1 Running head: LAB 1 – ELDERS DESCRIPTION

Running head:
Lab 1 – ELDERS Product Description
Team Purple
Josh Fetherolf
Janet Brunelle
March 18, 2013
Version 2
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................... 5
Key Product Features and Capabilities ............................................................................ 5
IDENTIFICATION OF CASE STUDY.................................................................................. 8
PRODUCT PROTOTYPE DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 10
Prototype Architecture (Hardware/Software) ................................................................ 10
Prototype Features and Capabilities ............................................................................... 12
Prototype Development Challenges ............................................................................... 12
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................. 14
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 15
List of Figures
Figure 1. Major Functional Component Diagram........................................................................... 7
Figure 2 Major Functional Component Diagram.......................................................................... 11
An endangered language is one that is at risk of being lost as speakers either die or adapt
to a new language. There are thousands of languages around the world and experts speculate
that half of them are in danger of becoming extinct within the next century (The Week Staff,
2012). Language is critical to the speaker’s culture and in losing one, that culture is also being
The Nottoway Tribe of Virginia, local to the Tidewater area, has a language that is
currently classified as endangered. In 1650, early documentation of the tribe notes that there
were only four to five hundred Nottoway people. This is a comparably small number of
Nottoway speakers to begin with. The tribe was further challenged by forced relocation due to
hostile tribes. Additionally, early in the 19th century, it was dangerous to identify as Native
American. This caused many individuals to hide their ancestry for personal safety and is
possibly when the language started to disintegrate (Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia, 2011).
Today, there are many tribal members cooperating and assisting with the project to help build the
database of words.
There are a few language revival systems existing in the market today, such as Rosetta
Stone, FieldWorks Language Explorer, and First Voices. The intention of these programs is to
encourage the use of languages that may be not as commonly spoken, or to teach commonly
spoken languages to new learners. These are instrumental in reviving languages to prevent them
from going out of use. As long as these documentation programs exist, the language will not
become endangered.
Revival systems are commonly made up of a database that includes all the words and
definitions that are known and documented, including pronunciations, syllables, sentence
structure, and other grammatical tips associated with the words. There are several problem
characteristics that revival systems encounter. Lack of documentation can occur when a
language is endangered due to a low number of speakers or an elderly population. Additionally,
older languages may not be written down or recorded in a manner that revival systems can use.
Endangered languages can eventually die off if the tools are not accessible, or in other words, a
lack of professional assistance to help record the words. Some endangered languages do not
have an alphabet, which makes recording the words impossible. The best solution for this is to
use a similar language that has an existing alphabet that can be shared. Another problem that
arises with endangered languages is when ambiguous words are used. There may be multiple
and interpretive meanings, or a difficulty in translating to English or the accepted language.
There are a few key solution characteristics for a revival system to be accepted and used.
The system should be versatile and able to be used anywhere the user requires it. It should be
educational in its execution so that the user is learning the language correctly. It would be
helpful if the system is free and available to anyone who wants to utilize it. The system should
be efficient in attaining the maximum desired effect without overwhelming the user with
information. Finally, the system needs to be well documented in its sources to provide a useful
database. The community of the language should be involved to assist with documentation.
Endangered Languages Documentation Extension and Revival System (ELDERS) is a
product being developed to assist in restoring the Nottoway language. ELDERS is a web
application that users can access to learn about the Nottoway tribe history, language, games, and
access a dictionary of words belonging to the Nottoway. ELDERS has been designed using the
Nottoway as a prototype but the concept can be used for any language. When a language
becomes extinct, it can have a devastating effect on the culture. Any society can use the
ELDERS web application to restore their language just as the Nottoway are restoring theirs.
The main focus of ELDERS will be storing, expanding, and assisting in teaching the
language. The product is designed to provide the tools needed to teach the language as well as
the history of the community who speak it. A website will be used as the main interface to help
with navigating ELDERS, with the intention that this will enable easier access. The same
information can be conveyed through physical documents, but the website will be more versatile
and efficient. The product is reliant on input from the community, as they will be encouraging
the use of the product as well as facilitating the expansion of the language. This suggested words
by the community will be stored in an online database.
Key Product Features and Capabilities
Any community will be able to take their endangered language and enter it into
ELDERS. In doing so, a record of the original language will be created. It is then stored in
dictionary format, preserving the language for future generations. In addition to this original
language dictionary, a second one will be created. The purpose of the secondary dictionary is to
help the community expand and grow their endangered language. The secondary dictionary will
be a duplicate of the original but with the added feature of being modifiable. A committee,
selected by the community, will be able to modify the secondary dictionary. The elected council
as a whole will vote on new additions. The product has also been designed with a feature to
remove words from the secondary dictionary should the need ever arise. In addition to storing
and expanding the endangered language, ELDERS is an educational tool. For those trying to
learn the endangered language, there will be a section containing educational games, history
lessons, and standard language lessons all designed to help maximize learning of the language.
Communication is another key feature of the product. There is no expectation of growing
and expanding an endangered language without communication between the speakers. ELDERS
will provide members of the community with a forum to communicate with each other, which
will help to promote usage of the language. Users will have access to a message board essential
to providing a venue for use of the language and to give value to the words by using them in
conversation. Through communication on the message board or in forums, discussion should
promote new words that can eventually be added to the dictionary.
Major Components (Hardware/Software)
ELDERS uses several open source software components that are collectively known as a LAMP
stack: Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, and PHP, Perl, or Python. Ubuntu, the Linux
Operating System, will be used to access the ELDERS server. The Ubuntu 12.04 distribution
will be used because it is the latest stable release. Maintenance will be guaranteed for at least
five years. The web server will be Apache, which will easily support language interfaces such as
PHP, Perl, and Python. PHP is used as a worldwide scripting language, but ELDERS will be
using Python because this will be unique and suitable for the development of the website.
MySQL will be the database management system. A database contains two tables, one for the
original language dictionary and the other for the secondary, modifiable dictionary. The
database will also store the language’s alphabet. Each of these components is provided as up-todate packages within Ubuntu and offer user-friendly interfaces.
Figure 1. Major Functional Component Diagram
The product is made up of two major functional hardware components: a client and a
server. The client hardware can be any device with a web browser. For the mobile devices, an
application will be developed. However, as long as a device has a web browser, the content will
still be accessible. The server hardware will be outsourced to a hosting service. It is currently
being hosted on an ODU Computer Science departmental machine. In the future, it may move to
a different host. The minimal projected specifications are two to four gigabytes of RAM and at
least 20 gigabytes of hard drive space.
To access ELDERS, one must become a registered user to varying levels of information
based on the registration type. Once registered, the users are entered into the appropriate
permissions group based on their relationship to the community. These groups are established to
control access and limit the roles of certain users. The website administrators have full back-end
access. Other groups will be established for modifying the secondary dictionary or simply
viewing the website with no modification rights. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) can be used if the community prefers privacy rather than having their site open to the
public. LDAP can be used not only for authentication but also allow for user provisioning, such
as splitting into different groups.
The web application is the revival system of ELDERS. The user will be able to view the
alphabet and both dictionaries belonging to the community. The user will also be able to view
historical background of the language speakers so as to educate themselves on the community.
There will be simple games and videos as educational tools. For example, a game being
developed is a matching game where the player builds words by lining up the correct word
fragments. Users may also participate in message boards and forums to introduce words to the
language which will then be voted on for addition to the secondary dictionary. If any changes
are made, registered users are notified via email.
The revitalization of endangered languages has used the Nottoway language as a case
study. Our group has worked closely with the Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia as well as with
Professor Jay Morris. He first learned about the Nottoway as he was studying Cherokee. He
came up with the idea to help the Nottoway restore their extinct language. He has spent years
working closely with the leaders of the tribe, which allows us to have a better understanding of
the community’s expectations for the product.
Jay Morris, currently a Computer Science professor at Old Dominion University, earned
his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Missouri in 1983 and his Masters Degrees in
Philosophy and Mechanical Engineering from Yale. His interest with American Indians
originated with his own Cherokeean heritage. He has worked closely with the Nottoway
community in recent years and has held the honorable title of “State Plan Chief” for the past two
years. The Nottoway community has been involved in the project through Professor Morris,
providing necessary specifications and ideas.
Recorded history for the Nottoway Indians began in 1650 with Edward Bland, an
explorer. Bland wrote in his journal of his first meeting with a Nottoway tribe, and recorded the
population of the tribe to be only about four to five hundred. In 1681, the tribe was located in
what is today Sussex County but they were threatened by hostile tribes and forced to relocate.
(Parramore, 1978, p. 1-5). The majority of the tribe moved to today’s Surry County, but it is
believed that some moved north and established a tribe in New Jersey.
Nearly a century and a half later, Thomas Jefferson “entertained the possibility, even the
hope, that over time Native Americans could be Christianized, civilized, and ultimately
assimilated into white society” (Peterson, 1986, p. 69). Jefferson requested documentation of the
Nottoway language “and retained a fascination with American Indians” (p. 69). Because of his
request, two hundred and fifty words were recorded in Jefferson’s vain attempt to determine if
the Native Americans, in fact, migrated from Asia (p. 168). This expedition also relayed the
information that there were only three remaining Nottoway speakers. The language was declared
extinct by the end of the 19th century.
Today, there are two Nottoway tribes recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia: the
Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia and the Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe. The
Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia is located in Surry County and the Cheroenhaka (Nottoway)
Indian Tribe is located in Southampton County. The tribe being studied for the prototype of
ELDERS, the Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia, has only around 200 members remaining, none
of which are able to speak their own language (Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia, 2011).
The prototype of the product is being designed in the form of a user friendly website. It
will focus on the Nottoway language as it currently exists and will document and archive the
words recorded at Jefferson’s request. It will also allow for language expansion by way of new
words being added by the community. As soon as the Council or Committee agrees upon a new
word, it is entered into the database and is now documented. Features will also include cultural
information to educate the user about Nottoway history. Professor Morris has provided the
cultural information from his extensive study of the Nottoway and this will be displayed as its
own page within the website.
Community participation is important, but so are the access and restrictions for the
prototype. Restrictions are needed to protect the privacy of the community and allow that only
the committee members have the ability to add or modify the dictionary. There will be levels of
access including website Administrators (back-end full access), Council members (front-end full
access), Tribal members (viewing and submission rights), Non-Nottoway registered users (access
to educational features and notification of changes), and guests to the website. When Tribal
members submit a word for approval by the Council members, the features of the dictionary
allow for recording and displaying of the new addition.
Prototype Architecture (Hardware/Software)
The prototype architecture is a virtual machine, which is a software implementation of a
computer that executes programs as if a physical machine. The prototype virtual machine hosts
the Apache server and MySQL database. This works by the administrators logging into the
virtual machine by opening a remote desktop client and entering the IP address. From there, our
user interface for the virtual machine is accessible for database management.
Figure 2 Major Functional Component Diagram
The LAMP stack (Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, and Python) will be required
because the components are still necessary for the interface. Linux is the operating system,
Apache is the web server, MySQL is the database management system, and Python is the
scripting language. All of these features are necessary to create a user-friendly web application.
The two algorithms in use will be for voting and searching. A new word that gets
submitted will first be searched through the database to see if it already exists. The voting
algorithm is initiated by a word being submitted by either a Tribal or Council member user.
Once the word has made it to the suggested word list, the Council members must approve the
word. If the suggested word gets the majority of votes and is accepted, it is then submitted on
the web application into the new dictionary table on the Nottoway database. Then, once a new
instance of a word is in the table, a notification is sent to the website’s registered users. If the
word does not get accepted, the word is dropped from the suggested voting pool.
Prototype Features and Capabilities
The prototype’s web application begins with registration, which is what distinguishes the
access level for the user. In order to register, the user must visit the webpage and click the
option to register as a new user. From there, there will be a process of determining which level
access they will need. Once registered at any level (Council member to non-Nottoway), the user
has access to the features of the website. One of those features is to learn about the history of the
community and another is to play simple games as an educational tool. There is a simple
dictionary search available to the users that will eventually expand into the secondary dictionary
comprised of new, accepted words by the Council. The website will also include a forum for
maintaining communication and for users to remain knowledgeable about new features or words
being added.
In remembering that the main purpose of the product is language learning and expansion,
the dictionaries are a major feature. The old dictionary will be static and comprised only of the
original two hundred and fifty words recorded nearly two centuries ago. The new dictionary will
be dynamic and modifiable, containing words that are being used in the 21st century. A critical
aspect of the new dictionary is expansion of the Nottoway language, which will expand when
Tribal members provide suggested words to be added to the new dictionary. The Council
members will vote, as written about earlier, and if approved, new words will be entered. As the
new words are accepted, notifications are sent out to all registered users of ELDERS.
Prototype Development Challenges
Developing a new web application for an endangered language poses a number of
challenges. Administrators have a lot of responsibility in updating and maintaining the back-end
features of the database, scripting, and permission groups, but also in ensuring the front-end
access remains user friendly. This challenge can be dealt with best by providing adequate
training for any person who may become an administrator. Another challenge facing ELDERS
is the need for offline accessibility and allowing for exportable content will mitigate this.
Testing will post another challenge, and starting the testing process early will be crucial. This
will allow for adequate time to fix all bugs to be identified and fixed. Customer feedback will be
important throughout the process of implementing this product, and frequent contact and
communication through Professor Morris will be helpful. This way, administrators can stay on
top of any issues that may arise between the community and the product execution. One of the
more complicated issues that may be a challenge is proper word association and grammar of the
Nottoway language. This will be dealt with by using Professor Morris’ established conjugation
program, as well as his documentation and vast knowledge of the Nottoway language as it exists
so far.
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Apache HTTP Server: commonly referred to as Apache, a web server software.
IP: Internet Protocol.
LAMP: a platform consisting of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Perl/PHP/Python.
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol; an application protocol for accessing and
maintaining distributed directory information services over an IP network.
Linux: an open source computer operating system.
LTS: Long Term Support; a software release with longer support length than other releases.
MySQL: an open source multi-user database management system
ODU: Old Dominion University, Norfolk Virginia.
PHP: a server-side programming language designed for building dynamic Web pages.
Python: a general-purpose, high-level programming language.
Ubuntu: an open source computer operating system with a user interface.
Virtual machine: a simulation of a machine (abstract or real) that is usually different from the
target machine.
Lewis, J. D. (2007). Carolana Explorers – Edward Bland. Carolana. Retrieved on November
13, 2012, from http://www.carolana.com/Carolina/Explorers/edwardbland.html
Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia (2011). History. Nottoway Indians. Retrieved October 8,
2012, from www.nottowayindians.org.
Parramore, T.C. (1978). In Southampton County, Virginia (pp. 1-5). Charlottesville, VA: UP of
Peterson, M.D. (1986). In Thomas Jefferson: A Reference Biography (pp. 69, 168). United
States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
The Week Staff (2012, June 22). Google’s next mission: Save dying languages – The Week.
The Week Magazine: Political News and Cartoons, Current Events and Entertainment
Online. Retrieved October 8, 2012, from