ALL INTERNSHIP APPLICATIONS MUST BE TYPED AND SIGNED by: NOVEMBER 1ST FOR SPRING APRIL 1ST FOR SUMMER JULY 1st FOR FALL INTERNSHIPS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Department of Animal & Range Sciences Montana State University The internship program in the Department of Animal & Range Sciences is designed to provide field experience to Animal and Range Sciences undergraduate students from all backgrounds who are interested in pursuing a career related to animal or range science. The job experience for internship credit should not be a continuation of prior work experience but rather an opportunity to develop skills and practical knowledge which might not otherwise be gained in preparing for a career in animal or range science. The program will provide students an opportunity to: A. Gain practical experience in their chosen career field. B. Evaluate a possible need for alterations in their planned course of study to better prepare for a professional career in animal or range science. C. Apply knowledge gained from college courses to practical situations in the field through observation, study, and involvement. D. Develop confidence in personal judgment and decision making skills. E. Explore career opportunities. Specifically, this program will allow cooperators to: A. Acquaint students with the scope, practical problems, and insight into the mechanics of a particular animal or range science production unit or a related profession. B. Interact with Montana State University Animal and Range Sciences students. C. Evaluate the potential of undergraduate students for career employment upon graduation and serve as a potential reference for the student. D. Contribute to the programs of the Department of Animal & Range Sciences through regular contact with students and faculty and in recommending possible adjustments in curricular programs. I. Guidelines For Establishing And Conducting The Internship Program A. Student eligibility. Students must be junior standing or above and be an Animal and Range Sciences student. B. Remuneration to student. A stipend may be provided at the discretion of the cooperator, but since credit is to be allowed, it is not mandatory. C. Credit earned and grading. Credits (a maximum of 3 credits per internship experience) and hours of participation required will be determined by the advisor in conjunction with the student and internship cooperator. Credit will not be given for menial or routine work experience. Any additional internship will only count toward the University’s 120 credits requirement and 42 upper division credits. Additional internships will not be used toward any departmental requirements. Grading will be on a P/F system. D. Course number. Departmental offering ANSC 498. E. Internship is offered every semester (including summer) of the academic year. II. Student Intern Responsibility All students must contact the Student Records Manager to have an internship application emailed to them. They must save the document, type in the information, and print it off for signatures. Student will get Cooperator’s and Academic Advisor’s signature before returning a completed application to the Student Records office who will then forward the application to the Department Head. Students participating in the Animal and Range Sciences Internship Program will be required to complete all facets of the program including pre-planning, registration, fee payment, comply with cooperator’s work schedules and regulations, submit weekly or biweekly reports, final reports and evaluations, and maintain contact with departmental advisors and cooperator supervisors during the course of the internship. A. Initial student contact. Student should discuss his or her intent with their academic advisor (or internship advisor if applicable) at least one semester prior to participation in the internship program. Deadline for applying spring semester is November 1st, April 1st for summer and July 1st for fall semester. There will be no retroactive approval of proposals. B. Determination of specific educational and experience objectives. Student and advisor will determine specific learning objectives for the assignment prior to submitting formal application for internship. C. Participation. Student will register, pay necessary fees, and participate in the internship program during a designated period. D. Hours: Student will turn in copies of time sheets or a letter from cooperator with the number of hours completed with the final report. E. Reports. The student will be expected to keep a written log of activities, experience and knowledge gained and how they relate to learning objectives, and any other pertinent information. 1. 2. 3. Weekly reports are required for internships running 5 weeks or less Bi-weekly reports are required for internships over 5 weeks Weekly and Biweekly report format Dates covered Date submitted (must be within 3 days of reporting period) Brief outline of activities Summarize new knowledge and experience Problems, concerns, and suggestions These reports may be mailed, emailed or faxed to their academic advisory and/or internship advisor 4. Final reports and evaluations are due within two weeks of completion of the internship 5. Final report format It is the student’s responsibility to meet with their advisor to determine the requirements of their final report before beginning the internship. In general, the report should contain what the student has done and the educational value to him/her. This is to be considered confidential and is an avenue to communicate both value of the internship as well as any problems or concerns. The final report is a synopsis of learned activities, not a rehash of the weekly or bi-weekly reports NOT FOLLOWING THESE QUIDELINES AND DUE DATES WILL RESULT IN AN “F” GRADE FOR THE INTERNSHIP III. Department Functions A. Tentative approval of students for an internship. Academic advisor will consider each application for participation in the internship program. B. Evaluation of progress. Academic (and if appropriate internship) advisor/s will maintain communications with the student and cooperator during the internship program. Evaluation of progress will be made based on cooperator-supervisor and student reports. C. Correcting incompatible situations. The department advisor will work closely to resolve, with a minimum amount of loss to both parties, unacceptable situations occurring between the student and cooperator. The department may, at its discretion, allow credit for a partially completed internship. IV. Cooperator Functions A. Provide educational experience. The cooperator will have the student participate in a variety of educational experiences during the assignment. B. Supervision. The cooperator will supervise or may assign an employee to the student to provide consultation and guidance. C. Insurance and workman’s compensation. Students who are on a payroll generally will be covered by the cooperator’s insurance program and workman’s compensation regulations. Insurance coverage is solely the responsibility of the student and cooperator. The department of Animal and Range Sciences, Montana State University, shall be exempt from all liabilities. D. Evaluation of student progress will be done by the Cooperator and Internship Advisor. Individuals or companies interested in more information or in cooperating in such a program with the Department of Animal & Range Sciences should contact: Animal and Range Sciences 203 Animal Bioscience Building Montana State University Bozeman, Montana 59717-2900 (406) 994-5582 STUDENT APPLICATION FORM ALL INFORMATION MUST BE TYPED & FILLED IN COMPLETELY Name: Student ID number: Local Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: Email Address: Contact information while participating on internship: Major/Option: Semesters Completed: Credits Completed: GPA: Internship Cooperator: Title: Cooperator’s Address: Phone: Email Address: INTERN POSITION DESCRIPTION: ANTICIPATED WORK EXPERIENCE AND WORK SCHEDULE SHOWING ANTICIPATED TIME TO BE SPENT IN EACH PHASE OF THE WORK EXPERIENCE: STATEMENT AS TO WHY YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN THIS PROGRAM AND WHAT YOU HOPE TO GAIN FROM IT. ADDRESS SPECIFIC EDUCATIONAL AND LEARNER OBJECTIVES. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH COOPERATOR: DATES IN PROGRAM: TIME AND HOURS: Indicate days and hours to be involved, and expected time off. (Example: Tuesday-Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Off Time: Lunches and holidays.) RESUME: (Insert) Term of Registration for Internship Credits: ______________semester, 20__________ Credits and Evaluation: _______ credits (Will be determined by advisor and student and must be approved by Department Head) Grading will be on a pass/fail basis and will be the responsibility of the Internship Advisor. A final evaluation will be held toward the end of the student’s program, which should involve the student, the Cooperator, and the advisor. The terms and requirements set forth above are agreed to by the undersigned: Student Intern ID # Date Academic Advisor Date Internship Advisor Date Internship Cooperator Date Department Head Date UNIVERSITY LIABILITY STATEMENT I, the undersigned student intern, understand that Montana State University, herein identified as the University, has worked with the cooperator named in the attached Memorandum of Agreement to develop an internship program which meets the University’s educational criteria. Therefore, I understand that if I, as a student intern, successfully complete the intern program as set forth in the Memorandum of Agreement, appropriate credit will be granted by the University. I understand that since the daily managerial control and working conditions of the internship program are handled by, and are under the sole direction of the Cooperator, the University does not have, nor can it assume, any liability relative to my safety and health for the entire duration of the internship program; and that, therefore, I assume all risks relative thereto. I acknowledge that I have been advised to review with the Cooperator what employee benefits are available to me (i.e., health and accident insurance, workman’s compensation and liability insurance). As stated above, the University will not be liable in any way and, therefore, if adequate benefits are not available, I must make my own arrangements for accident and health protection. __________________________________________________ Student Intern Date COOPERATOR’S FINAL EVALUATION (RETURNED IN SIGNED, SEALED ENVELOPE) Name of Student ___________________________________________ Date __________ A. Rating of Student’s Characteristics Using the rating scale outlined below, please evaluate the following characteristics for the above named student. If the student made noticeable improvement in any of the characteristics during his/her program, also check column two. 1 = Excellent 2 = Very Good 3 = Average Characteristics Ability to learn Interest in learning Speed of completing responsibilities Ability to perform without supervision Willingness to receive guidance Relationships with other employees Dependability and reliability Judgment Personal appearance Enthusiasm Courtesy Over-all performance 4 = Fair 5 = Unsatisfactory Rating Improvement General Questions: 1. Wage: ________per ________. 2. Did the student earn the wages he received? _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What characteristics did you like most about this student? _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. In what ways can the student improve? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you have complete confidence in this student’s honesty? _______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Other comments, particularly related to the value of the internship. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Circle the number that best gives an over-all evaluation of this internship. Outstanding 10 9 Excellent 8 7 Good 6 5 ____________________________________________ Cooperator Date ____________________________________________ Title Fair 4 3 Poor 2 1 STUDENT’S FINAL EVALUATION – PLEASE PRINT Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________ A. Evaluation of Your Personal Characteristics Using the rating scale outlined below, please evaluate your performance while involved in this program. If you felt you made noticeable improvement in any of the characteristics during this program, also check column two. 1 = Excellent 2 = Very Good 3 = Average Characteristics Ability to learn Interest in learning Speed of completing responsibilities Ability to perform without supervision Willingness to receive guidance Relationships with other employees Dependability and reliability Judgment Personal appearance Enthusiasm Courtesy Over-all performance 4 = Fair Rating 5 = Unsatisfactory Improvement B. General Questions 1. In considering your total program, what were the strong and weak points? Strong Points: Weak Points: 2. Would you recommend similar experience for other students who might follow you? Why or why not? 3. Did you truly feel that you were justified in receiving University credit for this internship? Why or why not? 4. Other comments: Circle the number that best gives an over-all evaluation of this internship. Outstanding 10 9 Excellent 8 7 Good 6 5 Fair 4 3 Poor 2 1