Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form
Master of Public Health Graduate Assistant Application Form
Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation
This document is designed for use by individuals intending to apply for a graduate assistantship in the
Master of Public Health (MPH) program at Baylor University. It includes general information about all
graduate assistantships in the Baylor Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, which
is the department in which the MPH program resides. The document also includes information specific to
MPH program assistantships offered in the HHPR department. Application instructions and a form are
also included.
About HHPR Graduate Assistantships
The Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation at Baylor University annually awards
competitive graduate assistantships to highly qualified individuals interested in becoming a contributing
part of our unique graduate program. Responsibilities of HHPR graduate assistants generally include, but
are not limited to, serving as research assistants within the department and extension campus sites;
teaching various courses in the Department of HHPR based on the graduate students academic
background and professional composite experience; providing professional services to public and private
community and state based agencies; and providing administrative support and expertise in a variety of
departmental functions.
Graduate assistantships are generally awarded for a period of 1.5 to 2 years, in the first instance, subject
to favorable review after the first year of service to the Department of HHPR and Baylor University. The
appointment is set at 20 hours per week and is based on the responsibilities previously presented. Tuition
remission and stipend vary with appointment. In most instances, students are expected to pay their own
student registration fees outside of tuition. http://www.baylor.edu/sfs/index.php?id=69384
For master’s level students awarded teaching assistantships, the University pays the cost of full-time
tuition within the general bounds of hours required for one’s degree program (all semesters). Graduate
Teaching Assistants also receive a stipend during the fall and spring semesters in which they teach. These
teaching assistants do not teach in the summer and, therefore, receive no summer stipend but do receive
tuition remission for the summer following year 1 of the program.
If you initiate application for a graduate assistantship in the Department of HHPR, it is imperative that
you file for admission to The Graduate School concurrently with the submission of this form. Both the
Baylor University Graduate School Application and the Department of HHPR Graduate Assistant
Application with supporting materials must be submitted and received before the applicant is considered
for admission and thereby a graduate assistantship.
Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form
The MPH Program within the Department of HHPR currently supports 9 graduate assistants as:
 Health Graduate Teaching Assistants (Health GTAs): Eight Health GTAs teach HED 1145
under the direction of the HED 1145 Coordinator.
 Health Graduate Assistant (Health GA): One Health GA assists with research and programmatic
tasks under the direction of the MPH Program Director and other MPH program faculty members.
These assistants are hired and expected to move through the degree program in cohorts as full-time
students. The 8 GTAs are hired in cohorts of 4 every year and are replaced at the end of each 2-year
cycle. The GA is hired as a 5th position along with one of the 4-GTA cohorts and is also replaced at the
end of the 2-year cycle. The 2-year cycle coincides with program completion for full-time students.
The GTAs and GA work approximately 20 hours per week, are paid a monthly stipend during the
semesters in which they work, and are provided tuition remission for their graduate courses in the MPH in
Community Health Education degree program. More details are provided below about specific
GTA Responsibilities in the MPH Program
HED 1145 Health and Human Behavior is a required course in many Baylor undergraduate degree
programs. Approximately 650 Baylor students from a variety of disciplines enroll in the course every
semester. The course purpose is to encourage students to view their lives from a holistic perspective that
balances physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social health. This 1-credit-hour course meets for
50 minutes twice per week (Mon.-Wed. or Tues.-Thurs.).
Eight Health GTAs teach HED 1145 under the direction of the HED 1145 Coordinator (Mrs. Shannon
Carl). Each Health GTA currently teaches four sections of the course per semester (fall and spring) with
approximately 18-19 students enrolled in each section. Each Health GTA also maintains 5 office hours
per week to facilitate student access. The Health GTAs are trained and carefully supervised throughout
the semester in the following ways to ensure quality and consistency in teaching content, instructional
activities, exams, and grading protocols.
o Pre-Semester Training Workshops: During the week prior to the beginning of each semester, all
GTAs in the Department of HHPR are required to attend a 2-day HHPR orientation that covers
departmental expectations and procedures. As part of this HHPR orientation, the Health GTAs
are required to attend teacher training sessions lead by health faculty and the HED 1145
Coordinator. In these sessions, each Health GTA is provided a teaching notebook that contains a
course syllabus template, teaching ancillaries (Power Point slides, activity descriptions, test banks,
etc), a resource list for additional teaching ideas, and guidelines for grading and classroom
management procedures. The Health GTAs also receive specific training during these sessions in:
(a) the course purpose, scope, schedule; (b) the required behavior enhancement project; (c)
instructor responsibilities; (d) classroom management (grading, restrictions regarding extra credit,
student interactions, rules of conduct, proposed use of technology and equipment); and (e)
protocols for in-class health assessments.
o Course Management Meetings: Throughout the semester, the HED 1145 Coordinator holds
frequent Friday meetings that all Health GTAs are required to attend. In these sessions, the group
discusses issues related to the course, exam preparation, in-class activity ideas, etc.
o Exam Supervision and Grading Check Points: Prior to and following each exam, the weekly
meeting is devoted to ensuring a consistent and fair approach to exam structure and grading. The
group also meets after finals to double check the end-of-semester grade reports. Grade appeals are
first addressed by the GTA. Subsequent appeals are addressed by the HED 1145 Coordinator who
follows the Baylor University protocol for involving other administrators as needed.
Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form
Teaching Observation: The HED 1145 Coordinator visits the classroom from time-to-time to
observe the teaching performance of Health GTAs. When this occurs, the coordinator may ask a
Health GTA to meet with her to discuss the performance and brainstorm ways to enhance the
teaching approach.
Expectations: Health GTAs serve as employees and representatives of Baylor University. As such,
they are expected to follow all requirements of Baylor employees and instructors. Among these
expectations are those that relate to professional interaction with others, dress and demeanor, and
promptness and consistency on the job. Health GTAs who do not adhere to written and stated
expectations related to this employment position are subject to penalties and may be removed
from their positions.
GA Responsibilities in the MPH Program
The Health GA position is a 12-month appointment that begins in the summer. This GA works 20 hours
per week under the direction of 3-4 faculty members in the MPH program. The GA must contact each of
these faculty members on a weekly basis (or as otherwise established with that individual faculty member)
to discuss and report progress on assigned tasks.
The actual hours of work (of the 20 per week) completed for each faculty member will depend upon
fluctuating needs of each faculty member. It is possible, for example, that the Health GA may work more
hours for one faculty member and less for another in a particular week, depending on needs and special
events directed by each faculty member.
Specific duties of the Health GA vary in accordance with faculty needs. In general, these include:
 Assistant with various research-related tasks such as conducting article searches, collecting
research data and management data files, helping to develop proposals for grant and/or review
from Baylor’s Internal Review Board, and preparing materials for research presentations and
article publications.
 Coordination of the physical assessment days and data collection related to the HED 1145 course.
 Coordination and management of all HED course equipment (includes two equipment closets and
an extensive equipment inventory).
Other duties and responsibilities may be assigned as needs arise.
Please complete the following steps.
1. Save this electronic file to your computer using the following filename format:
a. MPH-GA-application-LastnameFirstname
b. Example: MPH-GA-application-DoeJohn
2. Complete the MPH Graduate Assistant Application form (see next page)
3. Delete all pages prior to the form (pates 1-3 of this file) so that only the complete form is in the
4. Email the completed form to both of the following individuals.
 Dr. Eva Doyle, Director of MPH Program, Eva_Doyle@baylor.edu
 Dr. Joe Shim, HHPR Graduate Program Director, Joe_Shim@baylor.edu
Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form
Master of Public Health Graduate Assistantship Application Form
Baylor Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation
Follow instructions on the previous page to complete this form. Email the completed form to Dr. Eva Doyle, MPH
Program Director (Eva_Doyle@baylor.edu) and Dr. Joe Shim, HHPR Graduate Program Director
Full Legal Name:
Current Mailing Address:
Permanent Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:
Country of Citizenship:
Visa Status (for international students):
Insurance Status (for all students):
Degrees Awarded (include major/minor), University, Date:
Undergraduate GPA:
Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
- Exam date (mm/dd/yyyy):
- Verbal score:
- Quantitative score:
- Total (verbal + quantitative):
- Analytical writing score:
TOEFL Scores (international applicants only):
Desired Year and Semester of Enrollment:
Graduate Assistantship Interest: (Mark only one with an “X”)
___I am only interested in a GA* position (research and programmatic responsibilities)
___I am only interested in a GTA* position (teaching HED 1145)
___My first choice is to serve as a GA, but I am also interested in a GTA position.
___My first choice is to serve as a GTA, but I am also interested in a GA position.
___ I am equally interested in both positions.
*See GTA and GA responsibilities descriptions on previous pages of this document.
Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form
Summarize information for each numbered item in the following sections: teaching, research, community
service, and leadership. (A resume pasted into the last page of this electronic application is admissible but
not required.)
1-Teaching-specific degrees, licenses, certifications:
2-Health-related degrees, licenses, certifications:
3-Formal teaching experiences:
4-Informal teaching experiences (e.g., tutoring, teaching community groups):
5-Relevant Coursework Completed
Mark with an “X” all that apply.
Personal health and wellness course
___I have successfully completed HED 1145 Health and Human Behavior at Baylor University.
___I have successfully completed a personal wellness course at a university other than Baylor.
Other health-related courses
I have completed university courses in (“X” all that apply)
___stress management
___human sexuality
___exercise fitness
___drug abuse prevention
___human disease (chronic, infectious, or both)
___other (type in):
Teaching-related courses
___teaching methods
___presentation or communication methods
___health education/health promotion methods
___program planning/intervention design
___other (type in):
6-Additional relevant information or comments:
Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form
1-Research-specific degrees, licenses, certifications:
2-Formal research experiences (e.g., employment, dissertation/thesis, research assistant):
3-Informal research experiences (e.g., volunteer assistance, course projects):
4-Primary research interests:
5-Relevant Coursework Completed
Mark with an “X” all that apply.
___research methods
___health assessment
___program evaluation
___other (type in):
6-List statistical analysis programs with which you have worked (e.g., SAS, SPSS):
7-Additional relevant information or comments:
Please provide information related to your community service experiences.
Please provide information related to your leadership experiences, qualifications and skills.