

Folsom High School 2015-2016






AP Spanish Language and Culture

Srta. Nunes

(916) 294-2400 #415346


AP Spanish Language is a course designed to meet the needs of students seeking to learn a world language at a college level and to prepare them to pass the AP Spanish exam. Students will continue to polish their Spanish skills for active communication. Foundational to this course is the refinement of the three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational, as defined in the “Standards for Foreign Language

Learning in the 21 st Century”. Students should already have a strong command of grammar and considerable competence in listening, reading, speaking, and writing. When communicating, AP Spanish students demonstrate an understanding of the culture(s), incorporate interdisciplinary topics (connections), and make comparisons between the target language and their native language in real-life settings. Focus will be on the College Boardestablished themes: Global Challenges, Science & Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal & Public Identities,

Families & Communities, and Beauty & Aesthetics. The course is conducted in the target language using the immersion method. Students are expected to take the AP Spanish Language exam at the end of the course.


The six themes of the National Standards will be integrated throughout all four years of World Language study.

Using the target language, these themes will be explored through authentic realia such as art, music, fashion, geography, literature, current events, and culinary delights. This will allow students enrolled in the GPS program to engage in a variety of cultural aspects of the target language they are studying.


In the World Language courses we are creating inquiry-based classrooms, in which students are challenged to explore ideas, interact with text, and develop thoughtful and logical understanding of their world in the target language. The key to literacy is the idea that every instructor teaches reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking in a classroom that integrates the four through discussion, exploration and problem solving .


The Folsom High School World Language program is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals.

Activities shall be free from discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful consideration.


Homework is assigned daily and assessed points for effort, completion and/or correctness. It is expected that the student will invest the time needed to prepare sufficiently for the AP exam. It is imperative that the student take the initiative and responsibility to work independently in this rigorous course. Effort expended, or lack thereof, will ultimately be reflected in performance /success on said exam. Assigned work may include: vocabulary acquisition activities, independent practice/reinforcement of newly taught concepts, writing activities, Internet activities, reading and note-taking in preparation for class discussions and assessments.

Students are also encouraged to continually seek additional authentic resources that will enhance all skills.

*No late work will be accepted!


Quizzes based on the required thematic topics are given frequently. In addition, there are listening activities that accompany each unit to assess comprehension. Dictations will be included on a regular basis. A comprehensive exam is administered at the end of the first semester. There will be full-length, timed (40 minute) compositions given frequently in class. Practice AP exam(s) may be administered.


Students will earn grades based upon the following criteria: consistent and voluntary class participation, homework, essays, assessments (i.e. quizzes, unit and comprehensive tests) grammar/vocabulary exercises, dictations, DVD final projects, oral presentations, spontaneous speaking, listening activities, and AP Test Prep workbook activities. The final grade will be calculated using a total point system with the following grade scale:

90.0-100% = A

80.0-89.99% = B

70.0-79.99% = C

60.0-69.99% = D

<60.0% =F

ATTENDANCE/TARDIES: In order to succeed, students are expected to attend class daily and when absent, should contact their study partner(s), check the class website and see the teacher for all missed assignments.

If this becomes a chronic problem, it will result in a lower grade due to the interactive nature of this course.

MAKE-UPS: Work missed due to an excused absence must be made up! All tests and assignments are due upon returning from an absence. The only exception would be assignments given during the absence which would be due the following day unless they are designed to be completed over several days. Extended absences of three or more days will be made up according to the instructor’s directions.

When you return following an absence: you are responsible for verifying with the teacher/peers any work you may have missed.

Long-term assignments which are given five or more days in advance are due on the day specified, regardless of absences between the day assigned and the day due.

SCHOOL RULES: Campus rules and policies in the PAWSPORT will be adhered to in this classroom; see appropriate pages for a detailed list. Remember that no food, drink, or gum will be allowed; all electronic devices and accessories must be turned off and placed in your backpack during class. All staff will be enforcing the school dress code throughout the entire school day.

CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship Marks shall be assigned by each teacher. These marks set behavior standards that describe an appropriate educational environment for all students. See PAWSPORT for the marking system.

~The World Language classroom is a place for students and teacher to explore and experience the target language and culture and to behave in a manner that allows this to happen.

~People and their property have the right to exist unharmed. Please be respectful.

EXTRA CREDIT: Students are given one ten point opportunity per semester.

MATERIALS: The following materials are currently used in AP Spanish Language and Culture:

Textbooks: ¡A Toda Vela ! (Second Edition – EMC Publishing)

Supplementals: *** AP Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination (Third Ed.)

(José Diaz-2007 Prentice Hall Publishing)

Accompanying CDs/DVDs, Spanish films, and other media as available, such as Internet.

References: It is highly recommended that the student acquire a good Spanish dictionary and

501 Spanish Verbs for adequate preparation.

Access to a tape recorder/cassette is recommended for additional test preparation/practice at home!

Computer access is required to complete the activities in the materials listed above.

TEXTBOOK/MATERIALS RESPONSIBILITY: Students are financially responsible for any lost or damaged classroom textbooks.

CHEATING: Cheating will be defined as using someone else’s efforts in place of your own or providing work for someone else. Consequences for all individuals, both receivers and providers, involved in cheating will receive a zero on the assignment in question. Examples include letting a friend copy your work, providing answers to a test, or printing two copies of work produced on a computer. All students at Folsom High School are held accountable to the school wide Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the PAWSPORT.

Please consult the policy for a detailed list of what constitutes cheating and consequences for each step. A single instance of cheating counts as a Step 1 Offense and follows a student throughout their entire class schedule and through all of their years at Folsom High. The next instance (even if in a different class or years later) counts as Step 2 or 3.

**All electronic devices must be put away in your backpack during tests. If you have any of these

devices out during a test it’s an immediate zero on that test.


Folsom High School 2015-2016


COURSE: AP Spanish Language and Culture


Parent/guardian verification: Please sign below (indicating that you have reviewed the course expectations and grading policies with your student) and return to me within one week. I appreciate your time and support. Please feel free to email me at:

Student Name (PRINT)

Student Signature

Student e-mail________________________________________

Student phone (if applicable) _____________________________

Parent Name (PRINT)

Parent Signature

Parent e-mail_________________________________________

Parent phone_________________________________________


Are you or other family members Spanish-speaking? Please explain.

Do you have Internet access at home? Yes / No


Please tell me something interesting about your child!

Please indicate if your child has any special needs.
