINE..... "[24m" 22. @(-17) SLAVE ON........... 23. @(-18) SLAVE OFF.......... 24. @(-19) CURSOR FORWARD..... 25. @(-20) CURSOR DOWN........ 26. @(-21) GRAPH CHAR SET ON.. 27. @(-22) GRAPH CHAR SET OFF. 28. @(-23) KEYBOARD LOCK...... 29. @(-24) KEYBOARD UNLOCK.... 30. @(-25) CONTROL CHAR ENABLE 31. @(-26) CONTROL CHR DISABLE 32. @(-27) WRITE STATUS LINE.. 33. @(-28) ERASE STATUS LINE.. 34. @(-29) INIT TERMINAL MODE. 35. @(-30) DOWNLOAD FUNC KEYS. 36. @(-31) NON-EMBED STAND ON. 37. @(-31) NON-EMBED STAND OFF 38. @(-99) EMBEDED ATTRIBS?... 39.@(-100) HALF INTENSITY..... "[22m" 40.@(-101) FULL INTENSITY.... "[1m" ESC "*" CHAR(4) ESC "T" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(5) ESC "G2" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(6) ESC "G0" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(7) ESC ")" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(8) ESC "(" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(9) ESC BS ESC ESC "*" CHAR(10) ESC VT ESC ESC "*" CHAR(11) ESC "*" CHAR(12) ESC "*" CHAR(13) ESC "&" ESC "'" ESC "G4" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(14) ESC "G0" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(15) ESC "G8" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(16) ESC "G0" ESC ESC "*" CHAR(19) LF ESC CHAR(24) ESC CHAR(20) FF LF NO NO ESC "Gp" NO ESC ESC "G0" ESC The list of choices is divided between two screens. After each screen is displayed, the DEFINE-TERMINAL procedure prompts: Modify lines? When the answer to the DEFINE-TERMINAL program's "Modify lines?" question is finally "NO", the program asks if the table is correct. If the answer is "YES" the procedure tries to compile the table. If there is an error, an error message appears. Otherwise, the procedure returns to the first screen. To store the new configuration, enter "FI" for File Item. The Kermit terminal emulation program emulates the VT320 terminal. The DEFINE-TERMINAL definition presented here for use with Kermit implements a 25-line screen, rather than the standard 24-line screen of the VT320 terminal. The size of the screen has been defined as "80,25" and Escape codes have been added to the Clear Screen and Home and the Clear to End of Page instructions to go to the 25th line and clear it. To use only a 24-line screen, define the screen size as "80,24" and eliminate the extra Escape codes ESC "[25;0H" ESC "[2K".