Running head: LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Lab 3 – Nutricipe Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Sections 4, 5, and 6 Blue Team Professor Janet Brunelle Old Dominion University November 30, 2010 V3.1 1 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 2 Table of Contents 4 TEST RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................3 5 TEST PROCEDURES .............................................................................................................4 6 TRACEABILITY TO REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................37 List of Tables Table 1. Test Responsibilities ..........................................................................................................3 Table 2. Database Traceability Matrix...........................................................................................39 Table 3. Algorithm Traceability Matrix.........................................................................................43 Table 4. GUI Traceability Matrix ..................................................................................................53 [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 4 3 TEST RESPONSIBILITIES The Nutricipe team members will be responsible for different aspects of the Nutricipe demonstration. Olga Gallup will introduce the solution and discuss the feasibility of the Nutricipe product. Cole Davis will be the database tester. Ben Rattz will demonstrate the user registration, user authentication, and user profile population. John Hoffman will be responsible for presenting the Meal Builder. Erik Lavender will demonstrate the nutritional recommendations, as well as meal food tracking history and goal tracking history. Mark Hall will demonstrate the user satisfaction survey. Or’Sasha Brooks will be responsible for demonstrating the Administrative Interface. Adam Heishman will be responsible for recording test results. Team Member Responsibilities Olga Gallup Introduction and feasibility presenter Cole Davis Database tester Ben Rattz User registration, user authentication, and user profile population presenter John Hoffmann Meal Builder presenter Erik Lavender Recommendations and tracking history presenter Mark Hall User satisfaction Survey presenter Or’Sasha Brooks Administrative Interface presenter Adam Heishman Recorder Table 1. Test Responsibilities LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 5 4 TEST PROCEDURES Test procedures have been designed to ensure that the functionality of the Nutricipe prototype is attained. The test procedures are represented in a format that contains the category, purpose, actual activity, expected results, a space to identify whether or not the test case passed or failed, and comments that may be associated with the failure. The test cases are divided into five major functional categories of the Nutricipe prototype. Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: SR22 Test Case: 1.1 Purpose: Verify all tables and fields are created correctly for the SR22 schema Setup Conditions: Project member is logged into the MySQL query test (QTest). Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Type "show tables" at command prompt A list of all SR22 and Nutricipe tables 2 For each SR22 table type "describe <table name>" A list of fields for each table. Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: SR22 Test Case: 1.2 Purpose: Verify that data is populated for the SR22 schema Setup Conditions: SR22 database has been imported into the projects MySQL server. Project member is logged into the QTest tool. Test Case 1.1 Passed. Test Case Activity 1 Pass/Fail Comments For each SR22 table type "select * from <table name>" [This space intentionally left blank] Expected Result A list of all SR22 and Nutricipe tables LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 5 Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: SR22 Test Case: 1.3 Purpose: Verify SR22 database interface is functional and allows for the retrieval of information from the MYSQL tables. Setup Conditions: SR22 database has been imported into the projects MySQL server. SR22 database has been populated. Project member is logged into the QTest tool. Test Cases 1.1 and 1.2 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Type "select NDB_No, Long_Desc from FOOD_DES where Shrt_Desc like "FROG%" " at the command prompt Will show the NDB No 80200, and "FROG LEGS, RAW" 2 Use the Frog legs NDB No to retrieve a list of nutrients. Type "select Nutr_No FROM NUT_DATA where NDB_No="80200" " at the command prompt. Will display a list of nutrients (by numerical code) such as 203, 304, and 205. Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: recipe tables. Test Case: 1.4 Purpose: Verify all tables and fields are created correctly for the recipes schema. Setup Conditions: Project member is logged into QTest. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Type "describe recipe" in qtest. Should list all fields for recipe. 2 Repeat Test Case Activity 1 for: ingredient_list, recipe_fd_group, and recipe_goal. Should list all fields for each table. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 6 Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: recipe tables. Test Case: 1.5 Purpose: Verify that data is populated for the recipes Setup Conditions: Project member is logged into QTest. Test Cases 1.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Type "select * from recipe;" at the prompt. Should list all the recipes currently in database. 2 Repeat Test Case Activity 1 for: ingredient_list, recipe_fd_group, and recipe_goal. Should list all data for each table. Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: recipe tables. Test Case: 1.6 Purpose: Verify recipe database interface is functional and allows for the retrieval of information from the MYSQL tables Setup Conditions: Project member is logged into QTest. Test Cases 1.4 and 1.5 Passed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Type "select NDB_No from ingredient_list where recipe_id="1" " at the prompt. Should list all ingredients (by NDB_No) for recipe 1. 2 Type "select FdGrp_CD from recipe_fd_group where recipe_id="1" " at the prompt. Should list which food group the recipe belongs too. 3 Type "select goal_id from recipe_goal where recipe_id="1" " at the prompt. Should show a list of goal (IDs) the recipe fulfills. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 7 Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: User Profile tables. Test Case: 1.7 Purpose: Verify all tables and fields are created correctly for the profile schema. Setup Conditions: Project member is logged into QTest. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Type "describe user_profile" at the prompt. Should list all fields in the user_profile table. 2 Repeat Test Case Activity 1 for: user_health_stats. Should list all fields for user_health_stats. Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: User profile tables. Test Case: 1.8 Purpose: Verify the data populated for the profiles table. Setup Conditions: Project member is logged into QTest. Test Cases 1.7 Passed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Type "select * from user_profile" at the prompt. Should list all data in the user_profile table. 2 Repeat Test Case Activity 1 for: user_health_stats. Should list all user health stats. Test Category ID: 1 Description: Database Schema and Interface: User profile tables. Test Case: 1.9 Purpose: Verify the profile database interface is functional and allows for insertion and retrieval of information from the MYSQL tables. Setup Conditions: Project member is logged into QTest. Test Cases 1.7 and 1.8 Passed. Test Case Activity 1 Type "select * from user_health_stats where user_health_stats_id="1" " at the prompt. Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result Should list the first user's health stats. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 8 Test Category ID: 2 Description: Non-authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: About Us Display Test Case: 2.1 Purpose: To make sure the About Us page is properly displayed for nonauthenticated users. Setup Conditions: The user is non-authenticated and is on the Nutricipe home page. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 User accesses the About Us page. About Us page is properly rendered for user. 2 User accesses home page via link on About Us page. Home page is accessed again from the About Us page. Test Category ID: 2 Description: Non-authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Contact Us Display Test Case: 2.2 Purpose: To make sure the Contact Us page is properly displayed for nonauthenticated users. Setup Conditions: The user is non-authenticated and is on the Nutricipe home page. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 User accesses the Contact Us page. Contact Us page is properly rendered for user. 2 User accesses home page via link on Contact Us page. Home page is accessed again from the Contact Us page. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 9 Test Category ID: 2 Description: Non-Authenticated Nutricipe Customer, Graphical Interface: User Registration Process Test Case: 2.3 Purpose: Verify that the user can create an account. Setup Conditions: A user must be un-authenticated and at the registration page. Second computer logged in to user_profile table using QTest. Test Cases 1.7 and 1.9 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Submit a filled-out registration form. Redirected to home page. 2 Log in using the newly registered account’s username and password. Authenticated version of the home page is displayed. 3 Verify that a new user is created with QTest. A new user will appear in the user_profile table. Test Category ID: 2 Description: Un-Authenticated Nutricipe Customer, Graphical Interface: User Authentication Process Test Case: 2.4 Purpose: Verify that the user can log in to an account. Setup Conditions: A user must be un-authenticated and at the home page. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Attempt to log in to a non-existent account. Login attempt failed, redirected to home page. 2 Attempt to log in to an existing account. Logged in, menu bar updated. 3 Verify that the menubar displays authenticated-only links. Menubar updated. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 10 Test Category ID: 2 Description: Non-Authenticated Nutricipe Customer, Graphical User Interface: Authenticated Page Accessibility Test Case: 2.5 Purpose: Verify that an non-authenticated user may only view pages that do not depend on authentication Setup Conditions: A user must be initially un-authenticated. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Verify that the only items on the menu bar are “home”, “contact us”, and “about us”. Only these four items are present in the menu bar. 2 Verify access to “About Us” page. “About Us” page is present in the menu bar. 3 Verify access to “Contact Us” page. “Contact Us” page is present in the menu bar. 4 Verify that no other links from the site’s navbar are viewable/accessible. No links (except for test cases #2-3) lead to new pages. Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: About Us Display Test Case: 3.1 Purpose: To make sure the About Us page is properly displayed for authenticated users Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated and is on the Nutricipe home page. Test Case 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 User accesses the About Us page. About Us page is properly rendered for user. 2 User accesses home page via link on About Us page. Home page is accessed again from the About Us page. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 11 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Contact Us Display Test Case: 3.2 Purpose: To make sure the Contact Us page is properly displayed for authenticated users. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated and is on the Nutricipe home page. Test Case 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 User accesses the Contact Us page. Contact Us page is properly rendered for user. 2 User accesses home page via link on Contact Us page. Home page is accessed again from the Contact Us page. Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customer, Graphical User Interface: Account Maintenance Process Test Case: 3.3 Purpose: Verify that an authenticated user can modify their account details. Setup Conditions: A user must be initially authenticated and viewing their account page. Another computer with the QTest tool must be available. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Verify that an authenticated user can access their account maintenance page. Account maintenance page is accessible. 2 Verify that the displayed account details match the details listed in the database for that user (using QTest). The account details (in the user_profile table) for that user match. 3 Verify that changes to a user’s account (on the “Account Maintenance” page) are recorded in the user’s respective account in the database. The user’s account in the database (within the user_profile table) is modified to reflect the changes made in the maintenance module. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 12 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customer, Graphical User Interface: User Authentication Process Test Case: 3.4 Purpose: Verify that a user can create only a single account. Setup Conditions: An account already exists. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Attempt to create a new account using an existing username. Account creation fails. 2 Attempt to create a new account using an existing email address. Account creation fails. 3 Attempt to create a new account while logged in as an authenticated user. Registration page is blocked. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 13 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customer, Graphical User Interface: Profile Setup and Maintenance Modules Test Case: 3.5 Purpose: Verify that modules correctly display dietary data and effect changes. Setup Conditions: User must be authenticated. User must be viewing their profile page. Second computer with QTest must be available. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.4. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Verify that the user can adjust their likes/dislikes. Likes/dislikes are modified. 2 Verify that user can select their profile goals from the profile maintenance screen. Goals are selectable. 3 Verify that goals and likes/dislikes are stored to the user’s account in the database (using QTest). Database is updated with modified data. 4 Enter an age that is above 90. Age out of range; database not updated. 5 Enter an age that is below 0. Age out of range; database not updated. 6 Must allow user to select their gender from a dropdown box. Database updates with user’s specified gender. 7 Must allow user to select their activity level from dropdown box. Database updates with user’s specified activity level. 8 Must allow user to specify ingredients on hand. Database updates with user’s specified ingredients on hand. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 14 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Verify Daily Caloric Needs Display. Test Case: 3.6 Purpose: Verify Daily Caloric Needs Display is displayed and functioning properly. Setup Conditions: Setup user profile and access the Meal Builder Display. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 3.12 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 2 Examine the screen to ensure correct data is displayed. A integer number lets users know their daily caloric needs Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Verify Food Variety Display. Test Case: 3.7 Purpose: Verify Food Variety Display is displayed and functioning properly. Setup Conditions: Setup user profile and access the Meal Builder Display. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 3.12 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 2 Examine the screen to ensure correct data is displayed. Recommend servings and ingredients are given for each food group. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 15 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Recipe Search Prompt. Test Case: 3.8 Purpose: Verify Recipe Search Prompt is displayed and functioning properly. Setup Conditions: Access the Meal Builder Display. Test Cases 2.4 and 3.12 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 2 Examine the form to ensure correct functionality. Users have ability to search recipes by: 1. Search term 2. Ingredients in user’s pantry 3. Ingredients not in user’s pantry 4. Ingredients user dislikes Users have the ability to search raw ingredients. 3 Search for recipe based off a search term. Calls Recipe Search Algorithm, and sends results to Recipe Search Display. 4 Repeat test 3.8.3 for recipe search by available, unavailable, and disliked ingredients. Calls Recipe Search Algorithm, and sends results to Recipe Search Display. 5 Search for raw ingredient. NDB_NO is added to the user’s current meal. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 16 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display. Test Case: 3.9 Purpose: Verify Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display displays and functions properly. Setup Conditions: Setup user profile. Access the Meal Builder Display. Create a meal. Click “Complete Meal”. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 3.12 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 2 Examine the screen to ensure correct functionality. User’s current meal is displayed and has a nutritional facts table. Users can select a date and insert the meal into their meal history. 3 Click on recipe. Recipe Card Display is accessed with correct recipe. 4 Select invalid date and insert meal into meal history. Error message is displayed to select correct date 5 Select valid date and insert meal into meal history. Meal is inserted into meal history. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 17 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Recipe Card Display. Test Case: 3.10 Purpose: Verify Recipe Search Display is displays recipes. Setup Conditions: Access the Recipe Search Report Display. Click on a recipe. Test Cases 2.4 and 3.9 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 2 Examine screen to ensure correct recipe information is displayed. Recipe name, ingredients, preparation, and image are displayed. Nutritional information about recipe is displayed in a nutritional information table. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 18 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Recipe Card Display. Test Case: 3.11 Purpose: Verify Recipe Search Display is displays recipes. Setup Conditions: Access the Recipe Search Report Display. Click on a recipe. Test Cases 2.4 and 3.9 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 2 Examine screen to ensure correct recipe information is displayed. Recipe name, ingredients, preparation, and image are displayed. Nutritional information about recipe is displayed in a nutritional information table. Link to add recipe is displayed. 3 Click to add recipe to meal. Correct recipe is added to meal. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 19 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Meal Builder Display. Test Case: 3.12 Purpose: Verify the Meal Builder is Displayed properly, and all necessary components are loaded and functional. Setup Conditions: A user profile must be created. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Access the Meal Builder when the Nutricipe user is non-authenticated. Will not be able to access the page. 2 Access the Meal Builder Display screen when the Nutricipe user is authenticated. Show the Meal Builder Display screen. 3 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. User’s current meal, Search Prompt, Food Variety Display, and Nutritional Values and Percentage of Daily Goals of Selected Meal Components Display link are displayed. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 4 Perform a recipe search. Recipe Search Display is displayed. 5 Click to add recipe to meal. Recipe is displayed in the user’s current meal. 6 Perform a nutrient search. Nutrient is added to user’s current meal. 7 Click “Complete Meal” to access the Meal Builder Overview Display. User’s current meal is displayed. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 20 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: Shopping List Display. Test Case: 3.13 Purpose: Verify the user can request a shopping list and shopping list is displayed correctly based on the selected meal. Setup Conditions: The user is logged in. A meal is selected by the user. Database tables created and properly populated. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, 3.12, and 5.5.6 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Access the Shopping List Display when the Nutricipe user is non-authenticated. Will not be able to access the page. 2 Access the Shopping List Display screen when the Nutricipe user is authenticated. Show the Shopping List Display screen. 3 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. Display the meal that user selected. The option for the user to request a shopping list for that meal is displayed. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 4 Click on Generate Shopping List button on the Shopping List Display screen. The Shopping List Generator is called to create a shopping list content. The Shopping List Display passes user profile identification number and meal identification number to the generator. The shopping list content is displayed to the user. 5 Examine the shopping list content to ensure correct structure. Display the shopping list content for the selected meal grouped by food group descriptions. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 21 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Graphical User Interface Authenticated User Screen: User Meal History Display. Test Case: 3.14 Purpose: Verify that the User Meal History Display is functional. Setup Conditions: User is logged in. The events and history tables have been populated. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 3.12 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Attempt to view the screen as a nonauthenticated user. No display. 2 Select different time intervals and click view history. A list of meals within the timeframes selected, sorted by date and time. 3 Examine the formatting. The list should be shown with the Nutricipe's CSS. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 22 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: User Goal Achievement Display Test Case: 3.15 Purpose: Verify the user can request a progress report correctly based on the user-specified time period. Setup Conditions: A number of days is entered by the user. Database tables created and properly populated. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 5.7 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Access the User Goal Achievement Display when the Nutricipe user is non-authenticated. Will not be able to access the page. 2 Access the User Goal Achievement Display screen when the Nutricipe user is authenticated. Show the User Goal Achievement Display screen. 3 Examine the screen to ensure correct formatting. Display instructions, a blank text box and a search button. The Nutricipe CSS template is used. 4 Click the search button without entering a number in the text box. Display an error message requesting user to enter a positive whole number in the text box. 5 Click the search button after entering “0” in the text box. Display an error message requesting user to enter a positive whole number in the text box. 6 Click the search button after entering “1.5” in the text box. Display an error message requesting user to enter a positive whole number in the text box. 7 Click the search button after entering “-1” in the text box. Display an error message requesting user to enter a positive whole number in the text box. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 23 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: User Goal Achievement Display Test Case: 3.15 Purpose: Verify the user can request a progress report correctly based on the user-specified time period. Setup Conditions: A number of days is entered by the user. Database tables created and properly populated. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 5.7 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 8 Click the search button after entering “q” in the text box. Display an error message requesting user to enter a positive whole number in the text box. 9 Click the search button after entering “1” in the text box. The Goal Tracking Algorithm is called to create a goal progress content. The goal progress content is displayed to the user. 10 Examine the goal progress list content to ensure correct structure. Display the goal progress list content in a neat, evenlyformatted column. 11 Click the search button after entering “2” in the text box. The Goal Tracking Algorithm is called to create a goal progress content. The goal progress content is displayed to the user. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 24 Test Category ID: 3 Description: Authenticated Nutricipe Customers Graphical User Interface: User Satisfaction Survey Prompt Test Case: 3.16 Purpose: To make sure the User Satisfaction Survey Prompt is displayed correctly and updates correctly. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated and prompt flag is manually enabled. A second computer with QTest must be available. Test Case 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Survey must display questions with selectable answers in a prompt. Prompt is correctly displayed. 2 Prompt flag is disabled upon completion of survey. Prompt will not reappear. 3 Survey results must be stored in the user_survey table in the profile database. Results are stored in the user_survey table. Test Category ID: 4 Description: Authenticated Administrators and Health Club Moderators Graphical User Interface: About Us Display Test Case: 4.1 Purpose: To make sure the About Us page is properly displayed for authenticated administrators and health club moderators. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated as an administrator and is on the Nutricipe home page. Test Case 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 User accesses the About Us page. About Us page is properly rendered for user. 2 User accesses home page via link on About Us page. Home page is accessed again from the About Us page. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 25 Test Category ID: 4 Description: Authenticated Administrators and Health Club Moderators Graphical User Interface: Contact Us Display Test Case: 4.2 Purpose: To make sure the Contact Us page is properly displayed for authenticated administrators and health club moderators. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated as an administrator and is on the Nutricipe home page. Test Case 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 User accesses the Contact Us page. Contact Us page is properly rendered for user. 2 User accesses home page via link on Contact Us page. Home page is accessed again from the Contact Us page. Test Category ID: 4 Description: Authenticated Administrators and Health Club Moderators Graphical User Interface: Admin Interface. Test Case: 4.3 Purpose: To verify that an Admin Interface is properly displayed to Admin(s). Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated as an Admin from Nutricipe home page. Test Case 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity 1 Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result Admin(s) accesses the Admin Interface Page. [This space intentionally left blank] The Admin Interface page is properly displayed. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 26 Test Category ID: 4 Description: Authenticated Administrators and Health Club Moderators Graphical User Interface: Create Account. Test Case: 4.4 Purpose: To verify that an Admin is able to create users’ accounts. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated as an Admin from Nutricipe home page. QTest is loaded and accessible from another computer. Test Cases 2.4 and 4.3 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Verify that an Admin is able to create a new user account. The “Create Account” selection is present and functional. 2 Verify that a user account has been created. A new user account has been added to the database. Test Category ID: 4 Description: Authenticated Administrators and Health Club Moderators Graphical User Interface: Deactivate Account. Test Case: 4.5 Purpose: To verify that an Admin is able to deactivate users’ accounts. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated as an Admin from Nutricipe home page. QTest is loaded and accessible from another computer. Test Cases 2.4 and 4.3 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Verify that an Admin is able to deactivate a user account. The “Deactivate” selection is present and functional. 2 Any user is able to become deactivated except the “Super Admin”. A drop down menu of all current users except the “Super Admin” is displayed and able to be selected. 3 Verify that a user account has been deactivated. A user account has become disabled in the database. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 27 Test Category ID: 4 Description: Authenticated Administrators and Health Club Moderators Graphical User Interface: Reactivate Account. Test Case: 4.6 Purpose: To verify that an Admin is able to reactivate users’ accounts. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated as an Admin from Nutricipe home page. QTest is loaded and accessible from another computer. Test Cases 2.4 and 4.3 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Verify that an Admin is able to reactivate a user account. The “Reactivate” selection is present and functional. 2 Any deactivated user is able to become reactivated. A drop down menu of all deactivated users is displayed and able to be selected. 3 Verify that a user account has been reactivated. A user account has become active in the database. Test Category ID: 4 Description: Authenticated Administrators and Health Club Moderators Graphical User Interface: User Satisfaction Survey Report Test Case: 4.7 Purpose: To verify that an Admin can access User Satisfaction Survey Reports. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated as an Admin from Nutricipe home page. Test Cases 2.4, 4.3, and 4.8 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Verify that an Admin is able to access User Satisfaction Survey Reports. The “User Satisfaction Survey Report” selection is present and functional. 2 Any user’s User Satisfaction Survey Report is able to be viewed. A drop down menu of all users is displayed and able to be selected. 3 Verify that a user’s User Satisfaction Report is viewable. The Admin is redirected to the “User Satisfaction Survey Report” page. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 28 Test Category ID: 4 Description: Authenticated Administrators and Health Club Moderators Graphical User Interface: User Satisfaction Survey Reports Test Case: 4.8 Purpose: To make sure the User Satisfaction Survey Reports are displayed correctly for individual and monthly reports. Setup Conditions: The user is authenticated as an administrator and on the User Satisfaction Survey Report page. A second computer with QTest must be available. Test Cases 2.4 and 4.3 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Verify that a user name will only appear in selection box if at least one survey is recorded in the user_survey table in the database. The displayed names are only those which have at least one entry in the table. 1 All survey results for a specific user must be displayed upon selection. The results are displayed on the page. 2 All survey results for the past month must be displayed upon request. The results are displayed on the page. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe Algorithms: Calorie Needs Algorithm. Test Case: 5.1 Purpose: Verify Calorie Needs Algorithm Functionality. 29 Setup Conditions: The user is logged in. The Daily Caloric Needs Display passes user profile identification number. Test Case 2.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 The user selects age in range 1 (between 1 and 30 years old), selects female gender, and specifies activity level as active Generates the correct amount of calories the user needs to consume daily based on the USDA recommendations stored in the database 2 Repeat test 5.1.1 for age range 2 (between 31 and 60 years old) Generates the correct amount of calories the user needs to consume daily based on the USDA recommendations stored in the database 3 Repeat test 5.1.1 for age range 3 (between 61 and 90 years old) Generates the correct amount of calories the user needs to consume daily based on the USDA recommendations stored in the database 4 Repeat tests 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3 for male gender Generates the correct amount of calories the user needs to consume daily based on the USDA recommendations stored in the database 5 Repeat test 5.1.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4 for sedentary activity level Generates the correct amount of calories the user needs to consume daily based on the USDA recommendations stored in the database 2 Pass the amount of calories to the Daily Caloric Needs Display. Displays the amount of calories the user needs to consume daily. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 30 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe algorithms: food variety algorithm. Test Case: 5.2 Purpose: Verify that the food variety algorithm is returning the proper information. Setup Conditions: Create 4 different profiles with varying weight, age, gender, likes, dislikes, and goals. Test Cases 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 3.7 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Log in to each of the 4 user profiles (see setup conditions) and request a recommended daily intake report for each. An array listing recommended food types with amounts should be returned. 2 Log in to each of the 4 user profiles (see setup conditions) and request a recommended ingredient list based on goals, likes and dislikes. A set of arrays containing ingredients meeting the user profile criteria. 3 Log in a profile with no goals and request an ingredient list based on goals, likes and dislikes. "Null" should be returned. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 31 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe Algorithms: Nutritional Content Calculator Test Case: 5.3 Purpose: Verify Nutritional Content Calculator Functionality. Setup Conditions: The user is logged in. The recipe table was have at least 10 unique recipes the user has access to. The meal table must have at least 2 unique meals the user has access to. The user navigates to the URL of the Nutricipe prototype with the appended '/nutritional-content-calculator-test' text. This will execute the test-harness for the Nutritional Content Calculator that will proceed with testing each test-case-activity. Test Cases 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.4. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Pass the user_profile_id of the user and a single NDB_No of an ingredient from the NUT_DATA table. Return an associative array of measured nutrients paired with their associated, calculated, values as well as their daily nutritional percentage for each nutrient. 2 Pass the user_profile_id of the user and a single recipe_id of a pre-created recipe in the recipe table. Return an associative array of measured nutrients paired with their associated, calculated, values as well as their daily nutritional percentage for each nutrient. 3 Pass the user_profile_id of the user and a single meal_id of a pre-created meal in the meal table that is composed of exactly 1 ingredient and 1 recipe. Return an associative array of measured nutrients paired with their associated, calculated, and summed values as well as their daily nutritional percentage for each nutrient. 4 Pass the user_profile_id of the user and a meal_id, a NDB_No, and a recipe_id. Return an associative array of measured nutrients paired with their associated, calculated, and summed values as well as their daily nutritional percentage for each nutrient. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 32 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe Algorithms: Nutritional Content Calculator Test Case: 5.3 Purpose: Verify Nutritional Content Calculator Functionality. Setup Conditions: The user is logged in. The recipe table was have at least 10 unique recipes the user has access to. The meal table must have at least 2 unique meals the user has access to. The user navigates to the URL of the Nutricipe prototype with the appended '/nutritional-content-calculator-test' text. This will execute the test-harness for the Nutritional Content Calculator that will proceed with testing each test-case-activity. Test Cases 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.4. Test Case Activity 5 Pass/Fail Comments Pass the user_profile_id of the user and 2 randomly selected meal_id's, between 5-10 randomly selected NDB_No's, and between 5-10 randomly selected recipe_id's. [This space intentionally left blank] Expected Result Return an associative array of measured nutrients paired with their associated, calculated, and summed values as well as their daily nutritional percentage for each nutrient. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 33 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe Algorithms: Recipe Selection Algorithm Test Case: 5.4 Purpose: Verify recipe selection algorithm functionality. Setup Conditions: The user is logged in. A search paradigm is selected by the user. If necessary, a search criteria is entered by the user. The Recipe Search Prompt passes user profile identification number, search paradigm and possible search criteria to the algorithm when the user initiates the search. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.4, and 3.8 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Select a search by ingredient and enter ingredient “uranium”. Empty recipe array triggers error message requesting the search by repeated with different parameters. 2 Select a search by ingredient and enter ingredient “chicken”. User given option to remove recipes from array that do not meet a nutritional need. Return to Recipe Search Report Display array of recipe_id that contain ingredient (NDB_No) chicken and have not been removed by user. 3 Select an exclusive search by pantry. User given option to remove recipes from array that do not meet a nutritional need. Return to Recipe Search Report Display array of recipe_id that only have ingredient (NDB_No) also found in table ingredients_available for user and have not been removed by user. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 34 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe Algorithms: Recipe Selection Algorithm Test Case: 5.4 Purpose: Verify recipe selection algorithm functionality. Setup Conditions: The user is logged in. A search paradigm is selected by the user. If necessary, a search criteria is entered by the user. The Recipe Search Prompt passes user profile identification number, search paradigm and possible search criteria to the algorithm when the user initiates the search. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.4, and 3.8 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 4 Select an inclusive search by pantry. User given option to remove recipes from array that do not meet a nutritional need. Return to Recipe Search Report Display array of recipe_id that contain at least one ingredient (NDB_No) also found in table ingredients_available for user and have not been removed by user. 5 Select a blacklisted search. User given option to remove recipes from array that not meet a nutritional need. Return to Recipe Search Report Display array of recipe_id that do not contain an ingredient (NDB_No) also found in table disliked for user and have not been removed by user. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 35 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe Algorithms: Shopping List Generator. Test Case: 5.5 Purpose: Verify Shopping List Generator Functionality. Setup Conditions: The user is logged in. A meal is selected by the user. The Shopping List Display passes user profile identification number and meal identification number to the algorithm when the user generates the shopping list. Database tables created and properly populated. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.4, 3.12, and 3.13.4 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Select a meal with recipes and single ingredients when pantry builder is empty. Combine only unique recipes ingredients and single ingredients together. Do not need to exclude any ingredients from the shopping list because the pantry builder is empty. 2 Select a meal with recipes and single ingredients when pantry builder has all the ingredients for the meal. Display empty shopping list. 3 Select a meal with recipes and single ingredients when pantry builder has some ingredients for the meal. Combine only unique recipes ingredients and single ingredients together. Exclude the pantry builder ingredients from the shopping list. 4 Repeat test 5.5.3 for another meal. Combine only unique meal ingredients together. Exclude the pantry builder ingredients from the shopping list. 5 Modify pantry builder and repeat test 5.5.4. Combine only unique meal ingredients together. Exclude the pantry builder ingredients from the shopping list. 6 Pass the combined ingredients and their descriptions to the Shopping List Display. Display the shopping list content for the selected meal grouped by food group descriptions. LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 36 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe algorithms: food tracking algorithm. Test Case: 5.6 Purpose: Verify that the food tracking is returning the proper information. Setup Conditions: Create 2 different profiles with a varied food history. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 3.14 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 Log user profile 1 in and request a two week time period. Array lists of food eaten, sorted chronologically, in a 2 week time frame. 2 Log user profile 2 in and request a two week time period. Verify it differs from test case activity 1. Array lists of food eaten, sorted chronologically, in a 2 week time frame. 3 Log user profile 1 in and request a 1 month time period. Verify it differs from test case activity 1. Array lists of food eaten, sorted chronologically, in a 1 month time frame. 4 Log in a user profile with no food history and request a 1 month time period. Null is returned. [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 37 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Nutricipe Algorithms: Goal Tracking Algorithm Test Case: 5.7 Purpose: Verify Goal Tracking Algorithm Functionality Setup Conditions: The user is logged in. The Goal Achievement Display passes user profile identification number and timeframe. Test Cases 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.4, and 5.3 Passed. Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Comments Expected Result 1 The user selects one day as the tracking timeframe. Totals the goal completion percentage of each nutritional item for all meals eaten in the last 24 hours, rounded down to the nearest whole number. An array containing these figures is returned to the Goal Achievement Display. 2 The user selects two days as the tracking timeframe. Totals the goal completion percentage of each nutritional item for all meals eaten in the last 48 hours, then divides by the number of days and rounds the results down to the nearest whole number. An array containing these figures is returned to the Goal Achievement Display. 6 TRACEABILITY TO REQUIREMENTS The traceability matrix shows the relationship between a prototype component and the specific requirements. Each test case has been designed to validate that one or more functional requirements have been met. The traceability matrix shown in Table 2 illustrates the relationships between the Nutricipe test plan and the specific functional requirements of the prototype. Requirement identifiers are shown in the row headers, and test case identifiers are LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE 38 displayed in the column headers. An “X” will appear in any row and column intersection where the test case for that column matches with the validated functional requirement in that row. [This space intentionally left blank] Running head: LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Database Requirements Name Req ID Database 1.1 x 1.2 x 1.3 x x x 1.4 x x 1.5 x 1.6 x x x 1.7 x x 1.8 x 1.9 x x x 2.1 2.2 Test Cases 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.12 3.13 3.2 3.3 3.4 x x x 3.5 3.14 3.15 3.16 x x x 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 x x x x 4.1 4.2 4.3 Test Cases 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.2 x x x Table 2. Database Traceability Matrix 3.6 x x x x x x x x x x x 3.11 3.1 39 x x x x 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Calorie Needs Alg. Food Variety Alg. Nutrit. Content Cal. Recipe Search Alg. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 x x x x x x x x x x x 2.1 2.2 Test Cases 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 40 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3.10 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Calorie Needs Alg. Food Variety Alg. Nutrit. Content Cal. Recipe Search Alg. 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 4.1 4.2 Test Cases 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 41 5.1 x 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Shop. List Generat. Food Tracking Alg. Goal Tracking Alg. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 x x x 1.7 1.8 1.9 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 2.1 2.2 Test Cases 2.3 2.4 2.5 [This space intentionally left blank] 3.1 3.2 3.3 42 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Shop. List Generat. Food Tracking Alg. Goal Tracking Alg. 3.1.2Alg 3.11 3.12 3.13 x x 3.14 3.15 3.16 4.1 4.2 Test Cases 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 43 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 x x x x x x x x x x Table 3. Algorithm Traceability Matrix orithm7.5 [This space intentionally left blank] 5.6 5.7 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID “About us” Page “Contact us” Page User Regist. Account Maint. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 x x x x 2.2 Test Cases 2.3 2.4 2.5 x x x x x 3.1 x x x x 3.2 44 3.3 3.4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x [This space intentionally left blank] x x 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID “About us” Page “Contact us” Page User Regist. Account Maint. 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 4.1 x x x x 4.2 Test Cases 4.3 4.4 4.5 x x x x x [This space intentionally left blank] 4.6 4.7 4.8 45 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID User Authent. Admin. Interface Profile Set up and Maint. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 x x x x x x 2.1 2.2 Test Cases 2.3 2.4 2.5 x 3.1 3.2 3.3 46 3.4 3.5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID User Authent. Admin. Interface Profile Set up and Maint. 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 4.1 4.2 Test Cases 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 47 4.8 x x x x x x x x x x x 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Daily Caloric Needs Display Food Variety Display Recipe Search Prompt Recipe Search Report Display 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 x 1.8 x 1.9 x 2.1 2.2 Test Cases 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 48 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x [This space intentionally left blank] LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Daily Caloric Needs Display Food Variety Display Recipe Search Prompt Recipe Search Report Display 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 4.1 4.2 Test Cases 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 49 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 x x x x x x x [This space intentionally left blank] 5.5 5.6 5.7 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Recipe Card Display Nut. Values and % of Daily Goals Display Meal Builder Display Shop. List Display 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 x x x x x x x x x 2.1 2.2 Test Cases 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 50 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 x 3.10 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID Recipe Card Display Nut. Values and % of Daily Goals Display Meal Builder Display Shopping List Display 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 4.1 4.2 Test Cases 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 51 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 5.6 5.7 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID User Meal History Display User Goal Achiv. Display User Satisfact. Survey Prompt User Satisfact. Survey Report 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 x 1.8 x 1.9 x 2.1 2.2 Test Cases 2.3 2.4 2.5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 3.1 3.2 3.3 52 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 LAB 3 – NUTRICIPE PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN/PROCEDURE Requirements Name Req ID User Meal History Display User Goal Achiv. Display User Satisfact. Survey Prompt User Satisfact. Survey Report 3.11 3.12 3.13 Table 4. GUI Traceability Matrix 3.14 3.15 3.16 4.1 4.2 Test Cases 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 53 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x