Internationalisation of French universities : towards an integrated management ? Patricia Pol Vice président Université Paris-Est Bologna expert OECD, December 9th 2008 Outline • A strong tradition of cooperation and attractivity at national level these last 20 years • Contributing to the implementation of an administration of European and international relations at the institutional level • Moving to a more strategic international management for the next decade through coo-petition strategies OECD, December 9th 2008 I. A strong tradition of cooperation and attractivity at a national level OECD, December 9th 2008 I.1 The attractivity of foreign students - A long tradition 100 000 in 1976, 160 000 in 1990 (2d country after the US and before the UK and Germany 170 000 in 1993 : after the US and UK since 2000 : 3rd or 4th range (225 000 in 2006, 12% of the student population) after US, UK, Germany - A definition based on nationality , around 75% being mobile without a French Baccalauréat A large majority coming on an individual basis - The importance of history More than 50% come from Africa OECD, December 9th 2008 International students (2006) (Foreign student without a French Bac) Africa 47% ( 157%) Europe 24% (32% in 1996) ( 51%) 160 000 122% in 10 years America 7% (10% in 1996) ( 58%) OECD, December 9th 2008 Asia 22 % ( 275%) I.2 A voluntarist national policy • The Ministry of Foreign affairs has a specific department for Higher education and scientific cooperation - 100 M grants (boursiers du gouvernement français) - Bilateral programmes (exemple with Brasil since 1978: Cofecub extended to many countries and programmes) - Capacity building funds for developping countries (Fonds de solidarité prioritaire) OECD, December 9th 2008 • Creation of National agencies - 1960 : CIES (centre international pour étudiants et stagiaires) Egide - 1998 : Edufrance to promote HE - 2005 : Centre d’études pour la France CampusFrance - 2008 : towards a Mobiliy agency resulting from different mergers OECD, December 9th 2008 - The regulation of institutional services In the 1984 law for higher education (loi Savary): international cooperation is one the mission of the universities which are supposed to organise a specific department for foreign students - The contractualisation policy 1990-2005 : « le volet international » OECD, December 9th 2008 I.3 The determinant role of the European policy • 1987 : Eramus France is at the second place for incoming and outgoing students (23 000/year) • 1998- 99 : the Bologna process and the LMD reform (2002) - New curricula, new recognition tools, new partnerships OECD, December 9th 2008 Outgoing mobility (2006) Western Europe 78% 3% Central Europe France 70 000 15% North America OECD, December 9th 2008 Asia 4% II. Contributing to the implementation of an administration of European and international relations at the institutional level OECD, December 9th 2008 Some common trends since the 90’s * • Nomination of vice president or « politic actors » in most of the universities since 2000 • Development of « international relations » departments at a central level and faculty level - dealing mainly with mobility (in and outgoing) at undergraduate and graduate levels within cooperation agreements - with an average of 5 administrative staff Strong differenciation between individual and organised mobile students OECD, December 9th 2008 - Difficulty to articulate training and research international policies the individual and the laboratory levels being the reference for research Creation of « Europe departments » for European research tenders - However the impact of the Bologna process on the curricula, Europe is not the priority in the interntional policies OECD, December 9th 2008 III. Moving to a more strategic international management for the next decade OECD, December 9th 2008 • When the international dimension is not anymore a context but a condition of research and teaching - It becomes part of the whole institutional strategy - And will be integrated in the whole departments and services of the university : academic affairs, student services, research services, finance, professionnal services, human resource management... OECD, December 9th 2008 - International staff recruitment - International student recruitment at each level (BMD) - International programmes for evevybody at master and doctorate levels whatever the institution Reshaping the international divisions through expertise functions OECD, December 9th 2008 • Developing strong strategic cooperation and alliances - At a regional level : * European : beyond 2010 Going on implementing the « Bologna tools » and articulating the EHEA to the ERA Encouraging more intra European and external mobility (horizontal and vertical) (see the target of a 50% mobility for the group age 16-24 for the UE) * Regional clusters : PRES (pôle de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur) OECD, December 9th 2008 - At an international level • being active in international and regional associations • belonging to scientific networks • Developping international paths and joint degrees and with strategic partners (example of HEC with MIT and Fudan) • Strenghening international alliances OECD, December 9th 2008 Conclusion • In 20 years, internationalisation has shifted from an individual basis to an institutional dynamics through more professionalised international divisions • Although the context leads to more competition and fastens the main trends, the experience of strong cooperation strategies could become a competitive advantage for any profile of institutions OECD, December 9th 2008 Main references • F.Barthélemy, C.Musselin, P.Pol, « L’internationalisation des universités, analyse comparée des politiques et organisations de l’international », Rapport DEPP, décembre 2008. • Notes de CampusFrance « l’organisation des relations internationales dans les universités en France », 2006 • Rapport du Conseil d’analyse stratégique, Encourager la mobilité des jeunes en Europe, orientations stratégiques pour la France et l’Union Européenne, juillet 2008. • Report of the High level expert forum on mobility, july 2008 OECD, December 9th 2008