VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual CS 411W Lab 4 User’s Manual VIPS Prototype Prepared by: VIPS INC Date: 04/27/2009 1 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Table of Contents 1 2 2.1 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.6 5 5.1 6 Welcome to the VIPS Prototype (Nicholas Bitto, Chad Pellitt) Introduction (Nicholas Bitto, Chad Pellitt) Purpose (Nicholas Bitto, Chad Pellitt ) Getting Started (Chad Pellitt, Kyle Bohannon) Website (Eric Schultz, Nicholas Bitto) Test Harness (Kyle Bohannon, Nicholas Bitto) Simulation (Jacob Baughman, Chad Pellitt) Engine (Chad Pellitt, Jacob Baughman) Barcode Scanner (Chad Pellitt, Nicholas Bitto) Using the Prototype (Chad Pellitt, Jacob Baughman) Website (Eric Schultz, Nicholas Bitto) Test Harness (Kyle Bohannon, Nicholas Bitto) Test Harness Simulation (Chad Pellitt, Kyle Bohannon) Simulation (Jacob Baughman, Chad Pellitt) Getting Started Engaging the Engine Engaging the Test Harness Engine (Chad Pellitt, Baughman) Error Messages (Nicholas Bitto, Eric Schultz) Website Errors (Eric Schultz, Nicholas Bitto) Glossary of Terms (Nicholas Bitto) 4 4 5 8 8 9 15 15 16 18 18 26 38 41 42 43 44 46 46 46 48 List of Figures Figure 2.1.1 Figure 3.5.1 Figure 3.5.2 Figure 3.5.3 Figure 4.1.1 Figure 4.1.2 Figure 4.1.3 Figure 4.1.4 Figure 4.1.5 Figure 4.1.6 Figure 4.1.7 Figure 4.1.8 Figure 4.1.9 Figure 4.2.1 Figure 4.2.2 Figure 4.2.3 Figure 4.2.4 Real World Product Major Functional Component Diagram Barcode Scanner USB Port Barcode Scanner Trigger Register a new Account Login Page Visitors Page Register a Visit Page Sample Pass Change Account Information Page View account History Page Faculty and Staff Page Invite a visitor Visitor Screen Visitor Screen (part 2) Modify a Garage Screen Password Entry Box 2 7 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual List of Figures Figure 4.2.5 Modifying Garage Information Figure 4.2.6 Pass Screen Figure 4.2.7 Password Entry Box Figure 4.2.8 Modifying Pass Information Figure 4.2.9 Department Screen Figure 4.2.10 Password Entry Screen Figure 4.2.11 Selecting a Department Figure 4.2.12 Modifying Department Information Figure 4.3.1 Scenario Screen Figure 4.3.2 Pass Entry Screen Figure 4.3.3 Garage Simulation Screen Figure 4.4.1 Start menu Figure 4.4.2 Administrative Command Prompt Figure 4.4.3 Empty Garage Figure 4.4.4 Active Simulation 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 45 List of Tables Table 5.1.1 Table 5.1.2 Table 5.1.3 Table 5.1.4 Table 5.1.5 Account registration Errors Log In Errors Registering a Visit Errors Update Account Errors Invite a visitor errors 46 47 47 47 48 3 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 1 Welcome to the VIPS Prototype (Nicholas Bitto, Chad Pellitt) Thank you for your interest in the Visitors Interface for Parking Services (VIPS). The VIPS prototype is a customizable product used to manage visitors in congested parking environments. The VIPS prototype is designed to aid visitors by allowing them to pre-register visits to the university and obtain a parking pass online. The VIPS prototype demonstrates the functionality of registering visitors through the VIPS website. The prototype also demonstrates the ability to administer visitors, allow faculty to register visitors, load different parking scenarios, view database contents, and manipulate a garage simulation. This user manual describes the features of the VIPS Prototype and helps the user in the process of operating the prototype. The manual contains a section of user screens, error messages, and troubleshooting help. 2 Introduction (Nicholas Bitto, Chad Pellitt) According to the US census (GIS Lounge, 2001), urban population densities are steadily increasing. Parking in these areas has become a great burden. The effects of the population growth are felt everywhere. One particular place parking is a burden is on urban universities. The amount of incoming students and faculty place a big toll on limited parking resources. The university parking offices must manage all parking patrons. These patrons vary greatly and include students, staff, faculty, and visitors. The university subscription parkers demand a high level of service, and the universities have developed a reasonable solution for their subscription 4 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual patrons. However, many universities have left out their visiting patrons. Visitor Interface for Parking Services (VIPS) will solve the visitor element in this complicated parking equation. Visitor parking is difficult to manage in a subscription-based environment, resulting in visitor frustration and loss of revenue. Current visitor parking systems on university campuses are complicated and ineffective at managing visitors. The current process at Old Dominion University involves a customer finding a parking space close to the parking office. The customer must then physically walk into the parking office to obtain a visitor pass. The evolution finally ends with the customer walking back to his car and attempting to find parking close to his destination. The visitor parking process is difficult and inefficient. The University is attempting to use an outdated process to handle modern visitor demands. James Long, ODU Parking Services Director, stated ODU fields 15,000 visitor requests per year (J. Long, personal communication, September 11, 2001). The demand for visitors is high, and the process currently does not effectively manage the demand. VIPS Inc. has a solution for these visitor woes. VIPS has designed a solution that will seamlessly integrate into the University’s current parking solution and provide the much needed service to visitors. The VIPS solution will solve the current problems of managing visitors and streamline the process. We hope that you, as a visitor, faculty, or parking administrator, will find VIPS to be an effective solution to meet your visitor parking needs. 2.1 Purpose (Nicholas Bitto, Chad Pellitt ) VIPS will be a customizable add-on that integrates with whatever current parking solution is in place at the university. The VIPS product is designed to manage the university's visitor demands. The VIPS system will allow visitors to register online and obtain a visitor pass 5 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual to the University. The visitor will have a choice between two parking garages. The visitor pass will allow the visitor to enter their chosen parking garage through authenticated barcode access. The VIPS product will also provide a means for faculty to register their guests. The VIPS system stores all of the visitor data, which will allow for the development of visitor trend analysis. VIPS will allow the university to effectively and efficiently manage visitors without placing added stress on subscribers. VIPS will offer the university's visitors the ability to reserve parking online. Since VIPS allows the visitor to register online, there is no need for the visitor to waste trips going to the parking office. The VIPS system will allow visitors to choose a garage they want to reserve a parking space in. VIPS will not guarantee a specific parking space. The VIPS guarantee is there will be an available space in the applicable garage. The methodology VIPS uses to reserve spaces is an algorithm that calculates spaces available and spaces reserved. The university will be allowed to limit the amount of visitors the garage can accommodate. VIPS Inc. will use a gated garage for access control. The visitor pass will have a printed barcode. The barcode will be scanned at the entrance of a gated garage to grant the visitor access. Once a visitor is granted access, the database is updated and a current status of the garage is available. The current status of the garage will provide all users with the space available in the garage. The space available will be delineated by faculty, students, and visitors. The VIPS system will also integrate with the current technology in place, which will ensure every time a car enters or leaves a garage the database is updated. The updated database will ensure an accurate real-time status of the garage and ensure space reservations can be accommodated. The database will also provide the university with the ability to use VIPS to develop visitor trend analysis, to help predicate parking utilization. 6 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual The VIPS system will also provide the university faculty with the ability to pre-register their guests. This will lift the burden off of visitors and ensure a smooth interaction with university guests. The VIPS website will have several authenticated user levels. The user levels will allow for a standard user, faculty user, and an administrator. The website will also verify with the database to ensure that the users are valid. VIPS dedication to information security will ensure all users are authenticated and permitted the proper access into the system. Figure 2.1.1 illustrates the major functional components of VIPS. The light blue boxes indicate hardware, and the dark blue boxes indicate software. The grey box indicates assumed customer hardware, and the black box indicates assumed customer software. VIPS will tailor a solution for any hardware configuration a customer has in place. Figure 2.1.1 - Real World Product Major Functional Component Diagram 7 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 3 Getting Started (Chad Pellitt, Kyle Bohannon) The section provides information on how to get started using the VIPS prototype. There are separate sections for each component of the system, describing what to do first. The initial setup and starting options are explained for each of these components. 3.1 Website (Eric Schultz, Nicholas Bitto) The VIPS website allows a visitor to print out a visitor's pass to a college or university. A faculty or staff member with an account can invite a visitor and email the invited visitor a pass. Visitor trend date is gathered in the VIPS database and allows the Parking Services staff to make decisions based on a better understanding of visitor traits. The website has four main sections: 1. Unregistered accounts 2. Log In 3. Visitors 4. Faculty/Staff 1. Unregistered accounts- When a visitor arrives to the VIPS Website for the first time, they need to create an account. The Unregistered Accounts page contains a form to create an account. An account allows a visitor to store his settings for multiple visits. The website can be found at . 8 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 2. Log In- After a visitor has created an account, he needs to login to the VIPS Website. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing restricted areas. The following option is available on the page: a. Log in -Enter a valid username (an email address) -Enter the username's password. The website can be found at . 3. Visitors- After a visitor logs in, he will be redirected to the Visitors Page. The Visitors Page displays the accessible pages for that user. The website can be found at . The VIPS Website Visitor page allows a visitor to: a. Register an account b. Print out a pass c. Update personal information d. View History 4. Faculty/Staff- After a faculty or staff member logs into the VIPS website, they are redirected to the Faculty/Staff Page. The website can be found at . The VIPS Website allows a Faculty/Staff member to: a. Invite a visitor b. View invitation history 9 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 3.2 Test Harness (Kyle Bohannon, Nicholas Bitto) The VIPS test harness contains several web pages designed to interact with the VIPS database and garage simulation. The Test harness requires the garage simulation to be running in order to be fully functional. Each page of the test harness is described in detail below. 1. Visitor page – this page allows the creation, deletion, and modification of visitor accounts. (figure 3.2.1) Figure 3.2.1 Visitor page It is located at The page contains the following elements: a. Password form Figure 3.2.2 Password entry Allows you to enter the password to gain access to the page. 10 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual b. Simulation date Figure 3.2.3 Simulation date Allows you to change the date that the simulation uses in its algorithms. c. Simulation state Figure 2.2.4 Simulation state Allows you to pause or resume the simulation by clicking the appropriate button. d. Create a new visitor form Figure 3.2.5 Creating a visitor account This form allows you to input a new visitor into the VIPS database. e. Search form Figure 3.2.6 Searching for a visitor account This form allows you to use multiple search options to find and display a visitor. After a search, the following items are displayed. i. Update a visitor form This form allows you to update visitor information. 11 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual ii. Table of located visitors This is a table showing all the visitors found by the search, with an option to select one of them for the update. 2. Garage page – this page allows the creation, deletion, and modification of visitor accounts. (figure 3.2.7) Figure 3.2.7 Garage page It is located at The page contains the following elements: a. Password form Figure 3.2.8 Password entry form Allows you to enter the password to gain access to the page. 12 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual b. Simulation date Figure 3.2.9 Simulation date Allows you to change the date that the simulation uses in its algorithms. c. Simulation state Figure 3.2.10 Simulation state Allows you to pause or resume the simulation by clicking the appropriate button. d. Create a new garage form Figure 3.2.11 Adding a new garage This form allows you to input a new garage into the VIPS database. e. Search form Figure 3.2.12 Searching for a garage 13 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual This form allows you to use multiple search options to find and display a garage. After a search, the following items are displayed: i. Update a garage form This form allows you to update garage information. ii. Table of located garages This is a table showing all the garages found by the search, with an option to select one of them for the update. 3. Pass page – this page allows the creation, deletion, and modification of passes. (figure 3.2.13) Figure 3.2.13 Pass page 14 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual The pass page is located at It contains the following elements: a. Password form Figure 3.2.14 Password entry form Allows you to enter the password to gain access to the page. b. Simulation date Figure 3.2.15 Simulation date Allows you to change the date that the simulation uses in its algorithms. c. Simulation state Figure 3.2.16 Simulation state Allows you to pause or resume the simulation by clicking the appropriate button. d. Create a new pass form Figure 3.2.17 Creating a new pass This form allows you to input a new pass into the VIPS database. 15 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual e. Search form Figure 3.2.18 Searching for a pass This form allows you to use multiple search options to find and display a pass. After a search, the following items are displayed: i. Update a pass form This form allows you to update pass information. ii. Table of located passes This is a table showing all the passes found by the search, with an option to select one of them for the update. 4. Department page – this page allows the creation, deletion, and modification of department. (figure 3.2.19) Figure 3.2.19 Creating a new department 16 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual It is located at The page contains the following elements: a. Password form Figure 3.2.20 Password entry form Allows you to enter the password to gain access to the page. b. Simulation date Figure 3.2.21 Simulation date Allows you to change the date that the simulation uses in its algorithms. c. Simulation state Figure 3.2.22 Simulation state Allows you to pause or resume the simulation by clicking the appropriate button. d. Create a new department form Figure 3.2.23 Creating a new department This form allows you to input a new department into the VIPS database. e. Search form Figure 3.2.24 Searching for a department This form allows you to use multiple search options to find and display a department. After a search, the following items are displayed: 17 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual i. Update a department form This form allows you to update department information. ii. Table of located departments This is a table showing all the departments found by the search, with an option to select one of them for the update. 5. Scenario page – this page allows you to send a specific scenario to the garage simulation. (figure 3.2.25) Figure 3.2.25 Scenario page It is located at The page contains the following elements: a. Password form Allows you to enter the password to gain access to the page. b. Simulation date Figure 3.2.26 Simulation date Allows you to change the date that the simulation uses in its algorithm. 18 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual c. Simulation state Figure 3.2.27 Simulation state Allows you to pause or resume the simulation by clicking the appropriate button. d. Choose a scenario form Figure 3.2.28 Selecting a scenario This is a selection of buttons labeled by scenario. Each has a description of the scenario. 6. Pass entry page – this page allows you to manually send a barcode or RFID code to the garage simulation. Figure 3.2.29 Pass Entry page 19 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual It is located at The page contains the following elements: a. Password form Allows you to enter the password to gain access to the page. b. Simulation date Figure 3.2.30 Allows you to change the date that the simulation uses in its algorithm. c. Simulation state Figure 3.2.31 Allows you to pause or resume the simulation by clicking the appropriate button. d. Enter a code form Figure 3.2.32 Submitting barcodes and RFID’s manually This is a selection of input fields for the garage, gate and code that you wish to send to the garage simulation. 20 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 7. Garage simulation page – this page allows you to update several parameters of the garage simulation. Figure 3.2.32 Garage Simulation page It is located at Each element is described below: a. Password form Allows you to enter the password to gain access to the page. b. Simulation date Figure 3.2.33 Simulation Date Allows you to change the date that the simulation uses in its algorithm. c. Simulation state Figure 3.2.34 Simulation State Allows you to pause or resume the simulation by clicking the appropriate button. 21 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual d. Simulation options form Figure 3.2.35 Changing simulation options This is an entry form allowing you to change the entry rate and exit rate of a garage, and run the start-of-day and end-of-day algorithms provided by the garage simulation. 3.3 Simulation (Jacob Baughman, Chad Pellitt) The VIPS Garage Simulation is a program written in Java that models the functionality of a parking garage’s hardware. It also simulates the traffic flow of subscribers and visitors coming and going over time. In the real world product, the garage hardware, such as the gates, RFID sensors, and display board, will be directly connected via a router to the server running the VIPS Engine. In the prototype, this functionality is modeled by simulating each hardware component individually and simulating the communication among those components and with the VIPS Engine. Because the Garage Simulation is written in Java, you must have a recent Java Runtime Environment installed on the computer from which you wish to run the Simulation. If needed, 22 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual you can obtain the latest Java Runtime Environment from You will also need all of the Simulation’s class files in the same directory. The necessary files are Sim.class, World.class, Garage.class, Gate.class, DisplayBoard.class, and Vehicle.class. The Simulation is just one part of the VIPS system. In order to be useful, it must be run concurrently with the VIPS Engine and the Test Harness. Instructions for starting and using the Simulation can be found in section 4.4. 3.4 Engine (Chad Pellitt, Jacob Baughman) In order to run the VIPS Engine, the Garage Simulation must be in operation first. See Section 2.4 for setup of the Garage Simulation. The VIPS Engine is written in Java, so it is also necessary to verify that the Java Runtime Environment has been installed, which can be downloaded from Next, simply execute the VIPS Engine application. The VIPS Engine will automatically carry out all necessary procedures, so no further setup is required. 3.5 Barcode Scanner (Chad Pellitt, Nicholas Bitto) The barcode scanner, shown in Figure 1, is used to scan the barcodes on printed parking passes so that they can be verified. The instructions for operating the barcode scanner are as follows: 23 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 3.5.1 - Barcode Scanner Step 1: Plug the barcode scanner into the USB port. An example of a USB port is shown in Figure 2. [This space left intentionally blank] 24 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 3.5.2 - USB Port Step 2: Using the computer you have plugged into, click on the text field that wish to insert the barcode into and verify that the cursor is inside it. Step 3: Point the light grey end of the scanner at the barcode you wish to scan. Step 4: Push the trigger button on the underside of the barcode scanner, which is shown in Figure 3. Wait for a beep. You will see a string of numbers inserted into the field you selected. [This space left intentionally blank] 25 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 3.5.3 – Barcode Scanner Trigger 4 Using the Prototype (Chad Pellitt, Jacob Baughman) The section contains detailed instructions for all the tasks required to operate the VIPS prototype. The instructions are broken up into sections that describe the use of each individual component. Step-by-step instructions are provided to utilize all features of the VIPS prototype. 4.1 Website (Eric Schultz, Nicholas Bitto) The website allows the end user access into the VIPS system. There are three types of visitors: Unregistered, Visitors, and Faculty/Staff. Unregistered users need to register in order to use the website. The visitor can generate a parking pass, and a faculty/staff member can invite a visitor. Special faculty members can be granted the role of "department head." This title allows the user to grant other users the ability to invite visitors. 26 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 1. Register- To use the VIPS Website, you must first register an account. This can be done by first opening a web browser to the website. Second, the user must continue by clicking on the "click here to register an account" link, fill out the form, and finally submit the form. Figure 4.1.1 displays the register menu. Figure 4.1.1 - Register a New Account 2. Log In- To log in to the VIPS Website, a valid username and password must be entered on the webpage. The login page grants your account the proper permission to authorized areas. The login menu can be viewed in figure 4.1.2. [This space has been intentionally left blank] 27 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.1.2 - Login page 3. Visitors page- After Logging on to the VIPS Website, a visitor account is automatically redirected to the Visitors Page. The Visitors page can be located at: and can be viewed in figure 4.1.3. The Visitors Page has the following functions: a. Register a visit b. Change account information c. View account history Figure 4.1.3 - Visitors page 4. Registering a visit- After logging in to the VIPS Website with a visitor account, the visitor can click on the "Register a Visit" link. Figure 4.1.4 displays a calendar displaying the availability of garages. To select a date, the user should click on the garage link you 28 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual wish to use. After the form is successfully submitted, the visitor will be displayed a visitors pass which he must print out. Figure 4.1.4 - Register a Visit Page After a date has been selected, the webpage should launch a popup window containing the user's pass. The pass should then be printed out and placed in the user's car on arrival to the university. A sample pass can be viewed in figure 4.1.5. 29 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.1.5 - Sample Pass 5. Change account information- After logging in to the VIPS Website with a visitor account, the visitor can click on the "Change Account Information" link. The page allows the input of a user's first name, last name, and password in modifiable fields. The user can edit the information and submit it accordingly. Figure 4.1.7 displays the change account information page. [This space has been intentionally left blank] 30 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.1.6 - Change Account Information Page. 6. View account history- The View Account History page allows a user to see the dates they have visited the university. After logging in to the VIPS Website with a visitor account, the visitor can click on the "View Account History" link. The page contains a table of the user's visit history. The information available consists of: First Name, Last Name, License Plate, and Email Address and password. A sample Account History page can be viewed in figure 4.1.8. [This space has been intentionally left blank] 31 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.1.7 - View Account History 7. Faculty Staff- After logging on to the VIPS Website (section 3.1.2), a Faculty or staff member is automatically redirected to the Faculty/Staff Page. The Faculty/Staff Page can be located by logging in to webpage. Figure 4.1.9 displays the faculty/staff page. The Faculty/Staff page allows access to: A. Invite Visitors page. B. My Account page C. Campus Visits page D. Department page (department heads only) [This space has been intentionally left blank] 32 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.1.8 - Faculty and Staff Page 8. Invite a visitor- A faculty or staff member may wish to invite a visitor to the campus and save the visitor the hassle of registering for the visit. To do this, the faculty or staff member clicks on the "Invite a Visitor" link after logging on with a faculty/staff account. The Invite a Visitor page contains a form of required fields (viewable in figure 4.1.10) that the inviter must fill out. Once the forum is submitted, an email will be sent to the invitee's address where it can be opened and printed. The information available consists of: First Name, Last Name, License Plate, and Email Address. Figure 4.1.10 shows a sample Invite a Visitor page. [This space has been intentionally left blank] 33 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.1.9 - Invite a Visitor. 4.2 Test Harness (Kyle Bohannon, Nicholas Bitto) The VIPS test harness contains several generic options, as seen in Figure 4.2.4. These can be accessed at the top of each page in the test harness and are described below. 1. Simulation date Figure 4.2.1 Simulation date Step 1: The date is automatically filled with the current simulation date. Modify this date, making sure to keep it in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Step 2: Press Update button. 2. Simulation state Step 1: Press the simulation state button to resume the simulation. The button will display “unpaused.” Figure 4.2.2 Simulation state Step 2: To pause the simulation, press the simulation state button. The button will display “paused.” Figure 4.2.3 Simulation paused 34 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.2.4 Visitor Screen The Test harness contains seven administrative pages. Each page will be described with step-by-step instructions. 1. Visitor screen – This screen is shown in Figure 4.2.4. It contains several options detailed below. a. Login screen – password protection for the test harness Step 1: Enter the appropriate password ‘cs411blue’ without the quotes. Step 2: Press the submit button. Figure 4.2.5 Password entry 35 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual b. Create a visitor - adds a new visitor to the VIPS database Step 1: Enter values in each field of the ‘create a visitor’ form. All fields are required. Step 2: Make sure the email address and password are correct. Step 3: Press submit button. Figure 4.2.6 Submitting a new visitor c. Modify visitor info – lets you change the visitors’ name, email address (userid), password, and license. Step 1: Select an option from the ‘search by’ drop down menu. Available choices are MyID, userid, last name, and license. Step 2: Enter all or part of the search criterion (E.g. looking for ‘’ Entering ‘bob’ will find anyone whose userid contains the consecutive letters ‘bob’). Step 3: Press submit button. After submitting, a new form will appear as well as a table listing all information found matching the search parameters (Figure 4.2.7). [This space has been intentionally left blank] 36 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.2.7 Visitor Screen ( part 2 ) Step 4: Select a visitor to update or delete by clicking the button in the ‘choice’ column. When selected, the form above the table will be automatically filled. If deleting a user, go to step 6. Step 5a: Change any values you would like to update. Step 5b: Press update button. Step 6: Press delete button. [This space has been intentionally left blank] 37 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 2. Garage Screen – this screen is shown in Figure 4.2.8. It contains several options described as follows. Figure 4.2.8 - Modify a Garage Screen a. Login screen – password protection for the test harness Step 1: Enter the appropriate password ‘cs411blue’ without quotation marks. Step 2: Press the submit button. Figure 4.2.9 Password entry 38 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual b. Create a garage - adds a new garage to the VIPS database. Step 1: You will need to enter values in each field of the ‘create a new garage’ form. All fields are required. Step 2: Make sure max capacity, student capacity, faculty capacity, and visitor capacity are numeric values. Step 3: Make sure that max capacity is larger than student capacity plus faculty capacity. Step 3: Press submit button. c. Modify garage info – lets you change the garages’ name, email address (userid), password, and license. Step 1: Select an option from the ‘search by’ drop down menu. Available choices are garage ID and garage name. Step 2: Enter all or part of the search criterion. (E.g. looking for garage ‘sterling garage 45th street.’ Entering ‘ster’ will find any garage whose garage name contains the consecutive letters ‘ster.’) Step 3: Press submit button. After submitting, a new form will appear as well as a table listing all information found matching the search parameters (Figure 4.2.10) 39 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.2.10 - Modifying Garage Information Step 4: Select a garage to update or delete by clicking the button in the ‘choice’ column. When selected, the form above the table will be automatically filled. If deleting a garage, go to step 6. Step 5a: Change any values you would like to update. Step 5b: Press update button. Step 6: Press delete button. [This space has been intentionally left blank] 40 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 3. Pass Screen – this screen is shown in Figure 4.2.11. It contains several options detailed as follows. Figure 4.2.11 - Test Harness Pass Screen a. Login screen – password protection for the test harness. Step 1: Enter the password ‘cs411blue’ without quotation marks (figure 4.2.12). Step 2: Press the submit button. Figure 4.2.12 Password entry 41 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual b. Create a pass - adds a new pass to the VIPS database. Step 1: Enter values in each field of the ‘create a new pass’ form. All fields are required. Step 2: Make sure the date is in YYYY-MM-DD format. Step 3: Make sure that garage ID is numeric. Step 3: Press submit button. c. Modify pass info – lets you change the passes’ email address (userid), valid date, and garage number. Step 1: Select an option from the ‘search by’ drop down menu. Available choices are userid, barcode, and date. Step 2: Enter all or part of the search criterion. (E.g. looking for pass with email address ‘’ Entering ‘joe’ will find any pass whose email address contains the consecutive letters ‘joe.’) Step 3: Press submit button. After submitting, a new form will appear as well as a table listing all information found matching the search parameters (Figure 4.2.13). [This space has been intentionally left blank] 42 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.2.13 - Modifying Pass Information Step 4: Select a pass to update or delete by clicking the button in the ‘choice’ column. When selected, the form above the table will be automatically filled. If deleting a pass, go to step 6. Step 5a: Change any values you would like to update. Step 5b: Press update button. Step 6: Press delete button. 4. Department Screen – this screen is shown in Figure 4.2.14. It contains several options detailed as follows: 43 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.2.14 - Department Screen a. Login screen – password protection for the test harness. Step 1: Enter the password ‘cs411blue’ without quotation marks (figure 4.2.15). Step 2: Press the submit button. Figure 4.2.15 Password entry box b. Create a department - adds a new department to the VIPS database Step 1: Enter a value in the field of the ‘create a new department’ form. 44 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Step 2: Make sure the date is in YYYY-MM-DD format. Step 3: Make sure that garage ID is numeric. Step 3: Press submit button. Step 4: Select a manager from the list shown in Figure 4.2.16. Figure 4.2.16 - Selecting a Department Manager Step 5: Press submit button. c. Modify department info – lets you change the departments’ name and department manager. Step 1: Select an option from the ‘search by’ drop down menu. Available choices are department name and department ID. 45 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Step 2: Enter all or part of the search criterion. (E.g. looking for department named ‘OEAS.’ Entering ‘oe’ will find any department whose name contains the consecutive letters ‘oe.’ It is not case sensitive.) Step 3: Press submit button. After submitting, a new form will appear as well as a table listing all information found matching the search parameters (Figure 4.2.17). Figure 4.2.17 - Modifying Department Information Step 4: Select a department to update or delete by clicking the button in the ‘choice’ column. When selected, the form above the table will be automatically filled. If deleting a department, go to step 6. 46 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Step 5a: Change any values you would like to update. Step 5b: Press update button. Step 6: Press delete button. 4.3 Test Harness Simulation (Chad Pellitt, Kyle Bohannon) 1. Scenario Screen – Figure 4.3.1 – Scenario Screen This page contains several options for the garage simulation. The instructions for this page are: Step 1: Ensure that the simulation is paused by looking at the Simulation State. Step 2: Select a scenario. Each scenario will automatically be loaded when clicked. Scenario 1 loads the average expected amount into each garage. Scenario 2 loads the garages to maximum capacity. Scenario 3 loads the garages to full minus one, which is reserved for a specific visitor. Scenario 4 clears garages to an empty state. 47 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 2. Pass Entry Screen – Figure 4.3.2 – Pass Entry Screen Step 1: Enter the garage number in the garage ID field. Step 2: Enter the gate number in the gate ID field. Step 3: Enter a barcode or RFID code in the appropriately labeled box. Step 4: Press Check Code. 3. Garage Simulation Screen – [This space has been intentionally left blank] 48 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.3.3 – Garage Simulation Screen To change the entry or exit rate: Step 1: Enter entry and/or exit rates. Step 2: Press Update. To simulate the start of a day: Press the start-of-day button. To simulate the end of a day: Press the end-of-day button. To view trend data and a full listing of the database contents: Click the view database tables link. 4.4 Simulation (Jacob Baughman, Chad Pellitt) This section will walk you through the necessary steps to use the VIPS Garage Simulation. The Simulation is the component that must be started first, before the Engine can be 49 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual run or the Test Harness used. Thus, when you attempt to use this prototype, these are the instructions to follow first. 4.4.1 Getting Started The Garage Simulation is a Java application that must be run from the command line. The first step on a Windows environment is to click the Start Button and enter the string “command” into the panel, as shown in Figure 4.4.1, and then hit the “enter” key. Once you do, a new window will open with a command prompt waiting for further input. Figure 4.4.1 Start Menu Once you have opened the command prompt, use the ‘cd’ command to change into the directory containing the Simulation class files. Figure 4.4.2 demonstrates this process. In the sample figure, the directory containing the necessary class files is ‘c:\Users\jbaughma\VIPS\’, but this is likely different on your system. Once in the desired directory, run the simulation using the command ‘java Sim’. The simulation should display the message “Waiting for Engine connection…” indicating it is running correctly and waiting for the Engine to initiate a connection. Figure 4.4.2 - Administrative Command Prompt 50 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 4.4.2 Engaging the Engine The next step is to run the VIPS Engine. To do so, follow the steps outlined in section 3.5. Once the Engine is running, it will initiate a connection to the simulation. If this is done correctly, the simulation will display the graphic representation of the garage status, as show in Figure 4.4.3. At this point the engine and the simulation are talking to each other, but they are not exchanging any useful information because no scenario has been loaded. Any values displayed, such as the available spaces in each garage, are garbage values that are meaningless until a scenario has been loaded. [This space has been intentionally left blank] 51 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Figure 4.4.3 - Empty Garage 4.4.3 Engaging the Test Harness Now that the simulation and engine are both running and talking to each other, we can start to issue useful commands from the test harness. The specifications for using the test harness to issue the commands contained herein are detailed in sections 4.3 and 4.4. The first thing to do is load a scenario. From the test harness, try loading scenario one. This scenario defines both garages as being approximately half-full. At this point, you should 52 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual notice that the entry and exit rates change once the scenario is loaded, but nothing is happening yet. From the test harness, unpause the simulation. Once you do, you should notice the simulation begins to send vehicles to random gates at the specified rate. When a car arrives at a gate, the gate messages the VIPS Engine to see if it should open or not. If it does, this is indicated by a green light atop the gate, and the vehicle enters the garage. If not, the light turns red and the vehicle is rejected. When the simulation is active, it should appear similar to Figure 4.4.4. Once the simulation is active, it should respond to any test harness command sent to it. Figure 4.4.4 - Active Simulation 53 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual 4.5 Engine (Chad Pellitt, Baughman) No interaction with the VIPS Engine is needed once it is running. The VIPS Engine runs in the background and does not require any user input. It automatically carries out operations that are necessary for VIPS to operate. 5 Error Messages (Nicholas Bitto, Eric Schultz) This section provides descriptions of errors that a user of the prototype may encounter. VIPS Inc. has attempted to limit the complexity of user screens and have created intuitive user screens. However, as with any software system, errors can occur. VIPS has provided this error handling section to limit user frustration and provide explanations to overcome errors. 5.1 Website Errors (Eric Schultz, Nicholas Bitto) The website is designed to give useful errors to help facilitate ease of use. The tables in this section are broken up to give errors for the specific page where the error occurs. 1. Registration page- The errors you may encounter when registering for a VIPS account are contained in table 5.1.1. Error Action Required Invalid license plate Must be a maximum of 8 characters, 9 with a space. Alphanumeric. Invalid first name Must not be "First name." Invalid last name Must not be "Last name." 54 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Invalid Password Must not be "password." Passwords do not match Please retype the passwords and ensure they match. Emails do not match Please retype the emails and ensure they match. Table 5.1.1 Registering Errors 2. Log In- The errors you may encounter when you attempt to log in to the VIPS website are contained in table 5.1.2. Error Action Required Invalid Username Username is the email the user registered with. Invalid Password Password is between 4 and 16 characters. Table 5.1.2 - Log In Errors 3. Visitors Page- Once you have logged in to a visitor account you may experience errors depending on what page you are using. Each visitor page is described and a table with errors is provided. a. Register a Visit- The errors you may encounter when you attempt to register a visit are contained in table 5.1.3. Error Action Required Garage 1 (full) Register on a different day. Garage 2 (full) Garage # (full) Register in garage X. Garage X Table 5.1.3 - Registering a Visit Errors 55 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual b. Update Account Information- The errors you may encounter when you attempt to update your account information are contained in table 5.1.4. Error Action Required Invalid license plate Must be a maximum of 8 characters, 9 with a space. Alphanumeric. Invalid first name Must not be "First name." Invalid last name Must not be "Last name." Invalid Password Must not be "password." Passwords do not match Please retype the passwords and ensure they match. Emails do not match Please retype the passwords and ensure they match. Table 5.1.4 - Update Account Errors 4. Faculty/Staff Page- Once you have logged in to a Faculty/Staff account you may experience errors depending on what page you are using. Each Faculty/Staff page is described and a table with errors is provided. a. Invite a Visitor- The errors you may encounter when you attempt to invite a visitor are contained in table 5.1.5. Error Action Required Invalid license plate Must be a maximum of 8 characters, 9 with a space. Alphanumeric. Invalid first name Must not be "First name." Invalid last name Must not be "Last name." Invalid Password Must not be "password." Passwords do not match Please retype the passwords and ensure they match. Emails do not match Please retype the emails and ensure they match. Table 5.1.5 - Invite a Visitor errors 56 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual b. Update Account Information- The errors you may encounter when you attempt to update your account information are contained in table 5.1.4. Error Action Required Invalid license plate Must be a maximum of 8 characters, 9 with a space. Alphanumeric. Invalid first name Must not be "First name." Invalid last name Must not be "Last name." Invalid Password Must not be "password." Passwords do not match Please retype the passwords and ensure they match. Emails do not match Please retype the passwords and ensure they match. Table 5.1.6 - Update Account Errors 6 Glossary of Terms (Nicholas Bitto) Barcode – A pictorial representation of numeric or alphanumeric characters that can be interpreted by a barcode scanner. Barcodes will be used to identify visitors in the VIPS garage simulation Client Computer – Any computer capable of accessing the Internet; this is the computer used to access the VIPS website Customer – The organization or company purchasing the VIPS product, usually a university Display board – A device with three digital panels to display the number of available spaces. The device is attached to the entrance of each garage and interfaces with the VIPS engine to keep track of the current number of faculty, students, and visitors 57 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Garage – A building designed to house vehicles consisting of multiple tiers and ramps, which transition from one tier to another Hardware Infrastructure – The existing hardware used to support the customer’s parking solution (i.e. Gates, Pneumatic Sensor, Display Board, etc.) Interface – A communication channel between two programs or applications Lot: A single level paved area used for parking cars Oracle – A database application which stores structured data and accepts Structured Query Language for retrieval of pertinent information Parking environment – A large scale business or university that has several different garages and lots that are used to handle several types of customers PHP Hypertext Pre-processor – PHP is a recursive acronym (where a letter in the acronym is the acronym itself). It is a structured language used in website development for its ability to dynamically create HTML documents based on differing inputs Programming Language / Structured Query Language (PL/SQL) – A modification of SQL to include functionalities of many modern programming languages Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) – An automatic identification system that uses radio frequency to identify an item from a distance; in this case, a car has an RFID pass and it can be read just by the car driving under an RFID reader Structured Query Language (SQL) – A language that uses English key words, which are interpreted by a database for the purpose of returning pertinent information Subscription User – Any person who pays a fee to be able to regularly use a customer’s available parking spaces for a specified length of time 58 VIPS Lab 4 - User Manual Terminal – A dedicated computer reserved for a specific input. In the case of VIPS, it will allow access only to the custom VIPS website for the customer, to allow visitors who did not preregister to register once they have arrived Visitor – The end-user of VIPS product 59