Running Head: Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Red Team Charles J Deaver CS411W Prof. Janet Brunelle 11/19/2012 1 Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 3 2. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3. TEST PLAN.......................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1. Testing Approach ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.2. Identification of Tests ................................................................................................................ 6 3.3. Test Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 16 3.4. Fault Reporting and Data Recording ....................................................................................... 17 3.5. Specific Requirements ............................................................................................................. 17 3.6. Test Environment ..................................................................................................................... 18 4. TEST RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................... 19 5. TEST PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................ 19 6. TRACEABILITY TO REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 19 List of Tables Table 1: Test Identification Table ................................................................................................... 6 Table 2: Test Schedule .................................................................................................................. 17 Table 3: Test Case Failure Report ................................................................................................ 18 Table 4: Test Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 19 (This space intentionally left blank.) 2 Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure 1. Introduction The city of Norfolk installed a light rail system, called The Tide, to help reduce traffic congestion. The Tide opened with successful ridership numbers but has subsequently suffered some losses in ridership (Hampton Roads Transit Authority, 2012). Some of these losses can be attributed to poor communication with riders about train stop times. Minimal communication results in lower ridership and loss of revenue for both the Hampton Roads Transit Authority (HRT) and the businesses surrounding train stops (Southeastern Institute of Research, Inc., 2011). The deficiency in communication is caused by limited Internet or web resources about the train system and the lack of signs indicating arrival or departure time at train stops. The communication shortcoming not only affects riders, but also hampers increases in ridership. Current Intelligent Transit System (ITS) is a solution designed to help close the communication gap by providing easy access to real-time information. The CS411 Red Team is designing a prototype to demonstrate the capability to addresses the needs of The Tide riders, local businesses, and HRT. The Current ITS prototype will have easy to use web-based applications which are designed to keep riders informed, give local businesses an additional advertising platform, and allow HRT the capability to improve operational efficiency. The real-time data gives improved decision-making capability for both HRT and the riders plus provides local businesses the capability to direct ads based on location. This test plan is a governance mechanism to aid in quality control for the prototype implementation. It will provide a road map to ensure all the factors determined in the design phase are implemented, interconnected, and operational. It includes a master table listing the major components of the system and the intended testing objectives. Additional requirements to 3 Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure include essential testing prerequisites and personnel responsibilities are also encompassed in this document. Successful execution of this plan should result in the identification of effective development of the Current ITS prototype. An efficacious test will validate the intended data distribution to light rail riders, transit authorities, and business users as determined by the product description. It will also provide an avenue to determine potential shortfalls and aid in risk mitigation strategies should the product be developed for production. 2. References Hampton Roads Transit Authority. (2012). January 26, 2012, Commission Meeting Report. Norfolk, Va. Lab 1 -- Current ITS Product Description. Version 3. (2012, September). Current ITS. Red Team. CS411W: Deaver, Charles. Lab 2 -- Current ITS Prototype Product Specification. Version 1. (2012, November). Current ITS. Red Team. CS411W: Deaver, Charles. Southeastern Institute of Research, Inc. (2011). Hampton Roads Transit: Light Rail Marketing Research Study. Norfolk: Southeastern Institute of Research, Inc. 3. Test Plan This test plan delineates the full testing scope of the Current ITS prototype system. The following sections contain detailed descriptions of the testing approach, test identification, test schedule, data recording, and required resources. The testing requirements are provided in tabular format for simplicity in execution. 4 Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure 3.1. Testing Approach The Current ITS prototype testing approach will be to conduct unit, integration, and system tests for each component. Unit testing will use control data to ensure specific functions within the modules are producing the correct output. Integration and system tests will leverage control data combined with scripted procedures to guarantee proper component interconnectivity and system display output. The series of tests will begin at the core of the application and spiral toward the outer edges, or end user functions. Testing will begin with unit tests being conducted on the database to ensure data integrity and accessibility. The next component tested will be the Decision Engine followed by the test harness. The final component tested will be the Web Application Engine utilizing simulated data from the test harness. (This space intentionally left blank.) 5 Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure 3.2. 6 Identification of Tests The full list of tests is contained in Table 1. The table is a high level view of the testing objectives for each component. The test cases are broken down into greater specificity in Section 5. Category Description Test Case Unit Database 1.1 Description Formats Objective Requirements Referenced Visually examine the entries for date (YYYYMMDD) and time (HHMMSS) formats. 1.2 Read/Write Procedures Test create, read, update, and delete stored procedures on the database. 1.3 Refresh Times Test updateable views for functionality and response/refresh time. 1.4 Read/Write Triggers Test triggers for proper functionality on various create, read, and delete commands. 1.5 Schema Efficiency Test tables for proper schema, functionality, and efficiency and ease of use, and for proper data values. Table 1: Test Identification Table (This space intentionally left blank.) Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Category Test Case Description 2.1 Integration Decision Engine – Ridership Trend Analysis Unit Objective Database Connectivity Test Current ITS database connection Test ability to query the database and necessary tables,,,,,,,,,, 2.2 Select Ability 2.3 Input Validation Validate Input of date, time range, stop id 2.4 Interval Validation Test future/past date determination Test average of embark/disembark for past 15 days 2.5 Average Function Test 2.6 Past Event Test Test past Event Detection 2.7 Future Event Test Test future Event Detection Ridership Variance Function Test Test accuracy of variance between established disembark/embark averages and past event values Test output of embark/disembark to Ridership Trend Report function 2.8 Ridership Integration Requirements Referenced Description Decision Engine – DB Interface 7 2.9 Output Validation Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Category Description Test Case Objective Input Validation Validate input of GPS coordinates and dates 2.11 Train Activity Test Test ability to determine if a train is active or not 2.12 Delay Average Calculation Test Test accuracy of average variance from the schedule Alert Detection Test Test ability to correctly identify active alerts, 2.13 Test accuracy of alert severity level delay interval on variance average 2.14 Alert Delay Interval Application Test 2.15 Test accuracy of comparison between calculated expected time-of-arrival and schedule Total Calculated Delay Test 2.16 Delay Estimate Output Validation Test output of delay time to Train Data Report Module 2.17 Input Validation Validate input of Date range and Stop ID, Ontime Accuracy Test Test accuracy of variance between past arrival times and schedule times Decision Engine – Delay Impact Calculator Integration Unit Decision Engine – Ontime Performance Reporting Requirements Referenced Description 2.10 Unit 8 2.18 Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Ontime Performance Output Validation Test output of variance from the schedule to the Train Data Report Module 3.1 GPS stop tester 3.2 3.3 GPS format test GPS route test 3.4 GPS train test Ridership Data Control tester 3.5 Ridership Data generation test Ridership Data Control tester 3.6 Ridership Data test Train control tester 3.7 Train GPS test 3.8 Train sensor failure test 3.9 Train outage failure 3.10 Ridership test 3.11 End date test Verify each virtual stop has an associated GPS coordinate. Verify GPS coordinate is in the correct format Verify the GPS route list contains a proper GPS coordinates Verify a train’s coordinate is updated and valid. Test virtual rider generation for each stop Ensure realistic proportions of riders are generated conforming to variable thresholds which can be changed by the user Verify each active train return assigned GPS coordinate Verify each train has the ability to simulate sensor failure Verify the ability for a train to no return a GPS coordinate. Verify each train has the ability to return the current amount of riders on board Verify access to each advertisement’s end date 2.19 Integration Test Harness 9 GPS Data tester Business ad control tester Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure 3.12 Start date test Verify access to each advertisement’s start date 3.13 Advertisement stop test 3.14 Advertisement start time Verify Ability to assign and view advertisements assigned at each stop Verify access to each advertisement’s start time 3.15 Advertisement end time Verify access to each advertisement’s end time 3.16 Train property GUI Verify interface has the ability to display each trains properties 3.17 Train settings test Verify interface has the ability to edit different train settings 3.18 Stop property test Verify interface has the ability to display ridership at each stop 3.19 Stop Property edit test Verify interface has the ability to edit different ridership numbers at each stop. Test harness Interface Test harness Interface 10 Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table (This space intentionally left blank.) Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Category System Unit System Unit Description Test Case Objective Verify an alert can be created/modified/closed within the HRT GUI 4.1 Manage Alerts 4.2 View Alerts Demonstrate alerts are viewable in module 4.3 Submit Feedback Verify a rider or business user can submit feedback via web form Retrieve Stop Information Verify DB interface provides results for stops & vehicles in operation 4.4 4.5 Map Overlay Demonstrate stop & vehicle information is displayed on a dynamic map Verify Google Maps search is performed for direction request 4.6 Google Maps Web Redirection View Events Demonstrate Events are viewable within the module Manage Events Verify that Events can be added, edited or removed within the Business & HRT GUI System Overview Module Google Maps Web Form 4.7 System Requirements Referenced Description Alert Module Feedback Module 11 Calendar Event Module 4.8 Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Category Description Test Case Webpage Layout Username Validation Ensure username is validated and return error if username exists. 9.1.3 Username Retrieve Prove username is provided after validation method. Confirm user is able to reset password. 9.1.4 User Self Password Reset Validate administrator Administration can change user Application information, groups, and passwords 9.1.2 User Management Objective Requirements Referenced Verify user is able to insert name, desired user name, email address and password. 9.1.1 Unit Description 12 9.1.5 9.1.6 User Information Update Verify user can edit personal information. Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Category Unit Test Case Description Description 13 Objective Requirements Referenced 10.1.1 Application Access Confirm user is able to access application through onefactor authentication. Validate proper identification token generation. 10.1.2 Token Generation Prove access is granted only after token validation. 10.1.3 Access Control Logging Verify recording of a users login time, location, authentication success or failure and the page requested. Authentication Module 10.1.4 Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table (This space intentionally left blank.) Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Category Description Test Case 11.1.1 11.1.2 Integration Description 11.1.4 Objective Requirements Referenced Database Connection Confirm application opens access to the database for data transfer Query Transfer Validate query and result transfer between the database and the Web Application Engine modules. Decision Engine Connection Verify data is sent between the Decision Engine and the Web Application Engine. Test Harness Connection Validate data is sent between the Test Harness and the Web Application Engine. Data Integration Module 11.1.3 14 Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table (This space intentionally left blank.) Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Category ID Description Test Case Integration Unit List Verify listing of Advertisements advertisements. Verify submission of advertisement input fields. x.2 Create Advertisement x.3 Edit Advertisement Verify modification of advertisement input fields. Verify interface with database for data input/output. x.4 Database Interface Verify display of default ridership trend report. x.1 Display Default Report Verify display of custom ridership trend report. x.2 Display Detailed Report Verify input fields for custom report query. x.3 Request Custom Report Verify interface with Decision Engine for data retrieval. x.4 Decision Engine Interface Verify display of default train data report. Ridership Trend Report Integration Unit Train Data Report Objective Requirements Referenced x.1 Unit Business Ad Campaign Module Description 15 x.1 Display Default Report Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Integration Unit Graphical User Interface Framework 16 x.2 Display Detailed Report x.3 Request Custom Report x.4 Decision Engine Interface Verify display of modules on Rider GUI. x.1 Display Rider Modules Verify display of modules on Business GUI. x.2 Display Business Modules Verify display of modules on HRT GUI. x.3 Display HRT Modules x.4 Module Interface Verify display of custom Verify input fields for custom report query. Verify interface with Decision Engine for data retrieval. Verify interface with all Web Application Engine modules. Table 1 (cont.): Test Identification Table 3.3. Test Schedule The test will be conducted within thirty-five minutes plus an additional ten minutes for setup and a brief discussion of the product description and feasibility. The tests will be conducted by component starting with a display of the data generating and housing components of the Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure 17 prototype. The testing will then migrate to the functional displays to demonstrate the end-user capabilities of the system. The breakdown of the schedule is contained in Table 2. Start Time (minutes) 0:00 0:10 0:15 Duration (minutes) Description 0:25 10 0:35 10 0:45 15 10 5 10 Feasibility Database Demo Algorithm Unit Tests Integration Tests -HRT -Business -Rider System Tests -HRT -Business -Rider Q&A Test Cases Covered 1.0 2.0,3.0 4.1 – 4.7 5.0-10 Table 2: Test Schedule 3.4. Fault Reporting and Data Recording Start data for the prototype and the associated tests will pre-populated in the database. Additional data required for test inputs will be provided by either the test engine or the actual tester based on the case requirement. Section 5 contains a table with the actual test cases, the initialization conditions, and the expected results. Test successes will be marked within the provided table and any additional comments provided as necessary. In the event of a test failure, a failure report will be filled out and returned to the development team for corrective action. The tester will fill in the appropriate information as indicate by the brackets. The failure report is shown in Table 3. 3.5. Specific Requirements This test plan will require a few external factors for completion. The test will need to be conducted on a personal computer with access to the internet to demonstrate the system’s capabilities. Ideally this machine will reside on the Computer Science Domain at Old Dominion Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure 18 University. The internet browser version should be at least Internet Explorer 9.0 or Mozilla Firefox 13.0. An additional computer needs to be available to perform change actions on the test driver. No other hardware or software requirements exist. Two people will be required to run the machines for the test. They should have a copy of this document available for recording purposes. Test data will be predetermined or prepopulated, but additional changes can be added to the test driver to display additional functionality. Current ITS – Test Case Failure Report Test Category: Description: [Test Description] [Category] Test Case: Case Name: Version: [Case #] [Case Name] [Case Ver #] Purpose: [Test Case Purpose] Requirements Fulfilled: [Req #] Failure Conditions: [Enter conditions leading to failed result] Test Case Activity Expected Result 1 [Test Case Activity] [Expected Result] Severity:[Low/Med/High] Discovered By: [Tester’s Name] Observed Result [Actual or Observed Result] Table 3: Test Case Failure Report 3.6. Test Environment The test will be conducted in the Gornto Teletechnet building at Old Dominion University. The display capability will be performed at the instructor desk so the demonstration can be displayed on the wall-mounted monitors and recorded. The test driver machine can be placed at any desk as it will have access to the network through a wireless connection. (This space intentionally left blank.) Lab #3 – Current ITS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure 4. Test Responsibilities Each member of the Red Team is responsible for conducting the tests on the portions of the program they developed. Nate, Chris, and Dean will provide the oral presentation accompanying the test. The list of team members and their responsibilities are provided in Table 4. Team Member Responsibility Chris Coykendall Web Application Modules CJ Deaver Web Application Modules Brian Dunn Web Application Modules & GUI Frameworks Akeem Edwards Test Harness Operator Nathan Lutz Decision Engine Dean Maye Database Table 4: Test Responsibilities 5. Test Procedures The full table of test procedures with instructions is provided in an additional document. 6. Traceability to Requirements (This space intentionally left blank.) 19