Features and Performance of Local Aid Systems Oliver S. Saasa Professor of International Economic Relations Premier Consult 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 1 Main Challenges in local Aid Systems In the Recipient Government Camp Generally unsupportive policy environment Institutional and structural challenges Human resource challenges The Aid Relationship: Local Ownership challenges 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 2 In the Donor Camp Disjointed/uncoordinated effort (disharmony) Unpredictability of aid flows (volume & timing) Setting up of parallel structures Diversity of aid disbursement mechanisms Diversity in, and unrealism of monitoring and reporting systems Predetermined Technical Assistance component 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 3 Recipient Government Camp 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 4 Generally unsupportive policy environment The fight against poverty should be at the centre of development cooperation Aid policies should, therefore, revolve around countries’ determination to reduce poverty and vulnerability. Interventions should be guided by the comprehensive framework for propoor growth and poverty reduction in the context of PRSP & MDGs 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 5 All external resources should be integrated into the Government budget 26 July 2016 align timing of donor pledges to the budget and planning cycles ensure that all aid is included in the country’s financing framework (MTEF) Donors are expected to provide relevant and timely information on commitments and disbursements in order to ensure the predictability of aid flows Need for multi-year financial commitments International Aid Systems-Saasa 6 Institutional and structural challenges Capacity building as an integral part of external Assistance Setting up of an aid management structure that harmonises the inputs from donors and among the various players within the recipient government system Support the training of the requisite personnel Agreement on support towards the development and operationalisation of Poverty Monitoring and Analysis focusing on the surveillance of outcomes and impact 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 7 Strengthen policy-relevant management information systems to secure data integrity in planning, budgeting and financial reporting 26 July 2016 Strengthen information and data generation capacity so that accurate, reliable, timely, and user-friendly data is readily available. International Aid Systems-Saasa 8 The Aid Relationship: Local Ownership challenges weak involvement of governments during donors’ preparation of their respective country support programmes 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 9 Local ownership matters Avoid the inclination towards project-by-project approach in order to fly the flag 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 10 Good Financial Governance 26 July 2016 Governments to support an effective and well-supported auditing function to ensure efficient & accountable resource use Donors’ procurements to be aligned to the principles and procedures outlined in recipient government procurement systems International Aid Systems-Saasa 11 Dialogue and Coordination Framework 26 July 2016 Recipient governments should be allowed to facilitate effective multi-level dialogue architecture under their leadership International Aid Systems-Saasa 12 Main Messages from this… Dialogue presupposes equal partners There must be commonality of purpose (Common Agenda) There must be commonality of Voice when dealing with third parties 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 13 There is need to agree on the process of dialogue… Need to revisit the existing systems and mechanisms of dialogue For donors, their involvement in the operations of recipient governments should exclude direct interventions in policy making but confined only to financial resource injection; policy dialogue; technical assistance/human resource development; capacity strengthening in monitoring and evaluation; and sharing innovative experiences in implementation modalities learnt elsewhere. Eliminate micro-managing 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 14 Listen carefully to what seems to annoy the government Possible areas: TAs Dialogue attitude Too many conditionalities Jumping the gun: offering solutions prematurely 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 15 But remember: Simplicity does it 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 16 Donor Camp 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 17 Disjointed/uncoordinated effort (disharmony) Harmony required among donors but: HQ rules and procedures are still restrictive Aid management structures are still very much still in project-by-project mode Some major aid players are outside the harmonisation mode Diversity of aid disbursement mechanisms 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 18 Diversity in, and unrealism of monitoring and reporting systems Project and financial reporting and monitoring systems are generally not country owned and led with respect to procedures, processes, timing, and content of what is reported and monitored 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 19 donors should assume less leadership responsibility regarding the procedures, processes, timing, and content of what is reported and monitored. 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 20 The multiplicity of donor financial and reporting and accounting systems confusing recipient governments’ accounting system, thus, threatening the potential for smooth MTEF functioning 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 21 Donors should not attempt to monitor the system beyond your capacity and competency Avoid setting up highly complex implementation and monitoring/reporting systems (simplicity does it) Remember that there is more value added in monitoring impact than financial systems of accounting 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 22 Predetermined Technical Assistance component The Harmonisation Agenda should more carefully redefine the TA purpose and improve the design, context, selection and mode of provision so as to maximize the benefit from it TA should be used to complement, rather than displace, local capacities 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 23 TA should be integrated into the national framework of management & experts ought to be accountable to local institutions and integrated into recipient country’s planning, budgeting, and human resource development systems 26 July 2016 International Aid Systems-Saasa 24 Recipient governments should work towards ensuring that TAs are answerable to national systems and integrated into their planning and budgeting system. deployed 26 July 2016 on-budget International Aid Systems-Saasa 25 26 July 2016 Thank you International Aid Systems-Saasa 26