Student Name: Roots List #13B Ms. Reeve

Student Name:
Ms. Reeve
English 10, Period:
Roots List #13B
Vocabulary #51-60
Directions: 1) Look at your root handout and write down the root’s definition. 3) Guess the definition as if you
were working for 3) Each day, I will give you the true definition so you can write it down and discuss it
in class with me. 4) Then, you are to work on your writing and vocabulary skills by creating a neatly written unique
sentence that includes correct usage of the word as well as a context clue.
51) Commemorate – (v.) – “To commemorate their anniversary, Bill took Sarah to the restaurant they ate at on their first
 Root meaning: remember
My guess:
Def: to serve as a memorial or reminder of
52) Digress – (v.) – “What began as a dinner table discussion of politics somehow digressed into a family argument over which
sibling was the smartest.”
 Root meaning: step
My guess:
Def: to deviate or wander away from the main topic or purpose in speaking or writing
53) Elaborate – (adj.) – “Holly’s plan to trick her brother quickly evolved from a fib to an elaborate series of lies.”
 Root meaning: work
My guess:
Def: marked by intricate and often excessive detail; complicated
54) Myocardium – (n.) – “Sally decided she wanted to become a cardio surgeon when she had the opportunity to study the
myocardium and ventricles of the heart firsthand.”
 Root meaning: muscle
My guess:
Def: the muscular substance of the heart
55) Evacuate – (v.) – “Although it was a small kitchen fire, we were told to evacuate the building and were not allowed back in
for work for at least 48 hours.”
Root meaning: empty
My guess:
Def: to leave empty; vacate an area for reasons of protection or safety
Student Name:
Ms. Reeve
English 10, Period:
Roots List #13B
Vocabulary #51-60
56) Oligarchy – (n.) – “Unlike the surrounding nations that relied on monarchy or democracy, the Soviet Union was ruled by
an oligarchy made up of the country’s wealthiest and most well-connected families.”
Root meaning: few or small
My guess:
Def: a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique
57) Lactose – (n.) – “Sydney is lactose intolerant, therefore she has to be careful not to eat foods with dairy or she will not feel
Root meaning: sugar
My guess:
Def: a white crystalline disaccharide occurring in milk; also called milk sugar
58) Nuerosis – (n.) – “Phil’s neurosis showed when he began to have trouble breathing and was sweating through his shirt at
the mere thought of attending the Christmas party with all of those people.”
Root meaning: condition
My guess:
Def: a relatively mild personality disorder typified by excessive anxiety or indecision and a degree of social or
interpersonal maladjustment.
59) Similitude – (n.) – “The similitudes between Nancy and Louise were a clear indicator that they were related.”
Root meaning: state of
My guess:
Def: likeness; resemblance
60) Pathological – (adj.) – “When Joyce finally invited us into her home, we knew immediately by the piles of miscellaneous
junk that she was a pathological hoarder.”
Root meaning: disease
My guess:
Def: caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition