Folsom High School 2014-2015
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Schwarz
PHONE: (916) 294-2400 ext. 415213
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Beginning with the contributions of ancient and classic civilizations, students will
examine the impact and influence of major world events, political systems, world religions, and individuals whose
values and ideas have shaped the world in which we live. Emphasis will be placed on the history and changes that
have taken place across the Globe culminating in two World Wars, the Cold War, and Globalization..
GPS INTEGRATED CURRICULAR FOCUS: GPS students will focus on the social, political, geographic and
economic changes that have created the Global Community we live in today.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Folsom High School is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals.
Activities shall be free from discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group,
marital or parental status, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful consideration.
HOMEWORK: Homework is maintained in an Interactive Notebook which students are expected to complete
THEIR OWN MATERIALS WITH THEM DAILY, Notebooks are checked regularly and checks may be
announced or at random. Independent assignments and projects are due on the assigned date.
TESTS: Students will receive at least two days notice prior to major tests. Tests will be administered at the end
of each unit of study. Quizzes may be given at any time and without advance notice.
FINALS: Finals are comprehensive for each semester. Students will be allowed to use their Interactive Notebook
on each final exam.
METHOD OF EVALUATION: Grades will be calculated on a straight point system based on tests, quizzes,
Interactive Notebook, independent assignments, group projects, and class participation. The grade breakdown is
as follows:
A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79%
D= 60-69%
F= 59% and below
SCHOOL RULES: School and classroom rules are in your PAWSPORT. Consequences for inappropriate
behavior in class may include rule reminders, verbal warnings, detention, parent contact, or class suspension
depending on the circumstances.
CITIZENSHIP: The citizenship grade shall be measured by the student’s ability and willingness to respect and
follow the policies of the classroom and those outlined in the PAWSPORT. The following will be considered
when determining the citizenship grade: attendance and class participation, following directions, obeying rules,
attitude, preparation, as well as respect for others. The following citizenship grades will be part of the academic
grading report.
Semester Citizenship Grades will be based on the following:
 O Student demonstrates outstanding attitudes and/or behaviors toward class, subject, teachers and
fellow students.
 S Student demonstrates acceptable attitudes and/or behaviors toward class, subject, teachers and
fellow students.
 N Needs improvement. Student sometimes behaves in ways that do not support the principles of the
 U Student’s attitude and/or behaviors seriously interfere with classroom instruction.
*A key difference between Satisfactory (S) and Needs Improvement (N) is whether or not you correct
inappropriate behavior with one or two gentle reminders. If you cannot do this, then you will receive an (N)
or (U).
ClASSROOM RULES AND CONDUCT: The following rules will apply, as well as those outlined in the
Be Prompt:
Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.
Have needed materials ready before the bell..
Be Prepared: Clear desk of all materials not pertaining to the task at hand.
Be Productive: Participate in class work and activities. Use your class time WISELY!
Be Positive:
Avoid behavior that disrupts the learning process.
Be Polite:
Treat all students and the instructor with kindness.
PARTICIPATE!! Students may earn 100 participation points per quarter by interacting positively in
daily Discussions, Pair Shares, and Small Group class activities!
1. Talking when I am teaching
2. Being rude and disrespectful to anyone
3. Wasting class time instead of working on assignments
4. Thinking the cell phone in your lap isn’t glowing
5. Borrowing and wasting class supplies
6. Making up lame excuses to be out of your seat – you’re fooling no one!
7. Ridiculous reasons why you are not ready for the notebook check
8. Leaving your trash in the classroom
9. Abusing Restroom privileges
10. Disrupting others who are on task
11. Copying the work of other students is dishonest and in violation of school policy!
In other words:
1. Be responsible
2. Pay attention
3. Use Class time wisely
4. Have your notebook and materials ready on a daily basis
5. Be nice
Or….Face the Consequences:
1st infraction Warning
2nd infraction 15 minute detention
3rd infraction 30 minute detention
4th infraction 50 minute detention
5th infraction 1-day in-class suspension
6th infraction 2-day in-class suspension
*Detentions: Students have two days to serve detention. Failure to serve detention will result in a classroom
CHEATING: Cheating will be defined as using someone else’s efforts in place of your own or providing work
for someone else. Consequences for all individuals, both receivers and providers, involved in cheating will
receive a zero on the assignment in question. All students at Folsom High School are held accountable to the
school wide Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the PAWSPORT. Please consult the policy for a detailed list
of what constitutes cheating and consequences for each step
ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is critical for success in this course. Students who are absent may find their
daily work and agenda on the Folsom High School PowerSchool Site where they can actually print out the days
assignments. Upon return from an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to request any missed materials
and assignments they could not obtain from PowerSchool.
TARDIES: Tardies are a class disruption and show a general lack of concern on the part of the student.
Therefore, the FHS late policy listed on p. 25 of the PAWS-Port will be followed. Because there is ample time
during the passing periods to take care of personal needs *Requests for restroom and water will not be
considered the first and last 10 minutes of class. If a student has an ongoing health issue that requires them to
leave class, parents should send a doctor’s note to our school nurse as soon as possible who will in turn notify all
of the student’s teachers.
MAKE-UPS: Late work is not accepted for reasons other than an excused absence. Students who are absent the
day an assignment is due must turn the assignment on the day they return. Students are responsible for all work
missed during an excused absence and must make-up work within two days per one day absence. Test and quiz
make-ups must be completed within one week on return during PAWS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO
IF YOU ARE ABSENT – GO TO POWERSCHOOL and get your work!!!
Here’s How:
Go to the Folsom High School Homepage
Find the red bar and click on Teacher Websites
Click on the teacher's name - this will take you to the Teacher's website
Next, for World Culture - Click on the Week you want to look at.
Click on the Title for the week.
For my Weeks I use the following abbreviations:
G.R. = Guided Reading
H.O. = Handout
Doc = documentary (students who miss a documentary should substitute 20 internet facts on the subject
H.M. = History Maker
1. Copy the assignment from the board or a friend for the days you missed.
2. Obtain any missed handouts from me at the END OF CLASS.
3. See me after class or during PAWS if you have questions.
4. Complete the work missed during your absence as homework.
5. It is your responsibility to turn in your completed work to me with in the time allocated
by your absence.
***You have two days for each day absent to complete your work
EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit will be available on a limited basis. All student work must be current and
complete to be eligible to earn extra (not instead of) credit.
MATERIALS: Students are required to have a spiral bound 81/2x11 Notebook with 180 sheets – for EACH
semester and black ink pens. Other items students like to use, but are not required include color pencils and
markers, two colors of highlighter, 3 x 5 index cards, post-its, glue sticks, and plenty of tape.
Folsom High School 2013-2014
COURSE: World Cultures
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Schwarz
To the Student’s Family: Please sign below indicating that you have reviewed course
expectations with your student. Thank you for returning this form to me. I appreciate your time
and support. Please feel free to email me at or call me at (916) 294-2400
ext. 415213 if you have any questions.
Student Name (PRINT)
Student Signature
Parent Name (PRINT)
Parent Signature
Parent Email_________________________________________
Parents, please tell me something nice about your child . . .
Please indicate if your child has any special needs. . .
8 ½ x 11 Notebook with 180 sheets College ruled:
*The notebook pages MUST be wide enough to secure a handout the size of this sheet of
paper without hanging out of the Notebook.
Black ink pen
3 x 5 index cards
#2 pencils
Tape & Glue Stick
Color Pencils