Scholarship Application

Scholarship Application
NCEF offers scholarships to NC12 graduating seniors with a 2.5 or higher GPA to attend community
college, 4-year colleges and universities or career school. All applicants must have proof of a valid
Social Security number.
Only typed applications will be accepted. No applications will be accepted without a completed
recommendation form from a counselor. All applications must be received by April 4, 2016.
Applicant’s name: _____________________________________
Home address: ___________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________________
If selected as a recipient of an NCEF scholarship, I intend to use the funds to further my education. If I
decide not to use the scholarship, I will notify NCEF in a timely manner, so that the scholarship money
may be given to another student. I agree to have my name and photo used by the Foundation for publicity.
I understand the scholarship funds will be sent directly to the institution I choose to attend. I will provide
the name of the school I am attending, the address that the scholarship funds should be sent to at
this institution, and my school identification number to NCEF by August 1, 2016.
Student’s signature: _____________________________________________
I/We, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of _________________________________ support his/her application for an NCEF
scholarship. We will do everything possible to encourage him/her to use this scholarship to further
his/her education.
Parent/guardian name: _____________________________
Signature: ____________________________________
I, the teacher/administrator of ____________________________________ support his/her application for an NCEF
scholarship. I believe this student will be successful in college or career school.
Teacher/administrator: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________________
By submitting this application, you are agreeing to have read, understood and agreed to the
application procedures, guidelines and award process.
Once completed (with all requested signatures), please send as an email attachment to:
NCEF Scholarship Application
Please answer the following questions. Please do not exceed the word limit and be sure to
proofread or have someone proofread for you.
Name of High School: __________________________________High School Student ID Number___________________
Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): ______________
GPA for last semester only: _____________
Did any of your parents earn a college degree? _______________
What institutions are you likely to attend (for each, list the school and its location)?
Give examples of projects on which you have volunteered to improve your community,
help others, or provide extra support to your family. Please do not include required
school activities. For example, you may have served as a mentor, engaged in
environmental restoration, or helped out at the food bank or homeless shelter. (300
words maximum)
2. What are your goals for school and career? Explain your decision-making process including
any considerations you have made to accommodate your other responsibilities such as caring
for a family or working while in school. (300 words maximum)
NCEF Scholarship Application
3. Describe your need for the scholarship. Also, describe how you are planning to fund
your educational costs in order to graduate and achieve the goals you described? (300
words max)
Other Scholarship Applications
Status (planned, applied, received)
If you have questions regarding your NCEF scholarship application, please e-mail the
Foundation at or 503-353-6053 or talk with your
counselor. Please send your completed application to
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NCEF Scholarship Application
NCEF Scholarship Application
Scholarship Guidelines
North Clackamas Education Foundation (NCEF) provides scholarships to graduating high school seniors to continue
their education at a college/university or accredited career school of their choosing.
NCEF will accept scholarship applications from graduating seniors who meet the following guidelines:
Grade point average 2.5 or higher
Attending an accredited regional college or career school
Scholarship will be used within one year of graduating
Preference is given to students:
 Attending schools in Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Northern California
 With financial need or other challenging circumstances
Scholarships will be presented at high school awards assemblies for seniors.
Unused funds, if any, shall be returned to NCEF.
Payment of scholarship funds will go directly to the educational institution in which the student has enrolled and
will not be awarded until the student submits the name/address of the school’s financial aid office at which they
have enrolled and registered; and their student identification number.
Scholarship recipients will notify the Foundation if they change schools.
We encourage the students to update the Foundation regarding their academic progress and to participate, if
invited, in Foundation activities and events to ensure future funding for this program.
North Clackamas Education Foundation
P.O. Box 595, Clackamas, OR 97015
Phone: 503.353.6053
NCEF Scholarship Application