Version 2.0 CS411W RED AI Team

Lab 4 – User Manual
Version 2.0
User Manual - RED AI
Table of Contents
Chapter 1.
Welcome ................................................................................................................. 1
Section 1.
What is in the box? ......................................................................................... 1
Section 2.
What does it do?.............................................................................................. 3
Section 3.
Why is it here? ................................................................................................ 2
Chapter 2.
Getting Started ........................................................................................................ 4
Section 1.
System Requirements...................................................................................... 4
Section 2.
Installation....................................................................................................... 4
Section 3.
Starting the software ....................................................................................... 6
Section 4.
Check for updates ........................................................................................... 7
Section 5.
Switch to a blank database .............................................................................. 7
Chapter 3.
Using the Prototype................................................................................................. 8
Section 1.
Login ............................................................................................................... 8
Section 2.
Using the Input Tab ........................................................................................ 9
Section 3.
Using the Edit Tab ........................................................................................ 15
Section 4.
Using the Output Tab .................................................................................... 21
Section 5.
Using the Settings Tab .................................................................................. 23
Section 6.
Menu Toolbars .............................................................................................. 30
Chapter 4.
Error Messages...................................................................................................... 33
Chapter 5.
Glossary ................................................................................................................ 37
User Manual - RED AI
List of Figures
Figure 1: RED AI Prototype MFCD ............................................................................................... 1
Figure 2: Login Screen.................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2: Login Screen.................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3: Main Screen - Input Tab .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 4: Input Event Time Selection ........................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Add Customer Data Window ........................................................................................ 11
Figure 6: Enter Sales Data Window.............................................................................................. 12
Figure 7: Save Sales Data Window .............................................................................................. 12
Figure 8: Enter Staff Schedule Data ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 9: Save Staff Schedule Data .............................................................................................. 13
Figure 10: Update Inventory Data ................................................................................................ 14
Figure 11: Main Screen - Edit Tab ............................................................................................... 15
Figure 12: Edit Customer Data Window ...................................................................................... 16
Figure 13: Edit Sales Data Window.............................................................................................. 17
Figure 14: Edit Staff Schedule Data ............................................................................................. 18
Figure 15: Edit Inventory Data ..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16: Edit Menu Item Window ............................................................................................. 20
Figure 17: Main Screen - Output Tab ........................................................................................... 21
Figure 18: Service Efficiency Suggestion Display ....................................................................... 22
Figure 19: Main Screen - Settings Tab ......................................................................................... 23
Figure 20: Manage User Account Window .................................................................................. 25
Figure 21: Manage Rule Sets Window ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 22: Service Efficiency Rule File........................................................................................ 27
Figure 23: Database Selection Window........................................................................................ 28
Figure 24: Change Database Shutdown Message ......................................................................... 29
Figure 25: Toolbar - File Menu Options ....................................................................................... 30
Figure 26: Toolbar - Tools Menu Options .................................................................................... 31
Figure 27: Toolbar - Help Menu Options ..................................................................................... 32
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List of Tables
Table 1: User Access Control ....................................................................................................... 24
Table 2: Login Screen Errors ........................................................................................................ 33
Table 3: Input Screen Errors (1) ................................................................................................... 33
Table 4: Input Screen Errors (2) ................................................................................................... 34
Table 5: Edit Screen Errors ........................................................................................................... 35
Table 6: Settings Screen Errors..................................................................................................... 36
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User Manual - RED AI
Chapter 1. Welcome
Thank you for choosing to test the Restaurant Efficiency Decision Artificial Intelligence
(RED AI) prototype software suite with customizable expert decision-making algorithms that
help monitor, manage, and improve your business. RED AI allows you to record data
concerning your restaurant’s key profit factors and offers a continuous restaurant efficiency
consultant services all in one convenient location: the computer in your office. This manual has
been provided to help you get started using the RED AI productivity software. For frequently
asked questions and troubleshooting advice, refer to the Help System.
Section 1.
What is in the box?
The RED AI distribution includes a RED AI User Manual, which you are reading right
now, and a RED AI Installation Disc. The User Manual is written for the novice computer user,
and can be used as a systematic guide for first-time users. When installed, the RED AI software
will consist of three main
modules: the graphical user
interface (GUI), the restaurant
model database (DB), and the
Efficiency Engine with expert
rule-sets. The relationship
between each of these elements is
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: RED AI Prototype MFCD
User Manual - RED AI
Section 2.
Why is it here?
The restaurant business is a tough place with low profit margins. Consider what it takes
to be successful in this industry: an owner or manager has to keep track of his or her staff, both
in front and back, inventory, customer flow, all while striving to maintain an inviting
atmosphere. Currently, there are many products available, which focus on the collection and
organization of data regarding each of these elements separately. In addition to all the work
required to record this data, the wise manager or owner will invest a considerable amount of time
in its analysis. A well-managed restaurant averages about 4% net profit, provided it is able to
avoid the typical fate of young restaurants: going out of business within the first three years of
Obviously, something is missing. Our product seeks to correct this. There is no doubt
managers and owners benefit from well-organized representations of their restaurant’s statistics.
Indeed, the ideal solution might be a system designed to collaborate as much of this data as
possible; further, the ability to identify problem trends with the purpose of highlighting them for
presentation to the owners and managers would increase a given restaurant’s efficiency. In the
event there existed a product incorporating all these features, with the added capability of
providing thoroughly tested suggestions for efficiency maximization, that product would soon
become a restaurant manager’s essential sidekick. To this end, we have taken it upon ourselves
to create a top-notch Restaurant Efficiency Decision Artificial Intelligence, RED AI.
This user manual and the included software will provide a preview of things to come.
RED AI, the official RED AI product prototype, has been designed to offer a scaled-down
sample of the innovation coming with the release of RED AI. Truly, this prototype marks the
beginning of change.
User Manual - RED AI
Section 3.
What does it do?
The RED AI software provides the ideal means for keeping track of your restaurant’s key
profit factor data. Front-end employees can enter summary order data and customer service data.
Back-end employees can update the inventory as necessary and managers can record the number
and type of staff on shift at a given time. With RED AI, this data can be kept on hand for as long
as you own your restaurant!
Using the editing features provided by RED AI and the translation rules, managers and
owners can stay informed. Edit screens provide the ability to view customer, staff, inventory,
and menu data directly. Restaurant data is fully searchable and editable. At any time, the
database can be backed-up to ensure data safety. Translation rules, applied in the efficiency
engine, are designed to perceive complex relations between restaurant profit factors and
highlight trends that might otherwise be overlooked.
The number one goal of the RED AI Team is to help restaurant owners achieve greater
success in their business. The RED AI efficiency engine included in RED AI will analyze
restaurant data and identify cases of suboptimal restaurant functioning. The analyses will isolate
these instances of inefficient restaurant operation and offer clear, plain English, suggestions for
correcting the underlying flaw in staffing, menu pricing, or inventory management that gave rise
to the inefficient scenario.
User Manual - RED AI
Chapter 2. Getting Started
This section details how to obtain, install, and initially log into the RED AI prototype
software. This section will also cover updating the software from the Internet. This section will
provide you with crucial information on how to setup RED AI for the first time.
Section 1.
System Requirements
First, you must make sure the system you plan to run RED AI on meets the minimum
system requirements. They are as follows:
Windows XP Service Pack 2 OR Windows Vista operating system
Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 – If you do not have this you can download it at:
Optional - A connection to the Internet (to check for updates to the program)
Section 2.
You have two methods to choose from to install the RED AI prototype: installation from
the Internet or installation from a provided CD. After installation, always check for updates
from the Internet before use of RED AI. In the production version this will be automatic.
User Manual - RED AI
Internet Installation
1. Download the ZIP file at the following URL to a folder on the hard drive: Remember where you
downloaded this file!
2. Go to that folder and unzip it. For your convenience, Windows XP and Vista provide
unzipping capabilities that are built into the operating system. Right click the file and
select "Extract All." and follow the prompts to extract the file.
3. Run the file setup.exe from the unzipped files by double clicking it.
When a security warning appears that says the Publisher cannot be verified, click
“Install” (the application downloaded is safe).
Once installed the application will start automatically.
Installation from CD
1. Insert provided CD into your computer’s CD drive.
The CD should autorun the setup program.
2. If it does not, open Windows Explorer, go to your CD drive, and double click on
If a security warning appears that says the Publisher cannot be verified, click “Install”
(the application you have is safe).
Once installed, the application will start automatically.
User Manual - RED AI
Section 3.
Starting the software
To start the software, click on the Start menu on your Windows desktop, then click on
your program’s menu, then open up the Old Dominion University folder, and click on RED AI
from there to run it.
Initial Login
After starting the software, a login window will be shown as in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Login Screen
The default login settings for running the program for the first time are as follows:
Username: root
Password: cs411red
After successfully logging into the system, the main control window will appear. Refer
to Chapter 3 for future information.
User Manual - RED AI
Section 4.
Check for updates
RED AI makes it easy to check for updates to the program via the Internet. This is one of
the first tasks you should perform after you install the software. To check for updates, click on
the Tools menu (just below the title bar of the window) and then click "Check For Updates." If
you have the most recent version, you will not have to do anything. If you do not have the most
recent version, the RED AI software will download and install the update for you automatically
and then shut down. You will have to run the software from the start menu as follows:
Start -> Programs -> Old Dominion University -> RED AI
When the log in screen appears, log in again to continue to use the software. Refer to section 1
of chapter 3.
Section 5.
Switch to a blank database
The initial installation of RED AI may contain sample restaurant data, depending on the
release. If you want to start “from scratch,” without the sample data, the best way is to switch to
a blank database. To switch to a blank database, simply do the following:
Under the Settings Tab in the program, click on Switch Database.
Choose the database Blank.mdb
RED AI will have to shut down to switch databases. To resume using the program,
simply start it again.
The username for the blank database is “root”, and no password is required. For
security reasons, you should change the password shortly after loading the blank database.
User Manual - RED AI
Chapter 3. Using the Prototype
This guide provides a brief overview of the RED AI Graphical User Interface. The
prototype offers an intuitive GUI with a Microsoft Windows look-and-feel designed for using the
various functions of the program. The following sections describe in detail how information is
gathered and used as well as the level of functionality that is currently available in the RED AI
Application Framework. For each section refer to the error messages chapter if any messages
Section 1.
This section describes the user authentication process that occurs during startup. A dialog
box appears on the screen, which requires a valid user name and password before advancing to
the main control window. If you do not have a user name or password, your system administrator
will need to create an account for you.
Figure 3: Login Screen
User Manual - RED AI
Section 2.
Using the Input Tab
Figure 3 illustrates the Input Tab on the main control window of the GUI. The four
buttons displayed on the Input Tab are Add Customers, Enter Sales, Update Inventory, and
Schedule Staff. Clicking on any of these buttons will execute the corresponding function
associated with that particular button and will open a new dialog box.
Figure 4: Main Screen - Input Tab
The buttons functions are as follows.
Add Customers = Allows input of customer flow data
Enter Sales = Allows input of Point of Sale (POS) data
Update Inventory = Allows input of inventory stock data
Schedule Staff = Allows for input of the scheduling of staff
User Manual - RED AI
Input Event Time Selection
Figure 4 illustrates the dialog box that appears after clicking the Add Customers, Enter
Sales, or Schedule Staff buttons on the Input Tab. There is a drop down calendar on this window
that can be used to select the desired date for which to add information to the internal database.
The default date on the drop down calendar corresponds to the current system date on the
computer. Below the date, settings on this window are eight available time interval check boxes
for which to enter data. In order to advance to the next screen at least one time interval must be
checked. After selecting the desired time intervals click the Next button to advance to the next
screen or click Cancel to close the time selection window.
Figure 5: Input Event Time Selection
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Add Customer Data
Figure 5 shows the five customer data fields. Number of Parties denotes how many sets
of customers were served during the selected time interval. For example, if only one party of four
customers arrived at time interval 1100, then enter 1 for the Number of Parties field.
Alternatively, if a party of two and a party of three arrived at interval 1115, then enter 2, etc. The
prototype will only accept whole numbers in the data fields and a number must be supplied for
every field. If one or all of the averages contains a decimal, it is recommended to round it to the
nearest whole number. Click the Save and Close button to write the customer information for this
time interval to the database or click the Cancel button to exit this window without saving.
Figure 6: Add Customer Data Window
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Enter Sales Data
Figure 6 shows the window displayed after clicking the Next button on the Enter Sales
Time Selection window. Enter the number of items sold for the displayed Item Name on this
window. Only whole numbers will be accepted by the program. Click the next button to iterate to
the next item menu item in the database or click Cancel to close this window without saving.
Figure 7: Enter Sales Data Window
Saving Sales Data
Figure 7 shows the window displayed after iterating to the last menu item in the database.
Enter the number of items sold for the displayed Item Name on this window. Only whole
numbers will be accepted by the program. Click the Save and Close button to write to the
database or click the Cancel button to close this window without saving.
Figure 8: Save Sales Data Window
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Enter Staff Schedule Data
Figure 8 shows the window displayed after clicking the Next button on the Schedule Staff
Time Selection window. Enter the number of employees for the displayed Staff Title on this
window. Only whole numbers will be accepted by the program. The prototype currently has only
two staff types, wait and cook. Click the Next Position button to iterate to the next employee
type in the database or click Cancel to close this window without saving.
Figure 9: Enter Staff Schedule Data
Saving Staff Schedule Data
Figure 9 shows the window displayed after iterating to the last employee type listed in the
database. Enter the number of employees for the displayed Staff Title on this window. Only
whole numbers will be accepted by the program. Click the Save and Close button to write to the
database or click the Cancel button to close this window without saving.
Figure 10: Save Staff Schedule Data
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Updating Inventory Items
Figure 10 shows the window displayed after clicking the Update Inventory button on the
Input Tab. To adjust the stock level for any item listed, click Stock field to the right of the Item
Name field for the desired inventory item. Once the Stock field is highlighted, enter the new
number of items currently available in the inventory. The prototype only accepts whole numbers
and these numbers do not reflect any specific unit of measurement (pounds, gallons, etc.),
therefore all stock level numbers are considered generic units. When finished adjusting stock
levels for inventory items, click the Save and Close button to update the database or Cancel to
close this window without saving.
Figure 11: Update Inventory Data
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Section 3.
Using the Edit Tab
Figure 11 illustrates the Edit Tab in the RED AI main screen. Edit Customers enables the
user to revisit previously committed data in the database and edit their statistical information.
Edit Sales allows the user to view a specified order entry to alter data regarding the amount of an
item sold and when. Edit Staff contains vital information regarding how many members are
scheduled and each of their job duties. Data can be corrected via this option. Edit Inventory
accesses current inventory counts for auditing corrections and allows cost adjustment. Edit
Menu accesses pricing and recipe information.
Figure 12: Main Screen - Edit Tab
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Editing Customer Data
Figure 12 shows the customer data that managers and administrators can edit. The
number of parties, average party size, average tip, average bill, and average party wait time
represent the customer table contribution. Date and time slots represent the event time. If a front
end user inserted false or inaccurate data, a manager or administrator may visit these time points
to correct the information. Proper data entry can be found in Section 2: Using the Input Tab
for the data fields under Adding Customer Data and usage of the event time can be found in
Input Event Time Selection.
Figure 13: Edit Customer Data Window
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Editing Sales Data
For each menu item, users with appropriate access can search through sales records and
correct any errors. This can be accomplished through use of the Edit Orders screen, available
from the Edit Tab. When users have located the correct menu item and day / time combination,
the number sold value can be changed. The Edit Orders screen is shown in Figure 13. Ensure
you use the Save and Close or click the blue floppy disk icon before exiting.
Figure 14: Edit Sales Data Window
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Editing Staff Schedule Data
Updates and modifications may be required after staff is scheduled. Some examples of
this sort of editing can be if a cook leaves early to attend to other matters, a staff member does
not arrive for work, or a manager calls staff to request extra hours of work during a busy day.
These functions are accomplished using the Edit Staff screen. Found on the Edit Tab and
illustrated in Figure 14, the Edit Staff screen allows users to locate the staff type and date/time
combination that needs to be updated. Once located, the correct number can be entered. Be sure
to save your work before leaving this screen.
Figure 15: Edit Staff Schedule Data
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Editing Inventory Data
Inventory data can be managed using the Edit Inventory screen, as shown in Figure 15.
This screen allows for the addition or removal of items. The cost of the item, as used in
efficiency calculations, can be changed here, and stock can be updated as well. Once again, be
sure to save your work before continuing.
Figure 16: Edit Inventory Data
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Editing Menu Items
Clicking on the Edit Menu button will bring up the window shown in Figure 16, which
allows for the additions, removals, and alterations to the menu’s contents. Using the arrow
buttons at the top of the window allows you to browse through the menu items. Menu items can
be added and deleted using the green plus and red X icons. Prices are entered or changed here.
This also allows for recipe management. Recipes can include any quantity of items currently
listed in the inventory.
Figure 17: Edit Menu Item Window
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Section 4.
Using the Output Tab
The Output Tab is available to administrative and managerial users. It exposes the
functionality for the output of RED AI’s efficiency analyses. Three buttons are visible on the
display when this tab is selected: Service Efficiency, Menu Efficiency, and Inventory Efficiency,
arranged as shown in Figure 17. Clicking on one of these buttons will cause RED AI to analyze
the data with the corresponding rule set (service, menu, or inventory). A sample output of a
service efficiency analysis is shown below with a discussion of the results.
Figure 18: Main Screen - Output Tab
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Efficiency Suggestions
In the Engine Results window, a list of suggestion categories is displayed in the left-hand
window. Clicking on one of the suggestion categories will bring up a list of efficiency rule
violations in the right-hand window. The Engine Results window is the same for each efficiency
type. The following is a Service Efficiency example referring to Figure 18. “Add Waiter” is
selected as the suggestion category and “4/17/2008” is selected as the efficiency rule violation, in
this case the date of the violation. Selecting an efficiency rule violation will display text
detailing the nature of the violation and the suggested remedy in the bottommost window.
Figure 19: Service Efficiency Suggestion Display
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Section 5.
Using the Settings Tab
The Settings Tab is available only to administrative users. Clicking on the Settings Tab
will expose the buttons, as depicted in the Figure 19. Clicking on the Edit Users button will
allow the administrative user to add, modify, and delete user accounts. If the Manage Rule Sets
button is clicked, the option to manually edit the service, menu, or inventory rule set will be
presented. If the Switch Database button is clicked, the user will have the option to load a new
database for use by the RED AI prototype.
Figure 20: Main Screen - Settings Tab
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Managing User Accounts
This dialog depicted in Figure 20 appears when the Manage Users button is clicked in the
Settings display. The three data fields, User Type, User Name, and Password, allow the creation
of new users. To create a new user, click the green plus-sign button near the top of the window
then select the appropriate User Type from the dropdown list: Administrator, Manager, Frontend, or Back-end. Administrative users have access to the entirety of the system. They can
access every feature. Managerial users have access to all tabs but the Settings Tab; on the Input
Tab, they may only Schedule Staff. Front-end users have access only to the Input Tab and may
only Enter Sales and customer data. Back-end users also only have access to the Input Tab and
may only update the inventory. Table 1 shows this user access control.
Table 1: User Access Control
After selecting the appropriate User Type, enter a password for that user, and then click
the disk icon near the top of the window to save that user to the database.
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Figure 21: Manage User Account Window
It is possible to scroll through the user accounts or navigate to the beginning or end of the
list of users by clicking on the buttons in the upper-left hand corner of the window. The leftmost
of these buttons returns to the first user in the database, the next retrieves the previous user. The
following button displays the next user record in the database. The button the right of the empty
search blank, discussed next, retrieves the last user in the database. The white blank to the right
of these four buttons provides for searching the database for a particular user. Enter a user name
here and click the magnifying glass button to the right of the blank and, if the name entered
exists in the database, that user will be retrieved and his user data displayed. The green plus sign
button will create a new user and clear the three fields shown below the menu bar. The red xshaped button will delete the currently selected user. The disk icon, as previously discussed, will
save the changes made to the users through this dialog to the database.
When finished editing the users, click either the Save and Close button to save the
modifications made through this dialog and return to the Settings screen or click the Cancel
button to abandon the changes made.
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Managing Rule Sets
The dialog shown in Figure 21 will open any of the three rule sets in Notepad for manual
editing. Click on the rule set that is to be modified and Notepad will automatically open with the
appropriate rule set displayed for editing.
Figure 22: Manage Rule Sets Window
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Viewing Rules
Figure 22 shows the service efficiency engine rule set, open in Notepad. It is not
recommended for anyone other than a qualified RED AI representative to edit the rule set. To
perform an edit, simply change the text of the rule set as with a word processing document, and
then select Save from the File menu to save changes made. Select Exit from the File menu to
return to RED AI.
Figure 23: Service Efficiency Rule File
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Switching Databases
When the Switch Database button is clicked, the Open File dialog shown in Figure 23
will open. Use this dialog to navigate to the directory of the database that is to be loaded into
RED AI and then double-click on the file name or highlight the file and click the Open button.
Click the cancel button at any time to return to the Settings Tab.
Figure 24: Database Selection Window
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Shutting Down to Switch Databases
Once a database is selected via the preceding Open File dialog, the notification message
shown in Figure 24 will appear. Click OK to exit the program and complete the database switch
or click Cancel to return to the Settings Tab. Note: RED AI will have to be manually opened
again once shutdown for a database switch.
Figure 25: Change Database Shutdown Message
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Section 6.
Menu Toolbars
Certain toolbars are made available to specific users depending on their roles to ensure
safe use of this application and help keep controlled system policies in check. Many of these
options are found in standard Windows programs.
Using the File Menu
The File Menu contains only the Exit option. This is equivalent to using the X in the
corner of the window for closing out the program. Either of these should be used prior to leaving
the computer, or whenever RED AI work is completed to ensure system security practices are
enforced. These features are shown in Figure 25.
Figure 26: Toolbar - File Menu Options
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Using the Tools Menu
Figure 26 illustrates the Tools Menu, which gives users access to version control
information. Check for Updates will compare the running RED AI version to that of the most
recent release. If versions match then you have the most up to date version, otherwise RED AI
will initiate the update process when prompted. The Change Log displays information about
previous versions. If updating adds, changes, or removes a significant feature, you can usually
find out about it in the Change Log. Any questions regarding the current or a previous version
can be posed via the Help System.
Figure 27: Toolbar - Tools Menu Options
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Using the Help Menu
All users have access to the help screen, as seen in Figure 27. Online Help guides the
user through the user manual and for further assistance; they may browse the RED AI website
and use any online assistance available. Selecting About will provide users with version and
copyright information. The RED AI homepage will be accessible from the About screen.
Figure 28: Toolbar - Help Menu Options
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Chapter 4. Error Messages
Please reference the error message text to the following error message tables. Verify that
the error was encountered while performing the action listed in the table and then read what the
error message means (what is RED AI doing because of the error). Then take the steps listed in
the solutions row to correct the error before proceeding.
Incorrect Login
Login Screen
The User has pressed the login button with an incorrect username and/or
This message will alert the user of an incorrect login attempt before allowing
the user to try again
Try to enter your username and password again. If that still fails contact your
RED AI Administrator
Table 2: Login Screen Errors
All Fields Required
On most input windows
The User has tried to update the database with some of the required fields
with null (empty) values
This message will alert the user that RED AI has not committed the requested
changes to the database to protect RED AI’s database integrity
Fill in the remaining required fields and try to commit the changes again
Table 3: Input Screen Errors (1)
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Value out of bounds
On most input windows
The User has tried to update the database with one (or more) fields with a
value set to a number that is not in the values specified range or the User has
entered an invalid data type
This message will alert the user that RED AI has not committed the requested
changes to the database to protect RED AI’s database integrity
Correct the number that is not in range
Time Data Exists
On input screens when entering a time
The User has tried to enter the data at the same time that already exists in the
This message will alert the user that RED AI has not committed the requested
changes to the database to protect RED AI’s database integrity
Please check that you have not already entered the corresponding time
resulting in the error message. For more help please contact your manager to
check that the time data at that time slice is correct by editing that input type.
Stock cannot be less than zero…
On the Update Inventory screen
The User has entered a in stock value of less than zero for one item
This message will alert the user that you cannot have negative amounts of an
item in stock and that the RED AI system is automatically setting the value to 0
If the stock is zero then it will be fine; however, if the stock is not zero please
enter the correct stock value
Table 4: Input Screen Errors (2)
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Value out of bounds
On all edit windows
The User has tried to update the database with one (or more) fields with the
value set to a number that is not in the values specified range or the User has
entered an invalid data type
This message will alert the user that RED AI has not committed the requested
changes to the database to protect RED AI’s database integrity
Correct the number that is not in range
All Fields Required
On all edit windows
The User has tried to update the database with some of the required fields
with null (empty) values
This message will alert the user that RED AI has not committed the requested
changes to the database to protect RED AI’s database integrity
Fill in the remaining required fields and try to commit the changes again
Time Data Exists
On edit screens where time is editable
The User has tried to change the data to a different time that that already
exists in the database with data
This message will alert the user that RED AI has not committed the requested
changes to the database to protect RED AI’s database integrity
Please find the other instance of the same time and delete it or delete the
current instance of the same time
Table 5: Edit Screen Errors
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You need to have one Admin
Edit Users windows
The user has tried to delete the last remaining Admin in the system
This message informs the user that RED AI has not deleted the requested user,
because by doing so the system could potentially have no administrator and
become unusable
Add a new Admin and then retry
This user lacks a username
Edit Users screen
The user has tried to commit the user information back to the database with
one (or more) users that lack usernames
This message will alert the user that RED AI has not committed the requested
changes to the database to protect RED AI’s database integrity
Fill in the username for the user in error or delete the user to continue
User {username} has more than one account…
Edit user screen
The user has tried to create a new account with the same username as one
already created
This message will alert the user that RED AI has not committed the requested
changes to the database to protect RED AI’s database integrity
Delete one of the two (or more) offending users
Table 6: Settings Screen Errors
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Chapter 5. Glossary
Admin A user that has complete control of all functions of the system
Artificial Intelligence A computer system or software package designed to mimic human
Algorithm A set of simple commands used to solve a complex problem.
Data Type The type of an item of data that determines how it is stored by a
computer. Examples include integers, real numbers, dates, and times.
Database A program or file that allows for the storage of large quantities of
information and easy access to this information.
Development Progression
A file that contains a history of the updates made to a software package
Efficiency Engine The subsection of the RED AI software package that examines the data
in the database and makes determines which “plain English” suggestions
to make to improve restaurant efficiency
GUI Graphical User Interface. Refers to the collection of windows the user
uses to access the functionality of a software package
Rule-sets The sets of rules that the efficiency engine uses to determine which
suggestions to make
Translation Rules Rules provide a verbal translation of the data in the database. These
rules perform such actions as determining if a value entered is outside the
expected bounds for a value of that type.
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