CS-410 Blue Team Presentation 1 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 2 Team Introduction A Bit of History • The Waterside Building NCSoSE • Mentor Introduction • NCSoSE Technique Current Stakeholder Analysis Data Flow The Problem The Solution • Objectives STAT Data Flow Major Functional Component Diagram The Competition Benefits of the Solution References 7/26/2016 The Team 3 7/26/2016 What is a Stakeholder? “A person, group, or organization that has interest or concern in an organization”[1] [1] BusinessDictionary.com 4 7/26/2016 Current Common Method of Stakeholder Analysis 5 Common Mistakes Dealing with Stakeholders • • • • 6 Problem solvers sometimes neglect to identify requisite stakeholders. Time and resources are wasted using subpar analyzing procedures. Stakeholders are often unaware of the overall project picture. The right stakeholders are sometimes not given the adequate attention. 7/26/2016 A Quick Example… Housing Developer Local Communities Developer doesn’t OneMedia Communities Local identifyProject this Is Canceled community is band as an a big against Commission together Planning enough Problem City Staff City Council 7 Communities go to local media and later City Council Background • • • 8 The finding of stakeholders is an important job of project managers. It is their job to adequately evaluate a stakeholder’s impact on a project or projects. The project manager must also realize the effect that stakeholders with power will have on the ones without power. 7/26/2016 Stakeholder’s Recent History…… The first known emphasis on stakeholders was at the Stanford Research Institute in 1963: -“those groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist.”[2] The first person to identify what a stakeholder is was Robert Freeman in his 1984 journal.[3] [2] Stockholders and Stakeholders 9 7/26/2016 [3] b2binternational What Is NCSoSE? ..And What Do They Have To Do With Stakeholder Analysis? 10 7/26/2016 National Centers for System of Systems Engineering (NCSoSE) • • System of systems approach Help clients identify problem “The customer never knows their problem.” –Kevin Adams 11 7/26/2016 Blue Team Mentors from NCSoSE Patrick Hester 12 7/26/2016 Kevin Adams System of Systems approach "Think of what happens when someone visits a doctor. The patient may feel lousy and blame it on dinner, but it takes a doctor to step back, give it a longer look and say - no, you have diabetes.“ Bigger-picture philosophy 13 7/26/2016 Application to Stakeholder Analysis Problem Current methods to analyze stakeholders = the patient’s naïve view (bad) Solution = Doctor’s bigger-picture view (good) 14 7/26/2016 Case Study: Stakeholders in Systems Problems Patrick T. Hester Joseph M. Bradley Kevin MacG. Adams National Centers for System of Systems Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA 15 7/26/2016 Stakeholders in Systems Problems • • 16 7/26/2016 Stakeholders exist at the center of all systems problems. NCSoSE sought to develop a new approach by: • Correctly identifying key stakeholders • Analyzing the importance of each • Engaging them based on prioritization Stakeholder Identification and Classification Stakeholder Attributes 17 Power "A relationship among social actors in which one social actor, A, can get another social actor, B, to do something that B would not" Legitimacy "A generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, definitions" Urgency "The degree to which stakeholder claims call for immediate attention" 7/26/2016 Stakeholder Attitudes Towards Projects Attitude Categories 18 Supportive Supports the project. Gives full cooperation. Mixed May support and/or refute the project in different aspects due to various reasons. Non-supportive Does not support the project. Marginal Possesses little interest in the project. 7/26/2016 Stakeholder Relationships with Other Stakeholders Relationship Factors Who the relation is with Certain stakeholders may have multiple relationships with other stakeholders, making their project impact much more important. Strength of relationship The relationships among stakeholders may vary in strength. Strong relationships among stakeholders must be taken into consideration. Note: Negative influences on a stakeholder with many relationships can affect the project drastically. 19 7/26/2016 Why Do We Need A Software Solution? 20 7/26/2016 Current Method of Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Analysis is often done manually with the help of simple visualization tools such as Microsoft Visio or PowerPoint. 21 7/26/2016 The Problem Defined When problem solving, stakeholders play a vital role in the success or demise of a project. A better monitoring solution is needed to easily identify and analyze stakeholders to maintain situational awareness throughout the problem solving process. 22 7/26/2016 The Solution STAT is a standalone software solution that looks to alleviate the currently primitive methods of stakeholder analysis. This tool will encompass identifying, prioritizing, and analyzing stakeholders in a practical, visual environment. 23 7/26/2016 STAT Objectives 24 • Create an intuitive environment that requires little adaptation. • Provide relevant visuals to reflect stakeholder information and relational status. • Implement flexible yet effective analysis algorithms. • Keep records of known stakeholders. • Allow the ability to export stakeholder data. 7/26/2016 How Will STAT Work? 25 7/26/2016 Major Functional Component Diagram Nice, simple standalone program 26 7/26/2016 STAT Data Flow STAT will eliminate the need to manually draw stakeholder analysis diagrams. Analyzing and tracking stakeholder information is also simple for the user. 27 7/26/2016 Individual Stakeholder Diagrams Venn Diagram: Classifies stakeholders based on 3 factors: • Power • Legitimacy • Urgency Classification vs. Attitude Matrix Set of recommended actions dealing with stakeholders based on classification and attitude. 28 7/26/2016 Overall Stakeholder Analysis Diagram The Big Picture An overall view of the stakeholders involved in the project and their relationships with one another. From this data, the most important stakeholders can be identified and placed in a prioritized list. 29 7/26/2016 Top Stakeholder Listing Analysis Result Once analysis is complete, STAT will return an interactive, exportable list based on the three factors that comprise each stakeholder’s importance. Every name in the list is clickable for further information. The list is dynamic and will change as stakeholder attributes change during the project duration. 30 7/26/2016 Exploring Existing Stakeholder Software 31 7/26/2016 STAT is Analysis Software STAT provides the user with a simple, consistent, and mathematically precise way to identify and prioritize potential stakeholders based on the research of NCSoSE. 32 7/26/2016 STAT is not a stakeholder management tool. • • • • • • 33 STAT is not a Customer Relationship Management tool. STAT does not track interactions or communications. STAT does not send out surveys. STAT does not track complaints. STAT does not set up meetings. STAT does not track issues. 7/26/2016 Stakeholder Software Examples • • 34 Analysis Tools Stakeholder Circle STAT Management Tools • Darzin • Enablon SRM • StakeTracker • Vuelio • Jurat Software Software Competition Diagram 35 7/26/2016 Stakeholder Map Comparison Stakeholder Circle STAT SH name SH name SH name SH name SH name SH name SH name Stakeholder name Which output would you prefer? 36 Benefits of the STAT Solution • Iterative graphical representations aid understandability. • Built in algorithms automatically prioritize important stakeholders. • STAT provides a simple, intuitive environment. • 37 7/26/2016 Stakeholders are saved locally in a Database for future use. When you need the information… You need it STAT 38 References PowerPoint theme by PresenterMedia.com ‘Stakeholders in Systems Problems’, Int J. Hester P, Bradley J.M, Adams K MacG. System of Systems Engineering Vol x, Nos. y, pp. ##-## [1] BuisinessDictionary.com http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/stakeholder.html [2] ‘Stockholders and Stakeholders: A new perspective on Corporate Governance’ Freeman, R. Edward; Reed, David L. California Management Review, Spring83, Vol. 25 Issue 3, p88-106. [3] Morgan, Carol-Ann. N.p.. Web. 20 Feb 2013. <http://www.b2binternational.com/publications/whitepapers/stakeholder-consultation/>. 39 7/26/2016 Thank you for your attention Questions? 40 7/26/2016