Software Verification and Validation (V&V) By Roger U. Fujii Presented by Donovan Faustino

Software Verification and
Validation (V&V)
By Roger U. Fujii
Presented by Donovan Faustino
The paper has these following topics.
Software V&V Concepts
 Planning for V&V
 Life Cycle V&V Tasks
 V&V Techniques and Methods
 Measurements Applied to V&V
What is V&V?
V&V – a system engineering discipline
employing a rigorous methodology for
evaluating and assessing the correctness
and quality of software throughout the
software life cycle.
Verify a developers process is technically
V&V and QA
V&V and QA are not the same, but compliment
each other.
V&V usually focuses on ensuring the
requirements are being met, the overall project
is focused on the correct objectives, and risk is
being managed.
QA is focused on the day to day aspects of a
project and is used to determine if procedures
are followed
V&V Concepts
Benefits of V&V
Early detection leads to a better solution
rather than quick fixes
 Validating the solution is solving the “right
problem” against software requirements
 Objective evidence of software and system
compliance to quality standards
 Support process improvements with an
objective feedback on the quality of
development process and products
Field of Application
Important to conduct V&V in its
interactions with the system of which it is
 V&V examines the interaction with each of
the key system components.
 The V&V process addresses the following
interactions with software environment,
operators/users, hardware, and other
Planning for V&V
Scope of work
 Software Integrity Levels
 Development of the Software V&V Plan
 Cost of V&V
Planning for V&V (cont)
V&V is more effective when initiated
during the acquisition process and
throughout the life cycle of the software.
 V&V has importance levels or called
“Integrity Levels”
 Example
Medical device – high level
 Personnel record-keeping system – low level
Integrity Levels
The level is a range of values that represent
software complexity, criticality, risk, safety level,
security level, desired performance, reliability, or
other project-unique characteristics.
Each level defines the minimum required V&V
ANSI/IEEE Std 1012 defines four levels. Level 4
is assigned to high-assurance or critical systems
Development of the Software V&V
Plan (SVVP)
How the V&V process is to be
 Pg 36 gives a list. 13 key steps.
Cost of V&V
How much software V&V is adequate?
Rule of thumb for estimating V&V efforts ranges
10% - 33% depending on the software integrity
33% - life sustainig medical devices or nuclear
20-25% - telecommunications or financial
10-18% systems desiring software quality but
not high-integrity
Life Cycle V&V Tasks
Pg 37-39 explains what V&V tasks go
through the life cycle of the project
 Goes throughout the life cycle of V&V
starting from the Acquisition phase and all
the way to the Maintenance phase.
 The tasks listed in the book is defined from
the ANSI/IEEE Std. 1012.
Life Cycle V&V Tasks
Acquisition V&V
Supply V&V
Development V&V (Concept, Requirements,
Design, Implementation)
Development V&V (Test)
Development V&V (Installation and Checkout)
Operation V&V
Maintenance V&V
V&V Techniques and Methods
Audits, Reviews, and Inspection
 Analytic Techniques
 Dynamic Techniques
Audits, Reviews, and Inspection
V&V use these techniques to verify the
software during its development process
Peer Reviews
 Documentation inspections
 Requirements/design/code reading
 Test witnessing
 Installation audits
Analytic Techniques
Static analysis of the software (i.e,
requirements, design, or code) using
graphical, mathematical formulas or
 Effective in error detection at the software
unit level
Analytic Techniques
Control (data) flow diagramming
 Interface input/output/process
 Algorithm and equation analysis
 Database analysis
 Sizing and timing analysis
 Proof of correctness
Dynamic Techniques
Involve the execution of the software.
 Effective at error detection when software
units are combined at the integrated
subsystem and system levels
Dynamic Techniques
Simulation and modeling
 Hardware/software benchmark testing
 Hardware-in-the loop testing – the system
config. is heavily instrumented to simulate
different test scenarios to be created.
 Scientific testing – coding of the target
requirements/design using a generalpurpose computer and higher order
Measurement Applied to V&V
Uses various calculated measurements to
determine when the analysis or testing is
completed, where errors are mostly likely
to occur in the software, and what
development process or function is
causing the largest number of errors.
 Based on these measurements, the
software engineer can determine where to
concentrate their efforts.
Measurement Methods
Software Structural Metrics – measures pinpoint
program logic having greater logical or data
Statistics-Based Measurements – examines
program error rates, categorization of errors,
and error discovery time periods
Trend Analysis – analyzing percent of errors with
historical data
Prediction-Based Measurement – using
reliability models to determine how much
analysis and test effort to be done.
The V&V methodology and measurements are
outlined in ANSI/IEEE Standard 1012.
Provides the framework for achieving an
effective V&V effort
V&V is part of the software quality management
process as defined in the IEEE SWEBOK.
Complimentary to and supportive of the software
quality assurance, reviews, and inspections.