Mrs. Perez/Mrs. Eckhardt - Sixth Grade

Mrs. Perez/Mrs. Eckhardt - Sixth Grade
Back To School Night Key Points
Sly Park Environmental Education Camp is the fourth week of school. $250
($200 if you left a deposit last spring) is due to the office by the end of the
first week of school, or as soon as possible. Checks can be made payable to
Carl Sundahl. Permission slips and emergency cards are also due by the end
of the first week of school. Exceptions will be made for students who need
additional time to complete their medical form. Refer to the Sly Park
parent student handbook on the Sly Park website for a packing list and
complete description of the camp. A link to the Sly Park parent student
handbook can be found on our class website.
Our school website has individual teacher web pages which each teacher
can use for communication with parents. The sixth grade website is linked
to “Wendy Perez” or “Tammy Eckhardt” has a class schedule, daily
homework, weekly spelling and roots, project instructions and rubrics, and
other information posted.
In addition to this website we will also send periodic emails to parents with
information about special events or projects as needed.
Spelling is assigned every Monday and is due every Friday. Students will use
a spelling menu to choose what activities they will complete and turn in each
week, and then turn in the stapled completed packet by Friday. At least 40
“spelling points” must be completed each week, and students may complete
up to 20 extra credit points per week. No late spelling packets will be
accepted. Spelling tests are given every Friday.
Vocabulary words (“Roots”) are also assigned every Monday, and students
are tested every Friday. The testing format for roots is matching, and
grades are reported as part of spelling.
Math homework is assigned Monday through Thursday from the students’
math workbooks and is due the next day, along with any class work not
finished in class the previous day. Quizzes are given approximately once a
week and test are given approximately every three weeks. Dates for tests
and quizzes will be recorded in agendas along with daily homework
assignments and will also be posted on the website under daily homework.
Science and Social Studies homework will also be assigned from workbooks
and will be given several times per week.
Writing homework will mainly consist of writing assignments related to the
various stages of the writing process, such as rough draft, edit and revise,
or type a final draft. Grammar homework may also be assigned from the
Holt handbook.
Reading homework will mainly consist of reading for 30 minutes per day and
completing book reports for the books they have read. 25 AR points plus
book reports are required per trimester in reading, and should be turned in
by the end of each trimester with the Reader’s Workshop cover sheet.
Group projects are assigned in Social Studies and Science approximately
once a month and students are generally given 2 to 3 weeks to complete
them. During the allotted time for the projects students will be given time
in class to get organized, but will have to communicate with group members
and work together outside of class as well. Group project assignment
instructions will be handed out in class and posted on the website.
All grades are entered into Power School Parent (formerly Edline), and
parents can access these grades on the school website using a personalized
password. I update grades every two to three weeks and generally send an
email out to parents letting them know I have entered new grades. Report
cards are sent home once per trimester, and progress reports are sent home
mid trimester.