Let's Talk BUCC Off-Site Walk-In Consultation Service Wednesdays

Let's Talk
BUCC Off-Site Walk-In Consultation Service
Sid Rich Basement 029
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Is there an issue that you’ve been thinking about for a while and could really use an objective opinion?
Perhaps your roommate is too noisy or you feel homesick. Students can find help at “Let’s Talk” Walk-in
Consultation Hours in the SUB, where they can talk to a consultant about things that might be bothering
Based on a model developed by Cornell University, the “Let’s Talk” site is an informal place where no
appointment is necessary and no commitment to ongoing therapy is required. The aim is to increase
access to support for students who might be reluctant to seek more structured services, such as those
offered at The Baylor University Counseling Center (BUCC) or who are not in need of psychotherapy but
could use a little advice.
The Let’s Talk sites are staffed by psychologists from the BUCC. Services are free and confidential, and
students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. Typically, students meet with a consultant for 15-30
minutes. Although not every problem can be resolved so quickly, many can! Subjects run the gamut, from
relationships to stress.
What is "Let’s Talk"?
"Let's Talk" is a program that provides easy access to informal, confidential consultation with a BUCC
staff member. There are no appointments. Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis and the
meetings typically last 30 minutes or less.
Who might benefit from "Let’s Talk"?
Students who are not sure about counseling and wonder what it's like to talk with a counselor
Students who are not interested in brief counseling but would like the perspective of a counselor
Students who have a specific problem and would like someone with whom to talk it through
Students who have a concern about a friend and would like some perspective on what to do
I went to The Counseling Center and spoke with a counselor. S/he recommended a referral
to a therapist in the Waco community. Can I go to Let's Talk instead?
If the BUCC referred you to a counselor in the Waco community then that is the best resource for your
current situation. You may choose to drop by and speak with a LT consultant however, if a BUCC
therapist has suggested a community referral then the LT consultant will more than likely do the same.
Since regular counseling visits are not available at Let’s Talk, following up with the referral is a good idea.
I'm currently seeing a counselor at The BUCC, and I would like to talk to someone sooner
than my next appointment. Can I go to Let's Talk?
If your next appointment is not soon enough, it's best to contact your counselor directly to see if he or she
can see you sooner.
I'm currently seeing a counselor at the BUCC, and I'm not sure if s/he is the best fit for me.
Can I go to Let's Talk instead?
A good therapist-client fit is important. If you feel that your therapist is not the best fit you are
encouraged to request a new therapist.
Let's Talk visits are confidential. Are there any limits to confidentiality?
Conversations with Let's Talk consultants are confidential, with a few very rare exceptions. Consultants
may need to share information in an emergency when there is an immediate threat of harm to self or
others. Because the consultants are psychologist they are required by law to report when a minor, elderly
person, or someone otherwise incapacitated and unable to act on his/her own behalf is being abused. Let's
Talk consultants keep a digital version of the informed consent that you will sign along with a brief note of
their contact with the student just in case there is an emergency or if the student is referred to Counseling
Center. This note can be released in the unlikely event of a court order. Let's Talk visits are never noted on
a student's official university record.
How can I arrange for a Let’s Talk consultation?
Just stop by the SUB 3rd Floor MA Conference Room on Wednesday from 1:30 – 4:30.
I think I have a problem that would benefit from counseling, but I don’t know anything
about it. Would going to Let’s Talk help me figure out what to do?
Absolutely! The Let’s Talk consultant will talk through your issue with you and help you determine the
best way to get help. The consultant can help you set up an intake appointment at the BUCC if you decide
that you would like to pursue ongoing counseling.
Mental Health Counseling Services are offered at the Baylor University Counseling Center located on
the 2nd floor of the Student Life Center. As a Baylor student you receive 7 free sessions at the BUCC. If
you feel that you are in need of counseling you can meet with a counselor today at the BUCC utilizing
their walk-in clinic.
Walk-In Hours
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.*
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.*
* Must arrive by 3:30