Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 1 Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure Ashley Casper CS 411W Professor Janet Brunelle 13 April 2009 Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 2 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................ 3 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 4 TEST PLAN............................................................................................................ 4 3.1 Testing Approach ....................................................................................... 5 3.2 Identification of Tests ................................................................................ 6 3.3 Test Schedule ............................................................................................. 6 3.4 Fault Reporting and Data Recording ......................................................... 7 3.5 Resource Requirements ............................................................................. 7 3.6 Test Environment ....................................................................................... 8 TEST RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................. 9 TEST PROCEDURES ........................................................................................... 9 5.1 Test Case Names and Identifiers ................................................................ 9 TRACEABILITY TO REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 18 List of Figures Figure 3-1. AIR Tracker Prototype Major Functional Component Diagram ................ 5 Figure 3-2. E&CS 3316 Conference Room Layout ...................................................... 8 List of Tables Table 3-1. AIR Tracker prototype test cases .................................................................. 6 Table 3-2. AIR Tracker prototype demonstration schedule............................................ 7 Table 5-1. RuBee Input Processing Functionality Table ................................................ 10 Table 5-2. RuBee Reader Processing Performance Table .............................................. 10 Table 5-3. AIR Tracker and Airport Database Functionality Table .............................. 11 Table 5-4. AIR Tracker and Airport Database Integrity Table ....................................... 11 Table 5-5. MySQL Database Software Performance Table ........................................... 12 Table 5-6. Routing Simulation Creation Functionality Table ........................................ 13 Table 5-7. Routing Simulation Functionality Table ....................................................... 14 Table 5-8. Alert Generator-to-Database Interface Functionality Table ......................... 15 Table 5-9. AIR Tracker Alert Generator Functionality (Internal) Table ....................... 15 Table 5-10. AIR Tracker Alert Generator Functionality (External) Table .................... 16 Table 5-11. Alert Generator-to-Handheld Alert System Interface Functionality Table . 17 Table 5-12. Handheld Alert System GUI Functionality Table ...................................... 17 Table 5-13. Historical Reports of Alerts Functionality Table ....................................... 18 Table 6-1. Traceability matrix for the AIR Tracker prototype ...................................... 19 Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 3 Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure 1 OBJECTIVES Automated and Intelligent Reporting (AIR) Tracker, AIR Tracker, Inc.’s proposed product, is a tool to assist airlines by improving their own baggage-handling process and reducing the total number of bags that are mishandled at airports. AIR Tracker seeks to integrate into all systems through a customized installation that will improve baggage handling no matter the size or scope of the airport or problems within that airport. With an innovative ground-level routing process (GRP) that tracks the bags from check-in to flight, cart and gate modules that magnify the attention on the trickiest portion of the process, and a historical data reporting module that alerts baggage handlers to mishandled bags, AIR Tracker is the solution to the ever-present problem of mishandled luggage. The AIR Tracker prototype test plan and procedure document’s purpose is to elaborate on the overall approach and sequence of testing and the specific tests that will be conducted to prove the prototype’s success. The tests will essentially analyze the functionality of the many facets of the AIR Tracker prototype and prove the feasibility of the future real-world product. In order to demonstrate functionality, the prototype test plan and procedure document will focus on several obtainable objectives. The objectives of the AIR Tracker prototype are described by six categories. The first category is the objective of proving RuBee input processing, which will be the process of displaying the RuBee hardware’s interaction with the RuBee Finder software, to include the use of RuBee tags in range of the RuBee scanner. The second objective is summed up in the proving of the functionality of the AIR Tracker and airport databases. Setting up the databases and verifying the integrity of pre-populated data or selected data inserted from one database to Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 4 another is an essential goal of the second objective. The third objective is the confirmation of the routing simulation’s functionality. The simulation’s creation and functionality as a bag-routing system will be proven in order to successfully test the AIR Tracker application. The fourth objective is verification of the alert generator’s functionality. This category includes any and all testing of the algorithms associated with the AIR Tracker application, ensuring that the fifth objective, confirming the handheld alert system’s functionality, can be achieved. The graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are proven to work in this category. Lastly, the sixth objective includes proving the historical reports of alerts functionality, which will display the archival of alerts through the AIR Tracker application. More details of these objectives are described in Section 5.1. 2 REFERENCES Casper, Ashley. (2009). Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description. Virginia Beach, VA: Author. Casper, Ashley. (2009). Lab 2 – AIR Tracker Prototype Product Specification. Virginia Beach, VA: Author. SITA. (2009). Baggage Report 2008. Retrieved October 25, 2008, from SITA Web site: http:// U.S. Department of Transportation. (2009, February). Air Travel Consumer Report. Retrieved February 6, 2009, from U.S. Department of Transportation Web site: .gov/reports/2009/ ebruary/200902atcr.pdf 3 TEST PLAN In order to prove the AIR Tracker prototype’s functionality at all levels, Section 3 will describe the testing plan that will include test types, methods, and resources that will be required. Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 5 The requirements set forth for the prototype will need to be proven in full by at least one test. A schedule for testing and methods for handling data and data faults are also included. 3.1 TESTING APPROACH The AIR Tracker prototype is comprised of both hardware and software, the major functional components of which are shown in Figure 3-1. Prototype functionality will be proven by demonstrating all components successfully pass the test cases described in Section 5.1. Figure 3-1. AIR Tracker Prototype Major Functional Component Diagram All testing will be completed at the component level, ensuring that each functional piece of the AIR Tracker prototype is in working order. Interaction between components may be necessary to ensure proper function, but the component being tested will always be the component to complete the test case. The first category and objective is to ensure that the RuBee hardware will properly function. Through the use of physical tags and a scanner, real data will be generated through the RuBee Finder software. The second category and objective, to prove Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 6 database functionality, will utilize a small amount of artificial data to pre-populate the airport database. Through all other categories and objectives, all AIR Tracker prototype functionality will be proven through the use of simulated data. Using a controlled testing environment, AIR Tracker, Inc. will establish a set of feasible airport scenarios that, combined with the test cases elaborated in Sections 3.2 and 5.1, will satisfactorily prove all functionality of the prototype. 3.2 IDENTIFICATION OF TESTS Test cases have been placed into one of six categories, which are described in Table 31. These test cases may prove one or more functional requirements specified for the AIR Tracker prototype. A more detailed description of each test case can be found in Section 5.1. Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description RuBee Input Processing 5.2 Description RuBee Reader Processing Functionality RuBee Reader Processing Performance AIR Tracker and Airport Database Functionality AIR Tracker and Airport Database Integrity MySQL Database Software Performance Routing Simulation Creation Functionality Routing Simulation Functionality Alert Generator-to-Database Interface Functionality AIR Tracker Alert Generator Functionality (Internal) AIR Tracker Alert Generator Functionality (External) Alert Generator-to-Handheld Alert System Interface Functionality Handheld Alert System GUI Functionality 6.1 Historical Reports of Alerts Functionality Test Case 1.1 1.2 2.1.1 AIR Tracker and 2.1.2 Airport Database Functionality 2.2 3.1 Routing Simulation Functionality 3.2 4.1 Alert Generator 4.2.1 Functionality 4.2.2 Handheld Alert System Functionality Historical Reports of Alerts Functionality 5.1 Table 3-1. AIR Tracker prototype test cases 3.3 TEST SCHEDULE AIR Tracker, Inc. will have forty-five minutes for the prototype demonstration. After a fifteen-minute introduction of the AIR Tracker product and prototype concept, all test cases Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 7 will be tested in accordance with the schedule described in Table 3-2. Minimal set-up and thorough preparation will save time before the demonstration begins, and efficient testing will leave enough time for a fifteen-minute question-and-answer session. Start Time (hours:min) 0:15 0:18 Duration (minutes) 3 3 0:21 0:28 7 7 0:35 0:42 7 3 Test Objective Test Event RuBee reader input processing AIR Tracker and airport database functionality Routing simulation functionality AIR Tracker alert generator functionality Handheld alert system functionality Historical reports of alerts functionality 1.1, 1.2 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2 3.1, 3.2 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 5.1, 5.2 6.1 Table 3-2. AIR Tracker prototype demonstration schedule 3.4 FAULT REPORTING AND DATA RECORDING All recording of data, faulty or proven to be working correctly, will be visually confirmed. Hardware elements in the first category of testing will have results recorded into a text file, to include RuBee tag identification number and a date/time stamp. Fault reporting will include the lack of data recorded into a text file. In all other instances of testing, visual identification of the databases, the terminal window, or the GUIs will provide evidence that the AIR Tracker prototype is working properly. Fault reporting is confirmed through the same; visual identification through a lack of data where data was originally expected will prove that the prototype has failed a test case. 3.5 RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS In order to prove the AIR Tracker prototype’s functionality, both hardware and software resources will be required. Hardware resources to be utilized include a laptop running Windows XP or Vista, RuBee tags, and a RuBee scanner. Software resources to be utilized include RuBee Finder software, two databases created by MySQL database software (v. 5.1), the AIR Tracker Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 8 application, the airport simulation and test harness, and two GUI applications specified in AIR Tracker’s requirements. In order to properly execute all tests, two hardware set-up team members will be required for the RuBee hardware, and one team member will be responsible for assisting the presenter. 3.6 TESTING ENVIRONMENT The AIR Tracker prototype demonstration will take place in the E&CS third-floor conference room on the Old Dominion University campus. The layout of the conference room is shown in Figure 3-2. The required laptop will be connected to the projector and utilize both projector screens. RuBee will be easily connected to the laptop just before the presentation begins, and all required software components will already be installed and ready for use on the laptop. Figure 3-2. E&CS 3316 Conference Room Layout The presentation itself will last forty-five minutes and will require a single presenter and an assistant to ensure that all testing on the laptop is performed properly. The presentation will Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 9 begin in Powerpoint form, created to show feasibility and AIR Tracker’s overall concept for the gathered review panel. All remaining team members will ensure RuBee hardware is working properly and demonstrate any test cases regarding the hardware. 4 TEST RESPONSIBILITIES AIR Tracker, Inc.’s members will be responsible for different aspects of the prototype demonstration. Jeremey Sellen will be the lead presenter responsible for introducing the AIR Tracker product and prototype. Joel Elixson will be assisting by handling all simulation and test issues on the laptop. Neil Monday and Rahil Patel will be responsible for all hardware demonstrations. Ashley Casper will be responsible for presentation organization and aesthetics. 5 TEST PROCEDURES To ensure that all tests are run effectively, Tables 5-1 through 5-13 have been generated. Each table lists the category, the purpose, the actual activity, the expected results, as well as a place to annotate whether the test was successful or not. These should be used in verifying the atomic success of the prototype. 5.1 TEST CASE NAMES AND IDENTIFIERS Tables 5-1 and 5-2 describe the test cases associated with the first category of testing. All specifications regarding hardware have been listed. The expected results, when proven, confirm adherence to the outline specifications and requirements for the AIR Tracker prototype. [This space is intentionally left blank.] Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 10 Test Category ID: 1 Test Case: 1.1 Description: RuBee Reader Processing Functionality Purpose: This test demonstrates correct operability of the RuBee Reader and Finder software Specification: Set-Up RuBee Reader Hardware Specification: Set-Up RuBee Finder Software Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: RuBeeTM demo kit required; RuBeeTM Reader components connected and RuBee Finder software installed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Place each of four RuBee tags Each tag will be seen in the Finder within range of ranger antenna software when in range of the antenna. 2 Remove each of four RuBee tags from the ranger antenna’s field Each tag will not be seen in the Finder software when not in range of the antenna. Table 5-1. RuBee Input Processing Functionality Table Test Category ID: 1 Test Case: 1.2 Description: RuBee Reader Processing Performance Purpose: This test demonstrates the performance of the RuBee Reader and Finder software Specification: 3.2.1 Evaluate performance of the RuBee reader and Finder Software Test Level: Component Test Type: Performance Setup Conditions: Test 1.1 is completed successfully Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Insert all four tags into the The Finder software registers all four RuBee reader’s field tags simultaneously 2 Incrementally move each tag one foot away from the RuBee reader The RuBee reader should no longer register the presence of the tag after six to twelve feet (depending on obstructions) 3 Insert a tag into the RuBee reader’s field and then remove the tag after the Finder software has recognized it The Finder software should show the absence of the tag within five seconds of removal Table 5-2. RuBee Reader Processing Performance Table Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 11 Tables 5-3 through 5-5 describe the test cases associated with the second category of testing. All specifications regarding database software have been listed. The expected results, when proven, confirm adherence to the outline specifications and requirements for the AIR Tracker prototype. Test Category ID: 2 Test Case: 2.1.1 Description: AIR Tracker and Airport Database Functionality Purpose: Ensure that the databases have been properly installed, created, and populated with test entries. Specification: Install MySQL database software and create the AIR Tracker and airport database schemas Specification: Populate airport and AIR Tracker databases Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: MySQL v.5.1 database software installed; phpMyAdmin v.5.2.5 software installed; AIR Tracker and airport schemas created Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Populate airport database using Database is populated with a number a flat file and parametric values of entries equal to the simulation from the AIR Tracker simulation parameters input by the user 2 Utilize the AIR Tracker application and the airport database to populate the AIR Tracker database Database is populated with a number of entries equal to the simulation parameters input by the user Table 5-3. AIR Tracker and Airport Database Functionality Table Test Category ID: 2 Test Case: 2.1.2 Description: AIR Tracker and Airport Database Integrity Purpose: Verify content of the databases is within acceptable ranges and duplicate entries are not present Specification: Populate airport and AIR Tracker databases Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: MySQL v.5.1 database software installed; phpMyAdmin v.5.2.5 software installed; AIR Tracker and airport schemas created Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Utilize MySQL constraints and Attributes are within reasonable attribute types to constrict the bounds and duplicate entries are not types of values accepted by present each database table Table 5-4. AIR Tracker and Airport Database Integrity Table Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 12 Test Category ID: 2 Test Case: 2.2 Description: MySQL Database Software Performance Purpose: Verify that the MySQL database software is capable of performing queries in a time frame that will not perturb any of the running simulations Specification: 3.2.2 Evaluate the performance of the MySQL database software Test Level: Component Test Type: Performance Setup Conditions: Tests 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 are successfully completed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Send a queue of 10 queries to Each database should complete all each database while utilizing the queries in less than one second or mysqladmin tool to determine read 10,000 rows per second the approximate time for completion 2 Send a queue of 10 random insertions and 10 random updates to each database while utilizing the mysqladmin tool to determine the approximate time for completion Each database should complete all insertions and updates in less than one second 3 Delete the 10 random insertions from each database while utilizing the mysqladmin tool to determine the approximate time for completion All entries should be deleted after 30 seconds Table 5-5. MySQL Database Software Performance Table Tables 5-6 and 5-7 describe the test cases associated with the third category of testing. All specifications regarding simulation software have been listed. The expected results, when proven, confirm adherence to the outline specifications and requirements for the AIR Tracker prototype. [This space is intentionally left blank.] Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 13 Test Category ID: 3 Test Case: 3.1 Description: Routing Simulation Creation Functionality Purpose: Verify the internal and external routing simulations correctly generate and load simulation assets Specification: The routing simulations are generated from the user’s input Specification: Simulation data structures are easily accessed for verification of asset creation Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: Test 2.2 is completed successfully Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Initiate the internal routing The user is prompted for several simulation simulation parameters, and each parameter specifies it’s minimum and maximum bounds 2 Input parameter values The program indicates both the internal and external simulations have been successfully created 3 Request the program print all simulated objects and parameters to a log file All objects have been successfully loaded with respect to the user’s input, and randomly generated objects are different from previous simulations Table 5-6. Routing Simulation Creation Functionality Table [This space is intentionally left blank.] Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 14 Test Category ID: 3 Test Case: 3.2 Description: Routing Simulation Functionality Purpose: Verify the internal and external routing algorithms correctly route bags through each routing simulation Specification: Each bag moves through an internal routing simulation in accordance with its owner’s itinerary Specification: Each bag moves through an external routing simulation in accordance with its owner’s itinerary Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: Test 3.1 is successfully completed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Generate several non-alert Each bag arrives at its destination inducing path for a small set of loading bay in line with its owner’s bags within the internal routing itinerary, and the result is visualized simulation 2 Generate non-alert inducing states for a small set of bags within the cart module of the external routing simulation Each bag arrives at the correct belt loader in line with its owner’s itinerary, and the result is visualized 3 Generate non-alert inducing states for a small set of bags within the belt loader module of the external routing simulation Each bag arrives at its destination aircraft in line with its owner’s itinerary, and the result is visualized Table 5-7. Routing Simulation Functionality Table Tables 5-8 through 5-10 describe the test cases associated with the fourth category of testing. All specifications regarding alert generation have been listed. The expected results, when proven, confirm adherence to the outline specifications and requirements for the AIR Tracker prototype. [This space is intentionally left blank.] Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 15 Test Category ID: 4 Test Case: 4.1 Description: Alert Generator-to-Database Interface Functionality Purpose: Verify insertion of alerts into AIR Tracker database is successful Specification: Alert information is inserted into the AIR Tracker database Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: Connectivity to AIR Tracker database returns ‘open’ status Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Attempt to insert an entry into Output to text record indicates alert the AIR Tracker database and insertion is successful output the result to a file Table 5-8. Alert Generator-to-Database Interface Functionality Table Test Category ID: 4 Test Case: 4.2.1 Description: AIR Tracker Alert Generator Functionality (Internal) Purpose: Determine if AIR Tracker’s alert generation algorithm works correctly with respect to a simulation of internal baggage routing (e.g. baggage routing along a pusher) Specification: A bag is correctly or incorrectly routed throughout the internal structure of the simulated airport according to routing simulation parameters Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: Internal routing simulation is running; Test 3.1 is successfully completed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Generate a trajectory in line with No alert is triggered or inserted into the bag’s expected path along the AIR Tracker database and no the pusher alert is visualized 2 Generate a trajectory out of line with the bag’s expected path along the pusher An alert is triggered and inserted into the AIR Tracker database and an alert is visualized Table 5-9. AIR Tracker Alert Generator Functionality (Internal) Table [This space is intentionally left blank.] Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 16 Test Category ID: 4 Test Case: 4.2.2 Description: AIR Tracker Alert Generator Functionality (External) Purpose: Determine if AIR Tracker’s alert generation algorithm works correctly with respect to a simulation of external baggage routing Specification: A bag is correctly or incorrectly routed throughout the external structure of the simulated airport according to routing simulation parameters Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: External routing simulation is running; Test 3.1 is successfully completed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Instruct the simulation to “stall” a An alert is generated, stored in the bag, leaving it in the loading bay AIR Tracker database, and sent to the Handheld Alert System GUI 2 Instruct the simulation to place a bag on a luggage cart No alert is generated or stored in the AIR Tracker database 3 Instruct the simulation to remove or “drops” a bag from a luggage cart An alert is generated, stored in the AIR Tracker database, and sent to the Handheld Alert System GUI 4 Instruct the simulation to place the bag onto a belt loader No alert is generated or stored in the AIR Tracker database 5 Instruct the simulation to “stall” a bag, leaving it on the luggage cart An alert is generated, stored in the AIR Tracker database, and sent to the Handheld Alert System GUI 6 Instruct the simulation to place the bag onto an incorrect belt loader An alert is generated, stored in the AIR Tracker database, and sent to the Handheld Alert System GUI Table 5-10. AIR Tracker Alert Generator Functionality (External) Table Tables 5-11 and 5-12 describe the test cases associated with the fifth category of testing. All specifications regarding GUI alert systems have been listed. The expected results, when proven, confirm adherence to the outline specifications and requirements for the AIR Tracker prototype. [This space is intentionally left blank.] Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 17 Test Category ID: 5 Description: Alert Generator-to-Handheld Alert System Interface Functionality Test Case: 5.1 Purpose: Verify an alert is capable of being sent by AIR Tracker and received by the Handheld Alert System GUI Specification: 3.1.5 AIR Tracker sends information about triggered alerts to the Handheld Alert System where it is then visualized Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: Tests 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are successfully completed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Send a generic alert to the A generic alert is visualized and the Handheld Alert System alert is logged Table 5-11. Alert Generator-to-Handheld Alert System Interface Functionality Table Test Category ID: 5 Test Case: 5.2 Description: Handheld Alert System GUI Functionality Purpose: Verify the Handheld Alert System GUI is capable of clearing alerts manually and automatically Specification: The Handheld Alert System GUI displays alerts on a simulated handheld device and provides alert clearing functionality Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: Test 5.1 is successfully completed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Select the manual clear option The alert is no longer active or visualized 2 Do not select a clear option and force the simulation to recover the bag The alert is automatically cleared after being recovered and the alert is no longer visualized 3 Do not select a clear option and force the simulation to ignore the alert The alert is automatically cleared after several seconds, sent to the master baggage handler, and no longer visualized Table 5-12. Handheld Alert System GUI Functionality Table Table 5-13 describes the test case associated with the sixth category of testing. All specifications regarding historical alerts have been listed. The expected results, when proven, confirm adherence to the outline specifications and requirements for the AIR Tracker prototype. Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 18 Test Category ID: 6 Test Case: 6.1 Specification: Description: Historical Reports of Alerts Functionality Purpose: Verify the alert reporting feature is operable The Master Baggage Handler is able to view a history of alerts and save selective histories as reports Test Level: Component Test Type: Functional Setup Conditions: Test 5.2 is successfully completed Test Case Activity Pass/Fail Expected Result 1 Select a date and time range A history of alerts using the selected and alert type parameters is visualized Table 5-13. Historical Reports of Alerts Functionality Table 6 TRACEABILITY TO REQUIREMENTS Each test case has been specifically designed to confirm that one or more prototype requirements have been met. Four test cases in the AIR Tracker test plan verify two requirements, but all other test cases verify a single requirement. Specified in Table 6-1 is the relationship between the requirements and the test cases. [This space is intentionally left blank.] Lab 3 – AIR Tracker Prototype Test Plan/Procedure – Casper 19 Requirements Component Req ID RuBee H/W Setup RuBee S/W Setup Rubee Reader Processing Performance 3.2.1 Database Functionality MySQL DB Software Performance 3.2.2 Routing Simulation Creation Routing Simulation Functionality Alert Generator to DB Interface AIR Tracker Alert Generator (Internal) AIR Tracker Alert Generator (External) Alert Generator to Handheld Alert System Interface 3.1.5 Handheld Alert System GUI Historical Reports of Alerts 1.1 X X 1.2 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 Test Cases 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2.1 4.2.2 5.1 5.2 6.1 X X X X X X X X X X X Table 6-1. Traceability matrix for the AIR Tracker prototype X X X X