Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 1 Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description Ashley Casper CS 411W Professor Janet Brunelle 11 February 2009 Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 2 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 3 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................. 4 3 2.1 Key Product Features and Capabilities ...................................................... 5 2.2 Major Components (Hardware/Software) .................................................. 7 2.3 Target Market/Customer Base ................................................................... 9 PRODUCT PROTOTYPE DESCRIPTION .......................................................... 9 3.1 Prototype Functional Objectives ................................................................ 9 3.2 Prototype Architecture ............................................................................... 10 3.3 Innovative Features .................................................................................... 12 3.4 Challenges and Risks ................................................................................. 12 GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................. 14 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 15 List of Figures Figure 1. Cart states ....................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2. Gate states ...................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3. AIR Tracker Major Functional Component Diagram .................................... 8 Figure 4. AIR Tracker prototype Major Functional Component Diagram ................... 11 List of Tables Table 1. RWP versus prototype table ............................................................................ 10 Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 3 Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description 1 INTRODUCTION Air travel around the world is an essential part of connecting businesses, friends, and family, and many travelers who frequently fly experience a wide array of frustrations throughout the journey. For those who fly with luggage, air travel can be a nightmare, but the passengers who travel are not the only ones who deal with the headache of lost or mishandled luggage. Mishandled luggage annually costs the airline industry $3.8 billion, with the International Air Transport Association estimating the cost of returning a single bag to its owner at just under $90. Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques (SITA) (2009), which specializes in communications solutions for the airline industry, estimates a global total of almost 19 mishandled pieces of luggage per thousand passengers. SITA (2009) has stated that “[e]ven small improvements in the amount of baggage ending up at the right place at the right time could save the air transport industry hundreds of millions of dollars a year.” The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) (2008) even estimates that in domestic airlines alone, six pieces of luggage per thousand are initially lost before being found and returned to their owners. Merely reducing the number of mishandled pieces of luggage per thousand by a single bag has the potential of saving the airline industry tens of millions of dollars. Automated and Intelligent Reporting (AIR) Tracker, AIR Tracker, Inc.’s proposed product, is a tool to assist airlines by improving their own baggage-handling process and reducing the total number of bags that are mishandled. Currently, the airline industry employs many methods throughout the baggage-handling process in order to track luggage from check-in until the actual flight upon which it will embark. Check-in counters for luggage issue barcode or RadioFrequency Identification (RFID) tags for each and every piece of luggage that needs to fly. Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 4 These tags are scanned at multiple stops along the tangled route to the final destination, the airplane. At any point, if a bag is misplaced, it will remain misplaced in the same location until airline personnel physically see the bag or a passenger reports the bag as missing. Once the bag is reported as missing, a quick check of the bag’s successful scans may lead to identifying where the bag was mishandled. If airline personnel physically see the bag as being mishandled, it may be placed back on the proper route to the airplane if there is time remaining before take-off. Specifically, there also exist certain types of pushers that are capable of detecting errors in their own operation, a helpful tool for identifying problem areas in the baggage-handling process. AIR Tracker seeks to integrate into all systems through a customized installation that will improve baggage handling no matter the size or scope of the airport or problems within that airport. With an innovative ground-level routing process (GRP) that tracks the bags from checkin to flight, a cart and gate module that magnifies the attention on the trickiest portion of the process, and a reporting module that alerts baggage handlers to mishandled bags, AIR Tracker is the solution to the ever-present problem of mishandled luggage. 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AIR Tracker’s main goals are to reduce mishandled luggage and to provide reporting and historical data on the baggage-handling process. Starting with check-in, luggage moving to the GRP may be mishandled or completely lost at any number of locations. The pusher may route bags to the wrong flight, or the bags may fall off the pusher. The bags could fall off the cart or be accidentally left on the cart when they should have been placed onto the belt loader for a specific flight. AIR Tracker will improve the entire process by checking the bag routes and accounting for baggage currently in the GRP, alerting baggage handlers when bags are moving Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 5 out of range of the sensor technology, and providing historical summaries of alerts to assist airports in finding weak areas in the process. 2.1 KEY PRODUCT FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES AIR Tracker will manage each and every luggage stop from check-in to flight, ensuring that real-time location of bags are available to baggage handlers in case of a mishandled bag in the GRP. The system’s unique alert system is the first of its kind, notifying handlers of mishandled bags using handheld assistants that can help handlers in pinpointing where the bag may have been left or misrouted. With all data concerning the GRP saved into the AIR Tracker database, historical summaries generated through the AIR Tracker application will aid the airlines as a whole in identifying areas for improvement within the baggage-handling process. Figure 1. Cart states Unique to the AIR Tracker system are the cart and gate modules, which handle the specific routing of a piece of luggage in the GRP. Once a bag is introduced into a cart for transfer to its Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 6 final flight, it will fall into the routing code elaborated in Figure 1. The ultimate goal from entry into the code is the acceptance state of the bag not being on the cart when it should not be, which would mean that the bag successfully arrived at its flight and is ready to be loaded onto the airplane. Any delay in routing, such as the bag not being on the cart when it should be, means that the bag has been mishandled, perhaps having fallen off the cart entirely. Until that bag is returned to the cart where it should be, an alert will be sent to the baggage handling staff, who will then have time to recover the bag before the flight’s take-off. Similarly, a bag put on a cart where it should not be will alert the staff to a problem, most likely a misrouting issue of being placed on the wrong cart. Until the final acceptance state, the AIR Tracker application will continue to monitor a bag’s progress through the cart module of the GRP. Figure 2. Gate states In the same manner in which the cart module is handled, so will AIR Tracker track the bag’s progress onto the belt loader and flight. Figure 2 describes a similar process in which the Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 7 ultimate destination is the acceptance state for a bag having traveled through onto the belt loader and into the plane successfully. The bag starts at the point in which it will arrive at the gate, having not been at the gate where it should have been. As long as the bag is not at the gate, AIR Tracker will alert the baggage-handling staff to the issue. If the bag should be at the gate, but it is not currently ready to load onto the belt loader, it may be an issue of having been left on the cart mistakenly. Once the bag is recovered and is at the gate where it should be, it will proceed up the belt loader and onto the flight. If the bag, however, happens to arrive at the incorrect gate, where it should not be, AIR Tracker will also alert the staff to the issue for quick re-routing. Finally, all bags should load onto the correct planes and make their flights as scheduled. These specific modules, both cart and gate, are a powerful aspect of ensuring that AIR Tracker is capable of alerting staff at the moment of mishandling. Currently, the process of having to physically see the mishandled bag in order to recover it is costing time in the GRP, if the recovery happens at all. By utilizing AIR Tracker, airports will quickly identify mishandled bags as they occur, saving time and ultimately money. 2.2 MAJOR COMPONENTS (HARDWARE/SOFTWARE) The AIR Tracker system is comprised of both hardware and software, the major functional components of which are shown in Figure 3. Passive RFID tags, attached to every bag that enters the GRP, are detected within range of an arbitrary number of RFID readers, known as antennae or gates. Once detected, the RFID reader then communicates with the application server, which will contain the AIR Tracker application. The airport database will also be in communication with the application server, feeding data regarding the luggage route into the AIR Tracker application in order to track the luggage as it progresses through the GRP. Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 8 Figure 3. AIR Tracker Major Functional Component Diagram Should a piece of luggage become misplaced throughout the route to its proper flight, the AIR Tracker software will detect the mishandling and send an alert to a baggage handler’s handheld device. In addition, the AIR Tracker software will communicate with the AIR Tracker database, which will store current bags en route to their flights and historical data of generated alerts for future report summaries. The hardware in the AIR Tracker system is meant to easily integrate with existing airport systems and can be customized to fit any size or shape in the GRP. The AIR Tracker system’s software package includes the AIR Tracker database, the AIR Tracker application, and several interfaces to ensure communication among AIR Tracker hardware, the existing airport database, and the AIR Tracker software and database. On the RFID readers themselves, RFID firmware will be pre-loaded on the existing hardware and will be utilized to send tracking information to the AIR Tracker application. On a smaller scale, the bag routing algorithms will specifically handle the actual tracking of luggage through the airport Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 9 inside the AIR Tracker application. The interfaces are uniquely important, focusing on the actual retrieval of data from the existing airport database and the insertion of data into the AIR Tracker database. Interaction between hardware and software through these interfaces will ensure data integrity between components and customization within airports. 2.3 TARGET MARKET/CUSTOMER BASE AIR Tracker’s target market is with airports, and specifically, airport hubs that handle large amounts of luggage and airports with particularly high rates of mishandled luggage. Airports, however, are comprised of many airlines, each with different rates of losing bags. Airports and airlines working together to agree upon the purchase of an AIR Tracker system would be an essential part of the marketing. Those individuals who will actually use the product will be the baggage handlers, the airlines, the system administrator, and ultimately, the passengers who will benefit from a system in which their bags are tracked more efficiently. 3 PRODUCT PROTOTYPE DESCRIPTION The AIR Tracker prototype will be a mostly-simulated look at the feasibility of creating the real-world product. Displaying a successful RFID scan is essential, but multiple scans will need to be simulated to mimic large numbers of bags traveling through the GRP. Similarly, alert generation will need to be simulated when bags would be mishandled at different stages of the process. Other prototype demonstrations will include the successful tracking of a piece of luggage through AIR Tracker routing algorithms and the availability of a test harness for on-thespot testing of various scenarios as determined by the panel of professionals or AIR Tracker, Inc. 3.1 PRODUCT FUNCTIONAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The AIR Tracker prototype’s main goal is to show the product’s ease of use, feasibility, and scalability. Specifically, showing that RFID scanner input successfully translates into data that is Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 10 maintained in the AIR Tracker database is essential, just as providing a simulated luggage route and generating alerts when mishandling occurs will prove that AIR Tracker is a functional concept ready for the next step to real-world production. Table 1 displays the prototype and realworld product comparison, providing a side-by-side look at the features that will drive the prototype’s creation. Table 1. RWP versus prototype table Simulation is the key to showing scalability. While a single RFID scan inserted into the AIR Tracker application and database proves the hardware, interfaces, and software works successfully, simulating dozens of bags will be necessary to provide a more realistic look at what the real-world product will be capable of handling. 3.2 PROTOTYPE ARCHITECTURE (HARDWARE/SOFTWARE) The AIR Tracker prototype is comprised of both hardware and software, the major functional components of which are shown in Figure 4. The prototype will utilize RuBee tags and a RuBee reader, which will be physically linked to a laptop that contains the AIR Tracker software package and all simulated systems, such as those that will generate alerts when a piece of luggage or, in this case, a RuBee tag or a simulated tag, is mishandled. The RuBee tag will come into range of the RuBee reader, which will then feed that tag’s data into the simulated application Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 11 server and the AIR Tracker application. While interacting with the simulated airport database, the AIR Tracker application will check the route of the tag to ensure it is on its correct route through the GRP. If the AIR Tracker application calculates that the data from the RuBee reader does not match the simulated airport database’s data, it will send an alert to a simulated handheld device. All processing in the AIR Tracker software will be sent to the AIR Tracker database, which will then be used for generating historical data reports. Figure 4. AIR Tracker prototype Major Functional Component Diagram The software utilized by the AIR Tracker prototype will be identical to the real-world product’s software except in cases in which the code will need to interact with a simulated piece of hardware or interfaces with simulated hardware and software. The AIR Tracker application itself will function as the real-world product; however, the application will receive data from a simulated airport database and, in case of multiple simulated RFID tags, the test harness inside of Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 12 the application code. Simulated handheld assistants will receive the alerts generated by the application, which will also feed constant tag data into the AIR Tracker database. 3.3 PROTOTYPE FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES AIR Tracker’s prototype demonstrates a scaled version of the product’s ease of use and feasibility. Upon successfully demonstrating the tracking of a RuBee tag and its insertion into the AIR Tracker application and database, the prototype will effectively prove that AIR Tracker is capable of handling the routing of a piece of luggage from check-in to flight. Utilizing the test harness and removing bags from the AIR Tracker application will demonstrate the real-world product’s capability to alert baggage handlers to mishandled baggage. In each case, the functional capabilities of the prototype handle the GRP in a real-time manner, able to assist baggage handlers in recovering luggage upon its initial mishandling. Historical data of every bag that successfully navigates the GRP, every bag that is mishandled but is recovered to navigate the GRP, and every bag that is mishandled and does not navigate the GRP will be saved and accessible by reports that will assist airports in addressing what seem to be problem areas in the baggage-handling process. The successful prototype, when scaled to fit airports, will fulfill AIR Tracker’s real-world product goal of reducing the number of mishandled bags at airports. Even reducing the number of mishandled bags by one out of a thousand will save tens of millions of dollars over a year’s time. 3.4 PROTOTYPE DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES AIR Tracker’s prototype will face surmountable challenges in the development process. Risks are an inevitable part of creating the prototype, but through proper planning, can be mitigated. A significant risk is that the required hardware needed to accurately create the successful prototype will be too expensive, but by combining cheaper alternatives and utilizing Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 13 realistic simulations, the workings of the real-world product may still be able to be seen without the excessive cost in hardware. Another risk is the inaccessibility of real-world processes and the inability to properly mimic these processes by way of simulation. To mitigate this risk, AIR Tracker, Inc. will perform in-depth research and analyze every necessary piece of data that is needed to track a bag from check-in to flight. While the simulated airport database, for example, may not be completely accurate, the suitable data needed to interact with the AIR Tracker application can indeed be simulated and proven to work correctly. Risks during the prototype demonstration include range limitations or tag and scanner failure, but through prior testing and use of multiple available tags, this risk can be avoided. Overall, the risks are manageable, and real-world facets, such as wireless communication protocols, are already established and are trivial for proving the prototype concept. [This space is intentionally left blank.] Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 14 Glossary belt loader – the final portion of a checked-in bag’s journey from start to finish. After being unloaded from the cart, bags will travel up the belt loader and into the airplane, where it will remain throughout the flight. cart – the in-between portion of a checked-in bag’s journey from start to finish. After traveling through the pusher, bags will be loaded onto carts to travel to a proper gate, where they will be placed on the belt loader for its correct flight. gate – the location of arriving or departing flights in which loading passengers or baggage occurs. ground-level routing process (GRP) – the start of the baggage-handling process until the moment the bag is placed onto the belt loader. All transfers of baggage through the pusher and cart portions of the checked-in bag’s journey are included in the GRP. pusher – the start of a checked-in bag’s journey. Once checked at the airline counter, a bag will be tagged for transfer to a gate and placed onto the pusher, which consists of any number of conveyers and directional maze-like routes that “push” the bag toward its correct cart and finally, correct flight. Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) reader – a radio wave-receiving device capable of identifying RFID tags. Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag – a radio wave-transmitting device capable of being identified by an RFID reader. RuBee reader – a magnetically-based receiving device capable of identifying RuBee tags. RuBee tag – a magnetically-based transmitting device capable of being identified by a RuBee reader. Lab 1 – AIR Tracker Product Description – Casper 15 References SITA. (2009). Baggage Report 2008. Retrieved October 25, 2008, from SITA Web site: U.S. Department of Transportation. (2008, August). Air Travel Consumer Report. Retrieved September 4, 2008, from U.S. Department of Transportation Web site: