Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation John Casey Marr Old Dominion University

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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
John Casey Marr
Old Dominion University
Professor Brunelle
Profession Workforce Development II
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Defensive Driver Product Description ......................................................................................... 4
2.1 Key Product Features and Capabilities .............................................................................................. 4
2.2 Major Components (Hardware/Software) .......................................................................................... 7
2.3 Target Market/Customer Base ......................................................................................................... 11
3 Defensive Driver Prototype Description .................................................................................... 12
3.1 Prototype Functional Goals and Objectives ...................................................................................... 13
3.2 Prototype Architecture (Hardware/Software) .................................................................................. 15
3.3 Prototype Features and Capabilities ................................................................................................. 16
3.4 Prototype Development Issues ......................................................................................................... 19
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Real-World Product Device Logic……………………………………………………………………………….…6
Figure 2 Real-World Input Output Processing…………………………………………………………………………….7
Figure 3 Real-World Product Major Functional Component Diagram………………………………………...8
Figure 4 Prototype Major Functional Component Diagram ….………………………………………………...16
Figure 5 Prototype Process Flow ……………………………………….……………………………………………..…....17
Figure 6 Prototype Device Logic ………………………………………………………………………………………………18
Table of Charts
Chart 1 Real-World Product and Prototype Comparison………………………………………………………….13
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
1 Introduction
In order to help train safer drivers Sentinel inc. has designed the Defensive Driver. The
reason behind this development is to help decrease the rate of traffic accidents caused by poor
driving habits. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 25,576
people died in traffic crashes during the first three-quarters of 2009 (NHTSA 2010). The deaths
that occurred during 2009 are a byproduct of unsafe driving habits that have gone without
monitoring and correction.
Deaths that occur in traffic accidents commonly occur from neglecting to follow simple,
safe driving practices. Examples of safe driving practices include: obeying stop signs and speed
limits, wearing seat belts, and maintaining a safe driving distance. Simple use of a seat belt has
saved an estimated 15,147 lives of those five years of age and older in the year 2007 alone
(NHTSA, 2009). When safe driving habits are neglected, they are only caught through accidents
and citations.
The problem with the current method of detecting unsafe drivers involves modifying
unsafe driving behaviors. When a driver is found to be unsafe, they are required to attend a
Driver Correction School. At Driver Correction Schools, a Driver is given written exams and
watches instructional videos. For a school that is designed to instruct safer driving habits, a
Driver is never given behind the wheel corrective training. The lack of physical training and
observation creates an issue of whether or not a driver corrected unsafe driving habits. Forming
good driving habits and preventing the creation of bad driving habits must start from the
beginning of Driver instruction.
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Driver’s Education fails to provide monitoring of new Motorists and their habits. New
Drivers are unaccustomed to having to pay attention to their speed, stop signs, and other drivers.
When new Motorists are in behind the wheel Driver’s Education, they have an instructor to assist
them in paying attention. Although an Instructor is with them, the Instructor’s attention will be
divided among the other students as well. After completing a Driver Education course, a
Motorist no longer has the influence of an instructor to follow proper habits. Through time, bad
driving behaviors evolve from impatience and lack of accountability.
Property damages and loss of life are key issues that arise from unsafe driving habits.
Unsafe driving behaviors result in traffic accidents. Traffic accidents involve property damage,
loss of life, and an increase in Insurance rates. Through use of the Defensive Driver, Driver
Education Schools and Insurance Companies could help to reduce the frequency of unsafe
drivers. Driver Education programs shall be able to record how safe of a driver their students
are, and demonstrate a good track record to future customers. Insurance Companies that use the
Defensive Driver will be able to instruct their clients in safer driving practices, which will help to
keep insurance rates down.
2 Defensive Driver Product Description
The Defensive Driver product is the first monitoring and analysis device built for
identifying Good Drivers. Through use of Driver authentication, the Defensive Driver will
record Driver histories and securely identify the Driver behind the wheel. This will be
accomplished through achieving objectives with use of the Defensive Driver’s key components
and features (Figure 1 and 2).
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
2.1 Key Product Features and Capabilities
The Defensive Driver is a Real Time Monitoring and Driver Analysis/Profiling tool. The
Defensive Driver is capable of monitoring and recording seat belt usage, following distance,
speed, stop sign running, erratic lane changes and improper turns. Not only will the Defensive
Driver monitor driving behaviors, but it will alert the Driver of their mistakes. Through use of
the Defensive Driver On-Board Unit (OBU), the Driver will have their unsafe habits recorded.
Knowing that the OBU will alert and record the Driver’s mistakes shall incline the Driver to take
measures to prevent themselves from operating their vehicle in an unsafe manner.
Driver Profiling and Analysis is another key feature of the Defensive Driver. Using the
Driver’s fingerprint as an identification key, the Defensive Driver will maintain a Driver specific
event history. Through recording a Driver’s history with the OBU, a timeline of event alerts and
improvement is created. In time, a Driver may show improvement by causing fewer alerts and
events to be generated by the OBU. Additionally, a Driver can be recognized as a Good Driver
by reducing their incidents of bad driving known as the Good Driver Threshold. As not any one
person is perfect, a Good Driver will be one who demonstrates a tendency to avoid unsafe
driving habits. The Good Driver Threshold will be determined with Driver’s history and the
types of events and alerts they have generated.
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Figure 1 Real-World Product Device Logic
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
2.2 Major Components (Hardware/Software)
The Major Functional Components of the Defensive Driver will include sensors,
memory, processing, and display. As seen in Figure 3, the Defensive Driver will connect to the
On Board Diagnostics (O.B.D. II) of a post-1996 produced vehicle. The OBD II will allow
access to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) of the Driver’s vehicle. An accelerometer will be
included in order to determine whether a vehicle is making erratic turns and lane changes. In
order to determine the location of the Driver’s vehicle for determining stop sign locations and
speed limit infractions, the Defensive Driver will include a Global Positioning System receiver.
Additionally, the Defensive Driver shall include a distance sensor in order to determine whether
the Driver is following the car ahead of them too closely.
Included in the Defensive Driver is a Central Processing Unit (CPU), internal and
external memory to handle program functions. An internal memory system will be updated with
the latest Speed Limit and Stop Sign Databases, while the external memory will be used for
housing the Driver Profiling and History logs. The Speed Limit and Stop Sign Database updates
will occur through use of the external memory card when connected to the Client Software.
Additionally, the Touch Screen Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) will be used for displaying audio
alerts to the driver in cases of improper driving events.
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Figure 2 Real World Product Input Output
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
The Defensive Driver will utilize its sensors along with an internal copy of the
Department of Transportation’s (DOT) databases on Speed Limit and Stop Sign locations to
determine Driver performance. Event detection algorithms will use sensor and database inputs in
order to determine if the Driver is performing a bad driving habit. If such an event occurs, the
event will be stored on the external memory and the Client Software will perform analysis and
historical data storage. Besides being a method of updating a Driver’s history, the external
memory card will store an updated version of the Stop Sign and Speed Limit databases. The
Stop Sign and Speed Limit Database will be updated on the memory card through use of the
Client Software. The Defensive Driver will include software for generating reports and
managing Drivers. The Client Software shall enable an instructor to update Driver profiles with
use of the Secure Digital Memory Card (SD Card) from the OBU. With updated Driver
histories, the Client Software will generate reports on Driver Alerts and designate whether a
Driver is becoming a Good Driver. Additionally, the instructor may decide to remove a Driver
from the SD Card and they will no longer have access to the OBU. If the instructor wishes to
add a new Driver to the SD Card, they will use the Finger Print Scanner and Touch Screen
display on the OBU to add the new driver along with their biometrics. The use of the Finger
Print Scanner allows for identification of Drivers for event logging and Driver Authentication.
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Figure 3 Real World Project Major Functional Component Diagram
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
2.3 Target Market/Customer Base
The Defensive Driver is created with Driver Education Schools and Insurance Companies
in mind. Driver Education Schools include private and public driving schools and Driver
Improvement Clinics, which are attended by Drivers ordered to attend classes by the court
system. The Defensive Driver provides Driver Education Schools the ability to monitor student
driving errors and improvement. By providing a better service through use of the Defensive
Driver, Driver Education Schools could better market themselves to future customers. Using the
benefits of the Defensive Driver to advertise the marked performance of students from their
school, Driver Education Schools could attract more customers while producing safe drivers.
Insurance Companies often offer their customers discounts if they demonstrate good
driving habits or take courses to improve their driving (Cars Direct). The Defensive Driver
would be a tool that Insurance Companies could use to determine their customers’ driving habits.
With safer drivers and less frequent accidents, the Insurance Company would be capable of
charging each driver less and being more desirable to new customers. An additional method of
use for the Defensive Driver would be to test prospective clients. If they do not perform to the
Insurance Company’s standards, the high risk driver will not be insured.
3 Defensive Driver Prototype Description
In order to develop a viable Real World Product, the Defensive Driver will be prototyped.
Through prototyping, Sentinel, Inc. will test Algorithm functionality, develop a Good Driver
Algorithm, and create documentation of its development. The algorithms and components of the
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Defensive Driver prototype and Real World Product will have similarities and differences (See
Table 1).
3.1 Prototype Functional Goals and Objectives
The goals of the Defensive Driver Prototype are to develop a base starting point for Real
World Product. Development of Algorithms, testing for Software and Hardware issues, and
ascertain any potential additions that may be made to the product will be performed during
prototyping. As a goal, the prototype shall provide data used for determining real-time
monitoring speed. Through development of event algorithms in the prototype stage, Sentinel
Inc. will be able to determine the speed in which the Defensive Driver can acquire, process, and
store real time data. The prototype will additionally include the historical data storage and Good
Driver analysis Algorithm. Able to store past records and analyze Driver event logs, the
Prototype will judge the effectiveness of the Good Driver Algorithm. In order to develop a
working real world product, the prototype will be developed to be as close as the desired real
world product as possible. By keeping to a Real World Product design, the ease of use can be
measured and improved upon in development. Additionally, with creation of a test harness
detection of where False Positives arise will assist in mitigating that particular risk.
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Chart 1 Real-World Product and Prototype Comparison
Final Product
Real-time monitoring
Real-time sensor data correlation when
vehicle is in motion
Simulated sensor data correlation with preloaded inputs
Driver Analysis/Driver Profiling
Fully Functional
Final Product
On-board Unit (OBU) embedded receiver
External receiver with USB interface
Fingerprint reader
Embedded in OBU
Laptop component
OBU component
Not in prototype
Distance Sensor
OBU component
External sensor with USB interface
LCD Touchscreen
OBU Display component
Laptop display
OBU Interface
Simulated database input
Flash and SD Memory
OBU internal/external memory
Laptop memory
Audio Speakers
OBU component
Laptop speakers
Final Product
OBU Speed Limit Database
Microsoft Access database to be provided
Database of sample speed limit data for a
limited geographic location
OBU Stop Sign Database
Microsoft Access database to be provided
Database of sample stop sign data for a
limited geographic location
Erratic Lane Change Algorithm
Data Processing Module component
Not in prototype
Failure To Use Headlights Algorithm
Data Processing Module component
Not in prototype
Improper Turns Algorithm
Data Processing Module component
Not in prototype
GPS Coordinates
Lat/Long obtained by embedded GPS
Lat/Long obtained by external GPS receiver
Following Too Close Algorithm
Seat Belt Usage Algorithm
Fully Functional
Speeding Algorithm
Stop Sign Algorithm
Client Software
Final Product
Speed Limit Database
Microsoft Access database to be provided
Database of sample speed limit data for a
limited geographic location
Stop Sign Database
Microsoft Access database to be provided
Database of sample stop sign data for a
limited geographic location
Data Synchronization
Analysis Software
Fully Functional
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
3.2 Prototype Architecture (Hardware/Software)
The Prototype will not have certain capabilities and features that will be present in the
Real World Product (Refer to Table 1). Algorithms and hardware components will be missing
from the prototype that will be seen as future development occurs. The erratic lane change
algorithm, along with its required accelerometer, will be absent from the Defensive Driver
Prototype. Further research will be required in order to solidify the algorithm for determining
erratic lane changes before implementation. The determination of improper turning and lack of
headlight usage will also be postponed for real world product development. Seatbelt usage is
implemented in the prototype and requires OBD II data input. It is assumed that since the
seatbelt Algorithm uses OBD II input, that other OBD II input Algorithms will be feasible.
Figure 4 Prototype Major Functional Components Diagram
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
The test harness for the Prototype will differ from the Real World Product’s functionality.
As Sentinel Inc. is unable to afford utilizing a vehicle for the Prototype testing, a laptop will
simulate the vehicle (Figure 6). In addition, the display, fingerprint scanner, Client Software and
OBU will be simulated through use of the laptop. As the laptop incorporates the same
programming environment as the OBU and Client Software will be operating on, the algorithms
developed in prototyping may be transferred to the Real World Product. The OBD II data will
also be simulated in the Prototype through use of a flat file. Databases including Stop Sign and
Speed Limit locations will be developed for further the Real World Product. The data needed for
the Stop Sign and Speed Limit Databases will be acquired through the Department of
Transportation. Databases will include area specific data provided by the Virginia Department
of Transportation (VDOT) to be used by the Prototype harness. These datasets will be compared
to a Driver’s actual location through use of the Global Positioning System receiver for use in the
OBU Algorithms.
3.3 Prototype Features and Capabilities
The Prototype will be developed in order to mitigate risks, develop algorithms, and
improve the design model for future Real World Product. In order to prevent false positives and
negatives, the Defensive Driver Algorithms will be developed with precision in mind. Through
rigorous testing, the algorithms for defining event alerts, and when a driver is considered a Good
Driver or not will be refined. In order to determine the speed of the Real Time monitoring
capabilities of the Defensive Driver, testing of functional speed will be required in prototyping.
By determining how fast the algorithms can process input, react to input and store historical data,
Sentinel Inc. will establish the precision and speed of its Real-Time monitoring software.
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
The historical data analysis and Good Driver determination will also be included in the
Prototype. A definition of what a Good Driver threshold should be will be determined through
analysis of risks. If running a stop sign creates a greater risk of life and property loss than
speeding, a greater weight will be put upon Stop Sign Alerts than that of Speeding. If a Driver
commits several small mistakes, they may have a higher probability of finding themselves in an
accident than a Driver that has a single moderate driving mistake. Through testing and research,
along with continuing development in the Real World Product, a Good Driver Threshold will be
established. With the historical record and determination of a Good Driver, a reporting system
will also be created. The purpose of creating the reporting system is to show Driver
improvement. Creation of the reporting system in the Prototype will allow more focus on
aesthetics in future design.
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Figure 5 Prototype Process Flow
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
3.4 Prototype Development Issues
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Prototype development will involve challenges in interacting with new technologies,
designing precise algorithms for Driver monitoring and analysis, and developing proper
software-hardware interfaces. Sentinel Inc. members will be required to develop knowledge in
OBD II, GPS, and Finger Print Scanner technologies. In addition to hardware, Sentinel Inc.
members will need to develop a strong knowledge of parallel programming skills. Designing
Hardware and Software interfaces will be a development challenge for creation of the prototype.
In addition to software, hardware, and interface challenges, precision challenges will be
an issue in prototype design. Designing algorithms in which false positives and negatives are
reduced in event alerts will be a challenge. Through use of the Device Logic (Figure 5) and
Process Flow (Figure 4) an understanding of algorithm concept can be better demonstrated.
Additionally, determining what a Good Driver consists of will be a challenge. Taking an
ambiguous term of “Good Driver” and developing a method in which to scientifically predict a
safe Driver will require research, testing, and additional analysis.
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Figure 6 Prototype Device Logic
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Accelerometer: Sensor that monitors force created through motion.
Alerts and Logs Database: Data storage for events generated through Driver actions.
Algorithm: A method for solving a problem.
Central Processing Unit (CPU): Device to perform machine level calculations.
Client Software: Software designed for management and reporting of Drivers using the
Defensive Driver On-Board Unit.
Defensive Driver: Product package including the On-Board Unit and Client Software.
Defensive Driver Prototype: Development model of the Defensive Driver created in order to
prove and improve initial concept.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): Organization which issues Driver Permits and
Driver: A Person that uses the Defensive Driver unit while driving a vehicle.
Engine Control Unit (ECU): Device which monitors variable engine data such as rotations per
Events Database: Data storage used to log occurrences of bad driving detection.
Fingerprint Reader: Biometric used to authorize users via scanning of a Driver’s fingerprint.
Flash Memory: Memory that may be rewritten multiple times.
Global Positioning System (GPS): Collection of satellites used in determining relative position
upon the Earth.
Graphical User Interface (GUI): Displays such as the Log-In screen and Reporting Screens
that are viewed by users to manipulate the Defensive Driver’s programs.
Hard Drive: Storage device for machine data.
Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD): Type of visual monitor.
Major Functional Component Diagram (MFCD): Visual used to convey key pieces of
technology required for a product’s design.
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA): Administration which
monitors traffic accident trends and safety measures to prevent said accidents.
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD-II): Interface for ascertaining ECU data.
On-Board Unit (OBU): Defensive Driver product that is placed inside of the vehicle, includes
all but the Client Software.
Random Access Memory (RAM): Data storage used for higher performance.
Secure Digital Memory (SD Card): Data storage device commonly used to portably store
Speed Limit Database: Listing of Speed Limits and their locations.
Stop Sign Database: Listing of Stop Signs and their locations.
Test Harness: Simulator for debugging and demonstrating functionality of the prototype.
Touch Screen: Display screen that allows user input through various touch lines on the display
surface, used to save space by removing the requirement of a keyboard and mouse for user input.
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT): Department in charge of maintaining roads,
stop signs, and speed limit sign locations.
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Lab 1 Defensive Driver Product Documentation
Cars Direct (Page Accessed February 2010), “Common Insurance Discounts”
Retrieved from
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (January 2010), “Traffic Safety Facts”
Retrieved from
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (December 2009), “Lives Saved FAQ”
Retrieved from